and forlorn seas could not contain them.Golden rings on clever faces,incandescent feathers,restless hearts,parakeet all day chatter.The sparkling deers on the slope of summer morning mist,blithe birds wraith in golden lightning of clever sunken sun,over bright'ning clouds,pale purple melts circling this golden flights,heavens stars in broad daylight,shrill delight with keen arrows of the silver moonshine,gravid spheres,intense lamp narrows in white dawn clarity of dearest sunken earth and lonely clouds.Heavenly beams of the moonrains,singing hymns in gliding rainclouds,roses embowered in green leaves,deflowered warmwinds,vernal showers trinkles on twinkling grass and rain awakened flowers,fountains of happy strains,languous clangor of the waves and refurbished sky,keen pyrotechnics of sublime wedge,dust pavillion,serpent gleams on sunny mountains,hideous light in tempestuous glitters.Harmonious laughter of the woods,screams at the klieglight and shadow of this sleepi
satiety.Sweetest gale on storm's sore

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