It states that debt money supply resolves once and for all,extreme volatility,the worst challenge of business cycle.That the total amount of debt money supply in a debt economy and broad economy respectively is the primary determinant of not just economic growth but sustainable economic growth and optimal economic growth;a true reflection of matured growth of development cycle.Optimal economic growth measures growth transition over the seven stages of development cycle,detonated economically to pay off social debt.It argues that no living macroeconomic theory or orthodoxies could pay off economic debt sustainably without paying off social debt such as inequality of wealth and mass poverty first as cardinal thrust of the policygoal.Market forces ordinarily,do not exude capacity to pay off economic debt let alone saddled with the fiduciary responsibility of social debt amortisation.Though social debt has macroeconomic root could not be resolved bymarketforces.The main kernel is the quantity theory of debt mon

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