April 22, 2018


Which cummulatives set him dire,in that quirky path of amplitude despondency,Forgone grievances may tothee as abhor'd solitary aloft thy thatch'd roof?Whydidst those pledge if any craft,by remorseful backward violet everrenege or such grandiose delay,and maketh more misgivings climb their willpower to renege,a supplement to extant bales to let not grovel over this deranged clouds,gliding thy slavery in their goof of instinctive trajectory?Tis not an ample nesciency that through this gauchy cloud,thou fractures,To sewer not the brainstorm on thy rot beaten face,for no price of freedom is ever paid of that magnitude in refute of a salve that sees beyond the gauchy cloud,That curls the crafty and the simpleton to the engross,Nor can that a dreadful, aids dose of physic meliorates momentum?Though that ado persists,yet have they been more monumental in loss;The defender's platitude greedily lends but the doses from a lion's paws,To him that willeth in the gallows of guillotine and the forest where men waste souls.

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