November 3, 2024

The Best Doctor In The Whole World.

I was amazed when I stumbled across the interview on the pages of Punch Newspapers.The best doctor in the whole World Olurotimi Badero is the world's first nephrology cardiologist trained medical personnel.I had called the journalist faith ajayi who did interview to give me his contact .Hence she told me he did the interview by email.

The Nature Of Relevance:Grand Cycle Of Utility part 1

The politics of natural and human existence is inevitably indisputable and contextually indispensable in the art of existence and the persistent duration of that existence at a particular period.Nothing ever matter nor exist that barely denies the significance of its existential relevance.Otherwise their warranty is liability and avalanche of liability to accelerate its doomsday and when they cease to be relevant in the grand scheme of utility,the onus rest largely on the expired matter to rediscover a new strand of utility whose grand cycle of utility being the clock of passing relevance,often being summoned to recover from the spirit and spittle of conceded relevance otherwise it goes into extinction.Sometimes the natural law of utility does not bestow the second chance to such object of conceded relevance and so much believe in paradigm shift and novelty of fresh energy.
However as soon as the object of conceded relevance perceives the impending relevance prior to emergence of conceded relevance,it is naturally expedient to expedite the change of relevance and utility strategy and borrow its strategy prior to its usefulness.It is the best approach and quite risky to afford the expiration of a given round of relevance due to the maturity of given utility cycle .It saves the object of art experience of stressful termination and the anxiety of resuming another round of relevance and utility cycle including the stress associated with the politics of relevance.
We cannot deny the usefulness of human arts is tied to the apron string of their utility and it makes itself relevant to the strategic course of passionate drive.This is human utility on the part of the individual and when the radiance is shown beyond the community of the individual it becomes the fact of social and economic relevance within the strategic confine of the interspersed utility cycle.The constraint of utility loosing the relevance is hinged on the ratio of liability and cumulative liability inherent in the art of human disposal and social disposition.The stability of effective human disposal and moral viability via social disposition based on the ratio of impact disposal might linger the utility,its politics, utility, utility cycle and infact the utility of its relevance that is affordable to the politics of natural existence and the legible resources that permits the politics of that relevance to endure across every tentative aperture of that utility cycle.
Be that as it may,no one is relevant beyond the politics of natural utility cycle and matters tend to devise the mode of existence that can afford to linger beyond the politics of that cycle.All matters detest the plague of mutual irrelevance be it animate or inanimate objects travelling the distance between two poles of instinction and extinction exerting undue pressure on the utility of existence on one hand and utility of relevance on the other hand.
The grand cycle of utility exert gravity and resistance between the two poles also known as cause and effect and is known as experiential curve or what I often times 've referred to as the liability and necessity curve.That no natural arts is relevance if it cannot condone and concede its existential energy to afford to dissolve a given liability and identify the corresponding necessity of that condition to determine the nature of utility and the functional economics of that utility.Naturally speaking the transaction of this utility and the cycle of utility to dispose a given arts often give birth or rebirth to responsibility,execute the operating task of terminating the liability,undertake the critical responsibility of utilising necessity for effective impact disposal of that utility cycle.The rise of such innovation and invention and investment is the good case scenario if natural reward or moral outcome to indicate growth and development ranging from the arts and culture, custom and traditions and science and technology in the broader terms.