Blithesome grails gone gaga and blob 'n' blitzkrieg
A snowstorm of blockbuster like a downpour in bloodbath gone ballistic blow a fuse with his orotund blotto of bloviative velocity,
His blowgun of blowhard never shot him budgeon dry in blubbery
A cyan,bluish green,bluish violet for his blue ribbon .
O that he reckons this blushing mushroom of bluish purple to venge his blushful vicissitude
Hardly bob around his boatload of bosuns
Who thrive on the boatyard of his bob hope .
In the grandiloquent optimism of the grandee.
Not a grapnel of grapeshot to make him grapevine
Nor a gravedigger and undertaker of fellow grating gratulators
Gravepitted and gravemounded with tumulus and tombs of dreams
Stone pitted with headstones and gravestones,
Does the requiescats ever wink in the tomb of fallen dreams?
To mark the unknown graveyard of dreams
Of interment that knows no bounds
Where punditry of the pundits fails in their gravimetric analysis
To fly off with the tangent of nimbus with no godfathers.
Not the rattlebrained boxes in the rattlepated rattus of rattrap
Ravenous ravine in the rapines of unknown plunder
Of the dearth and falls of gravity bomb
Whose gravure of gravity fault and gravity gradient
In the gravity meter fails in the gravity wave.
Foxes and flounder gravy train even its greaves cast on alien shore far away
Behold smash hit his natural ecosystem
When they recant stormy Petrel had just begun
Not that their litanies not legible with impressive aphasia or receptive aphasia or otherwise
But genetic specie of martyrdom lukewarm in the dungeon and dunghill
Of this graveyard left loose to unmake history.
O rescission in their tort, rescission in their spindle
To recline and hibernate in the reclusive cloister
O with their ilks trenches in the sequestered pergola poles apart in the oddysey of no return
Reconnoitering was as alien as reconnaissance,
To reconsecrate in the broken jaws of trenchwarfare .
Damn it !
The summer houses of the indolents and insolents,
Rose coloured spectacles disrobed of salad dressings and salad plates in their salad days,
Melted by foundry heat burning far away from the fringes of reverbatory furnace.
O gallantry do not flee like a fugitive.
Sanguinary of sanguinary ants saprophagious mules torpedoed in the sanguinareous sanguinaria .
Who has the midas touch to change history?
Does the scalper blesses himself with the scalpel to haermorhage the scalp?
A granny knot from the pit of hell?
How weepings from the weeping fringes not ad infinitum like the Zenaidura macroura.
Woolgathering slosh of wolfish woodsmen whopped in the womanish perfidy of wonky wont.
Broken wads and frangible wading birds in the wading pool wafer like irridescent irredentists,waddling waddlers ,vulpinous vulturines in acrimonious anecdotes gone wacky wackos in the frequency of vulturious times.
O Waow a dingy cloud of vulnerable vulpercular
A wrangling wanglers masquerading in the wambling gamble and wandering albatross of wanly wannabe
Wafflers of evasive dreamyards in the wafer thin wafture of famished road.
Whoopees in their whoops whomped by the gregarious chants of whole kits and boodles
Whereon iconic breaks frequent the stormy Petrel,
A bailable shoal of Wallabies his sandbank revels.
Whistling buoy in whistling gallery not dancing whispering campaign of whirling dervish as if with whirligig beetles with whispering bells and whispering domes.
To castigate history in vain dancing whatnot in whatsis
Whatchamacullum for whatchamacallit o whatever may come!
Heavy weight of weltschmerz in frolic defense of weltanschaung,webtoed salamanders,gavels beyond graven images of indistinct times.
May their volumetrics in the vellication of velleity and the tangled knots in the volatile volaries be untangled to Volapuk for the freedom of volants and volars in the freedom of the arts?
Otherwise with vision defect and dearth of the voice of conscience volailles of predated prowl infinitum.
What anecdotes in the pall of grandiloquent gold bricks, bombastic bunco, hornswoggling sandbag ever make a dent
Where trites hardly pay tributary to the intriguing drape and histrionic dramaturgy of kismet?
Hail dray horses or draught horses which barely drift away like a driftwood in the duster or sirocco
To balk in the dragoon two cities as two poles that never met and a road that leads to no where.
Would the dweebs or swots or mafioso or malefactors in their horrific canyon ever rid off dyscrasia and dyscalculia to castrate ectomorphy and dystrophy and then learn to remake history?
A stroll with the mavericks in the earls of wizardry could falter hornswoggling edema and endentulous sloths for the new dawn.
Edgewise they smash hit as edgeless edematous roosted in despond slough
Who edifies John bulls from duster of this effacing sarcasm of efferent nerve gashing the effervescence of the swots to brook eleemosynary of electrovalent bond?
Surmise to cast aspersion!
With Earl of wizardry emerald in the emersion emerald on the emend
Behold for the royal endomorphy of pristine mortal endogeny natural phenomena could either mortgage nor compromise
Albeit its epimorphic rays and mastalgia of matadors until kismet proves otherwise in the cosmogony of human indeterminate superior
Does a recluse or eremite extravasates or belchs to find the estuary of esurient path as it were with introvert and extrovert in the introgenous and exogenous depressions where earls have them copulated ?
O they persevere with frames of reference
Far be it!
Grandiloquent anecdotes!o grandiloquent anecdotes!!
Frontispiece of frontiersmen
O franc-tireurs with golden crackshots
Magic bullet and magic spell and not magic tricks.
Mighty mouses tinted with magical power swollen in magical spells
With the magma of magical ability
In the magisterial grand of square trajectory
Marksmen from above or pit of hell?
Hail the fray !
Hail the dray !
Upon which side of history do we belong?
Let the earls copulate the meshuggas
Combust but when they go ballistic,
Should copulate with meerestones and Flintstones
To avert flittering scotoma and dystrophy
The dreamland voyage is short but long
That dreamland voyage is long but short
From sebaceous drift into golden rocky mounds
Evasion of sunspots and macula in the dingy clouds glamourises marksmen
Sometimes macushla of macumba and voice of poetry could rhapsodise the voyage for medusoidal medallion 's benediction
Were it not for mishegoss, malposed tooth of skulking and masochism of malingering all dweebs and mafioso might be imposing starlets Insomuch as mason bees and Mason wasps in the Rocky bays.
Mawkish mavins not immune in the millrace trumped by millstone met brick wall at the atrophy of gallantry .
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