Crooked hands cringing upon the mountain walls,ringed with caged birds,in Sun's lonely land,r
ose again the deadwood gallivant,beneath him crawls the wrinkled seas and thunderbolt falls,nether caws purloined by thunderstorms of the azure castles and caves walls.This pure brows of mysterious glimmer steams.Fairy little elf,awkward rosy nose and floppy cap upon this boodle,whiteeyebrows flaring over jaunty steps across bonfire glow of muddy pond,golden gleam,his sentinel cast down the coarse darkwood,sunk heartaches,dull opiate of the numbed pangs,drains melodious promenade of beechen greenfields and numberless shadows,purple stained pale of the haply queen moon,embalmed verdurous blossom and winding thicket of the grassy fruit tree wild,pastoral eglantine,white hawthorn and faded violets,muskyrose,endeared to orchard and dewy wine of groaning flies fret upon summer eves.And to sing,they sing,ears in vain,a sod high in their requiem,to which his songs sing and jubilan
t as the old
sleigh bells.Forlorn lands and

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