November 18, 2024

Assymetry part 10

Black power:How do you juxtapose the accolades of an acidulated dysphemism cast in dysphoriac dysphonia and splashed in dysplasia of riddling dysphasia to orchestrate dyspeptic dysphagia as if the dystopian but in legible audience not smothered at dusk ?
Dysthymic depression morphed into chronic kind and those who watch vigiled from afar.
Not that the worst case scenario apposite apriori but will the voice of his breath be gone too soon and not now arboreal harangue like the blossoming voice of nightingale 
That frost snow pierced the navel and thrift of thy hollow ear ? 
White power:That once again the mute may be mute and not necessarily to mute the unmute.
Black power:You know something the power of freedom instills the dream of the broken nuggets beyond times of the quiter.
Whose shallow banal of yesterday and today kindled burnt jocund for a common future.I owe my the unpalatable theft of destiny.
White power:Can you believe that?You knew nothing of the essence of freedom until more fracticide and patricide resurface to smash the Commonwealth of the gods? Siblings hardly price their verdict untill they re gone.
Black power:Yonder light not the same as the belittled stars.The motion of freedom until yesterday's suddenly became the esteemed price of liberty in the morning ages to come.From the womb of flora to the chagrin feets of the alien,the birth of new birthdays shall enliven us the esoteric myth embedded in the carminative loop of unseen cosmos.If you take away your aesthete,esthesis of esthesia might be the fugitives of dreams far away choked in the sands of Sahara.
White power:I understand but once the estoppel is contrived even the law of karma barely threshes backward the punitive ethnos of omni specie.We re not immune nor peculiar to the ethos of Mt everest to slaver this myth laid bare by necessity the mother of invention.Old habit is a burden trapped in the burdens of memory and hid in the season of anomie.Does it not require carpet bombing to destroy old habit which they say never dies?

Enter Octopus 

Octopus:Hail I wish to threaten others but so much bolaji.
Black power:What?Are you insane?
Octopus: Bolaji's a carpet knight knew nothing about chivalry and Bolaji falls and rises in this elementary mode and nothing but a coward in the space flight of warped season and time.
White power:Okay why haven't you say this before at the farm?
Octopus:Thy competition like a Casanova over this object of boring love so irrational I guess and so did I not boo thee all thereafter in my closet at night .
Black power:You re not far from honesty.Besides,all ladies the same old and young,toddler and teen and what man can do?
White power: Your spouse too a bully . How dare you?Stop trumpeting the sleigh bell.
Black power:The true digits of love and amorous rites are found only in the Casanovas grilled by Delilahs of their fate.Nothing more nothing less.

November 15, 2024

Assymetry part 8

Genus ipomoea arises at the Rocky bay,
Which radiates at the galumph of genus illicium 
Ọ so snappy evergreen birds distinguished from those people who go to exile when they re supposed to go jail.
They die more than death in their miserable lot than they could afford to die
Either be dreary before the dejected evanesce,
Or by the rot of their jail, decree those evergreen stuffs out of existence 
Kismet will find out your man and he shall be tested perpetually by you with the same tar of temptation,
Which thou hast deserted from the backlog of prior conjugal summon.
In the mountains of Himalaya,genus meconopsis was found ,
By this serendipitous dynasty of bully looking and emaciated hungry but determine souls 
Who cast aspersion in the fury of the night 
That arises to baste the candour of the day away,
And adventures past adventure they call it expedition.
Have you dismembered ignorance before and not quixotic nor quiver within your offence?
Thou hast amazed me the Stony steel of a pious woman 
To give the boot to packing spouse un bothered,
Heed so at my penchant and bid thy psychology not bar preparedness for a new spouse
Thus caveat for reiteration of same bullying spirit by macho lady.
Bolaji:Damn it elder the prospects thrive in their farm
Feeders of community and the bread basket of the 14 villages in the region.
Elders:Bid still yourself comfort in the nuance of your prospect hide not deceit in your trade,


Assymetry part 9

Not the bed rested Bedouin bedraggled and befouled by bedpan or the bluestocking or bas Bleu to adorn herself with basiscopic bibliophiliac muse in the density of her tradition.
Nor equipped with the lever to pour bathetic gusto on communal beefcakes,fetish elders and rustic barricados who frequent barrelhouse or barrelroom or honktong to amuse her in the baulk or jib in a rafter of her procession.
The befoulment of beggar thy nature strategy,beggarwoman begilded 



November 14, 2024

Gnomes .part one

Clerisies of Rocky bays as it were clasped for sunny drift.They were Clive Sinclairs in the jungle of banana republic.The cleverlogs bedecked with clew and cliché,click beetles that could skipjack,in click-clack ,thrived beyond the cliffs and landmine of despond slough.They were clathrates clatterers not gimpiness nor claudication clawed together in their divertissement, cloistered from the cloisonne of dreamyard clogdancers . Sometimes they claver as ransom cleats in the cleave of claymore mine oft in the cliffhanger of close lipped clock and dagger though clouching as cinder block clipclop clumping,cliquish in clippety clop,the clinquant clio for the sunny time's clinker.
They clobbered the landmines tis the Rocky bays and cloistral clumps in cock-a-hoop soon to douse the megalomaniac tilt.

Assymetry part 7

She says that victory to her means heavens on earth 
And failure falls away far off from her roofs
Shot down from the deadly spirit of shame 
And the victims of her unforgivable fury 
Not the seeming hateful mansion of victory 
Where all cries no matter what may still leads to victory 
That the tests maybe womanish but stronger acts someday denote victory 
That those who win may stale not their arts without gallantry 
And those who mock others to win should stay humble 
Should defeat be defrayed to their helms
Who has slain victory to think it best and bent take her place ?
Or who has slain failure to beat chest and that to his court alone belong victory?
The breastplate is not written in the face of those who loose and win 
Beyond the positive gesture you witness from the trial of men and women with great vision.
When re armed with target and stratagem,those who shall be slain know themselves and those who shall be proven and justified in the battlefield know themselves .
The Sharks May come to town we might not know them but their manifold victory turn them into terror
The shape and contour of victory is in the mode of disposition 
Of those who fight, pray and act,who fight before the fight begin,who pray before the supplication begins and who acts before the action begins.
Why won't you loose everything and win everything when you re resolved to believe heaven and earth and he'll have the same place in the logic of thoughts?
Why shouldn't thou bedeck yourself your wit with thy shape and love to make the noble price of liberty an accomplishment like the form of wax ?
Killing that failure come so easy which thou has vowed not to ignore with thy furious disposition 
To set fire the room of your ignorance and dismember the defence of failure whatsoever 
Do they think we'll to assume that only logics of victory rouses arts in man;only to depose the mystic charm of failure to make victory a gemstone in the corridor of thought and the eternal shame of a looser maketh not more glorious?
Those who think this ribald better think again 
And let those who fail with failure learn the bitter truth of this matter 
And not treat the factory of failing factors with kid gloves
And turns it into exile prior to the dismemberment of the muse of victory 
Otherwise it slewest potential victors in their deathbed before morn
The courts of happiness does not begat true victory 
It only begat failure and what makes you happy gets you complacency 
And with the price of awe the greater price of freedom 
Rewards those who fight,those who pray and those who act.
In the chaos of that awe they look pretty stupid 
Constantly armed with robe of precautions and not of those who poutest on yesterday's fortune 
To think they hold safeguard for the unseen posterity
Ascend her chamber to comfort yourself with this butt of bitter truth 
To take heed and not die the miserable lot
Where thou shalt thrive thou shall thrive where thou shalt loose thou shalt loose
The true writ of wit maketh essence to unravel this indifference of two poles to meet 
In the road that leads somewhere and not nowhere 
Not to reconcile with acquitances and friends
Who hone the honey of failing factors from the comfort of their chambers 
Behold but not in the confusion of their chambers 
For then thou canst not pass with pleasure to nirvana 
Should you flee their abode in earnest and twinkle of eye?
Assymetry secretes benediction and princesses and princes of fortune take advantage of its nuances ;the summer houses of public fortune
And bid no hasten the pattern of their association 
To reserve yourself with like-minded folks and apt to joy 
To reiterate the customs of their arts and incorporation of the good counsels of the wise.
You're like whom you follow and you re what you do 
Thy sweet counsel as mentee bid sweet compare 
To the sweet comfort of those mimesis of Rocky bays.
How well is your comfort and the confidence in your comfy and tomorrow 
Insane tomorrow begins with insane yesterday and insane today
Remove the rumour and put on a new robe
Like usurer aboundeth the mentee for the glorious dawn
A mentee who hears and applies good counsels 
Is schooled to avert the psychopaths of failing factors 
No one dares to counsel richly without taking another as slave
Here the logic of service begins;to which all mortals loathed greedily 
O what good is slavery?
O of what good is slavery with mentorship!
Behold no service without slavery and no slavery without service 
And no freedom without slavery and no slavery without freedom 
That the slaves shall be freed someday 
Warrant the essence of slavery to brand freedom at the appointed time 
And those who slave becomes masters someday 
And take slaves from the prior pawn of deceit and conceit
And only those who hone this ado of Slavery 
Are blessed with mode of service to be masters too someday.
Here is the comfort the days of slavery is often numbered
In the same embarrassment of times and season 
Those who take slaves today in their generations and races 
Might be taken as slaves too someday with no knowledge dispersal to further benefit mankind.
Pristine esteem in nature lies in those who give and impart 
Not to fail to make impact seemingly the worst case scenario burden of a civilisation 
Why is it so that those who re relevant to us today remains redundant someday ?
Should they fail to revive the technology of impact
Might risk posterity to be slaves of those they once held captive.
 Either begone too soon before they know it extinction of themselves or their values 
Perpetually stares them in the face of the jungles of no return.'
Bolaji(had travelled to hometown to listen to the village elders surmount courage castigated her for the divorce and opinned fairer sexes are destined to bow down to their spouse.He had likened it to scenario between civilisation and nations and families not an exception).

November 12, 2024

A Grandiloquent Anecdotes.part one

Trash them in their trenches whereon trenchwarfare fails them light-hearted gait
Blithesome grails gone gaga and blob 'n' blitzkrieg 
A snowstorm of blockbuster like a downpour in bloodbath gone ballistic blow a fuse with his orotund blotto of bloviative velocity,
His blowgun of blowhard never shot him budgeon dry in blubbery 
A cyan,bluish green,bluish violet for his blue ribbon .
O that he reckons this blushing mushroom of bluish purple to venge his blushful vicissitude 
Hardly bob around his boatload of bosuns 
Who thrive on the boatyard of his bob hope .
In the grandiloquent optimism of the grandee.
Not a grapnel of grapeshot to make him grapevine
Nor a gravedigger and undertaker of fellow grating gratulators 
Gravepitted and gravemounded with tumulus and tombs of dreams
Stone pitted with headstones and gravestones,
Does the requiescats ever wink in the tomb of fallen dreams?
To mark the unknown graveyard of dreams
Of interment that knows no bounds 
Where punditry of the pundits fails in their gravimetric analysis 
To fly off with the tangent of nimbus with no godfathers.
Not the rattlebrained boxes in the rattlepated rattus of rattrap
Ravenous ravine in the rapines of unknown plunder
Of the dearth and falls of gravity bomb
Whose gravure of gravity fault and gravity gradient
In the gravity meter fails in the gravity wave.
Foxes and flounder gravy train even its greaves cast on alien shore far away
Behold smash hit his natural ecosystem 
When they recant stormy Petrel had just begun 
Not that their litanies not legible with impressive aphasia or receptive aphasia or otherwise 
But genetic specie of martyrdom lukewarm in the dungeon and dunghill 
Of this graveyard left loose to unmake history.
O rescission in their tort, rescission in their spindle
To recline and hibernate in the reclusive cloister
O with their ilks trenches in the sequestered pergola poles apart in the oddysey of no return 
Reconnoitering was as alien as reconnaissance,
To reconsecrate in the broken jaws of trenchwarfare .
Damn it !
The summer houses of the indolents and insolents,
Rose coloured spectacles disrobed of salad dressings and salad plates in their salad days,
Melted by foundry heat burning far away from the fringes of reverbatory furnace.
O gallantry do not flee like a fugitive.
Sanguinary of sanguinary ants saprophagious mules torpedoed in the sanguinareous sanguinaria .
Who has the midas touch to change history?
Does the scalper blesses himself with the scalpel to haermorhage the scalp?
A granny knot from the pit of hell?
How weepings from the weeping fringes not ad infinitum like the Zenaidura macroura.
Woolgathering slosh of wolfish woodsmen whopped in the womanish perfidy of wonky wont.
Broken wads and frangible wading birds in the wading pool wafer like irridescent irredentists,waddling waddlers ,vulpinous vulturines in acrimonious anecdotes gone wacky wackos in the frequency of vulturious times.
O Waow a dingy cloud of vulnerable vulpercular
A wrangling wanglers masquerading in the wambling gamble and wandering albatross of wanly wannabe 
Wafflers of evasive dreamyards in the wafer thin wafture of famished road.
Whoopees in their whoops whomped by the gregarious chants of whole kits and boodles 
Whereon iconic breaks frequent the stormy Petrel,
A bailable shoal of Wallabies his sandbank revels.
Whistling buoy in whistling gallery not dancing whispering campaign of whirling dervish as if with whirligig beetles with whispering bells and whispering domes.
To castigate history in vain dancing whatnot in whatsis 
Whatchamacullum for whatchamacallit o whatever may come!
Heavy weight of weltschmerz in frolic defense of weltanschaung,webtoed salamanders,gavels beyond graven images of indistinct times.
May their volumetrics in the vellication of velleity and the tangled knots in the volatile volaries be untangled to Volapuk for the freedom of volants and volars in the freedom of the arts?
Otherwise with vision defect and dearth of the voice of conscience volailles of predated prowl infinitum.
What anecdotes in the pall of grandiloquent gold bricks, bombastic bunco, hornswoggling sandbag ever make a dent 
Where trites hardly pay tributary to the intriguing drape and histrionic dramaturgy of kismet?
Hail dray horses or draught horses which barely drift away like a driftwood in the duster or sirocco 
To balk in the dragoon two cities as two poles that never met and a road that leads to no where.
Would the dweebs or swots or mafioso or malefactors in their horrific canyon ever rid off dyscrasia and dyscalculia to castrate ectomorphy and dystrophy and then learn to remake history?
A stroll with the mavericks in the earls of wizardry could falter hornswoggling edema and endentulous sloths for the new dawn.
Edgewise they smash hit as edgeless edematous roosted in despond slough 
Who edifies John bulls from duster of this effacing sarcasm of efferent nerve gashing the effervescence of the swots to brook eleemosynary of electrovalent bond?
Surmise to cast aspersion!
With Earl of wizardry emerald in the emersion emerald on the emend 
Behold for the royal endomorphy of pristine mortal endogeny natural phenomena could either mortgage nor compromise 
Albeit its epimorphic rays and mastalgia of matadors until kismet proves otherwise in the cosmogony of human indeterminate superior 
Does a recluse or eremite extravasates or belchs to find the estuary of esurient path as it were with introvert and extrovert in the introgenous and exogenous depressions where earls have them copulated ?
O they persevere with frames of reference 
Far be it!
Grandiloquent anecdotes!o grandiloquent anecdotes!!
Frontispiece of frontiersmen 
O franc-tireurs with golden crackshots 
Magic bullet and magic spell and not magic tricks.
Mighty mouses tinted with magical power swollen in magical spells
With the magma of magical ability 
In the magisterial grand of square trajectory 
Marksmen from above or pit of hell?
Hail the fray !
Hail the dray !
Upon which side of history do we belong? 
Let the earls copulate the meshuggas 
Combust but when they go ballistic,
Should copulate with meerestones and Flintstones 
To avert flittering scotoma and dystrophy
The dreamland voyage is short but long
That dreamland voyage is long but short 
From sebaceous drift into golden rocky mounds
Evasion of sunspots and macula in the dingy clouds glamourises marksmen 
Sometimes macushla of macumba and voice of poetry could rhapsodise the voyage for medusoidal medallion 's benediction 
Were it not for mishegoss, malposed tooth of skulking and masochism of malingering all dweebs and mafioso might be imposing starlets  Insomuch as mason bees and Mason wasps in the Rocky bays.
Mawkish mavins not immune in the millrace trumped by millstone met brick wall at the atrophy of gallantry .

Assymetry part 1

Grating grill his monumental displeasure disarm him
Uttered in gentle breath dismay calm brooks isolated in unruly spleen
Could take truce but not any longer 
Where charge in no longer alien to the shore of minnowing sandbank 
Of bolaji deaf to mute but that she tilts 
With amazing steel,at surmounted agony's peripatetic wads;
Who,all as frail turns the infinitesimal into behemoth at wondrous wheels
Not with martial scorn did they clamatorial birds clamatores dine with him 
Upon the bridle of beaten hands not forgotten afray
Dutch courage frozen outside only to be implicit 
At reaching white power whose dexterity too
In the survivalist approach was no mean desperate fest of I'll gotten feat
Evades it :Bolaji she yells at his sibling's 
'I almost called you to confirm my dress of badly ignored fears bit and bit than my action to swear.'
His deceptive visage beats her down their frenetic pace
And twixt them farce underneath his cudgel,whose lineage 
An unbeatable genuine burst in brothers allegiance 
Still not mired in the harrowing dunghill of intermittent spittles
From bolaji hit him white power 
Of stout avuncular who took the matter holistically
Even with the allegations against white power by black power 
Bolaji did not bicker nor revenge nor sarcasm.
Who hears the clannish clank of distant bells were it not heard by bolaji?
Or better still discern the clickety clank of wagon rails prior to the musing point as to the vanishing point?
Not his clans women to decipher the clapper law of this feministic clapperboard.
Yet as obdurate as she was rushed and 

Assymetry part 6

Youthful viles are not for nothing but the beloved and belows 
Hark and hail beautiful victories return beautiful sorrows flee.
Who's the victor ?Who's the looser?Who knocks so hard the loop and profits immensely from the lull?Whence cometh the python of the pyrrhic victory?With what art and magic wands have they swallowed them?I run great errands but not for the trttons and the minnows.If you can feed yourself you can never loose nor be defeated.

Enter Octopus 

Octopus:Tell what does logic say about quitters?
Black power:It says complacency.
Octopus:But with the victor it says what?
Black power: Caveat.They re not endowed with same spirit of infliction and affliction and so do marginal differences in the chocolate choices they make never to hunt them.A looser does scoop the fecula and haunted by felodese but not with the victor fecaliths matter less to him than never for him to feculate or feculent in the drowsy fermata only to find out the past barely hunt him.
Octopus:He who quits does not cry but he who comes close only to does not fail to cry and may it be that his sacrifice were immense then his weeping maybe grievous and terrifying.As failure is the death of the looser immortality is the price of the the winner and victor a generation yet unborn.
Stand up for your defense stand up for fate for it is the true Hallmark of the dreamer.Why should they not fall in to the same trap of complacency?

November 11, 2024


Have you any inkling of the hypostasis and most especially the hysteresis of the chaparral of chaotic attractor  or the hypsometry and hypsographical aesthetics of its bliss to surmise that the bereft of hypotonia was a plague in the hypnosis of this incognizance?
To launch hypothetical imperative at the critical loss of mental health could jeopardise the very true portraiture to hypothesize and hypothecate the hypostasis of human existence?What if the contempt of hypoplastic dwarf considered  hypoesthesiac at hypopneac and hyposmiac proportion,what jungle of verbs shall we require to ingrain restitution?What if the cranial nerve or hypoglossal undermined by hypochondriasis of negative thinking the hypocloid or line roulette generated by the predicate and the subject requires fundamental meiosis to unveil its enigma?Not to be hypnotized by hyperdynamic  hypoactivity as if hypnotized by hypnotic 
trance.The hypogenesis of hypnopedia and hypnophobia not excluding the cantankerous hypnogogic or saporific or somnorific moral ailments be averted to make a progress of behavioral hypnoanalysis .The hypnagogue of the hypnosis cringes and creaps so easily to  the bazaar of this insensitive hoopla and accentuate hypesthesia not bogged down by hyperslenistic hypersomnia to inflict the savage artist with diaphoresis,hidrosis ,hyperidrosis ,sudation or perspiration.Sometimes like hyperemesis gravidarum,hyperboloidal hyperemesis commiting and vommiting good deads and fatigue similar in fashion should be Understanding the critical idiolect of custom engineering in debunking embedded icterogenic crucifix in communication management unleashes downward trends on the pudendal of the pugnacious pudden faced folks inclusive of matured teens at the embryonic stage .
Chaotic attractor nor a forlorn device