March 28, 2018


Nigh thee as nigh thee immutable as the morning sun,would in thy womb,eternity drunk with thy nectar,there is neither night nor morning,neither yesterday nor today to be whisked into posterity, Now is eternity and forever eternity and nigh thee not farthest plunged from thee.Nigh thee - as soon as nigh thee flows that streams as the gushing winds,across vale and hill,lakes and aridland,Down within thee as golden crest,All dainties sweet beyond compare,one pearls too many and another golden nuggets,too nigh thee,right there in thy backyard,sancrosanct within thee,not far away,There is a sacred vale,in which thou must headlong fall,And a headlong fall affords thee a headstrong pluck of thy golden nuggets,Long thereafter,thy sinuous fall amidst the siroccos on the sands of sahara,shall with thee be aprised of the sinecur'd sinequanon of thy golden nuggets' pluck,And thou shall be judged of every pluck and its use,shall now with it be distilled aboard;So palatable about golden fleece's trajectory,So auspicious

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