The belief in the God Of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob later Israel,obviously show Semites had a linear view of history,to be capped by the history of judgemen t day and the rest.This played an important in the history of these western religion.With their strong emphasis that stress the importance of divine intervention,they were preocuppied for thousand of years,writting and rewritting the ever changing pattern and course of history.The most holy city of Jerusalem till date is a religious center for the three religions especially Christianity.The jews reached their peak,when the Jacob was changed to Israel and the twelve tribes.Around the year,1200 B.C.Moses received ten commandments from God on Mount Sinail and that was the time they were slaves in Egypt.They were later freed after a lot of stress.Before the advent of Greek Philoshy and a thousand years before,rose three kings in Israel And they received the title'Messiah'which means anointed one.Sometimes,they call them Sons Of God as a goalgetter between God,BARON DE MONTESQUIEU

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