November 27, 2019


When we talk about the theory of business cycle,we refer to measures that provide graphical details of economic performances at a particular period.It indicates the volatility of economic performance and tracks perpetuality of business fluctuation.Business cycle generally speaking is divided into four phaseswith the first phasetrough,a point at which national output is at the lowest margin when compared to the potential level.Then the trough is followed closely by an expansion phase a period that measures risinglevel of national output.When the output reach or hits its highest point relative to potential level,the phase is called peak,while peak is also followed by recession.It is the phase at which national output falls absymally from peak to trough again and then overall economic performance using business cycle to measure and compare potential GDP to the actual GDP.Depression is a severe form of recession such as happened in the great depression of 1930s when in 1929 about 11,000banks out of 30

November 25, 2019


I'll groove with thee,enchanted by thy placebo,to nurse my grief and my tendon comfort sought,What should i do i here solitary with you? My gaunt lustre cavorting floppily,must not precipitous be, Come oh come my solitude thrust in thy drunken solicitude engrooved,What if this farago barndoor no hit,then shall i retreat again ?O yes,squeaky clean shall i retreat with thy gritty chin ensconce,What if be potion,in the cuisine and saddle salivated which the sloths sublimely pother hath speckled to have me windy sail,lest in this quavering thraldom,causal forces my avalanche refrain,because windy sail beneath slothful embankment,rudderless bank sImage result for The photos of all best Nigerian best poets.Jean Maurice Eugène Clément Cocteau (1889–1963)  French poet, novelist, dramatist, designer, boxing manager and filmmaker -Cocteau is best known for his 1929 novel Les enfants terribles, the 1929 play Les parents terribles, and the 1946 film, Beauty and the Beast.  His famous quotes include:  “I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul. A meow massages the heart." He dedicated Drôle de Ménage to his cat Karoun, whom he described as "the king of cats."eeth not?Then

November 11, 2019


Life is a mission of great sacrifice but not vain sacrifice and struggles for a purpose in an existentialist planet still undeniably as irrevocably so to say for all time remains the overiding objective of this ministry.It does not take a millenium to unravel then that the purpose of history over which this strategic mission aptly traverses is universal freedom that could only be procured from a satisfactory surge of mass learning.Obviously,it is the most critical point of duty and a tall order for organisation of competent arts that we all earnestly yearn and strive hard to be freed from the shackles of our ramrod and limitation bestowed upon us by the ramshackled intent anddebased values of the society at large.The sacrifice of purpose optimised in a weighted average of a purposeful living held constant in that circumference of self restraint and unpalatable circumstances goes beyond sanctity and mastery of corecompentence of human arts.It takes more than a passive artistry typically to be morally inclined

November 6, 2019


This peregrinatory or perambulatory position over the last two hundred years since publication of Adam Smith's Wealth of nation in 1776,is regarded by marsolism as the vicious cycle of economics.It indicates that both schools of macroeconomics the best so far or most influential do not guarrantee optimal economic growth or capital development and the goal of market egalitarianism or redistributionism cannot be achieved,given that the purpose or policy goal of macroeconomics in the long run,should be egalitariam or market redistributionism.And it is not true that in the long run growing demand will exceed declining supply or that shortage caused by growing demand will force inflation up to accelerate disequilibrium but that wealth disequilibrium associated with social debt that persists the vicious cycle of macroeconomics will make such growth unsustainable.The general purpose of economics ordinarily does not seeks to attain universal economic freedom,symbolised by the attainment of optimal economic growth.


This peregrinatory or perambulatory position over the last two hundred years since publication of Adam Smith's Wealth of nation in 1776,is regarded by marsolism as the vicious cycle of economics.It indicates that both schools of macroeconomics the best so far or most influential do not guarrantee optimal economic growth or capital development and the goal of market egalitarianism or redistributionism cannot be achieved,given that the purpose or policy goal of macroeconomics in the long run,should be egalitariam or market redistributionism.And it is not true that in the long run growing demand will exceed declining supply or that shortage caused by growing demand will force inflation up to accelerate disequilibrium but that wealth disequilibrium associated with social debt that persists the vicious cycle of macroeconomics will make such growth unsustainable.The general purpose of economics ordinarily does not seeks to attain universal economic freedom,symbolised by the attainment of optimal economic growth.


that states debt money supply(DM) or (D) is multiplied by the rate at which social debt is rising per year and equiproportional relief fund spent as credit liquidity(DV) equals nominal prosperity expenditures.Consequently this creates egalitarian market society,in the long run.Hence,the marsolists,egalitarianists have a world to win to create not a proletariat society but a croletariat society of classless struggle.Now,monetarism say that as the availability of money in the system increases,agregate demand for goods and services goes up and encourages jobcreation and stimulates economic growth,but volatility persist.Here marsolism emergence opposed simply orthodoxies instead that both keynesian and monetarism are turning things upside down that such growth is temporary,face saving pallitives,patching root,purposeless and visionless,barely resolve human,social and economic debts.They ordinarilytreat only the symptoms,shooting the spectre of unemployment,a known economic debt back to origin
al previous position.


It states that debt money supply resolves once and for all,extreme volatility,the worst challenge of business cycle.That the total amount of debt money supply in a debt economy and broad economy respectively is the primary determinant of not just economic growth but sustainable economic growth and optimal economic growth;a true reflection of matured growth of development cycle.Optimal economic growth measures growth transition over the seven stages of development cycle,detonated economically to pay off social debt.It argues that no living macroeconomic theory or orthodoxies could pay off economic debt sustainably without paying off social debt such as inequality of wealth and mass poverty first as cardinal thrust of the policygoal.Market forces ordinarily,do not exude capacity to pay off economic debt let alone saddled with the fiduciary responsibility of social debt amortisation.Though social debt has macroeconomic root could not be resolved bymarketforces.The main kernel is the quantity theory of debt monFriedrich von Hayekey


Monetarism is a macroeconomic thought,a concept that states government can foster economic stability by targeting the growth rate of money supply.Essentially,the views are based on the belief that the total amount of money in an economy is the primary determinant of economic growth.It suggests that government can foster economic stability by targeting the growth rate of money supply and the major kernel of monetarism is the quantity theory of money that states money supply (M) is multiplied by the rate at which money is spent per annum(V) equals nominal expenditures.Whereas market redistributionism or marsolism as a profound macroeconomic concept states both govt and the people(both views by marsolism and neomarsolism) as expressed can foster economic stability by targeting instead the growth of debt money supply.This form laid more emphasis on variegated forms of money then identifies the type with the highest universal wealth multiplier effect to launch policy initiatives that guarrantees appropriate supply

November 4, 2019


the bootless cringe,a curse upon itself upon this contented yeast,will this sullen earth sings melody that heaven's gate cannot hear?As the lark as the day's break,to scorn mutation flown at the fortune's table.And those dissonant buds that run contrarian the winds,to my navel twice as the heaven's secret emerald pleads,that retreats the sunset in the west from being faded at dusk,that which seeth twilght by day black by night to fret oddyseys.On glowing coal of such fire doth he not the ashes of gaintly days felt,to sting that feeble which thou must crumble so long as the eyes that see give thee a lease and salivation of the marbled dawn.And gilded roses of the sky that leapt with imperial wands swept with golden stones in dingy sun,where statues of obeisance,shall not be overbearing to apprehend nor embroach's roots stumbled with prevarication.To mask his swords over this burning fire beneath a sojourner's eyes,those night's bright sparkles shallforever live in dreary memory.Yea,galaxies of roseating sky!


the bootless cringe,a curse upon itself upon this contented yeast,will this sullen earth sings melody that heaven's gate cannot hear?As the lark as the day's break,to scorn mutation flown at the fortune's table.And those dissonant buds that run contrarian the winds,to my navel twice as the heaven's secret emerald pleads,that retreats the sunset in the west from being faded at dusk,that which seeth twilght by day black by night to fret oddyseys.On glowing coal of such fire doth he not the ashes of gaintly days felt,to sting that feeble which thou must crumble so long as the eyes that see give thee a lease and salivation of the marbled dawn.And gilded roses of the sky that leapt with imperial wands swept with golden stones in dingy sun,where statues of obeisance,shall not be overbearing to apprehend nor embroach's roots stumbled with prevarication.To mask his swords over this burning fire beneath a sojourner's eyes,those night's bright sparkles shallforever live in dreary memory.Yea,galaxies of roseating sky!Image result for The photos of all best Nigerian best poets.


My misgivings'hazy eyes are something like the gullible gull fed by coral's red than this trigger at catharsis whisked at my moonish heels,tis the scary snow be white to dun her breasts,for blackness to grow at its heels and obscene cheeks not a scented in delight,for the breath of my mistimed reeks,tis my melody a pleasing sound hath heard for a goddess gait that grouchs on sandy ground.To bridge lacuna as wide as heaven's shore.These sourest deeds,lilies hardly fester smell far worse than do weeds.That though thou art black as hell and dark as night,radiance in thy enrobe thumped thee brightest,for every radiance as attention seeks,that never a fixed mark looks its tempest,shakened to stun a wandering bark,frollicking with unknown gloss,for untramelled height taken when rosy lips fondle love in time's timeless sand and space,where no time space,bent over its sickles' compass.When in dissonance tribulated wanderlust wandering with hypes of fortunes'sordid eyes.Not to beweep exile's outcast to snop bootless


But welded trenchwarfare with the riparian enroute to triumphant hills,eloped to the summerhouse roguish roisterers and rodeo of rodomontades for the quontidian tutelage of the epic boyhood.Martial arts was rodeo.The sunset was contented with sunrise,schooled in poignant fangs of sword and sorcery and swashbuckling at the garrison.How much foolhardy was their tent pocketed and boyhood beauty dead where genealogy was dead.From this drooping valley,ratiocionated roots bid discontent from their churlish navel of irridentist stripes and bruises.Machismo morning beauty,this rudeness lay,to slake in limbo,a sordid pervert of this glorious lignt.From the art of the personage,shellacking was distilled withutter chaos,where countless serpents hiss,flabbergasted at the heraldof golden morn,whereon stood the autumn of his sweatening palms,the precedent of glorious pith and earth's sole sovereign salve of the goddess good.Oft did he gait away acatalectic obscurity from his loin,that he at memoirs,shovels up this route.
Image result for photos of charles darwin


Behold the deposed reich,as time fled into dingy space and st.blues queer street halfbuoyed,halfsunk,tricksters of unfair dawn and dread of a relapse.Blissful songs of the mainland,rising contumaciously reminiscent of the epic of golden morn rendezvous.Hegemony o hegemony,o hegemony,what a showbusiness,a showpiece!What a retrospection!What a retrospection to resurrect impending morn's memoirs".A riposte earned at the razzle of the reich's deposition.Still yet sedate,not shooed himself at the melifluous boughs pipping songs,from burning foreheads and parching tongues at the white altar of the enigmatic sacerdotal wights,libatorily,caroling with heifers lowered from the rooftop of the razzling castle,adjoining western groove of the singing river,with silken flanks and charivari of garland drest.Now,placid citadel.this pious morn.hood with pastyfaced cacocophonous grin,retrospection in rebound betrothe retiocination to recuperate desolate cities and famish distant mutinous peeps.Now,stagnant was he at his mute


The vociferous ravens,ravenhaired ravenings and ravenous in their serried ranks,tortuous and serpentinous,frolicked upon the ravings,rattlebrained tremor over hoots of raspberry tramping seriatim upon viles of themselves.They in their illmannered serenades,rattling through public square,shiftless shennanigans and a shipmate shoal of shindied shillyshallies,sheathed with bland ravishment of ravined ratiocination and vacuous ratraces.A recluse in the city,a hermit at his abode to groom epic boyhood.Not like the rat-a-tat of the barbarian grovellers and even his conquering limbs astrides from the sunset gates of the ratiocinated shoo but alas the recrudescence of the reductio-ad-absurdum,bulleted from its shooting gallery,funky frith!The teeming shores of the River abesi,could not contain razzles of the queendom deposition and rectitude which once evanesced razoredges no more barely bypassed Alupluto.And lo,this redoubtable triumphant hills,not razzled by shortwinded razzles was evidenced by red letterdays.


When kismet had foreborne and foresworn apathy to this sururrated epiphany,dutch uncle did not treat itself to the garbage trucks,To show her noveau riche's gunges.a gumptionless gummy.And to tarry fugacity,the bard's growling mischievious offend,Which being hamstrung with hamfisted hamlet,Aluplutans placably and giddily did refrain;To Alupluto's famished road,dungeon hung davy jone's locker.Yet its pitch shot beyond the gongs of st.blues queer street trumpeted,whereon smash hit did not substerfuge suffocate.Phoenix may pitchblack but cannot pitchdark,Nepluusltra braggadocio but tis not he sereditious,walloped rambunctious ramblings,than time and patience interred not far away from this dungeon.A visage's plait too impuisant with particoloured featherbrained radicles.Hast thou a generalissimo of your featherweight malingering?Oh that foreborne that time as fugacity carressesbut not foiled,with ambidextrous fleece not befuddled by time's echinated and timorous guiles.Fromthe viles faintehearted to the fairest