April 8, 2018


Hail but earnestly sweet vision with those fair lips of symphonious rhapsody,Though mine not being mortal to make,yet are foundries of silvermoon that the budhist wraith being its endowment can give,Then gallantry shall be thine coat of arms and bind thy feet and girdle as well as peripatetic conquest,With what gong will thou be heard and gourd greedily drinks?What garrison seest thou in that dreamland city or the ground to muscle thy musculature,with thy men at arms,thou shouldst not abhored,Hold thy fort starry nights,stay in thy sweet vision,pin back therethy ears to turn back the horrible hands of perilous times and beholdthis modus viviendi thou shalt not ride its pillion piggyback,Then why not sweet vision given its salvation powers from obscurityand freedom,since apposite plastic arts barely defy the platinum and emerald edges, Art thou ashame to glister?Then go to brasstacks and pleach again,freedom keeps its oaks where there arebut sweet vision,and sweet vision forever keeps off its pyrhic victory

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