March 28, 2018


making her cheeks a jocose voluptuary in every jar;And with a rollicking of a teasing fondle,momentously plays this rapturous chess.Upon this mollycoddle,did he her morose cheeks morph like a motley'd morphology.Who being mucky-mucous ducks beyond gripes,as affable rubbicon trigger'd her gravity.So offers he love her,what she herself as weaker sex cannot offer nor fret; But when his intemperate crest and buffers were brisky for commodious wittiness,nor apt to throw in the towel;But his mucillage of the pleadings and statuette of moreish adhesives,cavorting before her,turns his otherwise bungle into mulch.Never did a mudslinging in a lover's dishevelled muddy abbyss plunge,more muff for stale than she flexes for this cirumference of amorous fondle;Her love she cannot see but wrath she can get.He loiters in these muffles,yet her boggy swamp of muddlingings,perpetually mug.'O shameless he-goat' gan he muckily nambypambi'd,she did volley,murks! Tis but a mudslinging stigmatises,still she slaughters contumacity.

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