- Alupluto's constituencies bowed at the lowest ebbs with ubiquitous bales,Then were the Aluplutans themselves not prisoner of conscience behind gaol,in pang wherein not a single full throtle saviour found?Goons implor'd a sinecure,barricaded by walls of deceit,hostility and bereft of concert'd lamentation,nor a budge conven'd nor a counterintelligence forged,what it hewn,
But epileptic savages savaged still with no placate whatsoever muster.Cease now but the covert sly arraign'd their musketry and parade still in the darkest hours growl,O how i triumphant hills befuddles when i of glorious herald doth evenly pointificate,crooked with mendacious mouth doth instill this vile,And in the panygery thereof append their might and how might becomes night exudes this labyrinth to make tongue weary,babbling of farce and windy mute!But since thy bough,thy debonair,carols of glorious herald seeks the humblest sails as the proudest sails unannounc'd doth gallantry pokes,o my banal in this lance far beyond the fracture on thy own harrowing navel doth willfully bear and rung of the mill afloat whilst they in their benumb soulless fractious doth frippery fringes
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