Byzanthine in the east and Arabic in the south and the world culture was glided with all the colours of rainbow that time and space could offer and glittered with philosophy.Neoplatonism flowed to the west and Plato and Aristotelian were handed to the east and arabs in the south respectively.At the exit of middle ages then they clustered and collided in Northern Italy to kickstart mordern civilisation.It drew inspiration from arabic influence that erupted from Spain plus Greek influence from Greece and Byzanthine empire.This gave birthto another civilisation epoch known as Renaisance means rebirth ofantique culture,that is the culture that survived dark ages.Now let us move onto medieval philosophy.Did the medieval philosophy not take it for granted thatchristianity was true?But havetested several philosophies were able to subconsciously polished christianity with those prejudices.They had faith and reason in it and exploited relationship it had with the Greek Philosophy.It would be strange today to do that.VOLTAIRE

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