June 9, 2023


Cryptocurrencies as far as neoliberal macroeconomics is concerned are the best game changers in modern times like eponymous hero,beyond what mordern economists  could decipher.Ibikunle Laniyan the blogger  critically examines the positive devepment in the last two decades.Enjoy the reading.

Crypto currencies are certainly the prime innovation of the 21s century and beyond .Each operates in its own exclusive brand such as Bitcoin,Litecoin, ethereum,dogecoin,soltana and a whole lot of awesome pizza in their staples.
Crypto currency is a digital money alternative form of encrypted algorithms.Cyptocurrencies base on utilisation of encryption technologies serve the dual purpose of currency and virtual accounting system .It begins with deployment of Crypto currency wallet and these wallets that operate as cloud based service software stored on a computer and Mobile phone are the tools that the user uses to store the encryption keys.These keys confirm the identity of the users and ensure positive experience of the users,link to crypto currency during either mining, storage and buying and selling of preferred nonfugible tokens.
With rave of the moment,that is crypto operating at dizzying pace and money pouring into Crypto Investment from all quarters Inclusive of venture capital,angel Investors, institutional Investors,hedge funds,Banks and financial institutions, exchanges, Strategic patners it is clear it will continue to be a major force in the coming years even beyond the speculative years of nakamoto satoshi's prediction more than 21million Bitcoins.
Imagine the Bitcoin journey in the timeline chart to burst $10,000 . Bitcoin was wild in 2017 when it shot up from $1,000 to $10,000 in less than 12months and shot above skyward in late 2021.Bitcoin was launched in 2008 as the first Crypto still remains the most influential and best known.First outlined in principle by Nakamoto in a 2008 paper entitled "Bitcoin :A Peer to peer Electronic Cash System".He described the project as'electronic payment system based on Cryptographic  proof instead of trust.' The evidence of Cryptographic proof is noted in the form of transaction verified and recorded in blockchain.As an open distributed ledger that records transactions in code, blockchain in practice is like a waiting check book distributed  across manifold computers World wide.It records transactions in block then linked together on a chain of prior Crypto currency transactions.In the blockchain every user  uses Crypto to make transaction often recorded in the copybook and to prevent fraud in transaction  validation technique such as proof of work  and proof of stake is deployed.With these two consensus mechanisms widely used for transaction verification prior to blockchain addition and the reward is crypto currency .
A verification transaction method on a block chain in which algorithm provide solution to computer resolved mathematical problem is regarded as Proof of work .The participating computers are the miners solving mathematical problem in the verification of group of transaction known as block then later added to blockchain ledger.Reward is granted to first computer to solve the puzzle in terms of crypto currency for the effort.A miner rewarded by Bitcoin at the rate of say 6.25 BTC or prevailing rate for block validation.This blockchain competition puzzles consume a whole lot of computer power and enormous electricity.
In the proof of stake, verification method of some Cryptos ensure power use reduction vital to probe transaction.Volume of transaction verification per Capital quite limited by Crypto users willingly endorsed at stake.A sort of bank collateral and ostracises energy intensive equation stress more efficient than proof of work.It allows for faster verification times for transaction.
In the face of many competing crypto options,the system operates itself through its technology known as blockchain and also the deregulator.To avers that it operate without bank or government and whatever gain acrued to network participants .
Cryptos are the first alternative to traditional banking system and share powerful benefits over other payment methods and classes of assets.It testifies that it is fastest, easiest, safest and cheapest and provides equality of opportunities irrespective of the place of birth and social status.Cryptocurrencies create unique economic freedom for all and fundamental borders in business broke down for virtual world.
Crypto's economic market value is driven by Market Forces and 

HAMILTONIAN AMERICA.Chapter 4.Hamiltion In America.page 1,2,3.

David rose up early took his birth and dined much quickly.Before seven o clock he was out on a bicycle pedaling away briskiness on a stretch of seven kilometers to school away from home.An avid bike rider randomly ringing the bell childishly playing hands at the handlebars  occasionally bouncing on his sit and the saddle durressing the sprocket.Ambulating the manual velocity ably with pedal up and down vexatiously intermittently igniting the side shoes at the caliber ricocheted at the brake friction and gears to flouncing and swinging at the sandlebag.You could hear the dancing spoke and the chain speaks to the windy evading forks  back tire splashing muds at the mudgards and biceps of the frontire wiggles.It weighed down in gear lever.Daily  bikings ,on the sometimes muddy road that leads into the farm village where the school was located.He came late this time around when students were already at assembly ground.He bode off the main entrance for fear of encroachment and apprehension ,headed to the loophole at the forest way,sneaked in the bike through the backdoor.He met a couple of miscreants and truants like him balked at him.He rose up with no food in his stomach somehow dehydrated and roused interest in the school garden melee .Then he stopped to play with students and some hooligans who were busy identifying the crops by nomenclature and benediction. He was captured with the latecomers and penalized to identify nomenclature.
Mark was senior students teacher deisciplined late comers-urchins and was in charge of school farms and also take them on farmland tourism.He was quite uncomfortable when he interrogated a group of students including latecomers in their age grades of 15s,16s,17s,18s and 19s, caught by shame and speechless when a stubborn boy of 17years veered off the old during the punitive farm expedition to block his bike and gone berserk.
"You berk why the stupid blockade?"he interrogated the child hoodlum
"Shut up"
"Get off my way"After a dirty slap they struggled with each other brawled with one leg on ground another on the bike.
"Get off the bike"
"Leave me alone"retorted David
"Gregory are you stupid"Mark broke a truce.
"No sir he was trying to abscond and elude punishment."
"Cool down and leave him to me.Face your penal busybody and leave him alone.Am coming ,wait,dont take his bike.Calm down"
"Oh boy why did you come late today?"
"Sir I biked seven kilometers everyday ,it's quite tedious sir."
"No complaint okay.You ll face the music .If you pass my punitive test you ll go free but don't try to be late again.Now look at those trees and tell me their name or the fruits they produce.Look carefully at the last six trees to the east and tell me  their names?"
"What is ah?"
"I don't know sir"
"You mean you don't know?what?Boy come and take his bicycle.?"as the humdug of boy ,beat sands at his foot and moved closer.
"Please dont  do that anathema? They belong to the rich berries fruits family."
"Uhmm..............."Gregory grouched turning blind eyes as he collected back the bike from now withdrawn siege of the ruffled boy.
"Now tell me their types .You know we have several types of berries or its fruit types."
"The first one in the east  near the streams that flows from Hudson River .I think they re called blackberries."The suspense elongated with morose cadence,fear and trembling ferociously gripped the exhausted boys from behind as they stretched up their line ."Fantastic and try others too,do you know their names"
He readjusted his shirt and legs and said"the second line is froth gooseberries "they caught dread again as if to grin like a ceshire cat when Mark said "Gooseberries exactly!Give him a round of applause please."As they clapped in dread after facing four hours of painful interrogative sessions with none of them able to exert a pull of gravity against farmkeeper's wild looking and long hungry cane randomly shaken across their own direction.
"And the last three?"
"I can tell you all of them ten trees not just the last six trees."
"Jesus, stupid boys see your life lazy sloths."
"The fourth Olive, fifth a bunch of grapes,sixth black currants, seventh Raspberries, eight Cranberries, ninth Cherries and last Lyhees.You know they have adjoining trees at the naked back.
They include elderberries, strawberries,dates and figs."Then he paused and the clappings still persisted until the farmkeeper's rage held the gusto to a halt.
"It's okay,stop the clappings."
"Where are you living?"
"I live in the farms too.My father owns a deadwood and I grew up in the wild with him."he spoke with audacity.
"Okay,son of a farmer.I promised to let you go but see me in my office earnest tomorrow.You re exceptional."he patted him on the back and still applauded amidst dreaded ovation boyish humdug in most cases head bowed.
"Thank you sir.i ll try."gestured with nodded head and doffed school hat,resit on the bike and pedaled away ecstazy to the multiple baffling bewilders of stunned mates groaning still in the vicious sun.
He barely reported to his father's on getting home at the normal routine in the forest promenade.
"Could you believe while Hamilton was away in America his father James was sinking into deep poverty?"
"How?Becos they also have some rich people"
"That effect was not forthcoming.As he sailed toward world changing oddyseys in spectacular more,his patriarch's status not only nosedived into abject redistributive Poverty.He never survived it besides the occasional stipends he got from his son  who supported him financially in his later years.James Hamilton died in 1799 in St.Vincent in the British west Indies."
"Yeah that was quite unfortunate.Your influence on me was intellectual what kind of influence did he have on him?"
"Not really intellectual but much more an egalitarian influence.He was the only egalitarian economist the ever had"
"So he didn't make himself rich?"
"Yeah!He created platform for others to enjoy financial success and Never avail himself of the same opportunities.He pioneered capitalism in America and yet he died left behind mountain of debt inherited by his wife Eliza."
"Dad that was quite self defeating"
"Perhaps he followed his father's philosophy and the pragmatism of his mother."
"They said he was black"
"People who said so are not out of their minds.Only a fool could discountenance the product of such Intelligence."
"Why dad?"
"Don't try to believe white people .We l treat it later but let quickly add :the surest proof was that he was bastard,the child of camp girl which was a status that could be associated with black whore.That besides to better proof his African ancestry his older brother James by same blood was of dark complexion with dark hair.Listen when James Hamilton jnr something Chernow my well respected white historian omitted from his book or at best was silent about, migrated to America,he was treated like a negro formerly refused on Broadway coach due to his color.How come Hamilton was not black? Alexander Hamilton 's ancestry papers were burnt after his death including poetry papers.This was purposely done to hide his alleged African strain ."
"Lies everywhere.He was brutally murdered"
"That is where a rational mind should think if indeed the could think.Can you imagine the second most popular man in america was murdered just like that and the murderer  received no punishment."
"It is strange your must be right dad.Why the murder?
"Why would someone just murdered a public figure and enjoyed immunity?Aaron Burr vice president murdered him in a same duel that earlier killed his son.He claimed Hamilton stood in his way towards becoming the president."
It was the election of 1800 in which both Jefferson and Burr competed and there was no clear.But Hamilton American foremost political umpire ruled in favour of Jefferson his worst enemy.That was the worst verdict by a public figure in American history that later caused the end of the life of decision taker.How can you vote in favor of your sworn enemy? Both of them are not his friend.He could stayed neutral and lived much longer.Burr was enraged for the support he gave to Jefferson as better informed and highly experienced Public figure.He later challenged him to a duel.Concerning his ancestry we can refer to least and earliest known portrait drawn from Life by Pearle .It reflects Hamilton's portrait the skin color nose and wooly hair.
Later portraits that we see today were caucasianised gave him European nose,thinner lips,light complexion and straight hair.Have you not heard that the great great great grandmother of Queen Elizabeth 11 Queen Charlotte of England was a mulatto or a mongrel?So what is bad for him being so because his mother was mullato too.
You know to come from. Carribean you re likely going to be black.


If condition was right no one star would make the stardom and most accomplishments would be mean.The significance of unfortunate condition brings quite a high proportion of unusual and epochal accomplishments to the fore and the creativity of creative Intelligence of the human enterprise concerned cannot be underestimated to trigger unprecedented times.The beauty of pursuit from the top to bottom could never be shortchanged of conditional Imbalances unfair challenges and hence trigger a good sense of commercial exploits from the fortitude of human enterprise.Identify these alibis of dislocation and quarantine your selective choices,take decision and launch your campaign.The mastery of exploits originates hence from this rubric of mental discovery,motherluck, gracious and historical identification to born or reborn golden times.
Remember  that conceptualisation begins with decision making both overlap each other since good decision cannot be possibly undertaken without the quality of conceptualisation.Knowing fully well we can not truly identify the problem solving techniques and allied Strategies until we have properly conceptualise the true exploitation of the unfair condition.The cummulative inadequacies of unfair condition creates sustainable leverage for the growth of history Inclusive of human enterprise artistic and scientific tradition.It is safe to say righteous condition or so to say perfect condition does not exist and mankind basically aligned to explore the latent moral inadequacy for remarkable history.


I was impressed by great achievers in their various walks of life that I was forced to conclude and determined to make my own mark and possibly break the existing mark.Then one day I learnt the bitter truth ,the most troublesome nerve wrenching experience in my life.And what was about it all about?The assumption was common among great achievers, ambitious dreamers and prospects that if the condition was right I would have done better.Infact many of great achievers after their accomplishments still did fail to realise the simple abracadabra behind the success.That they were not special and that by taking hold of adventure and exploiting unfair condition were able to make their mark profited immensely from the loopholes and being problem achieved their feat.No one is special take it or live it.The simple and ordinary men are far more reckless and infact lazier than the size called tactless souls of uncommon adventurers who later achieve extraordinary influence by turning recklessness into riches.
If the condition was right you thought you would have done better and I make bold to say no such thing would ever happen.To be candid if condition was right you would have achieved nothing but laziness.I love the adage"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."The road less travelled often quite uneasy and your thinking cap must not fall off otherwise the simple might be risk into obscurity of history.
It boils down to the fact that those who have made their mark should condescend to help potential less priviledged people .This set of people appears to be their biggest rivals who are bent on repeating the same secrets of greatness they previously exploited.They dread them so much and prefer they die trying .This mindset is common in the developing countries a region that boasts of the highest population of betrayals.They share the prejudice'may not return my help let being grateful or at best ingrate and on worst case scenatio a betrayal when you help them succeed.
I think this is serious landmine in the region and the same mindset blanketed leadership in the region like a chilling fog the very took of chronic underdevelopment.There should be a solution otherwise underdevelopment in black countries could linger for a long time to come.
There are two options to tackle this virulent viruses of immovable uncompassionate in the society full of tumultuous potential ingrates.It is common all over the world and we single out the region which is yet to take on us seriously to assuage or lessen the multiplier effect of that social recurrent ills.
Let me add one idea in a synopsis to solve this challenge:We should honor our heroes.Now,let me discuss the first option which I narrow down to the significance of contract.To be candid,people are ingrates in this region and a handful obeys contract even when signed.They dreary don't stand by what they say a proof to the undeniable axiom of the nature of human volatility.I find it hard to complement it myself.I think the level of illiteracy and educated illiteracy is so high that it crash into lack of compassion and worsening the immovable spirit of human justice in the society at large.We should be considerate at least in the spirit of contract.Like an average lettered lawyer a notary public who could comprehend the elementary spirit of this moral Concern,an objective citizen and compassionate leadership should abide by this rule that can solve the challenge once and for all.We have those determined to preach the gospel of philanthropy and unfortunately those minds and schools of thoughts apologists of such beliefs are soon before dusk destined to the obscurity of history.

There are empirical cases behind this toxic but proven verdict for instance in the nigerian environment.Before we provide evidences,may I beseech your little attention to learn from the wisdom of my late pastor that three set of people must not be disrespected in life:first spiritual leader like your pastor ; a master or mentor who graduates the Prentice and the philanthropist or your helper.This gospel of egalitarianism sound quaint odd in this part of the world where abject human Poverty is so much high insomuch that if you promote a parvenu today out of misery the first thing he does is to bite the hell out of you upon accomplishments.Infact the best strategy is to eliminate promoters or good Samaritan.Homosapiens are volatile elements often in disgruntled mode.The best thing is to hold the unknown posterity in the sanctity of contacts.
The second option was safeguarded by powerbrokers ,the cabals in the society to prevent themselves of becoming  Victims of this heinous circumstances operate with same mindset to avert betrayed and much inclined that masses are not worth dying for .They operate the business of governance that control government as the their private business or family birthright,the heritage of their children and ilks. Those who are afraid of being betrayed not spared themselves of betrayal in their political power community.Development in the region is a non starter until the sanctity of contract is worshipped like God either between the leadership and followership and between these communities both intra and outside.
People labour under scenario haunting of uncertain condition and recognise no optimal value ,nothing about the future matter to them beyond now and they live only for the present.Previous days do not matter including welfare of their individual talents often cluelessly disposed towards making it now.But when they come across those who know the future or specialised in the critical assessment of human potentials that barely control their feelings  and allow compassion to save the falling esteem before it fade into obscurity of history.Is it not a blasphemy against nature to do otherwise showing ingratitude to the roots of your spring after achievement?The later equalitarianists may not even live long after the accomplishments and not recognized let alone enjoy the fruits of their labour to witness the golden boom.It is unfortunate that such immoral incidence has ingloriously come to endure the callous pantheon of human perfidy in mordern society.
If the condition was right no one would get help and if by mistake we did should learn to  be grateful thereafter.It is impossible and the madness of later Bliss that deranged homosapien does not afford this rarity.The helper should get into contract with the indigent legatees.Even at that affront from ingrate does not end and a palliative is much better than nothing.Empirical evidences of rising court cases worldwide lends to this thesis.This sanctity of contract is the single biggest secret of prosperity transfer and full blown economic growth in the advanced countries.
In this context we take care of the helper or mentor and the dreamer and the convenant platform that is necessary for optimal value chain blossom.Now back to if condition was right.
No condition is permanent and only change is permanent and success or progress , promotion, demotion or failure or all achievements are fundamental seeds of the fugacious ecosystem called condition.


We are in a new dawn and we require uncommon model to grow astronomically and spread Development to every nook and cranny of nigeria.This requires uncommon feverish Development indicators freed from entrenched pitfalls of theoretical orthodoxies.
However in the resource rich economy it is much belated in terms of deployment and institutionalisation in the developing Economy.When I proposed that our economy can grow by 2,000percent to give us GDP of $90tr.in five years with three hundred jobs created in first three years in excess of our population,some public dignitaries were bumfuzzled and too alarmed to challenge it.
To be candid,in my further research I discovered shocking data that lends credence to the strategic possibility of this impossibility.Total natural resources rents as percentage of GDP in nigeria according to World Bank in 2020 in the official collection of development indicators,stood at 6.2292% of GDP.This was sourced in June of 2023 from World Bank in terms of actual values, historical data, forecast and Projections.
Total natural resources rents comprises of sum of oil rents , natural gas rents coal rents hard and soft mineral rents , forest rents etc.For instance mineral rents the difference the Production value for stock of minerals at current world prices and total cost of production.They Included in the calculation Tin,gold, copper, nickel , bauxite, phosphate, silver ,lead ,zinc and iron.Total mineral rents contribution was reported at 0.00517% of GDP .
Moreover , while natural gas rents in terms of historical data, the forecast, Projections and actual values stood at 0.77239% in 2020;oil rents in total stood at 4.4097% of Employment in agriculture provides as percentage of the total employment stood at 34.66% in 2022.
The world Bank has disclosed that nigeria and other mineral rich can double their revenue base from natural mineral deposit.In the statement announcing the new Africa's Resource Future report with better set of policies reform Initiatives Investment in better fiscal management and good governance,they can double their revenue from mineral Resources.That they capture only 40% of potential revenue arising from the sector.It could be a resource curse if it couldn't be used to create national wealth.This silk of dillemma is facing nigeria today.
Nigeria holds over 187 trillion cubic feet of proven gas Reserves in 2017 ranked 9th worldwide and 3%of global total natural gas Reserves of 6,923tcf.About 306.3 times its annual consumption to last a tercentenary above at current consumption level excluding unproven reserves or half a Millennium like natural resources.
Federal government also said proven gas Reserves value of about 206.53trillion tcf worth over $803.4tr.It could tripple if we estimate both proven and unproven gas Reserves at $2.409quadrillion.The minister of state for Petroleum resources Timipre Sylva unveiled this fact at the 2022 Annual public  lecture of the Nigerian society of engineers in Abuja.This shows nigeria as gas province has almost fifty times gas than oil in it.And removing prejudice from World body the nation has the world largest gas Reserves considering the fact that no country elsewhere around the world flares 95percent of her gas resources annually the way she does and yet still have vast abundance left.Moreso as we concentrated on natural gas not associated gas and I think it s quite strange,I must say.
With almost 1,500oil blocks, nigeria estimated proven oil natural Capital using OPL245benchmark  at $500b.for close to ten billion barrels could be close to $1quadrillion or $800tr.though not at current prices.At current prices,$70pbd for fifty billion barrels estimated at $350b.
About 88percent of oil blocks are owned by multinational oil companies and once we reduce Capital flight we should create massive domestic wealth transfer in the country.
With this kind of resources , unique Development indicators and robust macroeconomic framework,we can grow by 100%,200%500%,1000%,2000%.Nothing is impossible in the country.


By October 1772 he sailed to America forever."
"It was as if the greatest Alexander moved the earth like never before and one giant step for mankind."
"Had the record been broken ever since ?"
"Not one dime of it paid by the successive presidents,the J.P.Morgans of this world,the Carnegies,the Rockefellers ,the Woolworths,the Buffets,the Gates,the Mellons ,the Freemasons,skull and bones,the illuminatis,the railroad magnates , the Wall Street banksters ,the Henry fords,Rothschilds,the Bezos,the space magnates and astronauts like John Glen and Neil Almstrong and what have you in the opulent pantheon of cabalised foolhardies and insensate white supremacists are nothing but disgruntled intellectual puppet Products of great Hamilton.
Had he not well conceived them a past that they have lived and the future that they later inhabited would long ago had been absorbed into an unknown banana republic forgotten and dead in the obscurity of history.Indeed they hibernated in the Hamiltonian America and not make-believe retinues and distorted gadgets of the Madisonian and Jeffersonian America  to whom world Civilization owed the greatest debt and to whom they loved to pour traduce and scorn."
"Sacrificial lamb of world Civilization"
"Exactly.Indeed Hamiltonian America still the luxury of the yet anticipated golden age Civilization".
"Would history repeat itself again?"
"I doubt it will even in this age of artificial intelligence."
"But guess what ?"
"Oh you wanted to repeat history ?Then you must double up .Moreso as you re past 16years and you must have read at least a thousand books prior to your twenty first birthday."
"Dad absolutely not possible .And what kind of books are we talking about?"
"Don't you have a library now?I ve spent two hundred thousand dollars to acquire close to Fifty thousand books in my libraries here and other two houses .What do you want again?Am sure Knox did not have that sort of luxurious library.You can also visit the library of American Congress.A staggering over hundred billion books, journals etc."
"Oh Jesus !"
"Not finished yet".
"Look at you.You re fainting .You must have written at least thirty thousand pages not just mere books but highly influential works of art to transform humanity prior to 50th birthday."
"Heluva ,30,000.......what?"
"You can do that pretty well.I did 25,000pages before I clocked 45
.A decade after I was married to your mother."
"Bravo dad"
"Whether is influential or not that's the point".
"But you know internet age is quite massive an impact.Blogging doubles or tripples up your writing velocity .I saw a blogger on blogspot scribbled 40,000 posts and I quite marveled."
"That s quite incredible and could only have happened in a digital era.*
"Did u hear me right?I mean a lady blogger wrought that feat in a decade and she became a senior citizen last year."
"A senior citizen,beg your pardon"
"She clocked 60".
"Then time favoured him ,his age ,his skill and he came at the right time when they badly needed a savior which they don't deserve and didn't even realize. Still till date they didn't care a fig to know he was their Jesus Christ or prophet Muhammad on earthly plane even more than these guys."
"And not spared him a worship besides enshrined name on a currency and some monuments."
"A deity!"
"Yeah,worth it so much that when they swear to oath of office should include the refrain'God bless America!God bless Hamiltonian America!"
"Supremacists would have none of that trash."
"The magnitude of unprecedented colosal achievement made him a deity already."
The golden thoughts of a goleador filled erstwhile blank mind traumatized by blandishment of magnanimous antecedence once mortgage for historical prejudice and environment frivolity.A phenomenal feat quite still a puzzle almost a tercentenary after .Not a sinecure of historical identity to wrought such a magical feat beneath duress of public contempt that enveloped this regalia of golden gauntlet.
When they returned from the forest stroll ,he had lost much of the nervousness that  once entrapped him due to historical excitement and the love of a cherished role model.He had appeared more like drown libido with pent up anger to reenact the acme of checkered antecedence than to see himself as a pathetic burst.He began to exhibit rapturous sense ,studious wit and mischievous engross to adorn his absorption in solitary confinement. While his bright sparkling mind was sufficiently impressed on him to follow his heart , a soft rose warmed his skin and prompted his glow from within.He found it incredibly difficult to gaze at anyone else while his  partriarch was within view and his gusto drummed around him like a drunkard.He did not bother to hesitate .He was saddened with pertubation over how it could be to be completely successful in the intellectual task .Sometimes scary being his first great attempt in recognition of the magnitude of the challenges mordern nationhood faced ruminated in a countless numbers of camp fires did bring him enormously a modicum of limited rationality .He was quite fortunate to be blessed with erudite father and Grandpa who detested dilletantes like a plague , considering the immature state of minds he was in where  teens and his peers gambolic and for wealthy lads junkets and gallivant communities and countries in decrepit foresight . Invariably with supportive solace at home,rushed passionately,into the pundit arms of fastidious dad , especially during weekend 's recess period .None of them was tired of other's cuddling embrace and barely shortchanged the justification of the moot point and would not completely wipe out the mutual satisfaction they derived from knowing preponderance of mental prowess as it were with family affection.
Teen madness though he was he knew from hard learning, hardly a bloke of his age could indulge let alone prevail over so large a task beyond the cadaver of his power.So ,he pointed out to him greater good could be achieved through personal development.He did not cavil the failure of his generation nor a child's play to battle a thousand books like a gourmand.
He did not hesitate to take on additional  stress and take the challenge back to Mahomet.They equipped their libraries to a considerable extent and more versatile on every area of research topics.
"You will be going back to school tomorrow while I see the Grandma.Go to sleep.Sleep is a therapy you know."
"11 on the dot."
"You know you re stubborn lad.The school resumes.Will you promise not to fight your mates especially your antagonists?"
"I promise dad but one condition please!"
"Bring me lollipop"he zoomed off room light.
"Yeah, you son of a bitch.Crazy!You should leave that trash to your siblings.Dont make trouble at school.People don't like Intelligence lad but lackey they could control."He returned back to the alcove and clung desperately to drooping gut and dropping  books at random doze and slept off two to three hours after.

HAMILTONIAN AMERICA.Chapter 3.Emigration.page 7

" Did he ever return?"
"He was frustrated for lack of encouragement ,money and intellectual motivation,so he returned  back to St.Croix where local prebysterian church employed him and pay him better stipends.
You Know an erudite man with classical education were not compatible for those assholes of fornicators , adulterers,sabath breakers and drunkard like his friends who he once neglected to study theology.
It was at St.Croix,a better civilised enclave that where he was morally revived to support the American Independence.He must have influenced Hamilton though owned several slaves for he opposed strict Calvinism , slavery and rehabilited slaves and campaigned for their adoption into civilised society.He eulogised intensely creative minds that created just system of fairness and truth.
He was credited for discovery of Hamilton and I could call him world greatest mentor.He marveled at such tremendous opportunity of spotting the world most hidden talent.He threw open his library to the young clerk and motivated him to scribble verses like a tireless geyser . With this early motivation, prompted him towards scholarship.He was much concerned about his knack for overwork and hyperindustrious minds .He wondered his achievement that his accomplishment even exceeded his expectations."
"That was wonderful".
"Knox versatility must have crept on Hamilton that made him carved that polymathic bent.He was self taught doctor, apothecary and part time journalist who offered support services to the editor of Royal Danish American Gazette.Sources had indicated they first met at paper office and not at the church .
The story of Alexander Hamilton's life was to Change when in the night of August 31,1772 ,a great hurricane blew across St.Croix decimated a vast swathe of the nearby islands .The damage trepidations rocked Nevis,St.Kitts and St.Croix like neighborhood Islands.North American colonies had to intervene with massive supplies to avert possible famine.He made a lasting impression on Hamilton "
Because Knox gathered dying communities Christians knocked down by fear at the church and motivated them with pacifying homilies.In one of his exploits, Hamilton captured gory scenes with uncommon verbal powers and showed it to Knox who impressed him to publish it.It was published on October  3 and he wrote compellingly to the amusement of readers and wonderment and gusto thrilled the audience about the bloke who wrote profusely at a tender age of seventeen."
"Are you scaring me Dad ?"
"Your age mate of course.Your thesis should be better than because you live in a more civilised age.Is that clear?"
"I ll try my best".
"He wrote with poetic undertones in the famous letter :
"It seemed as if total dissolution of nature was taking place.'Then he continues,'The roaring of the sea and wind ,fiery meteors flying about it in the air ,the prodigious glare of almost perpetual lightning,the crash of the failing houses and the earpiercing shrieks of the distressed we're sufficient to strike astonishment into angels."
He called the hurricane Divine rebuke for the wealthy Human vanity and empty pride and enjoined them to lay up their treasure in heaven.Then he concluded the fire and brimstone homily:
"What is become of your arrogance and self sufficiency ? Death comes rushing on in triumph ,veiled in the mantle of tenfold darkness.His unrelenting scythe ,pointed and ready for the stroke.........See,thy wretched helpless state and learn to know thyself..........Despite thyself and adore  thy God ....O ye which revel in affluence sees the afflictions of humanity and bestow your superfluity to ease them.....Succour the miserable and lay up thy treasure in heaven."
"With that piece he wrote himself out of Poverty.It generated so much sensation around him brought him instant fame.Infact the island Governor inquired  about the youthful lad and a subscription fund was set up by local merchants to send to the boy to school in North America.Fortunately the same Hugh Knox was the chief sponsor of the funds.


We appraise as well as critique critical contribution of Ricardian theory of value to the explosive growth of world economics.
Then the blogger Ibikunle Abraham Laniyan proposes the new marsolist theory of Commodity value.

David Ricardo was an Iberian Jew and British economist one of the most important figures in the Development of economics and economic history.He formulated the classical system and classical school of economics .He became a household name with a couple of landmark proposition in the field of economic thought.They include the theory of rent ,the law of diminishing returns  and most importantly the theory of comparative advantage .
Nevertheless like every artist, shaped by the environment , Ricardo was no exception left behind unuequaled legacy and unsurpassed ideology which dominated the 19th century and much beyond.Although his father had migrated to England as stock broker shortly after his birth in 1772 later fled to Holland to evade persecution in early 18th century .He was third sibling in the seventeen members of the family.He was gainfully employed at age 14th after brief schooling in Holland by his father in London stock exchange where he mastered the art of sharetrading.At age 21,he broke apart from his family and the orthodox Jewish faith and became a Quaker.He started the same business of share trading and dealership in government securities,he was taught .By 1814 was immensely rich at 41and later bought an estate Gatcomb Park at Gloucestershire and settled down as country gentleman.He was surrounded by intellectual friends.James Stuart Mill was his best friend.Infact Thomas Malthus was another.He was elected into British Parliament bought seat as liberal borough in 1819.He was influenced by Adam Smith a member of classical school as he categorised them.He also authored a couple of papers and books.Beginning from 1809 he started penning essays on currency issues,paper money,rents, etc.He was a partial supporter of bullionist revolution.What has since become a classical approach and classical orthodoxy to theory of money emanates from a pair of tracts  in 1810-1811 he wrote on this argument.He opposed general glut or excess supply of goods and provoked response from Thomas Malthus.They engaged in debates and some of the best in economic profession over the last tercentenary.They persisted debates in their extensive correspondence led to series of notes ,Ricardo on Malthus in 1820 and published postmortem.He supported J.B.Says and dismissed Malthus  underconsumption thesis as infantile and theoretically impossible.This debates however did not affect their friendship and sometimes Ricardo offered investing tips such as investing in bonds in anticipation of British victory at Waterloo.Though Malthus declined Ricardo succeeded and made a huge killing.The theory of rent and the law of diminishing returns was applied to land cultivation and invited debates from Malthus ,Torrens and Edward West and published three weeks before the Congress of Vienna in February 1815.In his master piece "The Principles Of Political Economy And Taxation"articulated the theory of distribution and the theory of value.He started criticizing Adam Smith's alternatives with the 1817 book and the notion of labour commanded theories of value.He criticized this notion that made value a function of wages and income distribution.He came up with the suggestion rather of only labour embodied theory being more rational based on the belief that value was independent of distribution.He compared commodities to determine standard value of commodity and hardly completed it until his death.After his death an incomplete paper was found on his desk with the title"Invariable Standard of Value".The question of the true value of the commodity was left unresolved until the emergence of Piero Straffa in 1960.The Marxian theory of surplus value had persisted till the emergence of 1960s.
In the school of marsolism,in the Invariable Standard of Value,the nature of value and  the commercial value of Commodity is extremely volatile with the objective growth of economic history.The growth of value is inherent in the broad utility value of Commodity as no prior value and  unforeseen value ahead applies to a intrinsic commodity without the thoughful use and fortitudinous transaction of utility value.A given Commodity wields seven forms of value.They Include time value, labour value,land value, utility value or natural value,environmental value, commercial value, financial value.This broad utility of money gives a commodity the economic value of a Commodity.An Invariable Standard of value that Ricardo barely deciphered.The Strategic interaction of these component values with the environment of commerce including laws of the market and factors of Production and debt factors of production respectively creates sustainable leverage for the market and market Forces respectively.
The economic value of the Commodity is inherent in the value cycle given that this economic value responds in line with the dictates of market Forces and market rational forces respectively.

HAMILTONIAN AMERICA.Emigration.chapter 3.page 4.

Some redicisivists ha their necks fixed immobile with grim death iron and made them unable to crawl away or elope otherwise may slash their throats in the process.This quirky but detestable experience at St.Croix verily prepared him later to be one of American foremost abolitionists and it made quiver when he contemplated the gory memoirs of raw cruelty and dastardly act of the obscene and imperial power."
"The legacy he left behind same mined from boyhood a heavy dread of anarchy by plantation merchants and the nemesis of authoritarian rule.These golden memoirs we're his greatest legacy to mankind a base metal of global democracy.
Like Benjamin Franklin he was self taught dreamt of being cryptic man of letters and struggled to read.........."
"Didn't they have bookstores in the island?"
"No not much just a few bookstores sold books in West Indies and had to be specially ordered by subscription.He was elated by time when Royal Danish American Gazette started publication in 1770.Then he started dribbing readers with poetry .He had read about latest gossips about England, reverential Parliamentary debates ,news about Royal family, report on financial markets prepared him worthy for later challenge.There is no doubt he scribbled some of the best poems in American history, though many lost to the rubric of time.
The paper had a celebrated anglophile bent and referenced reports of great politicians in England like Williams Pitts the elder and a host of other Public dignitaries and respected orators . Had he not read from the same paper that King George 111 had a brother in law and a cousin in the person of King Christian V11 of Denmark?Most of his poetry we're later lost some have survived .It was begun by mimicry of Alexander Pope pithy maxims as a young effervescent clerk in the same way Pope imitated classical poets.He had written amorous poems in the first trials and then in the later wrote feminist hallucinations and made mockery of womenfolk with poignant opening lines."Celia 's an artful little slut as reechoed by Ron Chernow when he said:
"So,stroking puss's velvet paws,
How well the Jade conceals her claws,
And purrs ;but if at last
You hap to squeeze her somewhat hard
She spits her back up prenez garde;
Good faith she has you fast.
Was she not a weary lover to the great Hamilton with debased scorn of female virtue?He with this edition had a enough self chaste of the women adoration.He also wrote religious poems to reflect sometimes his change of mind whose motivation came from prebysterian minister Hugh Knox.He was born in northern Ireland but of Scottish ancestry.He later also migrated to America and became in Delaware a school teacher.. From the first influence of Reverend John Rodgers 'imitated bent ,when he baffled tipspomaniac colleagues to a later reflection of his own piety,a reverberation that motivated him to study theology or divinity at Princeton or college of new Jersey where Aaron Burr  snr a parental that guidesy the father of Hamilton's final nemesis.President Knox was the first man that sensiticised him about the nemesis and after Knox was ordained in 1775 he was posted in Saba,in West Indies to propagate the gospel?"
"Did he ever return?

HAMILTONIAN AMERICA.Hamilton.Chapter 1.page 1b

Deep down into the forest overlooking the freshet he began to puncture stiff tires of the boy's conscience to the plethora of dumb awe.
"We could be whipped , castrated and shackled with heavy iron legs and unsubdued trauma of public contempt,if we perpetually make a caricature the relics of golden antecedence.We are entombed in the filthy dungeons of the glorious history should we persist the refrain to redress the indignities of time about the most disturbed period of our warped golden history."
"Dad you speak in poetry I hardly understood that."
"Americans were barbarians in those early days of the republic including their so called stupendous eirts of great but dreary elites."
"Barbarian Day".
"Of course were barbarians except the only stranger among them including their first five presidents villains in that order of idiosyncratic brevity."
"You mean every dime ?"
"Although  you could say only George Washington was a partial fool and partially wise.The rest of the pack lackeys"
"Why ?"
"It was so because he didn't jettison Hamiltonian wisdom of nation building the best of its type unparalleled in the world history."
"Dad an hyperbole?"
"I mean those golden words and every dime of it."
"So only one man stood out and could match or outwit any other stuffs ?"
"Yeah ! John Adams was  a fool "
"Dad you are making me dizzy .Why do you abuse great men?"
"Is that greatness without any dint of human empathy ?"
"Which empathy?"
"Simply he betrayed his godfather ?"
"Oh my gosh!"
"Infact first four or five excluding Washington did.He betrayed his godfather .To me if I were to make a law he ll be made to face the music being guilty of a crime punishable by death."
"Madison who was mentored by Alexander better than of them did the same thing.Jefferson or the Jeffersonians were the worst rebels and James Moore was disgusting for leaking the Reynolds pamphlet and became worst tyrant in betrayal.They werenot cerebral men at all with the exception of Washington and say Madison.They were opportunists vampires in that sucked him till he died in the hands of Aaron Burr vice president greatest vampire in world history and a brilliant sloth."
"Why did Americans know these junks ?"
"You branded it missing facts junks?"
"Am sorry you re my biggest influence.What a missing gospel?"
"You call Aaron Burr greatest vampire ever."
"Somebody that murdered the greatest man that ever lived! Don't you get it?"
"I was at a newspaper stand at odo eran,alongside igando the argument came and somebody commented to debunk my bombastic remarks.He said :"You re a wrong.It was Christ nobody came close."
And I replied he was wrong too if Christ ever exist he was simply using supernatural power.Hence we deposed him from the ranking but this guy used brain power or intellectual power . Unless you re a good at rationalism it will take you long time to Know that.Go to the library and read all the books about him and his critics in the shelf C.The book I saw you reading was written by quacks .So many blatant liers have populated American historical space lying apologists of Madisonians and Jeffersonians popularly known today as white supremacists.Liers are so many .Why would anybody in his rational mind dubbed Madison the father of the Constitution?"

May 23, 2023


"Because they rely on one crop.The Sugar cane crop like the Irish potato America today would have been like the rest of the Islands today had it not been from this simple but complex and uncommon foresight.The idea for diversification of the American economy was weaned during the formative period.Beekman left the company and was renamed Korthright and Cruger .It brokered foodstuffs and dry goods sometimes handle large cargo shipment much more perishables like slaves.They were chained and suffocated with stench of foul effluvia miles away imported from Gold coast in Africa.When he started work at the island of St.Croix slave population had doubled and a sign that considerable part of the company revenue came from slave trade and slave trafficking.He had first hand knowledge of inhumanity of man to man and witnessed brutal execution of slaves either by decapitation or hanging at Christiansvaern ."
"Hanging and decapitation!"
"Yeah beheading heads cut off."
"If a run away slave returns within three months a foot is cut off .Or if a slave raises his hand against a white his hand is cut off."
"Oh my God!"
"That's a childplay boy!"
"A child play?"
"If he runs away second time the other foot is amputated".
"Oh my goodness! Balderdash!"
"You call it Balderdash but they call it commerce .The blacks paid the ultimate price for the American dream , World Freedom and world Civilization because they were the architect of that popular industrial revolution.They made it possible.Tell something the white had done to merit their enjoyment of world Civilization.Practically nothing.He who lays the foundation and builds on it owns everything.The hated blacks or so called people of color ,had laid the foundation for both the ancient and mordern Civilization.Some recidivists had their

May 22, 2023


It is sometimes absurd if not a theatre of the absurd to apply Capital assets pricing model to corporate finance and allied methods in the estimation of the cost of equity Capital.It does not provide tangible insight into the market pricing of securities, determination of forecast returns and overall corporate risk management in general.
However to propose a standard theory in robust risk management and the optimal assumption that there is no risk in Business beyond the risk of entry and exit,we should first and foremost attempt the definition and examination of this theory under critique.Before we begin the truth is if model  does not guarantee a robust risk management for total elimination not reduction of risk , whatever benefits diversification brings can by neutralised when risk remainder deters the mainstream Business of the going Concern and does not guarantee it could be neutralised in ever diversified entity with poor Business model and lack of multiple tecnology.We can rely on proven metrics below.
In Capital assets pricing model,the prospects of diversification tends the riskiness of sharetrading in a portfolio of securities.Then it is assumed diversification tend  the risk in business.Therefore by diversifying investment over more than one firms  , the wise investor creates a portfolio of less risky Shares than its two concentrated components in one company.The notion is that in that the notion of concentrated risk elimination is not possible in firm B compared heavily diversified firm A.That Investment in a diversified portfolio is less risky.
The identification of both systematic and non systematic risk besides even investors exposed to diversified portfolio tends to market volatility in the stock performance.How come the justification of risk reduction in a heavily diversified platform.If systematic risk cannot be eradicated it doesn't afford a fact that systematic risk such as the stock market crash of 1987 and similar weird incidents can be eradicated. The best evidence the popular market indices such as the Down Jones ,S&P 500,New York stock exchanges and a host of others despite been themselves diversified portfolios are not spared of harsh bitter market volatility.Take a look at unsystematic risk factors such as the main firm's strategist is killed in auto accident;an uncommon strike declared;low cost competitors enter market;oil is discovered on a firm's newly acquired property.In the case of systematic risk we assume oil companies institute a boycott such as the Iranian revolution in 1979; Congress votes for massive cut on taxes; tight monetary policy by federal Reserves to Spike interest rates.Both forms of risk in their formation are short lived by nature and can be neutralised and eradicated by multiple technology and strengthened by unique Business model.
It is not true that only unsystematic risk can be eradicated simply by holding diversified portfolio to minimize risk.With multiple asset pricing model(MAPMO) or cost deterrent Capital assets pricing model , the risk of being in business is next to zero and that there is no risk.MAPMO provide a convenient measure of business zero risk while CAPM provide a good measure of market risk or systematic risk.Investors no doubt are risk averse and must be compensated for taking risk,a move that is compensated by extra reward that is risk premium.An Investor that invested in one only stock is still exposed to both forms of The measure of CAPM Beta gauges security's return tendency to move in parallel with overall market returns such as S&P 500;in contrast MAPMO's Z gauges the tendency of zero risk security return to move above not in parallel with total Market return or beat actively broad measure of return
Not stocks with a beta> 1 that tends to rise and fall by greater percentage than the market;that also have a high of systematic risk sensitive to market changes.or stocks with b<lwith low systematic risk and less sensitive to Market changes.
Whereas stocks with Z>1 or Z>0 with no systematic risk tends to rise by greater percentage above Market expectations with no crash.

May 21, 2023

HAMILTONIAN AMERICA.Hamilton.Chapter 1,page 5

Also read my book Hamiltonian Universe:Myth In America a draft poetry that lamented the historic Injustice that was done to the memory of Hamiltonian antecedence whom they called American evil genius or mephistolpheles."
"I will tonight"
"Learn how value poetry.When she fled the island of St.Croix and met her new spouse James Hamilton who was confronted with similar misfortune her future took a new dimension . James was born in 1718 to a family of eleven ,9sons and 2 daughters and was fourth in the pecking order.The fourteenth Laird in the Cambuskeith line of Hamiltons Alexander Hamilton was married to Elizabeth Pollock  the daughter of Baronet.The opulent lineage possessed coat of arms and for centuries owned a castled Grange near Kilmarnock.In the genealogical tables were traced back to the fourteenth century and were links to a Scion of a blue ribbon Scottish family.The ivy encrusted Castle situated on windswept hills  over  adjoining little town of Stevenson was purchased in 1685.James grew up in this Castle a huge family estate that traversed beyond Stevenson and covered half of Parish arable land as occupants reveled a fogbound view across the firth of Clyde on the Island of Arran.
Underprivileged besides Cottage Weavers and miniature league of artisans scrabbled for a living under Hamilton as tenant farmers and subsisted on oatmeal diets . However this highborn pedigree did not endure James with no tertiary education regarded as black sheep of the family faced with humuliated prospects in life and was caught for mediocrity."
"Was he that bad?Poor James"he stood up and sat beneath his father perpetually engrossed on a broken little dreg.The Sun had gone down as they moved From the seaside and closer  home."He was unlucky  could not hold for long unlike brother John an industrialist and underwriter .Two brothers attended University of Glasgow.Most siblings found comfortable niches like brother William , a tobbaco planter and Walter apothecary and doctor , Alexander turned a surgeon.Sister Elizabeth married custom purveyor at Port Glasgow.You see that poor chap!"
"Maybe he was unlucky."
"No in the first place there was no plan.I wasnt surprised when Hamilton was fond of comparing himself to his strong willed mother but of father's opulent background. His enterprising brother was a banker ,textile tycoon and a shipping magnate who revolutionised  Glasgow.And it was no mean feat when in 1720sDaniel Defoe was forced to pour encomium on the city when he said "the most beautiful little town in Britain."This Checkered antecedence became the most enthralling muse that appealed the most  to Alexander Hamilton when he founded America and made it world power posthumously ninety six years after.When there was Union with England in 1707, Scotland grew in prosperity in the commerce with North America and colonies of west Indies boomed."
"Because merchant princes became prosperous by venuring into sugar, tobacco and coffee trafficking.So to empower his brother James John enrolled him in a four year Prenticeship with Richard Allan a rich Tycoon in Glasgow who aided the pioneering of Scottish linen industry with his Harlem Linen and Dye manufacturing company .This was emulated later by Hamilton when he brought manufacturing to Patterson, New Jersey ,to kickstart the real sector industry in America.He had Dutch industrial trade secrets which he clandestinely procured either by ruse or copy through self sponsored raid.Reckless James entered into patnership with Allan and other patners John Glass,James Dechman and Archibald Ingram and they formed Glasgow Inkle factory.They produced linen tapes or inkles which were used and consumed in lace production.They were Glasgow's commercial royalty controlled landed estates drove in ostentatious coaches and traded River Clyde with ocean going vessels and decked with opulence."
"Did that tell on brother James too?"
"No,his position was bleak at the mercy of profligate patners as the nicknamed black sheep."
"That was quite unfortunate."
"Guess what?"
"What !"
"They tirelessly bailed him out of financial trouble for many years  in reckless affront to their elite status.Ominous Prenticeship signed in 1737 was a legal bondage for feckless James groaning in debilitating scrapes of recurrent financial haermohage.
Allan was paid forty five pounds by John to groom his affable brother in textile trade.He had no guaranteed holiday nor a free weekend although he was to receive from Allan household work incentives like a room ,a board and new linen.The startup period was hectic and drained or guzzled capital recklessly to later become profitable and was satisfied to have mentored his brother into a promising career .When the contract expired in 1741,James ventured overseas and precisely West Indies  was the darling Bride."
"Why west Indies? Reiterate "
"Because it was the center of white gold and sugar plantation.This kickstarted Industrial revolution .Many young Noble men with same notion of get rich syndro. syndrome  were seduced to the sugar islands.
Merchants desired to amass quick fortune and then return to Europe with stashed funds and snap luxurious estates.Huge shiploads of sugar flocked to maritime corridors of Glasgow from West Indian vessels.
They included boiling distilleries, refineries, sugar produced brandies and they also sold provisions alongside plantation produce.Assorted European and North American goods were stored by the Scots in the bonded warehouses.
We quite agree James was quite unlucky and much more generally due to poor planning than for mere Blizzard of nature that plagued a merchant in the exportimport trade of produce across the Atlantic . When he went into the trade in the capacity of merchant from St.Croix he couldn't manage his temper at indigent circumstances and had to be rescued by his brother.What an unfortunate paradox for estranged child  from the family and in most cases  seemed to have hidden extent of his financial trouble.The future prospects of Fortune  hunting commerce had turned into permanent financial trap,by the time he met Rachel Faucette Lavien.Afflicted by this trauma common among young fortune hunters to take a mongrel or mullato lady or put off marital esteem  until they return home he was forced to consider one.
Now he fell luckily I to the palms of highly educated but also distressed European woman.They met in 1750s in St.Kitts also known as St.Christopher in the Leewards Island where the Scots were awarded more than half of the island's original land grants.
They had had same story to tell better defined by this symmetry fell in social standing experienced monumental set backs and terrorised by the trauma of economic dejection.
Poor choices had given way to advanced relationship, learning and critical thinking.
Little wonder were able to produce hypercompetitive, hypertensive, and hypersensitive lad who was learned about class and venom of social hierarchy that ruled the world .
How much more in an age when divorce was a novelty and sometimes  more expensive to obtain in crown colonies.This unborn Alexander to lifelong tag of birthright illegitimacy.After they visited St.Kitts and perfected the relationship got married as common law couple produced seven children.It lasted fifteen years."
"What ?Just fifteen years?Why?"
"It maybe because of the tussles in the legal technicalities involved and James own failure as merchant.You know nine years after she fled St.Croix,Lavien resurfaced  to .."
"That wicked man"
"Now to unleash a final havoc in recompense and to obtain by force divorce from her."
"Did Rachel show up in court?"
"No,but he did submit through smear campaign and got a divorce that permitted him and Rachel couldn't "
"That was quite cheating."
"Danish authorities took up the matter and forbade clergymen or risk dismissal should they be found wanton in defiance of such decision.On the hand Peter Lavien was given the inheritance and safeguarded while two honest boys were doomed to illegitimacy forever nor any luck to mitigate the detestable stigma."
"You mean hamilton got no inheritance?"
"He was empty as the grave".
"Peter ventured into real estate and moved on with life into South Carolina.
This happened in early 1760s when Laviens moved from Christiansted to Fredericksted on the far side of St.Croix a journey that Rachel was shortly forced to take."
"Did peter succeed at South Carolina?"
"Oh Son of a fiend most history was silent about him.Now James who had been living off family connection after he succeeded in debt recovery mission an assignment given him by brother John  now the new Laird who took over title from father Alexander from Alexander moir.while Rachel and two boys lived in Christiansted,he later fled and abandoned his family forever."
"It was probably due to dread of same court divorce wrangling and related threat he might have heard across the land  with lies that Rachel was a notorious woman."
"Yet illegitimaye children turned the world around and made it a better place forever".
"He left the island forever the moment he succeeded in the Moirs case and Rachel haunted by stigma of earlier marriage . Eventually became the breadwinner in the face of daunting odds she had to endure sometimes through aimless wandering on the island.They lived on wealthy relations with their people the Lyttons.
Could you another bad tales?"
"Like seriously?"
"The sustenance of the Lyttons was short-lived when badluck Investment fell upon them within short period a month of her arrival at St.Croix,Ann Lyttons was dead too.She was thirty six by the time she took over a house on 34 Company Street and became a storekeeper."
"I read white ladies were lazy in those days."
"Exactly.The period was dominated by lazy white women destined as domestic rats, pleasure inside drink tea make coffee,make falls and play cards sometimes industrious sew abit.With merchandise purchase from her landlord kept a goat to give boys milk in her backyard.With the two New York merchants Nicholas Cruger and David Meekman who just started a trading firm where the career of claustrophobic Hamilton was later transformed provided the rest of the family needs."
"Thought you said she died at 35?"
"In 1767 at age 38 she succumbed to debilitating disease like Hamilton and a woman Ann McConnell and Dr Herring on February 17 attended to her.They were treated with medieval purgatives common in the 18th century medicine.Hamilton was lying close to her mother when she died on February 19.Hardly had gained sufficient strenght with his brother James jnr to attend funeral that he was bombarded with another sorrow to ardently grief his mother s death.He was 38 not 35.
Sorry for the slip of tongue . Landlord Dipnall donated food cakes ,bread and eggs to mourners and Peter Lytton donated 11yards of black materials for coffin drapping .With the stigma of  a divorcee she was denied of a burial at St.Anglican church.She was buried beside Grove of mahogany trees on a hillside"
"And so that was the dirty end of the world greatest super mother ?"
"Tragicomedy.Still the crazy bills poured in.
"What a long story?"
Yeah,stand up let's go in.Your siblings are crying your mother away in Detroit.Take care of them.We re still at the preparation stage sequel to emigration to new world."He stood up and yawned as they walked from the forest into the elegant front porch and greenish lawn.
"Dad 6 on the dot"
"Babies are crying"
Elijah is twelve should be competent enough to take care of his siblings."
"And you think is not sleeping in the library like u."
He understands.Mum taught him the routine"
"And the babies are crying are you sure ?"perplexed and worried 
He ran upstairs leaving his father behind.

HAMILTONIAN AMERICA.Hamilton.Chapter chapter 1.page 6

the cost of the drug that couldn't save the victims.
First Hamilton became non religious addict due to denial to bury his mom at the church but buried at Lytton estate at the Grange .Two those who estimated  the probate officers bequethed nothing to innocent boys and John Lavien appeared in court in a probate hearing.He brandished the 1759 divorce decree and made libelous statements that the two boys were products of whoredom to claim the estate.An incidence that took a place less than a week after she died.Despite the court pleadings  to consider the three possible heirs divorce saga reared its ugly again and Peter Lavien was favoured.He was janitor at Federicksted hospital where he had two wives and  lost them all including two boys  before Rachel's death.He later learn a bitter lessions of his life that those who manipulate law probably had enduring impact on the destiny of the society and exude real power over mankind in general.Nothing was left to be possessed for the boys excerpt his trove of books recovered for him by James Lytton.The poor boys left shallow ,heavily disinherited and possibly for a long time thereafter that Injustice had a lasting impression on him.Despite being named a church warden and a twenty three years baptised still couldn't spare penny for his two half brothers."
"Oh that's funny.They had Jewish background which the father had concealed that for the long run.Now after the death ,Peter Lytton thirty two years old cousin became the Guardian for the two boys.Unfortunately on July 16,1769 he was reported to have  stabbed himself covered with pool of blood.This was equally mortifying for the boys drafted a will for his mullato boy and left nothing for the hamiltons.Less than a month after Peter 's death James Lytton also died and also made no provision for the boys."
"Quite unfortunate".
"Now left alone and friendless and penniless and surrounded every where by acrimonious elements.It was impossible to haermohage a guess how this abominable background could shore up the confidence of a fatherless and self-reliant child.
Now the two boys set on a different one with limited capabilities was apprentice to a local carpenter at christiansted , Thomas Mcnobenny."
"So hamilton became a lawyer."
"Yeah really in some way.He started off as clerk for the mercenntile house of Cruger and Beekman.Those New York traders helpful for the late mother.His superior Intelligence was first noticed with them as a clerk.He made a lot of friends due to exceptional abilities.One of them Edward Stevens and they shared similar abilities ,quick and Intelligence very good in classical history , fluent in French, detested slavery and fond of medicine.Their semblance was phenomenal when thirty years after ,Timothy Pickering made same remarks when he first set eyes on Stevens.
Americans had thought they were brothers and Hamilton was a zealot illegal son of a rich West Indian parents.As in Henry Cabot Lodge it was generally thought to be the Scion of Thomas Stevens the rich father of Edward Stevens his cerebral jolly fellow.Little wonder he sheltered Hamilton after mother's death but not his brother.
With this position of a clerk the epochmaking historic lawyer and foremost nation builder the world ever seen was able to secure his posterity forever in the patheon of golden antecedence with superior wits.
When mother died he was equipped with 34books .So you have to read or die."
"Amazing! How many have you bought for me?"
"Probably 60books but you have read any.Yet you went too far to read Hamilton where you left basic books."
"Internet age opens better opportunities but kids are quite lazier to exploit the privileges afforded them could be funny at  times compare to lazy kids of the internet  age.
Time let s go back.We will treat next the journey of American mephistolpheles Into new world through the trading firm of Cruger and Beekman."
The day was thinking and the moon gradually returns back to its circus and night creatures slowly regained their encroaching terror mongering voices when the forest wore its cascading apparel of broken silence.Father and son stood up from the boughs to make way through the sleeping forest playing with chirping birds and breezy dusk.
"You can certainly be like Hamilton probably breaks his records.Am in the senate.i know"
"Dad you lied again from the pits of hell".
"Life is about triar.You do your best and leave the rest to history."The night drew closer moon breathing in the circus  and they came out late at about six on the dot."Dad what about your itinerary?"
"You heard me right.Am going to Miami early morning and you must get up early when the nanny is around to take care of your siblings."They joked about David becoming American president from an impossible scenario.They even laughed about it.


David loved his father so much like any adorable  child and they cherished the shared vision in a clownish way he would   someday become an American president a bizarre journey dreamt out of impossibility.He was advised that only a highly informed young man could go that far to someday govern America.They migrated from a nation dubbed giant of Africa and settled down too quickly where he was born.He was told almost all American presidents never became  president by accident but  simply by careful planning .Then one day he stumbled again across the length of the library the bulge story of Alexander Hamilton to the consternation of his father who was impressed by his growing studious mind .
Early morning,David woke up and headed to the library to chat him up.
"Dad"his face lightened up the room as he sat down to examine the death of his interrogative ability.
"Anything lately?"
"In the Myth In America"your poetry is a little dense."
"And the subheading?"
"It's so long a bit I barely understood those lines.A free verse right?"
"You re funny take your Webster  not pocket dictionary.Just a couple of words."x-axis to specific shelf pointed.He flung his binoculars along the base of shelf D where several modes and editions of dictionaries were stocked.
Thompson swung round with Ottoman for intensive editing proof reading and reviews of self made literature.
"I can't see them"David grunted in futility.
"Check shelf D properly "he unbuckled his pyjamas buckle bend down and enrolled himself in the editorial engross.The funky search funny business stumbled on a voluminous lexicographer".
"Webster right?"David returned back to the top seat and swiveled round to see the top half of the book and flung it open adjusted his seat to recite the poem.He was stopped from recitations again.
"Shmmm..,.....Stop that please respect my privacy.Otherwise go to your room.Studious mind as quiet researchers badly needed tranquil environment to grow arts.Okay you ll be going back to school tomorrow.Go back and sleep please.We are in the middle of the night almost four hours left for you to sleep."
"Dad I won't sleep at school".
"Before the count of 10,go back to sleep."he dropped the book unceremoniously and left in a huff banged the door vamoosed into his living room.
Two weeks after he had researched into the early history of the founding fathers.
"Daddy you re at home today is weekend.Are we going for a forest stroll?"
"Why not ?Get ready at ten am and we'll be out.It's quite chilly."
"Oh Dad It's 10 on the dot."he flung his sight at the wall.
"You don't mean it?How time flies!"Dropped his tabloid and put on sweater for the snowy times. "His brisky moment spoke volume and was in the front porch in minutes.
"Am out waiting."the lad changed the pyjamas.
The forest walk was a thirty minutes walk of freedom stroll down to the streams with lad throwing stones at the birds and moving creatures and at the point of engrossed realm sat down and banter.
"Where did we stop our previous discussion?"
"The journey of Hamilton into the new world and Beekman and Cruger merchant firm".
"That's my boy you have a photographic brain.Like father like son."
Thompson floated his hands above his head and heart blinked and blinked out of the corners of his eyes uncertain of the fatherly gesture, shocking direction and mysterious narrative of the uncommon story teller.
Thompson looked out to the sea and drew in a long breathe .Hands wrapped around his back and readjusted legs for the classroom tutelage..
"Before I put on my gong,we shall ten hours of discussion."
"Great"suddenly shuddered his mind swirled with thousand thoughts as if he was doped to understand his gathering wits.
David moved away from standing on the fringe of estern rivers and begun to drop bullets from his riffle.
"The formative years and the foundation of Hamilton's success were linked to Beekman and Cruger.From there he moved to New York to shake the world down to his foundation.
He gained valuable insight into the mordern commerce of shipping and the great manipulative world of Capitalist powers .The mercantilist policies that governed European powers were laid bare before his naked eyes.As a versatile clerk supervisor bewildering mountain of Invidious inventories at the trading firm .They consist of planters'commodities such as black eyed peas,fish,corn and cider ,Porter and pine ,oak and shingles ,hoops ,iron ,rope, bricks,mules , timber ,bread and lampblack,bricks , flour,rice ,lard,pork,beef and cattle."
"He was responsible for money and money management and a province's member of Royal council.While Nicholas brother also was an elected member of British Parliament  his uncle John Cruger was a veteran mayor and member of stamp act Congress.It was only Nicholas that revered Washington and supported colonist rebels during American Revolution.He had been called the first political tutor of hamilton when he set foot in America .He was the waymaker and exposed him to newbreed New York prosperous merchants.
He could work tirelessly for long hours and sometimes relished in extravagant fantasies,a norm that fourteen years old later imbibed probably from his dear friend and look alike who had begun to study at Kings college in New York.At a point Nicholas in 1771 for medical reasons left him in charge of the firm for five months when he traveled home in New York.He gave him room to exercise authority with his prodigious talents.This was to shape his career and seasoned expertise in letter writing that came in handy for Washington's use.
Honestly speaking,we couldn't disconnect the establishment of U.S.coast guard and custom service from the phenomenal skills of a local  clerk,he mastered during Prenticeship period.From the same period he was to obtain the inspiration behind his Reports on Manufactures."
"Anyway is bigger than you at this point until you have read his industrial pool policy activity.Because he realized the whole of west Indian islands despite their fertile soil stood at a disadvantage with the rest of the world relying......."
There was a call at about 1pm which interrupted the discussion."Thompy where are you?"
"Daniel how was your night?U have the consignment?"
"Yeah there cranes had arrived and received bill of lading.Vessel owners or assistant badly needed for sighting."
"Call me Defoe he ll come over otherwise I ll be there today in the next two hours."He stood up and said"boy Business hours I must go see my consignment"They moved quickly "Discussion postponed dad untill further notice.""Yeah I could return tomorrow and visit Defoe in Florida if I could not go."He had car keys flung occasionally behind him.
A passel of hounds lay in the dirt overlooking a broken trailer.Near the old fuck truck in the garage, Thompson opted to use the brand new ched red Camaro in the journey to Miami by road.
"Daddy good bye safe journey.Greet my cousins for me bye",waving tenouosly and glistened in the morning sun to the chants of his boy as he zoomed off the sprawling compound of a castle he bought ten Summers ago, swarm of dust filled the air behind him.
"Take car of your siblings okay."his chilling voice spanked his stubborn farago"promise me?"he baritoned."Yes daddy I promise."Dust persisted until he could no longer see the wheels behind him same panache like the old Chevrolet he bought in the spring.
David too badged into the house and seeing the nanny returns from the forest farms,packed his bag and headed to library to continue reading.

HAMILTONIAN AMERICA.Hamilton.chapter 1.page 4

"You have said little about the source of Titanic feud of the early republic."They rose up early for the forest promenade and after a little stroll the boy sat down near seabed of a rushing stream as the father paced backward to sit on a bough, gesticulating sometimes with metaphor , imagery and variegated analogy.Gigantic impulses of relief fell on him as the boy crouched and lied down to scoop his yarns like fallen streams.The forest leaves fallen down at random tacits of the breezy passage.
"I think I did bit on public credit report We ought to have started from his geneology .A sequel to that should be the discussion about the movement of this most illustrious son 's escape from Nevis now St.Kitts and Nevis and his elope to St.Croix and emigration to North America.Later the Hamilton's education and the role he played in the early republic and the American revolution.Then the political Investment including the Titanic feud you raised and finally his unprecedented legacies and how they helped shaped the american society of a later years.As they say of whom the Gods love dies Young."
"You said he came from Nevis"
"No surviving records could substantiate this but that was what he said."
"Where is Nevis?"
"Go to library when u get home take your old map and research.You ll see its location in the British west indies.Like a sedentary backwater the island stood and was more than quite a conspicuous spot a colourful speck in the Caribbean where he was confined prior to his abscond to St.Croix and America.It was the crossroad of acrimonious maritime agression vying for sugar cane trade route control.You treat that further when you read related books at home."
Alexander was so dominant the way you spoke about him"
"That is why I called the only spare tyre in America.Others are careless and thoughtless.They lack discretion and barely think."
"You think read all d books in that library you would out of hindred books i gathered only two spoke good yhings about him.They dont like him .Infact Woodrow Wilson calls him American mephistolpheles ."
"Now back to our discussion.Protestants were religious reformers who disagreed with Roman catholic methods of piety and broke apart like other groups.They started a movement called  Anti clerical led to the revolution that lasted a tercentenary between 1300-1600 .This period gave birth to mordern times.They not included the dominant protestants but other movement sects like prebysterian,anabaptists and a host of others.Protestants were called Huguenots in France.They were guaranteed religious tolerance.
King Louis XIV later revoked this edict that guaranteed this tolerance to that was pioneered by the movement.You know the puritans left Britain for America and places like Australia, Holland where they settled b
took along with them their tradition including common law beliefs.
John Fawcette on August 21,1718 was married to a British woman Mary Uppington.They had two kids And and John but gave birth to John two months before wedding.First they lived as common law couple and decided to formalise their conjugal knot with the birth of second child.Overall they had seven children and only two survived infancy including Hamilton's mother Rachel."
"What is it?"
"You said five children like me died!"
"Oh that's a bagatelle boy because in those days the Sugar Islands were frequently raided by barbaric epidemics like malaria, dysentery and yellow fever.So many unfortunate children perished in this way."
"So Rachel the greatest mother in world history survived?"
"Yeah,with her sister Ann.But Rachel too early at 35years.She didn't live long too."
"When a mystic plant disease exacerbated by drought ravaged Nevis in 1737 and laid bare of vegetation the island later lost its treacle of economic eminence.Hence, there was migration of refugees including Ann Fawcette married to plutocrat James Lytton.They later settled for a Danish island of St.Croix the same route that Hamilton's parents later charted.Mary had perpetual marital squabbling and when she appealed to the Chancellor of Leeward Island later resorted to separation from the embittered husband.They live separately thereafter after 1740 settlement and he renounced all rights to husband property for a mere Fifty three pounds."
"That's quite swindling .
"Yeah my boy that is what they called legal norm one time alimony or parthing Short alimony and that is why mordern age in this context has churn out mordern brutes in sheep clothing.Now freed from battering Into single parenting, Rachel and her mother who had surrendered all claims to Faucette wealth left Nevis into St.Kitts where the then sweet little 16years Rachel first met her future husband James Hamilton a young Scottish Noble.When in 1745 Rachel father John Faucette died,he bequethed all properties to her.Very few educated high heeled strong-willed European women adorned the natural luxuriant beauty of  West Indies hotly contested for marriage like Rachel.Then they moved into St.Croix like Ann to start anew.They built massive estate outside the capital Christiansted which they dubbed the Grange.They met the Lyttons  who introduced them to one Johann Lavien.Johann Michael Lavien a Dane also from Nevis grew from being a peddler of house hold goods and dreamt of being a planter . According to Hamilton who branded him'a fortune hunter'this Dane ended up being the nemesis of Faucette's wealth.He had had multiple disappointment as subtle person who dreamt of plucking gold in new world.As an affluent suitor the flashy dresser and a dapper concealed his threadbare miser status with sweet tongue poached the snug fortune of 16years old girl deceived Mary Fawcette to auction out her daughter to the miser bidder.Somebody who was 28years old a dozen years gap.Unfortunately the forced marriage that took place at the Grange in 1745 ended up untimely in fiasco like her mother's .The spendthrift husband squandered the lady's fortune who having found her husband mean and crude was exasperated to abandon house in 1750 two years after he squandered her wealth in an abortive sugar plantation."
"Double tragedies! mother and daughter same fate?"
"Of course you have to blame the unsuspecting reckless mother  who auctioned her child..Had she not wise enough to abandon the house probably the world might not have heard the birth and colossal fame of Hamilton.Only darkness or dark night brings  out glorious morning.
Nevertheless the vindictive Levi ranted divorce decree and libeled her fleeting spouse and claimed she was Indecent , godless and branded her a whore.He was determined to humuliate and terrorise the innocent girl being the mother of his only son Peter Levine beyond stupor.He wielded Danish law that empowered man to jail his wife should she no longer reside with him and found wanton twice of adultery.Then he clasped Rachel into Christiansvaern the fort at Christiansted as camp girl and dubbed prostitute.A stain or a stigma that was pelted at hamilton  throughout his life."
"I could see reason behind short lived life."
"Yeah that egregious stigma of psychological trauma is quite too heavy for rational mind to  survive.
Whereas the obscure insinuation had no basis in verifiable fact."
"Not guilty of adultery yet she was taken to prison."
"Injustice in a male dominated society hardly ends even in this epoch of growing feminism.Feminist movement blasted the nonchalant cities beginning from 1960s 70s period of civil rights movement.
Hamilton smelt the affront deeply whenever he was labeled the 'son of a camp girl'.She was tormented with dread and loneliness on the edge of Gallows bay at Fort Christiansted where she was probably the first woman to be jailed for adultery."
"Jailed for adultery! sounds too clownish a common place thing in 21st century."
"Imagine terror cells meant Invidious black criminals! Terror cells that were meant for rebellious blacks who had committed slave Insurrection a ghastly abode with inexplicate and indescribable terror unleashed on Petty thieves and societal dissidents cramped in filthy dungeons and shackled with heavy leg irons.Despite the ordeal did not deter the invincible spirit unquenchable fire of recalcitrant Rachael to obtain freedom fleeing her crude spouse who had hoped she would be subdued by internal torment .She was convinced to exit slavery she badly needed oddious Strategy and she did the unthinkable after she was released.She spent a week with her mother and then she fled the island, jettisoned the wife beater and Peter her son.She must have been Inspired by her with similar experience  who probably mused her initiative to abscond.When she made the previous abscondwith her mother,she wasn't running the show manned byher tutelage.With this attempt she was to chart a new path that would change the world history for the better  and transform the destiny of mankind forever.With landmark architecture of mainland America,it can be said mankind today is behemoth heiress to Hamiltonian universe of Civilization golden age."