May 30, 2019


George Berkeley(1685-1753),an Irish Bishop and a philosopher too discovered that current philosophies,science and technology were a threat to his christian faith and religion.Hence later became the most consistent of the empiricists and believed we cannot more of the world than we can perceive through our senses.He claimed worldly things are not things as we perceive them and the only things that exist are those things that we perceive.Matterial things or matters or tangible things cannot be perceived.He interogated them by the logic of empiricism and to assume that we perceive refers to its own underlying terms such as substance rushing to conclusion.There is no claim to base such experience.He believed in the spirit and opined all our ideas and thoughts have a cause beyond human consciousness andnot of material universe.He wasfond of the fact the existence of God much more clearer than the existence of man,not clearly perceived.That divinity is intimately present in our consciousness and physical nature.

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