March 28, 2018


' Why art thou shameless pout?''I have been booed as thou art booed me,though i have wooed and never being wooed,as beffitting of machismo winces.Even so narcissus so thy trigger,by thou thy virago,of a thousand direful goddess of narks,canst not placate,whose sinew,lord of filthy lucres,in its lutarious sands never did absolve,who flirts in every guille,where she quids in every naivety of an epicurean lucre nail biting escapades,Yet hath she been that captive never freed from its wretched blanket of guillotine. And implored her for that which she cannot give,Over this frosty bank,she barely fret and then hardly as navelgazers pleads her ass.He for a morous bank and she a lucre-glot,quivers for lucre,wherein his vouchsaf'd spectre flounders,to once again hung in aloft of a resillient rose.And being flung above this whisk of nambypambi'd necropolis,hath learned to flex at the eleveth hour,over this hanging neurosis and and nerd of amorous necromancy.To sport,to jocose,to funfare andjocund of this amorous bank

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