Sonnet-93-And then the far and nigh,shalt not whatsoever be scorn'd in thee,And longest thou live postmortem in thy legatees,all asundry and as crown'd by the bard's panygery,And stretched thy versification of a ballad into a crescendo of checker'd but glori'd antecedence,But where backward violets,the numbs of benumbed city abound,they should by history be forgotten heels and in that bogus earth hast being interr'd in the sands of time;for by history we are made and by history we are judged,O history thou indeed the final arbiter of mankind,rescue me in my humble abode,that by my works shall pay me by relics of time,Shall i then compare thee to a loungelizard?thou art more intemperate,a juggling pacifist and ruinous sinew'd of shallow bud fibbing to the boos of history and seasons'dislodge of thee thy hoofs,too vile an appoggee of the silvermoon to come;inextricably twin'd the hazy eyes of distant lands,yet thy bald pate disavow'd, And oft is the dye of the nadir barely dwindled
December 26, 2023
SONNETS 92 and 93
Sonnet-92-Who will debunk thee thy ontology in the ages to come,if it be not thy history postmortem legible,who will demote thee,if it were in thy lifetime fill'd with sands,charcoals,thorns and thistles?It is he posthumous and voxdei voxpopuli be thy verdict,Though yet earth's evocative be,shall soon postmortem eviscerate thee of thy history,thy immortal relics,It is bogus but thee like a flagstaff on a mountain,Which in obscurity hides thee in defiled epoch of the fugacious winds,if thou could thy history write of the ensconce of your legible self by all and if possible rewrite them,And in thy earthbound earthenware paginates by declination,The bossom'd graces would say'thy impact massive:such ethereal moistures distill'd aboard a throng of earthly beneath',and not otherwise,So should thy far and nigh and cosmopolitan influence the same speaks thy colosal volume,Be it then ditty, thy immortal crust lies on the sands of time
Sonnet-95-And every earmark,subcutanious or exterior both fair and unfair roses distinguish'd,By providence or by teleology causal forces unalter'd,and every fair climb from a stratagem,sometimes declines them,And by its precis,all seasons'trudge shall be earnestly lung'd,Nor obsession of that glorious herald alienat'd,when in that verses read to time that barely slackest,but growest even in that growing pains,So long as history 's stout contentment on its lectern conscientious legible,Every man's earmark or sail is by history judg'd and because we are made by history and we are judged too by history.So,history speaks.
How fervent can we be of a golden shuttle in this checker'd antecedence,than the whole shebang of patchy modus viviendi?For all that grandeur of annals that doth covet thee,history is seemly a posthumous rainment of the beleaguered bird of passage,and by it,all sapiens are revered and reviled,Which in thy annals doth repertoire chronicles as thine fibre in thee greedily reckons with the fury and relics of time,Therefore be wary of thyself,greedily wary of thy forlorn time after thee,And play thee fiddle above thy discount'd earthshattering propensity.
Sonnet-96-As history not thyself but for thee by the red robes of naturewit reckon'd;Beefing thee thyself up,which will thou be chronicled long thereafter,As tender plant,in thy fiddle and not fodder,her flourishing flowers decompose not posthumously,Presume silvermoon gilded birth and gilded passage either on thee a lifetime bestow'st,Thou gavest thee,thy fortitude all to it,and long after may it live. Waow,history,so truly speaks and unflinching rays by forward violets art not being found wantom,And let this cyclone to my navel eulogis'd,How fervent was i with my ferocious girth unmoored, And every piffle,beneath whack of gregarious chant do i abhor,From the palate of audacity,choked up to the glorious herald,most worthy of grandeur and dearest reproachable,I and sterling kismet we,by its overbearing harrangue, weary not,let alone sloth naturewit's alimony at its greymaterised bank,And the whole caboodle of ontology to whom we poureth encomium.'gainst time's forays,relics judgest thee foul and grandiose
Sonnet-97-When that bromide beseige thy bough,thou shalt fire salvo and unleash havoc at the pyrates northcountry,Triumphant hills as glorious heralds,shalt thou loftiest sail be,at the battle royale of the forest bank,And fifth columnist weary midway,gone for a burton,when at the nocturnal tender churls,thy counterespionage byzanthinous waylaid,
Sonnet-99- Motherwit's chinwag clinches the clincher but doth not content,And being content she lends thee a climacteric to the mount of glorious herald,Then the cleverdicks,the fifth columnists and the accomplices,the buffoon pyrates, Why dost thou thy recumbent not a watchman's watchfulness,inspite of protracted bounteauos booty of the forest battle's pilferage?Deploy company manners as comedy manners as vile manners as crucifix enrobe thy girth so stupendous art of arts,yet canst not ere this battle deploy?
stratagem did lurk,The glorious herald where heart doth transfix will triumphant hills nigh from faraway for the fair roses,And that nocturne ambush which doth triggers counterespionage: For ample intelligentsia cast over nefarious stealthy maneavrer,when the city or the forest sleeps,Accelerating traction of the intrusion's velocity,to this far less compassionate valley and nebulous seasons at Alupluto and hence compels thy bough to act decisely,This hazy cloud's conk confid'd with conscientious and consolatory consecrate,so quite inalienable.
Sonnet-100- Alupluto's constituencies bowed at the lowest ebbs with ubiquitous bales,Then were the Aluplutans themselves not prisoner of conscience behind gaol,in pang wherein not a single full throtle saviour found?Goons implor'd a sinecure,barricaded by walls of deceit,hostility and bereft of concert'd lamentation,nor a budge conven'd nor a counterintelligence forged,what it hewn,
Sonnet-98-It's mine ambrosia,that this weary toil in a clanger,will thee this sordid waste,What toosie on a red clay and hot charcoal tonnage thee hewn,Over dearest repose that travaileth not,Yet golden deeds are golden times'tried and tested and history's most impecable penmanship and idealistic authorship,Does its alignment with superego,Maketh a awry diferrence against its thaw'd forlorn,My charm is as magical as eternity's doorsteps,still startling,for which this bung and buggle,public debris stinks and clung adnauseam,Maketh thou thee a boss shot,even much more impecable and a sancrosanct boostraps across Alupluto's borderline,And the route to the maurader'd forest lay ambush,neath the boover boots and bough of thy bo.sun and the golden herald at sea,Within the bracket of thy own instinctive gauge,let them not content but not bristle broken hearted,When that bromide besiege thy bough,
Sonnet-101- : Or being struck with trash,oh i am a worthless man at arms,they of gallery players and ovation drum beaten blue and thy bough be prisoner of war,i be not in the jabberring mouth,let my love for the nocturnal ambush's eulogy and strategem be.
Sonnet-100-O how stratagem is the king of sweet victory your charm to the vertex and homily to the neplusulstra,how With it thou as the master of the golden bough shall sing and be heard and be crowned with glorious herald,and these are my doves.Stake all my doves,my doves yea stake all my doves stake them all in castellated battlements;why hast thy bough not them ere castellat'd in battlement?O sweet vision beyond compare in its sweet candour,frightfully frigging,hones my crux of silvermoon.Now look in thy sweet vision and frisk thy tongue twisting laser beam,to pay homage in thy apologia,And to thy hardihood,a garland of gallantry at the rubbicon seabanks of frigging boat,berth at shore,thou shalt pay homage when thou thy salvo boon'd,O sweet vision how so glorious herald in thy valley veritably plays whose pile of funereal shadows canst its purge a benefice be,the metropolis fumes barely go up in smoke,lunge! No empathy on the pyrates of the jungle;for they that rise by the sword shall fall by the sword,
Sonnet-94-And then the far and nigh,shalt not whatsoever be scorn'd in thee,And longest thou live postmortem in thy legatees,all asundry and as crown'd by the bard's panygery,And stretched thy versification of a ballad into a crescendo of checker'd but glori'd antecedence,But where backward violets,the numbs of benumbed city abound,they should by history be forgotten heels and in that bogus earth hast being interr'd in the sands of time;for by history we are made and by history we are judged,O history thou indeed the final arbiter of mankind,rescue me in my humble abode,that by my works shall pay me by relics of time,Shall i then compare thee to a loungelizard?thou art more intemperate,a juggling pacifist and ruinous sinew'd of shallow bud fibbing to the boos of history and seasons'dislodge of thee thy hoofs,too vile an appoggee of the silvermoon to come;inextricably twin'd the hazy eyes of distant lands,yet thy bald pate disavow'd, And oft is the dye of the nadir barely dwindled
Panacea To Speech Management: Speechology part 3
We manage mass destiny with speech administration and most speechifications are shrouded in hazy clouds in favour of bad speeches and bad speeches are typified by fallen tones a repertoire of repercussions and sometimes could be a speechified to spite the passionate afficionado of fallen tone',s substerfuge and immaculate conduit of serial fallen tones'disciples.The main benediction and malediction of social relation mated to resolve and proliferate social debt and social order impairment and we could have done more to quell the growing muse of the badluck in favour of the goodluck to improve the dwindling sphere of social politics and amortise social debt in due time.
The Panacea To Speech Management:Speechology.part 2
The best alibi and biggest muse and most exorbitant asset of a speech in the speech management of speech administration found in the deployment of speech therapy is the analytical school of speech economics that is the median tones'sequences also known as median tradition empowered by rising tone sometimes hidden beneath the median custom.The cumulative impact multiplayer multiplier effect of the speech management is also included in the speechification crusade of social transformation.The context a given speech could undertake in the fast changing scenario is subject to candid interpretation of the prevailing environmental forces.Both forms bad and good speeches are subject to candid interpretation of this somewhat immutable forces and only one ideology of the strategic thinking enterprise is vital for the most ideal speech therapy to guarantee social transformation.A true speaker is embedded in the median tradition of serial median tones administration to deliver both the environment and the habitats of the hearers and command influence into the yet unknown posterity.
The Panacea To Speech Management: Speechology.part 5
We can not demystify and depose the fact that words and speeches have weights and much weighty than the algebra of human presence and infact it is indeed the weights and measures of existence and the algebraic mathematical precision of human existence.There are no weights and measures of effective time management than the speechifying spectral ghost of words and speeches and we can evaluate the human net worth of historical identities by the valuation of speechifying report as weights and measures of the human personage to unveil the existential net worth of the artist in transition.We are as valuable as what we say and not necessarily what we do and that is to say what we say must be seen and evidenced by what we do to be tied by conjugal knot and we watch their affinity grows in muscular frontiers from the point of causal impulse till effective administration of effect.This is called speech administration and requires the human manager as the apex controller of the golden transition between the two impulse point of critical fulfilment.They offer the main impulse sales and impulse purchases and we are motivated by the moving nuggets of what we see to make declaration and take decision and we are better priced when it is driven by the politics of perception and not necessarily the commonplace thing in the politics of prejudice.Not all good speeches are much more powerful in commanding faster velocity of effect and sometimes angry speeches a form of bad speech be it by curse and blessings could accelerate the effect administration till effect actualisation.
The Panacea To Speech Management:Speechology part 7
We are never exhausted to be embarrassed by the downpour of negative wordism in the human society to unveil our hidden and open anger against this growing impulse of moral lacuna specifically the sitting duck nature and the sissification influences it has on both the hearers and speakers and the realization of the fact both the repercussions and benediction is shared by them and spared no saint to its karma.The silhouettes are bleakly evaporated and sells the posture of" barely done until the right wordism" is optimised in the most ideal direction.In the context of negative wordism poses beyond repair a cumulative savings of positive wordism could come to the respite in the solicitude of the effect redemption.Wordistic sidestrack or sidestrack wordism resolves no lacuna and instead worsens and imposes itself when timeline identification to the troubled spots is lost or stolen by politics of prejudice,to assume no cassusbellie in the drastic raging inferno sidestrack wordism carelessly steals or robs the artist of successful life.In the office of speakership both shirehorses -hardworking hermit and smart workers have equal advantages but if the latter's strategy is impressively impeccable the point of accomplishment is easy to procure.Remember self sacrifice,self preservation,self respect,self esteem,self service,self satisfaction,self sufficiency,self reliance and above self-righteousness of the human person is downright impossible to harness in the exploitation of the environment unless the politics of prejudice that throws them up is not positively kindled to achieve the assumed feat in the conglomerate politics of self reflection.The politics of self reflection is the best undertaker for the naked malediction of negative wordism poses a virile platform to deploy self discipline to employ the noted character points above that makes self discipline deep and thick enough to be mated with or grows into self discovery and born the dreams that we desire or deserve.The characters are inbuilt sub character in the defense mechanism of self discipline which when redeemed in the bond of self reflection kick-starts self-discipline and also at the same time both insulate self-discipline and selfdiscovery when they are deployed to manifest the outlay of dreams, vision and ambition In the open court of time investment.The characters or collectively the character in tethering reference to self discipline must undergo time investment to produce dreamland survivors and accomplishment.The purpose of self reflection is self-discipline not the secondary purpose of selfdiscovery and the purpose of self discipline is adventure so to say history.When they are subject to the casting board of lifetime weights and measures they're inbuilt with changing pattern of time investment until the accomplishment is actualised by the divestiture of time Every time divest its dividend a new account of accomplishment is actualised.Avoidance of negative wordism poses a major threat to the operating velocity of the accomplishment in due time fusion of procrastination,utter failure and sidetrack wordism could be envisaged in the pool of causal tranche to effect pole tranche of accomplishment marketing.We re not strangers to devilish blows of failure negative wordism brings to the gaming table of preferences and accomplishment to close our dreary eyes and drudgery arts to the repercussions and unknowingly suffocated with badluck in this regard.I think the most important thing here is self-control and I think self discipline itself does not exist without self control does not exist . Apparently without it all the components -subordinate characters of self discipline itself cannot function or barefoot barely exist.
The Panacea To Speech Management: Speechology.part 9
The administration of wordism in the favor of speech management and bereft of time investment evaluation tends to reduce tendentious effect of wordsworth's time tested valuation and allows negative wordism to grow sometimes unknowingly.In this context of words' temporal value the effect of positive impulse to command positive accomplishment is derailed in the long run.The speaker must be thoroughly ingrained in the sublime mastery of self control and conscious of the influence of self disciplined characters that is indexed in the custom of faith we easily erase the gap or distance between cause and effect and the activity such as hardwork or sacrifice to reap the reward of time investment often known as accomplishment.To gain mastery of the characters of self discipline can be complex ado to master and when we can identify what we are passionate about not necessarily capable of we subconsciously in due time incorporate the tenets of self discipline and all the character points we underestimate in the selected course of sacrifice or hardwork.Given that spoken words as well as written words,is an investment of time and not cluelessly paraded In the context of time investment when rewards are bouyantly discharged.We know the hidden mystery of time by the power of open speakership and the interaction of this juxtaposition of three types of speaking personels in the various schools of speech administration mainly open speaker,close speaker or private speaker and partial or median speaker determine the characters and posterity of human destiny and the fate of the speakers and hearers alike.There is no open hearer, median hearer and private hearer per say given that words have no walls and we could afford to determine the quality of speeches and speech intelligence of the speakers and hearers and their capabilities to manage the triple nature or tones' speechifications when wall-less words are spoken and heard with no distance and distinction.The sacrifice of wordism to obey the rules of engagement in the favor of positive wordism requires massive time investment of self control.Open speaker speaks unbridled with no secret and secret intentions codified and values no privacy whatsoever in contrast to close speaker to those who values privacy at full throttle and median speaker stands between the encroaching navel of speech management tradition.The three speaking personels could adopt also the speakership status of the types in reaction to circumstances management rather than being habbitual appellation of the distinctive types.In the optimisation of the tones'speechification the open speakership embellishes more the context of analytic school of speakership as well as rising tone of speech management.
The Panacea To Speech Management: Speechology.part 6
There is indeed no iota of doubt that the power of what we say has the potent force to make or mar the fate of mankind and we are stewed from the malfunctioning crevice of vulgar mettle into the splurge of positive words and lifetime weights and measures to architect unborn times,hitherto comforble spins from malfunctioning times and in split second acts as the spinning wheel to redefine the unpalatable habituation of the mass destiny .It is not something we should toy with and viewed as the common mode of living but understanding the speechometres of its speedway speeding with efficiency even beyond impact speedlimit bursting the speedtrap and booby trap spellbound with neomordern approach to speechology gaining mastery in the avoidance of associated curses with bad use and gravitating the pull of its mass benediction for the spinmakers-artist in questions quarantined for technical assessment in this context are never found wanton in the sequel to sequential plow to the unlimited succession of successful life.They turn the triple speechometric valves of wordism without them noticing it .We turn on a long spigot of extraneous factors drawn from the habitual factory of behavioral custom as maybe ipsofacto or expostfacto arraigned before the jurisdiction of open court verdict according to perimeter of circumstantial locusstandi that throws up scenario of goal hunting to produce from the accurate perspective of a spinmaker adorably adorned with the specifications of the speechometres and the corresponding welfare of its specific gravity .The flagrant abuses of the human office of speakership as the most sacred position of lifetime to spatter the industrious sparkle of lifetime weights and measures spank with no remorse as spanner in the works the spars of beautiful becomings.Sometimes if not in all cases the speakers and the hearers may not even be so much observant to identify these timeline loopholes in this context speakership souvenir to quell the raging southwesterly haemorrhaging the artist and give its mountain molehills a spangling effect to dewax critical access to the point of effect when effect administration dividend is obtained.No amount of labor could unkindle the sophistry of this magnitude and tends to linger the sophistication of the slopy sophistry unless the observant could identify the moral lacuna at the right point of misspeechification.Misspeechification is a sophism of the bad Speeches that only a soothsayer could unravel.The natural remedy maybe consistent construction and conservation and consideration of positive wordism an avalanche of positive words utterances to remodel the unidentified spots of negative wordism.When things are hard most people resort to higher piety of improper hagiological bent to condescend the human element and despite that rash of vouchsafe maybe undermined as mere preposterous elements of their own recklessness of insolicitous realm.The politics of self reflection as solicitor general in the triune court of politics of perception pulling socks up and putting a sock in it could put a damper to the sobstories distilled by negative wordism and the timeline politics of negative wordism could unleash a winning formula to both the suspecting and unsuspecting prodigies of squandered generation beyond their kettle of gunpowder-snowball's chance in hell. The smokescreen may not be hidden once the formula garners success nevertheless the spinmakers could unleash time bomb in the surreptitious scheme of impending smacky boom to avert skunky attempt.Be that as it may the skirting board of the spinmakers in this context positive wordism must perpetual rendition of the scenarios in contest to insulate the golden transition till the redemption of the bond of effect and eschew occasional skedaddles.
The Panacea To Speech Management:Speechology.part 10
Apparently in terms of lifetime weights and measures the unpalatable effects of wordism quite worrisome and annoying that most people and generation are ruined by being enslaved in the orgy that is robed by being bad hearers habitual bad listeners who perennialy listened to bad speeches all their whole lifetime and though ignorantly are not ashamed to be turned down or psychologically abused by bad speeches a pointer to the grand decay of destiny and destruction of beautiful dreams and visions that could have turned around the troubling times of mankind into paradise of bliss.The bacteria of antidevelopment the growth depressants of negative wordism poses major threat to the survival of mankind as it has pillaged the beautiful destiny already though not beyond the recipe and recuperating balm and moral overdose that technology and technology affairs in the fast changing mordern society could offer to arrest for the good the ugly inherited situation and requires wise uses of good speeches and positive wordism to arrest the regretful crash.Infact the growth of brutish technology that is shaped by bad wordism could eliminate mankind from the surface of the earth if caution is not exercised in the mundane solicitude of technology affairs to befriend and encourage the human face to technology management and speech management in both sides of the divide.Destinies are destroyed when open speakers using the trucks of triple tones badly to bare their hearts in the presence of open hearers as there are no median hearers and close hearers beyond the intergrity of the heated hearers and the wisdom with which they filter the weight of what is heard.When curses ate bone marrow from the unleash of negative wordism and rained in the hapless community and upon the identified target it may also destroy the surroudings of the open speakers the perpetrators and the open or close or partial hearers and those beyond the affected units -the pines away zones.What people hear in this context beyond the writer's surmise indicates the unborn festival of destiny is destroyed even before it is attained.Why are nations poor?Of course it is because the potential builders the individual units too are stinkingly poor And why are the individual units too poor?It is so because of the bacteria of antidevelopment the unrepentant flurry of bad speeches and the irremediable and irresponsible deluge of bad activity surrounding them in plight of negativity.Open speakers set the pace for the purchase of beautiful dreams invariably bad speakers are to be blamed for the fatal crash of destiny nutrition and neglected dreams of the society.It does not get any better unless they change the texture of their speech administration and the median tradition of speech management within the beautiful spaces of necessity and liabilities repackaged to redefine the unpalatable losses of beautiful dreams visions to save the mordern society from the institutionalised ruin they foment in the brutish congress of evil speeches.They author social order impairment and profit largely from the politics of divide and rule,heightening divisive pluralism in a state that lack social cohesion and does not seek to abate the development fatigue nor pay off social debt that it could not identify let alone even seek the compassion to redress the social predicament in the first place.It may be surprising to note that most visionary leaders thrive on evil speeches which promise too much and optimally delivers practically very little if not zero and societies after them remain injuriously balkanized.How much more to the chargrin of vision less leadership of the world.We are the mirror of the society which we live and the essence of speech management is historical reconstruction and the surgery of open verdict wrought by open speakership invariably a miscarriage of bloody justice militates against this embedded or fully ingrained posture of institutionalised losses.The rectitude of this apalling social dislocation should begin by understanding family relations' preservation of moral values to mould the ages of childhood in the most ideal direction and select the choice of childhood influence and must not be interested in good behavior alone beyond the conscription of positive wordism in the childhood years.We examine siblings and kindred with positive mindset to follow and when we analyse the triple tones of speeches in the context of positives we wouldidentify the texture of human influence shaping our immediate environment.A response mechanism of such positive wordism with the positive mindset tends to change the environmental fortune of the artists in due time.We may not discover the logic in the association with non open speakers but the positive mindset of the close speaker should tell us who they are.In the chronological order the invocation of this lifetime weights and measures destroys so fast as the mouthful nukes are detonated from their arsenal of negative wordism.
The Panacea To Speech Management: Speechology.part 11
It can be difficult to understand the positive mindset of the close hearers who barely speaks and never known to barely hears and not just a pretense to hear let alone speaks.This rarest breed of humankind with such beautiful humor that barely keep grudges to be candid are the potential saviours, Jesus Christs and prophet Muhammads,dalai lamas,budhas and Confucius of the human society.The question is :do we have them?Of course nope and and of course yes and how do we enthrone them to take us to promiseland and turn the earth Into paradise of bliss and nirvana?The childhood years may speak less about them for kids never bare their hearts out fully until they reach the age of consent,exit minor and attain some level of human and financial freedom before they wear the apparel of real manhood.We get to know them by the kind of people they move with,books they read,taste and fashion sense (for the mindset is known in the clothing of the person),time duration of open,median,close speakership and hearership and must read in zero infliction of time clock registers and time investment duration.What if they have no yearnings and longings and aspiration,they can be clueless I mean this mode of thinkless generation or who as soon as they speak or hears jettisons the engrossed mensrea of speeches and utterances they made or heard.However with dearth of leadership grooming and glaring deficit of quarantined quality leadership identities the costume of leadership is now usurped by the criminal minded texture of open speakers a proof to the fact the environment of mankind supports the tendency for bad speeches,bad leadership and befriend and entrust their public destiny to the hellish throe of public doomsday liars and elected criminals in the public space promising heaven where are but none.
The Panacea To Speech Management:Speechology.part 8
The administration of wordism in the favor of speech management and bereft of time investment evaluation tends to reduce tendentious effect of wordsworth's time tested valuation and allows negative wordism to grow sometimes unknowingly.In this context of words' temporal value the effect of positive impulse to command positive accomplishment is derailed in the long run.The speaker must be thoroughly ingrained in the sublime mastery of self control and conscious of the influence of self disciplined characters that is indexed in the custom of faith we easily erase the gap or distance between cause and effect and the activity such as hardwork or sacrifice to reap the reward of time investment often known as accomplishment.To gain mastery of the characters of self discipline can be complex ado to master and when we can identify what we are passionate about not necessarily capable of we subconsciously in due time incorporate the tenets of self discipline and all the character points we underestimate in the selected course of sacrifice or hardwork.Given that spoken words as well as written words,is an investment of time and not cluelessly paraded In the context of time investment when rewards are bouyantly discharged.We know the hidden mystery of time by the power of open speakership and the interaction of this juxtaposition of three types of speaking personels in the various schools of speech administration mainly open speaker,close speaker or private speaker and partial or median speaker determine the characters and posterity of human destiny and the fate of the speakers and hearers alike.There is no open hearer, median hearer and private hearer per say given that words have no walls and we could afford to determine the quality of speeches and speech intelligence of the speakers and hearers and their capabilities to manage the triple nature or tones' speechifications when wall-less words are spoken and heard with no distance and distinction.The sacrifice of wordism to obey the rules of engagement in the favor of positive wordism requires massive time investment of self control.Open speaker speaks unbridled with no secret and secret intentions codified and values no privacy whatsoever in contrast to close speaker to those who values privacy at full throttle and median speaker stands between the encroaching navel of speech management tradition.The three speaking personels could adopt also the speakership status of the types in reaction to circumstances management rather than being habbitual appellation of the distinctive types.In the optimisation of the tones'speechification the open speakership embellishes more the context of analytic school of speakership as well as rising tone of speech management.
The Panacea To Speech Management: Speechology.part 12
To say there is no close speaker and close hearer is the biggest understatement of the century and society lacks clarity how to identify them and brings them out of loneliness before they get beaten by evil hearers and evil speakers in their communities overwhelmed them with bad association.
In the investigative journalistic and private detective report on radio which led to the death of the husband whose plot was masterminded by the wife of bastards that led to his death,we found out it can be difficult to discern the nature of open speakers until the effect outcome such as tortuous acts ,criminal acts and other heated outcome is perpetrated.
The Panacea To Speech Management: Speechology.part 1
Apparently in the behavior of speech to understand the power of speech therapy,there are three customary courses that determine the character of speech and speech administration when the speaker shoots from the nukes to the hearer(s).The rising tone,the median tones and the fallen tone and they comprise of the main character of the speech being the analysis or analytical body of the speech during administration (speakership) that is the median tone unlike the rising tone that can be classified and compressed in a sentence or phrase and the speaker keep reiterating them during strategic administration sometimes the same words from which it releases the arsenal of fortitude to fuel the atomic bomb power of analysis and when phrases and sentences are sluggishly pronounced or stammering or incoherent speed or expected velocity not unleashed in the critical rendition or layout of the speech characters,the fallen is held accountable.To stay at the rising tone erudition is important even when the utterances of some sentence or phrase not reiterated you could see the flow and where there is glaring loss of speechy free flow,the evidence is chronic lack of erudition.A good practice maintains the steady rise of steadfast rising tone through stability of standard erudition method and the soliloquistic method of preparedness enhances fortune of speech therapy during the administration of speech.
December 25, 2023
The Panacea To Speech Management:Speechology.part 8
The administration of wordism in the favor of speech management and bereft of time investment evaluation tends to reduce tendentious effect of wordsworth's time tested valuation and allows negative wordism to grow sometimes unknowingly.In this context of words' temporal value the effect of positive impulse to command positive accomplishment is derailed in the long run.The speaker must be thoroughly ingrained in the sublime mastery of self control and conscious of the influence of self disciplined characters that is indexed in the custom of faith we easily erase the gap or distance between cause and effect and the activity such as hardwork or sacrifice to reap the reward of time investment often known as accomplishment.To gain mastery of the characters of self discipline can be complex ado to master and when we can identify what we are passionate about not necessarily capable of we subconsciously in due time incorporate the tenets of self discipline and all the character points we underestimate in the selected course of sacrifice or hardwork.Given that spoken words as well as written words,is an investment of time and not cluelessly paraded In the context of time investment when rewards are bouyantly discharged.We know the hidden mystery of time by the power of open speakership and the interaction of this juxtaposition of three types of speaking personels in the various schools of speech administration mainly open speaker,close speaker or private speaker and partial or median speaker determine the characters and posterity of human destiny and the fate of the speakers and hearers alike.There is no open hearer, median hearer and private hearer per say given that words have no walls and we could afford to determine the quality of speeches and speech intelligence of the speakers and hearers and their capabilities to manage the triple nature or tones' speechifications when wall-less words are spoken and heard with no distance and distinction.The sacrifice of wordism to obey the rules of engagement in the favor of positive wordism requires massive time investment of self control.Open speaker speaks unbridled with no secret and secret intentions codified and values no privacy whatsoever in contrast to close speaker to those who values privacy at full throttle and median speaker stands between the encroaching navel of speech management tradition.The three speaking personels could adopt also the speakership status of the types in reaction to circumstances management rather than being habbitual appellation of the distinctive types.In the optimisation of the tones'speechification the open speakership embellishes more the context of analytic school of speakership as well as rising tone of speech management.
Adolf hitler:The Inventor Of Atomic Bomb.
Adolf hitler according to declassified intelligence from american noted by two German pilots who witnessed the mushrooming cloud reported that in 1944 he became first man in living history to detonate the atomic bomb.i was shocked with this information becos america did it in 1945 and old soviet in 1954 after d,it was adolf incredible.u know einstein like many jews escaped d holocaust despite 6m.killed at the labour camps.i never knew he was dat wonder prof.olu obafemi loved him so much to the consternation of femi osofisan who considered d attitude disgusting.wahala 0
Sonnet.80- When nirvana's mask their budding flowers uncultures:but for their vile shadow is their parade,the arcadian bliss unmoored and impugned glorious kismet,Die many deaths to themselves before its carapace they die,golden roses do sparsely its havocs unleash'd;Of their derelict concoction and quirky cheeks,are hoots or a fig not cared at all:And so vilous of they,ignominious and impuissant.hooked! when the neplus ultstra shall have fade,adophobia is at work,its bloody hell supplanted.Oh indeed,his man goes to sleep,his woman goes to work.
Oh on loll's lowtide,his stupor barely stampede manifold a ass of a lummox 's lumber set,And you ridding piggyback in the horseback's saddle are luminous rays to lightens this darkness,speak of the spring the tumour,the trauma and let its potion be past,The lump doth luckydip of your magnanimous ignite like a magnettos and magnificates,the majesty as your bounty,doth this spring of a glorious filigree,And you in that ensconce,corellates with this expenditure,In all eyeballs to eyeballs,you have still a meagre edge,to quell this hell of a miasma.
A Lover's Casuistry part one
You think her dearest methinks nope she's a poppycock porcupine "
And what about him in your goofy recherche?"
"Oh you mean that Jack Robinson your John Bull? She's a loquacious poplar beanpole mud,your razor edge popinjay."
"And your recherche?"
"You Popeyed porky eyed porky in gaol of magniloquence dizzying heights to wriggle your freerange ."
"Your free enterprise is a delectable charm".
"Oh no give me a free pardon lest my disconsolate ire,a wreath in your raised porch"
"Do you utter the paternoster to woo the fairer sex or mere charm?
"A paternoster! Are you crazy?
Am a clownish wright, paunchy gallery of pawky humour to paw my peaky peafowls till a pawn then strip or i strike .They dare not peeve at my peekabos"
"Uhmmm ___________what a pedigree!"
"Peerless machupelah of the realm.Now rude ride roughshod like a pedantic bloke on horseback this peck of trouble "
"You kills grammar a lot oh."
"Whatever case closed.Well cadres are persnickety galore."
"What?You mean they love pun"
"What a goof your perpendicular perpetual motion pictures again hoist on pestiferous pestilence!"
"Uhmmm "
"Take a pew please your petrified phalanx got terribly leaking and gulp this porcelain of palmwine."
Then he sat down and gulped and sipped from the Jeroboam of sleeping and sweet wine .
Picturesquelly vertigo not yet unboarded his pig iron's pigheadedness punitive expedition a punk.
"Graa______"like a gourmet he gulped the Jeroboam in a jiffy punctilious with no compuction whatsoever.Somnabulism.Gregory the punster evaded downstairs amidst the purple patch of a glove puppet.
How does so much a tedious palm the purveyance of a punster's puns and punts wriggling apart at the game of love's supposed pyrhic victory?Waow and the pussycats to his tummy flocked and lo enquired in the rigmarole.
"Do you hate Philip that much?" He bullied the ebonoid.
"Quod erat demonstrandtum.Adulation and pyrotechnics smote the air with the hype of hysteric laughter."
"Are you a punster?"
"Yes I am"
" have a way to the ladies heart "
"You can say it again "
"Is that apposite an alibi or something to quake or fluke me punstering?"
"You smell filthy lucre too?"
"What's that?"
"Quarantine him.Let him not turn your abode into asshole.We're gonna slay him."
Eavesdropped upstairs,Philip broke into tears and eloped to the backdoor as the doorknot quaked like thunder and lo Gregory got the message.
"O that thing the villatic rabblerouser ?"
"Shall we go picknicking alehouse?What about him?"
Rabelaisian racketeering at a shebeen in the face of shellshock and cease to pestify him .
"He s gone backyard.Plead,calm your rashness.Dont sing obituary speak for yourself."
Little did he evade backyard for the mollification and behind the dense lay the dead body.And the suspect the privation of love is as privacy of death.
Lamentations eclipsed though perfunctorily.
Then he wrote the bard of Alupluto's:
Gossiping seabirds 's shuttle in your shelter came to town from ships afar.
Sidereal pussycats in the sickparade side-splitting and pestilential goons smothers fabled machismos.At your sinew,sirrahs castrate them and abstinence your forte in the lonely walk to Jerusalem.
The Obituary Of Christ
So stop deceiving me that your own division of religion is superior to others and by focusing on yours shall I have development.Enjoy the
I wanted to establish a religion and preach superiority of black and I call it the religion of morthernature not Christianity formed by the pagans in Antioch.I declared the obituary of Christ to make blacks superior on the white.Christ proclaim white superior to the so call inferior blacks and set up the inferno of hate to make black less human or underhuman an ideology of Klux klux clan that persisted during the Jim crow era and still never stop the hate crusade in America with the unbridled growth of racial profiling in America and the revolution that black lives matter after George Floyd was mercilessly murdered in cold blood by police of white supremacists.Islam and Christianity as invidious religions declared blacks as inferiors and with shallowed thoughts derailed them from their roots and abandoned traditional religion in favour of these invidious doctrines.We struggle with development in Africa because of this wrong virtues until we stop it we may not break even and make headway and pastors called you a cursed person instead when you challenge them.Blacks wanted to be more whitish than the white and our orientation foreign and not original and that's why we live a fake life.In China if you profess Christianity they kill you and the population of Christianity there is less than 100m and it is an offence to worship or adopt Christianity.The white ppl believe in science even in great Britain if you pray for the sick inside hospital you will be sacked and it happened to a Nigerian lady who was sacked for that foolhardy because they wanted to human system and formula for curing and preventing diseases.India is growing because they worship budha and Buddhism and Hinduism are the major religions in the country a whooping 800m worships Hinduism and with Buddhism probably a billion and the population of Christianity and Islam so negligible that it is an offence to patronize them as state religion.The growth in Asia today is accelerated by these two countries and so to say you can not ostracize the sacred place of developmental spiritology in the development management expedition of pure economical capacity building.The world greatest development theft is going in Africa and without Africa themselves knowing she is unknowingly groaning state of anguish in the form of fela's quote of the phrase 'suffering and smiling ' propensity and Africans maybe held in lifelong bondage and as perpetual slaves to the white superior if they don't change their mindset.Infact the bible and quaran emphasized heavily the nature of blacks as perpetual slaves to the Caucasians and what gain have we got ? Specifically in the thousands of years since Egypt civilization crashed that was purely driven by traditional religion and the same religious beliefs and the ideologies of the black religion was used to create all about 6000 religions worldwide.For instance the word amen according to my personal interaction with professor jemie the editor in chief of businessday and a former board member of guardian newspaper, he said "Amen" was coined from the name of Egyptian god called ,"Amenya".
To say the fact development curse would not live Africa until they declare exit of the slavish ideology and the obituary of Christ.F.Nitszche says "God Is Dead and Marx concluded"Religion is the opium of the masses".Then hereby later declared indirectly the obituary of God evidenced in various revolutions during the late medieval prior to the enlightenment era and industrial revolution of the later years beginning in 1730s.The religious revolution struggling with papacy led to the destruction of Roman Catholic church in late medieval and puting an end to the governance by papacy.As the population of atheists and humanists grew more decline of development curses grew social rationalism and industrial revolution was born and ushered in the great technology revolution of the world today.Little did they ask :why did the west succeed in this mode of gigantic development?They have forgotten the root was mired with blood of many souls and the desecration of the quality of human personels,stolen by religious theft that rendered Europe useless for thousands of years.This is quite worrisome and Africa should think twice.
December 19, 2023
The Panacea To Speech Management:Speechology.part 4.
We cannot rule out both bad and good crusade of speechifications have remade history in equal proportion though may not be palatable tales to the sancrosanct denial of true tales of variegated historical identities at different spheres of historic rendition.Every success is an indication of twist and turns trials and errors badluck and goodluck bad and good failure and success and we recommend a virile speech management to incentivise and accelerate the tardiness of the tardier path to becomings.
December 18, 2023
Sonnet.69-And to the gravest of mischief,thou canst not console thyself,nor solace seeks,Thy consolation dire amiss but bleak,thy contemplative constellations stricken gaunt though suffuse nebulous,Love not muchless,and much more in gospel need be cast aboard,merchandis'd contigent,like the gauchy tongue,doth not vociferous weary,so shall the constellation greedily contemplates,spreading its blanket sabled,betwixt this behindhand violets'cluster
Sonnet 56-O brethren,chants and behold what essence do we live for?And every penitence,a rodeo of crocodile tears-ful shed,That by providence,we are bound to decline,not increase,But that that sempiternal crumple shall not a dint fadeth,Nor its hair tong lost nor loose its encroachment of this unfair plump of chicken heart'd poxes,Nor shall they be eschew'd from its steepest fall, When with ravishing cripple to time's sturdy wheel,thou a casuistry grow'st steely stiff,And tardy path,not bereft of its grooves of recumbent sedulous palms,So long as hazy they plow,thou art so fraught,given life to chicken hearted foxes,whose genteel dandy,the frozen nerve of adophobia smote,So long misty as tardier becomes,so frosty shall the hood,but dickens and daredevils and the renegade blossom,And with what effrontery,shall the nebulous righteous critique them? What rubbish and deathtrap from the pit of hell?
December 11, 2023
Development Management And Social Growth part 5
The research template above guides the critical rendition of this dissertation and logics as shown in this exposition
Growth and development management and the philosophy of growth and development on one hand and then growth and development management and the equalitarian philosophy of growth and development pithily explains the graphical differences between inequal growth outcome and growth equity in favour of the former often attest to the main reason behind the unparalell growth in structural inequity a strategic dose to maintain the near eternal sittight syndrome of social class differences hamorhaging the plight of social instability and social injustice in mordern society.We resolve the critical challenge by proposition of market rational forces and institutionalises robust platform to execute the wonderful findings.
The search for social,economic freedom and historical justice sluggishly finds its hard to identify the natural root of its impossible mission and may tarry longer until we ve uncover and apply the novel conventions of historical economics.We as mankind barely relieve ourselves of orthodoxy once we ve make a decision,get stuck and fully convinced that no better alternative exist inadvertently commit us to slavery of the thing that emaciates the human ado.We perpetually embrace the known custom and invariably complacent and emboldened to make the good sacrifice as well as endorse the ignorance not to try the new innovation.
Development Management And Social Growth part 3
The operating rythm for development practice in mordern societies as far as the pace of development velocity is concerned trails the atmosphere of development demand and the rationality of those who demand and the relative tradition to support the appropriate may not only be heartbreaking but also incorrigible in the context of remorseless pyrates and perpetual powermarket stranglehold adinfinitum. It is in their best interest that the miasma of this heatstroke,prickly heat and heat waves persist.
As long as they predominate as the development decelerators,battered pyrates,despondency and retrogression for the upteempth of social politics not unbundled tied to the casuistry of their prejudice for lacklustre defense of fallible social optimism.A deadshot retinue of dissident folks in the painstaking clamour for rational choices in their rarities disproportionate and social impairment factor unsurmounted in contrast to the surfeit of social challenges swallowing our susceptibilities and vulnerabilities.We re suspicious of our intentions surrender our lost nuggets of encroached social capacity to the wasting venom of social political surrealism and not swampily surmise that we re daunted by our vulnerabilities to undermine the relief or reprieve that historical economics or developmentology offers neomordern times.
In mordern development discourse,the spherical mode of thoughtful review as respite for historical essence,calls for spineless speculators and specific gravity of competitive rational choices that only peculiar specimen of strategic thinkers though often benightedly unleash specious logic till empiricism is mustered are quite worthy to change the strategic course of historical spectacles.They do not cling to orthodoxy for so long only to be provoked at the eleventh hour by strategic thinking to spearhead and spawn a novel spatial mode of custom in the wide spectrum of implausible innovation.Not too common for them to spatchcock or interpolate but shows expertise in halting perpetual mode of orthodoxy and the spews of inherent tradition,ingrained brisky maneauvers sparkling a new dimension in the surging perimeter of historical growth
Development Management And Social Growth part 2
The dynasty of development patterns and objective models fractured by duncy dunghill and dyslexia of social perception and dysentery of dislocated social impairment politics a somewhat dutch uncle to more than duplicate chronic underdevelopment.Mordern societies dull as ditchwater often a dullard and duffer dumbfounded by dudgeon of this recurrent anathema where outmoded theoretical orthodoxies are barely dislodged from the development textbook drooling dryshod.In most cases,development measures are alien to developmental performance discharge antidevelopment imprecation,downright bedridden downhill and requires dotted lined drowsy,dotty dotages of development custom be unbundled for a new dawn of historic economics.Policy makers,strategic thinkers,thoughtful henchmen and development actors and their ilks of old geezers,hogwash hobbledehoys as heretofore grounded social herdsmen hardly exonerated,hobbleskirts the approriate rythyms of development heroism in perpetual fathom of developmental romanticism.
Lady Katherine part one
Lady Katherine:Spasmodic machupelah seeks her for his entice
Sarah:A rolling moss at juvenile engross my sister's jaw of fury shall him prevail
As all the world of women's folks
May chase away the man of wax with the moss
Lady Katherine:Did I not relay him same for the wanton brow
Velvety desideratum pitching eyeballs in earnesy seeks
Never saw h
is compare afficionado of this quirky pall of seduction
Hath foresworn to love
Where love sworn vain not to steed
At his lustre of enthusiasm
Like a spanking wind saw her spanking
None else being compare
Tis the audacious audacity
That hardly crows
The hagiology of discretion
And piety of perception
Wans at such mendacity
Then turns crucifix into damp squip
And those who are drowned
And returns with bland effluent
hardly returns could never get the machupelahs the epistemological precedence
Holy rebuke my golden penal
To the abecedarian,didst love
To so soon forsaken lustful flair with egoistic bent
Toiling drudge drosses spangling wax astray
My sister a fickle in the world of speleological love
What a statuette of hag lies on the lustful back
Thou knowest not my sister's statuesque of dreary arts
Ere we may dream of matching lusts
Some guiles of consequences tarry much hidden than they appears to be
Too light like the winds in contrast thought and drudgery feet to discern
Sarah:Will it take the everlasting drill to find compatibility and shake off the yoke of oxen from the shackles of inuaspicious stars?To thwart the mensrea of lustful stick in the mud?The conjugal knot the reef knot in the bliss of irony and shambles.
Lady Katherine: Stony broke a lamentable chance from the pit of hell and she hath me foresworn as the coast of her steerage fireeyed fury not in abject lenity with filthy lucre
Unsavory gulls merchandise of adventure thrown on dashing rock,stuffed shirt in stickler rows.His love to the sea boundless like tornado of lust a whispering tale that dote concealment to the unbridled waves.More doting heart in carrion and canker fly on sepulchral wonder of your sister's lust.Do not deter your horse unscrupulous stars till thou a pundit be in lust of lust.And lies your ebb tide an erudite plain of costly ere.
Development Management And Social Growth part 6
Economic freedom does not come on a platter of gold and while it takes probably over three thousand years to find economic freedom foundation for mankind that skyrocketed at the dawn of Corpernican,Galilean,Newtonian and Classical school of economics era,the economic freedom's embryonic stage had not surpassed a tercentenary and how fast we could go with the digital age should be left to the successive generation of mankind to decide who may or may not be thinkers in the unfolding times.
We are embarrassed not just by the intellectual aesthetic beauty of orthodoxy and the inherent tradition it procures but by the deitylike status we bequeath to them to celebrate the cacophony of such intoxicated rigidity to fathom less about ready made solution already devised by competitive theories.Moreso as the competitive knowledge not so much a blockbuster to usurp the ingrained influence of the sedentary orthodoxy.
The The Golden economics Of Time Use part 2
Time is golden net worth of life time and we measure the quality use of time as that golden net worth.In the primacy of time investment time liabilities and time cost of choices procurement , vision barriers, irresponsible ages or years including wasted time,lost opportunitied are deducted to value time volatile asset for no one is blessed with time stable assets.In the ephemeral lifetime sojourn we exray vitiating factors affecting the quality use of time .
I think the only challenge is the poor use of knowledge and let me say if there's good use of knowledge on planet earth ,the beauty of heaven and paradise of they ever exist would not have been a child's play to the prospective prosperity and beauty of planet earth 's nirvana.
The quantum of knowledge assymetry and inherent inflation is the challenge to avers that too much devilish stock of knowledge militates against paucity of positive knowledge.We do not exonerate conflicting ideologies though not the conflict of interest intersection per say but the conflict of competition so to say competitive interest to qualify it with right adjective though apposite for both classification the latter put it in the better perspective.Poor pricing of mental perspective and egalitarian disoriented disorientation of the knowledge use depreciate the quality of time use as to indicate that the deployment of economic time use is declining and not marginal increase in the effective use of time.
The miasma of this broken muse and bankrupt gesture is accountable for marginal growth in effective time use and economic use of time yet to begin.Like in the picture of the blogger sitting in a shop looking intently mankind requires a change in posture and should embrace rational use of time to cure societal ills and we can confidently say that the merchandise of economic time use has just begun.
Development Management And Social Growth part 4
We re not too shallow to identify this oracle of historical metamorphosis and inherent distinction with which they carved uncommon niche and make a difference in their literal and metaphorical impact over the ebullient rapture of historical impecable change.Measurable impact not too arduous to achieve when the ethical standards are assured in the character of impact management.
We cursorily xray the theory of existence from into median and final includes silence age;mothernature;cultural age/formful/creative age/human intelligences/human relation/social intelligences/social relation/social system/development system/golden age civilisation.They re guided by the following theories and laws:assymetrical laws of gravity and resistance(faith);law of necessity and liability(fate/kismetic);law of recyclical renewal;theory of social engineering on the role of social relation architecture;developmentology comprises of growth management and development cycle transition management including social engineering and falls under historical economics.
Sonnet 35
Sonnet 35.All fret was thine and dungy mine hadst in satiety,I can now exonerate thee for the dope that thou unkindled;But yet be not spared,if thou thyself crookedness reproach'd,By the wilful dead being dead as a doornail of thyself dop'st,I do not impenitent thy mopish botches,genteel insanity,rambuctious meekness, Although thou a dogooder till doomsday will never sunny times behold,To bear sacrifice's orifice,libation'wrath than antipathy's infection,Downtrodden downwinds,drapping in whom drappings drape downward a downbeat,Smite them with ridicule;yet still they be not exonerat'd,Those instantaneous adophobiac wraith,or its burlesque at a snail pace,that serfdom servile,When i am in gaol from thy dungeon,Thy hoopla andvintage,flexing through the hoops gorgeously befits,For still dope praises where thou art no art,Placid thou art and placid therefore moisturises thy modus operandi and enbliss modus viviendi,In the bounteaus art,it be not ridicul'd, And when hardihood woos and boons as boon companion,what
Nature using the consumption of arts chisels a new dawn of historical identities drawing from the essence of history to re write the strategic course of historical growth for yet a solid streamline of greater historical liberty.Armed with the contract of time ,having thorough bred understanding of the concept of time mainly by effective time Investment under direction of good historical purpose and enabled by strategic philosophy of history,mankind exploiting sensational indicators such as the influence of environmental resistance.
The enterprise of motivation in the subconscious context and the vision of operating history, provides inspiration for arts consumers to either stabilise in the extant environment or exit somewhat unpalatable environment for the green environment.The intelligent consumers are somehow grown up enough to understand in capital terms the significance of essence of history in creating a beautiful growth of history.Given the growing magnitude of vision destroyers,as resistant ilks of development assymetry ,the childhood of beautiful historical growth is often under threat appreciably depending on the vibrancy of historical identity championing a given historical course maybe squandered or get frozen prior to same reaching maturity.Everywhere we go there is a scanty evidence of germane historical identity that desires somehow,the growing menace of social debt in their operating environment be paid who had peddled household conscience in multiple marriage of environmental consciousness with strategic intent to resolve immediate social debt around them.The optimal riveries of vision destroyers in their certified orgres and wanderlust carricature descends everywhere around us making the strategic imperatives of social transformation aptly difficult and social relation in the most productive context often a non starter.This sordid coarse nature of severe condition oft betrayed by absenteeism of severe judgement are nothing new to disconsolate ires of social change lethargy with funny stare across the burning inferno of social debt,mankind cramped in hell bound with these shackles of leg irons for imprisoned but motionless mankind with no saviour.They re choked at dawn before they re born.This is no new story given the conspicuous nature of sketchy information, history has generated over considerable period of time Investment to write culture in the gospel of open dotted line.
The book of culture known as history takes a vast proportion of information churned out from the growth of checkered antecedence to be published by time subject to maturity of time Investment where events and identities behind them documented by time serves historical assets for the growing legatees emergent mankind thriving with the posterity.The success of arts consumers an average mankind may not contain of extraordinary speculation when blessed with ordinary species that thrive in the extant operating environment perhaps inconceivable by all ramifications still thrive similarly in same proportion or by a greater marging when it alters the extant operating environment into the new operating environment for greater heights. Some how encapsulated as the days of little beginning and evidences abound where little successful feat enhanced and the projector with projections constant could only in a new operating environment land with sweet fragrance.Ordinarily such heroic hankering for absolute glory may not even requires a greater expertise where there is a shift and transfer into new environment,but merely a needful of new drive and challenge to test prior meteoric stardom in the tougher or lighter environment.
Adjustment by consumers in the nature of arts consumption,certainly takes a different dimension entirely not the same approach utilised in the prior dead operating environment.The transfer is motivated by the need to earn the real history or operating history as opposed to deemphasized debunked dead prior operating environment.Transfer influence factors comprise of factory of motivation factors including better reward, income,salary,wealth distribution,condition of service,affecting dignity of labour, self-esteem, technology transfer,satisfaction and age benefits and retirement emoluments etc.
The prior impulse could be absolute motivation energy for the succesful feat in a new environment and satisfactory commencement of a real life time history truly unveils the use of blessed hands with envisaged engross of beffiting history.Rational mankind is motivated by essence of history to redefine consumption of arts and reschedule per capital social debt for better social security of latter operating history in an alien land.To the historical growth empiricists the prime motive for transfer is the per capital social debt menace of prior harsh operating environment.Armed with the cognizance from the essence,the use of arts predisposes to encapsulates synopsis of the immediate posterity and take critical decision to redefine the condition of the consumer in the conference of poor contract of time.Prior Investment unpalatable requires termination and venture into the enclosed encroachment of harshest unknown climate .
What is left to the debilitating mankind to manage who could barely condemn extant environment let alone capitalise on transfer influence?They manage mediocrity either self mediocrity or environmental mediocrity destined to the whack obscurity of history.The bold is not afraid to venture equipped with professional arts, extraordinary stamina for sustainable work tradition, offering exceptional services, valuable insight in a key Industry in such commerce or technological services, wracking up indelible influence that next adjoining texture of operating history could only glorify in the most explosive panorama of transfer influence.The professional merits of prestigious arts
The dynasty of development patterns and objective models fractured by duncy dunghill and dyslexia of social perception and dysentery of dislocated social impairment politics a somewhat dutch uncle to more than duplicate chronic underdevelopment.Mordern societies dull as ditchwater often a dullard and duffer dumbfounded by dudgeon of this recurrent anathema where outmoded theoretical orthodoxies are barely dislodged from the development textbook drooling dryshod.In most cases,development measures are alien to developmental performance discharge antidevelopment imprecation,downright bedridden downhill and requires dotted lined drowsy,dotty dotages of development custom be unbundled for a new dawn of historic economics.Policy makers,strategic thinkers,thoughtful henchmen and development actors and their ilks of old geezers,hogwash hobbledehoys as heretofore grounded social herdsmen hardly exonerated,hobbleskirts the approriate rythyms of development heroism in perpetual fathom of developmental romanticism.
The operating rythm for development practice in mordern societies as far as the pace of development velocity is concerned trails the atmosphere of development demand and the rationality of those who demand and the relative tradition to support the appropriate may not only be heartbreaking but also incorrigible in the context of remorseless pyrates and perpetual powermarket stranglehold adinfinitum. It is in their best interest that the miasma of this heatstroke,prickly heat and heat waves persist.
As long as they predominate as the development decelerators,battered pyrates,despondency and retrogression for the upteempth of social politics not unbundled tied to the casuistry of their prejudice for lacklustre defense of fallible social optimism.A deadshot retinue of dissident folks in the painstaking clamour for rational choices in their rarities disproportionate and social impairment factor unsurmounted in contrast to the surfeit of social challenges swallowing our susceptibilities and vulnerabilities.We re suspicious of our intentions surrender our lost nuggets of encroached social capacity to the wasting venom of social political surrealism and not swampily surmise that we re daunted by our vulnerabilities to undermine the relief or reprieve that historical economics or developmentology offers neomordern times.
In mordern development discourse,the spherical mode of thoughtful review as respite for historical essence,calls for spineless speculators and specific gravity of competitive rational choices that only peculiar specimen of strategic thinkers though often benightedly unleash specious logic till empiricism is mustered are quite worthy to change the strategic course of historical spectacles.They do not cling to orthodoxy for so long only to be provoked at the eleventh hour by strategic thinking to spearhead and spawn a novel spatial mode of custom in the wide spectrum of implausible innovation.Not too common for them to spatchcock or interpolate but shows expertise in halting perpetual mode of orthodoxy and the spews of inherent tradition,ingrained brisky maneauvers sparkling a new dimension in the surging perimeter of historical growth.We re not too shallow to identify this oracle of historical metamorphosis and inherent distinction with which they carved uncommon niche and make a difference in their literal and metaphorical impact over the ebullient rapture of historical impecable change.Measurable impact not too arduous to achieve when the ethical standards are assured in the character of impact management.
We cursorily xray the theory of existence from into median and final includes silence age;mothernature;cultural age/formful/creative age/human intelligences/human relation/social intelligences/social relation/social system/development system/golden age civilisation.They re guided by the following theories and laws:assymetrical laws of gravity and resistance(faith);law of necessity and liability(fate/kismetic);law of recyclical renewal;theory of social engineering on the role of social relation architecture;developmentology comprises of growth management and development cycle transition management including social engineering and falls under historical economics.
The research template above guides the critical rendition of this dissertation and logics as shown in this exposition
Growth and development management and the philosophy of growth and development on one hand and then growth and development management and the equalitarian philosophy of growth and development pithily explains the graphical differences between inequal growth outcome and growth equity in favour of the former often attest to the main reason behind the unparalell growth in structural inequity a strategic dose to maintain the near eternal sittight syndrome of social class differences hamorhaging the plight of social instability and social injustice in mordern society.We resolve the critical challenge by proposition of market rational forces and institutionalises robust platform to execute the wonderful findings.
The search for social,economic freedom and historical justice sluggishly finds its hard to identify the natural root of its impossible mission and may tarry longer until we ve uncover and apply the novel conventions of historical economics.We as mankind barely relieve ourselves of orthodoxy once we ve make a decision,get stuck and fully convinced that no better alternative exist inadvertently commit us to slavery of the thing that emaciates the human ado.We perpetually embrace the known custom and invariably complacent and emboldened to make the good sacrifice as well as endorse the ignorance not to try the new innovation.
Economic freedom does not come on a platter of gold and while it takes probably over three thousand years to find economic freedom foundation for mankind that skyrocketed at the dawn of Corpernican,Galilean,Newtonian and Classical school of economics era,the economic freedom's embryonic stage had not surpassed a tercentenary and how fast we could go with the digital age should be left to the successive generation of mankind to decide who may or may not be thinkers in the unfolding times
We are embarrassed not just by the intellectual aesthetic beauty of orthodoxy and the inherent tradition it procures but by the deitylike status we bequeath to them to celebrate the cacophony of such intoxicated rigidity to fathom less about ready made solution already devised by competitive theories.Moreso as the competitive knowledge not so much a blockbuster to usurp the ingrained influence of the sedentary orthodoxy.
The power of optimism may not salvage society with wrong growth model but they do with the application of historical economics that have high impact management operational discharge and objective performance.
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