June 27, 2022


Given the fact that the rational reach of information freedom,is priced beyond the grasp of earthlings,the compensation obtained with intermittent outreach and satisfactory limit of information democracy besides,what rational basis do we have to entrench great charters even in its beleaguered state?Public justice hardly proven barely exist nor ever would be where the abrasion of information freedom even to the detriment of extant satisfactory granules of information democracy attained.Rising carnage on the path to economic freedom a middle course towards actualisation of social chaos free social fredom.We can actualise karl marx's state of communism once the state of social freedom is attained so the golden age as the ultimate paradise of mankind could emerge.At the levitating strata of freedom genocide,a foolproof of intense social contempt,the state ceases to grow the quality of living standard the state itself as well as the level of the human factor required.Social thesis albeit philographically portrayed


be held accountable for the illogical theft of mass tranquility and public nirvana stolen away from the immaculate domain of public mores unguarded and unmourned to which intellectual dissidents owe not a dint of apology nor care a fig its ominous implication for the downward spiral of successive times.Judicious use,timely public assumption and consumption of information freedom ordinarily ushers in the emergence of yet undiscovered epoch of information technology.Though mordern times lay so much pride to the prestigious status of information technology and despite its gigantic impact on mordern age yet to swallow the bitter truth swimming in the foggy mist of monumental irremediationto which it loathes to be associated let alone be found wanton by the self imposed casuistry of its benighted demagogueryas parimaterial downpour blanketing its climes like a chilling fog.The world is yet to summon a panacea to assuage its painful nerves.The subtle influence of this subsisting miscarriage undermine this nirvana


stirs humanity in the face.Circumstantially so to say information assymetry is the politics of prejudice in the short term and the politics of war in the long term.It cultivates and sustains crisis,pacify it at one time and the other time escalates crisis in the ensuing period more intense than what you think.Surprisingly is the biggest trade secret of arms,munnition,artilleries and nuclear arsenals and motivates mankind perdition in the chronic stage.Moreso as it is most impaired and oldest method of communication the world ever seen.In this catchment area no one could disputes why villains dominated pages of history.The aftermath of catastrophes somewhat initiated by this miasma of public threat invariably castrated by information freedom and we can point to isolated cases of historical instances where it salvaged mankind and was often shortlived.The bickering brannigans scavenging pages of history bereft of all encompassing theories with which to graphically scrutinised this esoteric knowledge,should be


where the merchandise of the open conscience unleash a sheaf of baffling revelation,the frightening staple exuded from the crispy air of vulgar axiom,a pedestal to dissuade its gospel.Indeed sound contemptuos to be so intone:that never before in mordern times as it were in ancient times,has such a crippling revelation being divulged from historicists of various contours of history and cultureages that defy at least for once the critical attainment of information freedom.This critical impairment however forced the merchants of antecedence in their moral consignment the inherent perfidy not excluding the accomplices,pagans,infidels of this truth and shipment of logics to ponder in vain paradox of renegade sloths masquerading as lovers of history and struggling theorists leaved the world much more polarised than ever before.This monumental gap betwixt assymetry and democratisation of information affordability and access to close differences,that could lead to discovery of information technology stirs mankind


to the legattees of history and the pundits than the tainted burst of hurricanes they left behind.Adulterous lovers of history and readership primafacie juggles documented pages in praise of villains of history and where history is fallen with its cultureage,those who barely rescued it from such misfortune historicists,historiographers as historio-bibliocrats often classify them as villains of history.The interaction of social relation between social strata driven by the spurs of legal modules,but authored by great charters which commissions and summons development cycle transition a vintage journey of cultureage fueled by architecture of cultural components to which causal powers of effect ergonomics powered by the components composed the periodical texture of socioeconomic system.A pleasant stroll down the promenade of antecedence probing the sloping main streets of its golden memoirs would have brought us a finder freshened by immaculate sea breezes of holy curiousity to the hectic trenchwarfare where


To the legattees of history and the pundits than the tainted burst of hurricanes they left behind.Adulterous lovers of history and readership primafacie juggles documented pages in praise of villains of history and where history is fallen with its cultureage,those who barely rescued it from such misfortune historicists,historiographers as historio-bibliocrats often classify them as villains of history.The interaction of social relation between social strata driven by the spurs of legal modules,but authored by great charters which commissions and summons development cycle transition a vintage journey of cultureage fueled by architecture of cultural components to which causal powers of effect ergonomics powered by the components composed the periodical texture of socioeconomic system.A pleasant stroll down the promenade of antecedence probing the sloping main streets of its golden memoirs would have brought us a finder freshened by immaculate sea breezes of holy curiousity to the hectic trenchwarfare where


of such allusion.Paradoxically dis-historians profited from the credulity of shallow allusions to which they subscribe and not too benign to abscond their belted earl.It sound apalling history favours picturesquely the conical erupted bedlam of those allusions that snatched away with abundant savagery the distant glimpses of information democracy,wherein avalanche of irreverend historical identities overflowing pages of history and its sandbank with rebels,outlaws and urchins haunted by licentious sepulchre of boisterous atmosphere cultivated and stinted whose faggots might have been fostered to be aligned with the public defenders of social freedom.So intensive was the savagery of hallucinatory hotchpotch between the villains and heroes of history,that checkered antecedence in favour of public defendered were densely rigged and esteem scribbled in favour of villains.Circumstances that ricocheted their emergence besides,what this beleaguered hotbed of most caviled earthlings did with lifetimes so much matter


uncover sometimes exponential truth and hidden axioms,estranged pearls from mankind abode concealed beneath the rubric of historic sandbanks that could settle once and for all and salvage earthling from the cloudy distant hills-the crucifix of information assymetry,plaguing public life.This inescapable overtures and irreparable impression negligent to uncover by lazy sprite of easy virtue dis-historians scooping facts primafacie led us to the apalling packets of inaudible facts and fable hounded fictitious lovers of history to dominate pages of history with shallow intellects,a repugnant to the estranged pearls of lost historical sandbank sank impecable and immaculate portrait with which history should be painted albeit tainted into dustbin of history,the homes of shallow allusion.Although such allusion does not bicker at the allotted and esteemed ecosphere of historical pundits,lovers of history barely pledged allegiance to the tangled web of historical sources to escape being tainted from the critique of


of positive folklores that sometimes condensed prior myths and legends and at the same time sketchy information of fugacious but etchinated axioms and checkered antecedence laid bare before our very serpent eyes that can be gleaned from variegated historical reviews provide intense ambience for lovers of history a lucid and graceful if not often fogbound view of the golden memoirs with which medula expenditure ransacking pages of history for a softlanding.The fogs invariably settles on the dilletante of prejudicial penmanship leaving the marshbound coast to be cleared by erudite historicists.This analytical cluelessness more than any distilleries of asinine prejudices constitutes the structural bottlenecks for the hoopla gallivanting of information assymetry.By the nature of carefully worded onerous tablets of historical oratory,the most complicated facts of our existence labyrinths are often hidden away in protective shell,a scary setbacks not too generous for the indolently and insolently inept to uncover.


of positive folklores that sometimes condensed prior myths and legends and at the same time sketchy information of fugacious but etchinated axioms and checkered antecedence laid bare before our very serpent eyes that can be gleaned from variegated historical reviews provide intense ambience for lovers of history a lucid and graceful if not often fogbound view of the golden memoirs with which medula expenditure ransacking pages of history for a softlanding.The fogs invariably settles on the dilletante of prejudicial penmanship leaving the marshbound coast to be cleared by erudite historicists.This analytical cluelessness more than any distilleries of asinine prejudices constitutes the structural bottlenecks for the hoopla gallivanting of information assymetry.By the nature of carefully worded onerous tablets of historical oratory,the most complicated facts of our existence labyrinths are often hidden away in protective shell,a scary setbacks not too generous for the indolently and insolently inept to uncover.


intents of historical reconstructionism of a latter times.Mankind for the most cases,had a downward overview of historical progression which unknowingly to them by the historiognosers often cited and tagged as historical retrogression.To review the sum total or partial total aggregate historical identities unleash at periodic times by historic penmanship,the middlemen,we afford ourselves the adventuredom and medulla expenditure in the better accessment of ever changing klieglights of historical erudition with which culture feeds ruefully,painfully and blisfully successive.History does not seem to travel on a straight so as not divulge its winding secrets but in most bent on the machiavelian and napoleonic kind of adventurous outburst in favour of villains of history,the savage lap upon whose history is often fallen.Those who have burnish us with the fact have at one time or the other serve us different pills of penmanship,to the capsized commentary of golden truth.Prejudicial penmanship besides the galaxy of


public defenders of social freedom had often being with the villains of history animated by the morbid crave to protect downward statusquo of hibernating and highly pronounced barbarian oaks of information asymetry tied to the rop of this deameaning propensity to which the latter yields concession with revamped and reoriented egos,condescend to times and season scooped new morphomics of cultureage.Their historical reputation is portrayed from the gross slanders and tarnished taints of the emaciated prior age,assumes the tacit gesture of the historical of reconstructionism and subsequent cultural turnovers.Long after they are gone,the pundits of historic reviews piercing and dissecting historiognossis of historiography with extensive data analysis so selfeffacing and much reverential exhume this pungent primafacie to salvage every scrap of the fallen pieces of history together for the new dawn.Those who did this hatchet job by pedigree hardly do a disservice to their fatherland enlivening the strategic intents


The riddled but stratospheric burst of information assymetry inordinately spurs developmental charm of legal modules to catalyse ergonomics of intellectual aggrandisement towards emancipation of the state of porous society by rational demand for great charters of liberty.Amidst the gauchy cloud of this prejudicial biles of nebulous predisposition,extreme conflicts of intellectual tendencies and contextual pugilism of information assymetry and inarticulate symetrical claws of information democratisation bickered for space and reckoning with reference towards the welfare of the individual and state.The liberty of the wills is sacrosanct to the liberty of the arts and the latters attains with panache over the long run transformation from the riddled stratospheres of chaotic arts the barbarian oaks into mutual democratisation of information democracy to create panacea for growth of information freedom in one fell swoop and the other hand accelerates serfdom into the dawn of ideological freedom.The great public


Given the chicanery of callous minds,the beleaguered tensile,human society had no sense of public domain justice itself besides the corpulence of the manipulative justice and derogatory sense of equity,bargained by the state.Broadly speaking,egregious fulcrum.Cardinal point to the amputation of much avowed ecographical resources of historical reconstruction bears and wears the tangled knot of information assymetry.This knot however invariably abounds to the sacrilegious oath intellectual dissidents unleash to court historical imprecation and therefore circumvent growth forecast.Policy practice,social work,routines and workplaces,institutional ethics,education,value system, entrepreneurship and related alibis enhance divisive pluralism balkanise buccaneers of freedom and the public defenders of social freedom.Dominant intellectual history tends to disrupt the organic growth of the space and time.The timing of history and strategic location of history and geography affords suitable intellectual formation.

ART IN CHAOS.part 24

The historical identities of the public defenders of social freedom sets the erudite framework for the authorship of historical reconstructionism.This postmordern scholarship apts to avers that irrespective of the despondent arbitrariness of their disruptive influence,we reap the uncommon impact and profound growth on the growth of rich history.To reconstruct history we devise compatible framework to evaluate the impact multiplier of this conglomerate and aglomerate of historical identities of prior and successive times.Unfortunately the immaculate quality of the human paradigm sparsely distributed across ecographical divide.Intellectual formation of opulent history is quite growing beyond apalling gesture under the influence of development modules.When one extrapolates historical identities if ipso facto evaluated,the spectre of intellectual dissidents undermine invariably metaphysical buying impulses of rich history;to which all mortals perish shall we persist theperenial atrophy of abrasive icons of rich.


of prior times.Unraveling the nature of historical identities operating the egotistic forecast of ecospheric age,timing,location or geography and the assumption of the fact,to submit to their growing proportional ratio of individualistic and ideological prospects functioning under the influence of mass information democracy in accordance to the objective precedence of the mutative plasma.One avers that when population of historical identities disposed per capital at a time quite pale into obscurity latter times speaks volume of the capability of a given cultureage to exceed prior or later times.We benchmark historio-gnosis of this juxtaposed times to forecast positive growth and much ensure upward transition in the development cycle aptitude.We acknowledge the bombastic but immaculate tributary of the great defenders of public freedom to singlehandedly wields the tedious impulse of historical reconstructionism to demand above extant information assymetry the productivity as productive age of latter time.


o the theory of time,theory of geography and theory of great charters.And to a relative extent,the primacy of the human factor at a factor of these three digits in relation to the natural constraints of mothernature can manipulate destiny of history that is to say public destiny as they deemed fit.Sometimes we share the consensum advalorem that we cannot change concept of geography but we can change the timing and location.We refer to the spectre of historical bankruptcy where such identities multiply next to impact multipliers and to avert its threat,we are examine and imbibe the opulence of historical solvency of another clime.To retard the rate of this demutualised bankruptcy,requires maturity of a given set equation of information democracy to achieve information freedom when psychical warrants are granted to the public defenders during social interaction.Until we re told of the primordial significance of historical identity,the mutual indifference of state and society toward remediation of prior times


by social interaction.The historical account of great defenders of ideological freedom at the twist and turns of history provides a recyclical renewal for the inorganic reawakening and filip of another round of historical awakening.To those who are pragmatic students of history they provide motivation for growing the quality and quantity of history.Few only from history ever learn and they show superintelligence to supervise and midwive the objective growth of times and season. To understand the rich apertoire of historical identity defined as the solution of historical problem,we examine prior times of historic precedence being the study of historical custom as a pristine resource to thwart information assymetry of a given historical age.The organic evolution of information assymetry into a befitting historical edifice of information freedom is proffered by the sum total of historical identites at a given time and vital for reawakening of new historical epoch.Historical identities mutually submit to the


exploited from the confines of information assymetry over time snowballs into growth of objective followership and subsequently objective leadership a metarmorhosis from prior objective followership and subjective followership.The intencompetitiveness of leadership,leadership class,quality and quantity requires a growing magnitude of this objective state of human mind from the cacophony and euphonious motivation of prior transformation.The state of the society requires such rapid growth specifically its selfmotivating bias to organise and coordinate subconsciously,the unknown spiral of great charters of liberty profiting immensely from existing information assymetry to incubate information democracy.The growth of information democracy not excluding objective composite of its social transformation between social strata and inherent quality and quantity architecture otherwise known as information freedom became hallmark of a civilised state where cummulative turnovers of ideological freedom are unleashed by


graphically portrays the mutual characters of development demand for the entire stretch of development vs historical clock,every generation of development and its demand that begins within a given ecographical soil texture of information assymetry requires the cummulative artwork of the successive generation of public defenders of social freedom and the cardinal thrust of their ideological freedom to which they subscribe to,critique selfreflection and promote became the launchpad of public progress of successive generation.From the navigable gamut of objectivity they provide strategic framework for the coherent organisation of successive generation of subjective followership on one hand and transmogrification into objective followership on the other hand in the latter times.Should the complex change's rapid transaction of human and social transformation persist,the psychological ecology of this social interaction at every information development point to churn out this transformation of soul purity,legally


of its capacity building program but mainly due to selforientation of such responsible artists given that its proportional ratio is quite negligible and meagre compared to the population at large.When the proportion rises,the state of public progress cannot be detached from the texture of this trajectory and requires a moral compass to survive.However it does not seem rational to assume possibility and growth of this lingering but much maligned proportion unless we identify appropriate regime for the organisation of information democracy and strategic imperative of soul purity that can be nurtured by this regime.The operative measures of such public progress is reflected in the growing population of objective followership who plays the game efficiently of identifying selfingrained theoretical standard to which their disruptive influence as extant public threat exploiting inherent legal modules for the tergiversation of impossible case scenario.Infact,historicistic and historiographical exploration of history


custom.It's quite winding a mindboggling but complex public threat to the state of the society and the warped nature of social interation at a particular period.As the retrogresive spiral intensifies this miasma of kindled public threat to the state,social order is ordinarily impaired by disenabling metalanguages and social psyche of the state itself is dampened by unorganised atypical realm of information democracy in a contraption of bickering parties over which formula a society should adopt where public consensus is accepted over policy practice and social strata lack of objective submission defies development demand and downward spiral of public demotion persist.The institutional influence of social capital politics can provide meaningful direction for social psyche and the growth of mutual development,a state could desire.The ability of strategic thinkers and policy makers to identify optimal value of development legal modules and extractits ecographical resources has nothing to do with public progress


end to not only undermine complex animation of development demand as subjective followership crashes coherent forces of thoughtful clarity in the ambiguity of social strata's explosive strategic interest but extant growth in development density much often betrayed prior to their capability to evolve growth from growth muster into development.Historicists in their beleaguered distributive and disruptive influence unveiled the spiral downward friction to the missing rib of ideological freedom.An electroencephalographical evidence of malstructured framebreaking bias of undiscovered but complex influence of great charters to which sequential order of objective matrix must be observed for a softlanding.Organically the state of the society ought to evolve the mordern standard practices to avert the bias.The architecture of corosive social interaction tends to disrupt this organic magic wand and confounded states are enjoined to borrow corrupt practices of alien states to adjudicate hitherto insensitive local


of esoteric knowledge.The mutual pursuit of political trust counterbalanced by the irremediable counterpoise of social trust endears the broad characters of the state and its legal aparatus to disparately demand for this cultural turnover at polar opposite exacerbating broad spectrum for growth muster,not disinclined to be drifted by volatile and rancid orientation.A legal framework ought to create moral buffers for public summon,pragmatically and idealy commision the legal aparatus to actualise this cultural turnover for the purpose of development.The bulk purpose of this state is social stability and the fulcrum of societal discountenance drives demeaning impetus that spoke the coded wheels of negotiated growth.There is tremendous benediction in these broad intangible characters of historicism to aggregate mass development enmasse when fully subscribed to by the geographical resources.However a mutual strategic linkage between this apex and beneath ecographical resources and the geographical biodiversity


The challenges of mordern civilisation do not abate either over the ages,as it lingers and balloons on the vicious altar of population time bomb.And it appears that capacity gap crisis,too hardly declines disproportionately intandem with this vicious altar and social debt accumulates.We cannot be redeemed by the artistry of ancient knowledge development in this context neither salvaged the nebula by its archaic empiricism nor the magic wand of mordern technology either.Theoretical ambiguity besides,verbose aesthetics,ostentatious lifestyle,macroeconomic orthodoxies and postmordenity,earnestly contributes to utilitarian contraption,mordern age found itself yoked by mutual infraction of chaotic arts at every twist and turns of its recyclical renewal and historical cluelessness.The author laments parimaterial in the piece'Thoughtlessness.`Not because we are accustomed to the fact that age and time hardly traditional rigidity of bibliocracy but so much more perplexed by man's secludedly reinforced indifference


he grandiloquent and bombastic nature of human,social interaction and social relation respectively at the reticulation of great charters enthuses broad characters of the social debt amortisation for the long term welfare of social strata.Exactitude of information freedom that warrants its elementary democratisation propels social relation popularly defined as the linkage web factors and organic leverage of relationship management,welfarism and social bonding breaking barriers and investment frontiers to achieve cummulatives of social stability and equalitarian justice at large.The art of social interaction as social relation of all the textural components of social strata is invariably interwoven with the consumption of information democracy.Organically speaking,is vulnerable to chaos and chaotic human,social artistic inputs and characteristic outputs,given the institutional quagmire,porous,tedious practices and abject cluelessness of operative sphere and pariah modus operandis.The clarity of developmentocra


The grandiloquent and bombastic nature of human,social interaction and social relation respectively at the reticulation of great charters enthuses broad characters of the social debt amortisation for the long term welfare of social strata.Exactitude of information freedom that warrants its elementary democratisation propels social relation popularly defined as the linkage web factors and organic leverage of relationship management,welfarism and social bonding breaking barriers and investment frontiers to achieve cummulatives of social stability and equalitarian justice at large.The art of social interaction as social relation of all the textural components of social strata is invariably interwoven with the consumption of information democracy.Organically speaking,is vulnerable to chaos and chaotic human,social artistic inputs and characteristic outputs,given the institutional quagmire,porous,tedious practices and abject cluelessness of operative sphere and pariah modus operandis.The clarity of developmentocra


purlieu of social chaos.It does not have capacity to resolve social chaos let alone dormant intrusive recipient of technology chaos a sort of imported prejudice in the developing region when fully entrenched lacks the wherewithal to proffer measures and appropriate solution.Capacity gap and capacity gap crisis exploit extant operative lacuna a sort of magical charm and filip for the intermittent growth of strategic thinking.The chronic pressure of social chaos and inherent intimidating posture decimating tranquil nature of social interaction,requiring urgent attention and timely redress,degenerates from the structural hangover of arts in chaos and itself snowballs of the turbulent cycle of capacity gap crisis.The developing societies found in this precarious climate,ought to be disentangled from the advanced age or developed societies.They tend to import reprehensible technological chaos reconverted and repackaged as new brand of social chaos.Honestly speaking,social psyches somehow battered and worsened.


to ignite perennial voyage of great charters and the defecating climax of historiography.A foremost parameter parimeterial to the golden transition of this development density somewhat accelerates and sometimes decelerated at huge proportion with organic pagination of history which takes place when social interaction intensifies.The context of social interaction is subject to both whims and caprices of mothernature and ecographical resources such as human factor as well as social strata,development system,socioeconomic system,great charters,legal modules,aristomagnetism.Drawing from the influence of its enterprise's legal modules of empirico-rationalism,the animalistic prejudice of arts in chaos exuberant about capacity gap crisis resolution,great charters in most cases,at its embryonic stage as it were over the ages unrefined and labeled as chaotic arts indigent to the politics of prejudice,hypnotised at best to circumvent development quality and compromise approximate development density,skyrocketing the

June 20, 2022


the nature of growth and development at a time.One avers that in the atrophy of development system or extant incoherence of its structural framework incommunicado and illegible,as it were unfortunately undiscovered even in the mordern age,the great charters of liberty assumes the sovereign authorship of the public life maitenance so to say still theoretically undiscovered framework of socioeconomic system,pending the amortisation of development system's capacity gap or its entrenchment and it requires material and extramaterial components and developmental resources either astrographical,ecographical and geographical equivalence.This organically accelerates the strategic ambience of magic formula in the socioeconomic system when it fully matures and polished to ingrain and unleash sustenable growth and development.Growth is substructural to the superstructural gamut of development and both unleash their stark tonnage from the organic chemistry of capacity building eagerbeaver to exploit the missing metric


course we cannot dispute the fact living in villages couldnt have been sustained without the use of metals and with the discovery mankind exit stone age unmasked neolitic period and with the end of the iron age had unleashed monumental development transition as well as transcendental monumental chaos of arts like billows and maelstrom rolling incertitude into certitude and vice versa and sometimes setback threats,declines,regression and aftermaths or interregnums was quite beneficial to enrich the golden voyage of history.However the perpetual human and social interaction within the empirical and rationalistic commerce of information freedom was a major catalyst in the periodical unbundling of arts in chaos,peddled by the reactionary threats of the law of necessity and liability had an undue influence on the prefabricated nature of great charters of liberty the greasing oil,oleaginous friction with which the development system is strategically designed and supplanted by mode and format to midwive the ever changing fabric of socioeconomic system that assumes the management of societal fabric including recyclical renewal of its macroeconomic system,bolstering,appreciating as well asdepreciating volatile

June 13, 2022


We have a overwhelming but indisputable evidence that the great old soviet union recorded most of the early milestones in global space project and were wronght by they singlehandedly without the american support who was caught with the competitive bug of petty rivalry trying to place the catch up to the true grandmaster.I make bold to say were it not for old soviet world space projects wouldnt have been possible let alone been succesful already deemed the biggest understatement of the century until the launching of the Sputnik 1 in 1957.We xray the fundamental facts below that built impetus to space war or space race that still perniciously rages and ravages globe even long after the crash of old soviet.There can be no doubt that the first ever satelite launched into orbit by mankind was the popular spuknik in the first ever succesful attempt by mankind.That really shocked the mainstream science community wordwide precisely trying to place catch spoke too late from slumbe too la them from l and lulled a kt


Dozy white elephantines woke themselves to behold the logomarcheer.'what a gemstone!shall we sloth at alupluto to murder the wordsmith at sunrise'they grouch'he stays glued to one of us and fuguemen eloped to the manorhouse''Will we risk him?Nope'they concurred'And dangles meters away puns from his unbriddled spigot like artesian wells, encomium of fricasse'O plattero-filleto-mulleto-turboto-Cranio-morselo-pickleo-acido-Silphio-honeyo-pouredon topothe-Ouzelo-throstleo-cushato-culvero-culteto-roastingo-marowo-dippero-Leveret-syrupu-gibleto-wings.O rare!Wings of jugged and ragged hare!''quixotically pounded with atomic missiles of the hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia,she slept off in his gourmand.Startled on mousetrapped, ambuscaded,bemused as overwhelmed,open mouthed as dispassionately stupefied,befuddled as discomfitted,jarred,muddled as nonplussed shook up the whole riverbank knocked for a loop.Hid the elephantines to waylay twice a dozen men at arms laying at rest,reverted to midnight genocide eloped.


And bade not farewell to gournmet:O glutton my fricasse?'scents' aroma blunt the air'Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphiokarabomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon!'staggering the obscuratism with bowl nearly slipping off her grab to his warm embrace and lo,'Plead thee primadona i mean Grecian dialect to tone down,oysters-saltfish-skate-sharks'heads-left-over-vinegar-dressing-laserpitium-leek-with-honey-sauce-thrush-blackbird-pigeon-dove-roast-cock's-brains-wagtail-cushat-hare-stewed-new-wine-gristle-of-veal's-pullet-wings'fantabulous blarney stone kisser!'O my limpets,oysters,saltfish,a skate too a dish,lamphreys with relics of sharp sauce and birds'brains.Luscious honey,juicy blackbirds,thrushes,cocks'combs,ring doves,woodpigeons blue.Aristophane's dish,elemobranchii subclass,rotted dogfish,shark's head,silphion,giant fennel,my crab,shrimp,honey poured,blackbird,wrasse,wood.' pigeon,rooster,seahare.wine'


to the master maximus servile'a celibate ransacking the fishing nets carted crabs and gredients for fricassee.'i know not censure and peripathetic sentinel of a squadron like yours and how not like a jade they stood who wear their ears and eyes in their cloths,for where the eyes see and they ears hear they blur not empiricism.O that inward beauty is the invisible beauty the imponderable charm.Let them bind thee and heed thy macpelahs.'Then he kisses her cheers at the coast where weak celibates lay for merrymaking,with brow brash too clouded for her crystal tears to give light,where crimson liveries barely wears wear and tear.'pure lips in sweet memory,sweet memory in sweet heart dying days unclothed.A thousand stealthy secrets,a conscience unfolds for a nation's salvation.Fair queen friend of the lilies.''look before the sunrise,encroaching marauders,did they not the nethers their bait set and bait hungry fellows churlish swine to goof?'Hit his brawny esteem wondrous dreads rot away fallen macpelahs.And


as boldfaced paramors with purple colour'd casuistric faces stealthy had treat'd him to the sumptious fricasee of the seabed as they hunted relics of sedentary hunting nets,kindl'd nightfire and none doth espy.Imperiously his discreet girth did not abhor him,his glossyfaceshone like alabaster in the furnace where they trot,straight legs,velvet sheens,broad breast,fat eyes,blood thirsty-lucre hungriots,windy crest,gossipy short and long ears,pacy brannigans,obeses,brunnettes,blondes,buttocks,amazonian opulence.They look upon his presence to shower love and no more when he's gone like falling plume forgotten shadow to the panorama of his melting distance at vanishing point and failing pinnion riders,falling from the horse's saddle.All sworn with stealthy viragoing not down on their canvass,flibbertigibets ,unruly beast vicious at butcher spots alehouses,riverbeds,promenades,boulevards and culdesacs at nocturnal bent.So of concealed sinewy,once dreary squadron brewed away askance from stuppor.'pots of porridge,


gladiatorial combat of gallantry.Misery's blizzard,firn,snowstorm,graupel graveolent and disgusting glissaded gone to gretna green,goldbricks fallen on canvas,fallen on baignoire,the grandstand box,in cahoot with mortician,embalmer,gravedigger's dread`mauled at the golgotha,catacomb,boothill of nether times;for i the moneygrubber,golddigger,tufthunter at the golden apple of my grubstacking golden goosed volley of gigabucks,my eldorado,my pot of gold and golconda.A goldest,aureate,honeyed,tawny goldensmith, the gunslinger ,triggerman at toilsome gurney,rickshaw,gill,dray,barrow,buggy dolly,at the sackrace,spoil-sport benumbed.Castrate this mastodonic gusset,a cyclopean pleat's effluvium,smothering macpelahs,a macabred potbelly,paunch,gutbucket of dreary times.Match in the powder barreled matador,toreador,torero,thundering heels of banderilleroian and tauromachian gestures to bewilder purported magnetised senses,picadors capsized at the valley of decision throwing brickabats at scalable horizons,so much more


We cannot afford the diverse axiom that the challenge of chaotic arts is incurable and a perpetual curse of mordern age,at both collective level of the individual and the state as a whole,indissoluble neither with increased competence,expertise,skill nor with age and class and selfdiscipline.Infact the texture of social group bonding and relationship often termed as social relation tends to aggravate this prism of entrenched chaos in the annihilation of this primafacie objectivity if ipsofacto as extrapolably surveyed.Given the magnitude of man's achievement winning a living from nature and capability that was cultivated through several stages first movement from stone tools,the so called stone age,to the second stage the use of metals that saw evolution and change over from hunting and gathering of wild fruits to the domestication of animals and growth of food crops including the exodus of bronze age that terminated stone age at mesopotamia and the herald of iron age that terminated bronze age at Cyprus,the


in just one fell swoop negligible of the golden homage history pays to attribute civilisation as proceeds of empiricism and checkered antecedence.With the benefit of antecedence,learning from its artesian wells,successive generations of strategic thinkers are somehow emboldened to perpetually reinvent the coded wheel till they could the magic formula and be discreet enough to stop learning from triar and error of previous generations.Not one size fits all perfectly dovetails into softlanding unless nations can find this formula.The discovery can be a scavenger of prior failures which in dissident societies so much matter less-the rootstock of monumental chaos.One reinterates that the population of objective followership with the pedigree of mental freedom administratively at some point in their lives must astronomically grows to encounter appropriate chemistry of positive change that mankind and society perpetually crave.Hardly does a change of this resplendent mode visit a crucifix of this emaciated shore


evaluation and social performance management the incubation and discharge of social chaos relatively suggest the nature of arts in chaos involved in degeneration of social order.It is strategically imperative to proffer solution in a culdesac of this mess where practically no organic solution can be found even when you look inward.We shall have to find a solution by finetuning the component texture of the contraption that catapults the technological chaos.And that requires applying the concept of medula freedom once captured in the earlier analysis.This resolvable form of chaos inorganically creates a sustainable leverage and a buffer for the redress of irreconciliable and irreparable nature of chaotic arts and social chaos respectively.The recyclical renewal of golden transition influencing evolution of human arts and social life works similar feat on human and public innovative capability to obtain redress.The truth is medula outputs are quite often not responsible enough to catalyse much needed solution


Can be comprehended and apprehended in this manner freeing the responsible artists at the procurement of medula freedom.Hence it is not too much mendacious to agree with the adage that perception is everything.At every point of strategic thinking,the thinking artists are known to keep reinventing the coded wheel possibly to unleash innovation and entrench new tradition without which social life is barely guaranteed.The competitive rivalry of this mass of strategic thinkers and responsible artists at this spectre of grinding mill accelerates social chaos from the tradition arts of chaos to entrench technological chaos.They finds their way into the social system through both astrographical and geographical volubles the latter refers,ideation,concept,policy,strategy,technology of the human and public artists and the latter refers to their physical practices and entrenchment of the former as social tradition to drive socioeconomic system.When weighed in terms of policy consideration and sustainable impact


Can be comprehended and apprehended in this manner freeing the responsible artists at the procurement of medula freedom.Hence it is not too much mendacious to agree with the adage that perception is everything.At every point of strategic thinking,the thinking artists are known to keep reinventing the coded wheel possibly to unleash innovation and entrench new tradition without which social life is barely guaranteed.The competitive rivalry of this mass of strategic thinkers and responsible artists at this spectre of grinding mill accelerates social chaos from the tradition arts of chaos to entrench technological chaos.They finds their way into the social system through both astrographical and geographical volubles the latter refers,ideation,concept,policy,strategy,technology of the human and public artists and the latter refers to their physical practices and entrenchment of the former as social tradition to drive socioeconomic system.When weighed in terms of policy consideration and sustainable impact

June 9, 2022


What a gigantesque elephantine bunyanesque,ginormous,brobdingnagian of gigabucks,giftwrapt my lollapalooza.A ghostest of this ghost of chance in my banana island's alcove the marchen,the ghost story,its gewgews,left me reeling my chitterling,my giblet,my gizzard,my chitlin,kidneys and marrow at the golden memoirs of my lollapalooza's bonanza the gift from the gods.Sometimes my pancake tuesday rollicks my bingo,my canasta,my poking roulette,crazy eight,craps and gambling game,oh my gin rummy in the gin mills,taproom,cocktail house,with gerwurztraminers,liebfraumilch,moselle,Orvieto,asti spumante,chablis,chardonnay,chenin blanc as gingerbread's oleo,thinking porous mood in the gismo,doohickey,whatchamacallit,thingamabob of gittins and hen parties.O what a lollapaloos...!Give me the bouquet adore me think,a blank check,a jingle for silvermoon,a bronx cheer to bum steer and give dreary times heave-ho.Beardless,cueball,depilated,glabrescent damp squid,bled profusely its punitive gladstone,valise at the glaive


to exploit the real necessity to unbundle extant liability of the bitchy circumstance.At this juncture,we observe the rise and fall of intellectual age as opposing each other as they compete accordingly to the logics of the serendipity process.Man rises at this stage by mere tolerance of mental creativity subject to the favour of a given time and same axis where man falls subject to mental slavery.The latter closes up to indicate mental slavery of an artist in a rigid condition is exactly not same as in the prior times and suggests low etiquette ratio at raising the operative horizon of extant mental slavery where the volition of selfrestraint is counterproductive to the undiscovered yearnings of mental freedom.Our capability to raise the bar above the prejudice depends on the intellectual ratio of information freedom available to the thinking artist.To those who adorn themselves with politics of passive objectivity,might not be far from the orbits of medula freedom.In most cases theshackles of human poverty


It does not sound apalling to admit that indeed,ignorance is a stage in knowledge formation and the gravity of ignorance in this context,easily compels the rigidity of this stage of information prejudice.Organically this stage of prejudice,is catalysed by lack of information freedom in a bitchy circumstance characterised by information democracy.We are all psychologically disposed in this democratic setting,to the wise use and consumption of information at our disposal.Sifting aside stacks of visionary books and billows of information and intelligence,hitting our medula,at a given period,we choose the information tubers we could afford and jettison the rest to the dustbin of hindbrains.A good historicist not mere historian with scientific mind,a potential scientist ordinarily explores the virtue of creative knowledge or innovation in a serendipity process.To the closefisted heart,their organic illiberality of selective choice betrays the expedient realm of true innovative preference,disinclined to exploit


We are extremely perplexed by what we dont know to the detriment of what we know.We believe so much in what we do know and ostracise the inclination for innovation and hence leads to a prejudice.We risk beautiful expertise going into extinction when the prejudice is protracted.We are limited by this precipice and barely blame the society for placing limitation on human capability.In this context,it is improper to cavil let alone exonerate ourself from the selfimposed trap of the human prejudice with which we are taken into captivity.Business life of an expertise is invariably or at interval punctuated by this pitfall and the conditional requisition of a technocracy as the first order of precedence demands flexibility to pull loggerheads of the human art from the brink of that precipice.Often times moral insensitivities pelting the vulnerable arts plunges the arts into chaos,to ochestrate technocratic perdition.Every stock of human knowledge is bedeviled by the incomprehensibilities of this insensitivities.

June 7, 2022


The sun had not pleaded eerily for the morose lawn and by time,the eliptical oval had lept with pang to beseech the berserk hours and withdrawn its tantalus of tentacles,the lachrymal grief of morose field,was imponderable had gone grey.Fresh variety make them all blokes twisted bramble,all red and pale,as time's beguiling sport all too dainty and crotchety smothered the encroaching thorns.A thousand sweet kisses boldlypluck them lull yet still unapt to coy,blessed coons at the nimbly coast.So soon as the morose sun was gone,pleading his stupedous girth as he was restrained.And now lost to fortitude,doth she remorse to avert the downpour not to suspend her lips from the immaculates of sacrilegious fouls and stoop them dry.Now impecable feet struts high and mighty a tauromachian matador of mischievious blanket therein catapults the umbilical torero of golden morn.Over his couser's rein of gusto impasse,dingy they flock to camp,to masticate stratagem for netherstrike.The golden boy gliding hid in trenches where