July 17, 2023
Set Forth At Dawn
ibikunle laniyan
Mon, Apr 10, 11:16 AM
to laniyankunle
The beauty of vision is interred in the strategic feat of accomplished reality or so to say fait accompli.We attain the outcome not because the intention or the vision is an abracadabra as some seem when they behold successful people and accommodate them with overwhelmed ego of awe and status embarrassment in contrariwise to their pontificating goofs of sallowhood.Those who set forth at dawn perhaps are opportune to make faster overture than the late comers though that is not the recipe to adjudge potential success often make a huge impact.The use of time and reaping the best of time investment calls for references to human reflection to bouy or influence quality of outcome desired.We do not deride the fact of late comers thriving in saturated industry given both are defined by induction of sustainable moral commitment to strategic compass of the blazing vision they desire or set forth at dawn.Early adventure affords the ample opportunity to produce traffic lot of triar and error, unfolds monumental discoveries,reap overwhelming profits amidst relentless affliction and extended family of failures nurturing awesome population of proteges and disciples.We do not discountenance that overtaken is allowed in terms of scope of achievement but not definitely with the grandmaster in terms of value and volumes of achievement recorded and that is why we call it'checkered antecedence,'be it for a nation,entity or individual.It takes monumental proportion of time and avalanche of time investment to achieve such feat.The on us affords the time tested artists to spread creativity,uncovers new yield of innovation, science and technology as time investment and time Creator's Intelligence permits.The problem case studies and problem solving time intent of the artists often times create platform for this context of experimentation, experience hunting and innovation and unleash new values and ways of life.No matter what you do the the blessings of current strategic impact must exceed prior antecedence.Anything to the contrary is a fabulous fable and a mere aggrandized hotchpotch of negative reflection and negative reflection galore.We are judged by the outcome of what we do and not what we do.The art of becoming or it's science does not favour anyone and much less elsewhere around the world, where development or the practice of development is receding,when juxtaposed in the same mode at which negative reflection growls.It does not follow which religion or race they follow but the fair object of positive reflection and if possible egalitarian impact in the world at large.To the early comers in the golden enterprise of time investment,there is need for implicit and explicit juxtaposition that takes huge milestone of time investment to attain.To acquire much confidence to break the frontiers of much prior feat certainly defy the spate of such shorttermism when it defiles the status quo to break the stalemate and pay off liability by the orgy of repressive canyons and cumulative responsibility of time investment.
Reflections.chapter 2.pg.4
ibikunle laniyan
Fri, Mar 24, 7:42 AM
to laniyankunle
The generic approach to problem study permits easy policy apparent analysis and solution to make social life affordable.The exigencies for rapid comprehension of social problem,enables customized solution for specific problem identification.Frankly speaking,it all depends on getting appropriate structured scrutiny right depending on the politics of positive reflection devoid of poignant prejudice.We broadly approach metaphysical realm of social work with levity when we ignobly ignore the strategic use of impression literature overwhelmed by prejudice and it leads to moral impairment and ensure gross underdevelopment.Ideally,once we take informed decision or not,we re liable and responsible to our various social actions.The spiral of social instability is therefore not a natural impairment but man-made causes that requires the use of impression literature to take informed decision and flag off meaningful transition of average tradition.This avoids trial and error and relentless spate of conditional threats associated with general impact management.
Re: Reflections.chapter 3,pg.1
ibikunle laniyan
Apr 1, 2023, 2:50 PM
to laniyankunle
Effective hate management and Public Good system.
The unfair politics of positive reflection in most climes is quite alarming and a sole causative factor and much responsible as impairment custody for the evolution of hate tradition.We are not unaware as humanity the fact that men of positive reflection are infinitely also catalysts behind the obscenes,relentless spate and immodest traverse of the hate tradition.Plebeans in most cases are not spared either of their behavioral debris and insensitive followership attributes crusading their ignorance in the ever ballooning nightmare of unbridled negative reflection.They maybe diverse in values and commodious population wise,their prejudice of moral impairment politics and causal impact pale into obscurity the gravity of monumental damage that men of positive reflection could unleash at a given period.Should they not act out of discord, there could exert enormous impact on the welfare of public good in general.Contextually we cannot disagreed with the superior influence of such consensus reflection the fundamental basis of mordern democractic society.We do not dispute the fact the objective nature of followership and leadership in the strategic management of positive reflection is a winding catapult that is determined by volatile nature of the environment they found themselves.Apparently,this unfair politics butchers the welfare and mortgage the potential operating platform of the public good system.Behold where the unfair politics persist contemporary public good evanishes alongside its likely cultural incentives to unleash new values and uncommon custom of equity and fairness.The rise in the growth of demeaning hate tradition is a bespoke investment of this unfair politics and the religion of insensitive leadership and ignorant followership.Although we share consensus reflection,hate tradition cannot be completely eradicated in mordern society,however it should be noted that public good system doesn't exist where the effective hate management system hibernates in gross obscurity.The general conduct of unfair
On Mar 28, 2023 2:59 PM, "ibikunle laniyan" wrote:
The endowment and the art of problem identification,problem recommendation and solution procurement with lightning speed,amidst the myriad of social problem is not common to all asundry and climes. I have no doubt were it to be so, extinction of social debt would have been guaranteed long ago.To come to terms with the new mode of solution analysis and solution procurement,the best alibi is to quarantine the sparsely blokes with superior tact for positive reflection.A responsible response that unveils the fortune of human and social preparedness when commercialised could subconsciously nip in the bud,the protruberances and outstandings of social problem.The characters of positive reflection are blessed with the sole panacea to curb immodesty of social debt.Social problems when not resolved in the long run,as moral outstandings otherwise also known as social debt,are barely resolved in the nightmare of prejudice.Frankly speaking,where the problem and such challenges still lingers, it is certain evidence politics of positive reflection either hasn't yet begin or barely take root.Regardless of the nature of dastardly operating environment,the system of problem management begining with case study such as identification, recommendation, analysis and procurement including policy study, prescription,analysis, approach and resolution subject to evaluation of impression literature,must be thoroughly instituted in the meantime for the success of problem case studies,in a given policy approach and concerned environment.The environment of human reflection and the explorative resources to get aid
are not far fetched albeit restricted alteration and resources import must be located in the same environment where the extant problem case study begins.Often times larger spectrum of arts invariably observe a given problem but it takes a professional to thrive in the objective references and problem case study identification for the right solution .Behold the fact that it is hardly found to be such a universal arts and the rarity of human curio speaks volumes why you never get to see expertise with such monumental prestige,for many generic generations long after they are gone.To take a political approach to problem solving is a wonderful worst case scenario in problem management and problem case studies respectively.A time wasting venom that is not common or distinctive or unique to the developing countries alone but also advanced climes tainted with superior coloration for racial profiling worst than ethnic profiling of the former.Social problem often takes a universal policy approach and effective problem management to thrive better in sensitive climes with the benediction of proper hate management culture and public good irrespective of races and climes,we are found,the public good system and proper hate management culture ensures faster disposal of problem case studies even before they become standard orthodoxies. To become standard orthodoxies, social problem must have empirical evidence of gross underdevelopment, institutional Injustice, social instability, widespread poverty,with destructive impact.Although may not be isolated to a particular region but strategic solution to strategic locations enhances the concept of problem case studies.Extensive investment in the impression literature smoothens and accelerate problem process management, resolution and review.
Nigerian Girls,Future Fake Mothers
ibikunle laniyan
Mon, Apr 10, 11:16 AM
to laniyankunle
Wonder shall never end.Recently i switched to wasobia fm and on the 7th of the April I was listening to Chiboy on Wasobia as he lamented the fraudulent attitude of Nigerian Girls our so called future mothers.He berated the fake lives of Nigerian Girls and their shenanigans at extorting money and duping their so called boyfriends of their hard-earned properties.Extorting not only money ,but clothes, sandals, phones,food, recharge cards,data,.Girlfriends every where are too demanding and not for once showing gratitude to their patners for their philanthropic gesture.Drawing from personal experience,in the last edition of Chiboy and the Calabar girls,he went into narrative of possible scenarios a boyfriend could experience with visiting girl friend.Callers and text messages were in most cases male dominated and did not for once debunk the gory tales of these elements of ingratitude.He was fond of lampooning fake lives of Nigerian Girls epitomized in the celibate personality of Itoro.A delight of comedy and tragicomedy for their fake lives.
Your guess is as good as mine the personal experience we share on a daily basis and onerous cost of having girl friend especially for the poor folks on the street.A girl on a visit to his guy throws caution to the wind, extorting the guy to the last Kobo.They tend to share passion for uncommon programs led by General Badman, otherwise also known as James Expensive into the s,into the P and Solid AC,then Solid AC and Uzor toasting themselves like Chiboy and Itoro.Chiboy makes a satire and a parody of this fabled girls and unleash the paradox that society or the media barely talks about.
Nigerian Girls epitomized by lust for money and greed for wealth.The challenge of nation building begins with welfare of the family and stunted economic growth and the plight of peculiar values undermine the posterity of sustainable development.True human development unarguably begins with family and future mothers are today's girls.Like the male folks,their greed and deception with fake lives a foolproof of family failure to demystify the quality of future motherhood.We shouldn't expect a distinct outcome from a nation with parlous family foundation.
Writing is a wonderful profession and quite interesting to behold wonderful hands of earthlings archiving the present and the past into the unknown future even before it's birth.However I make bold to say that from the time hesiod and home started to write so fast as they could go down to the least of mordern writers,the best of writers in terms of volume and speed wouldn't have written 3.2pages if he had lived a hundred years.Infact not even a 1.2m.or 1m.pages should he so much tried.I don't think the best effort of mortal writer couldn't have gone beyond 200,000pages at most or better still slight above 100,000pages.I infinitely doubt human ability to pen at least 1,000books at most.And I set 1m.pages for myself and at least a thousand books.
The energy from the sun sustains the universe and keep it alive.There is a belief that the universe cannot exist without this energy and the very solid fuel that gives it light or power to drive home eternal motion and enables the systemic functionality of the nature.Unarguably,this energy replenishes the four components of the Earth mainly water,air,Earth and fire and nothing ever exist without it.It is constant, reliable and dependable and the true reason behind the survival of nature.We agree everything changes,life changes,time changes including the four components of the Earth through which nature was created and evolved along the same path.Condition changes,order changes, mankind changes and custom changes but not so with the energy that maintains universe.The technology of eternal energy though renews itself every second,it still remains an Immortal mystery beyond the grasp of mortals. Natural science indicates that the four components are catalysts for the growth of animals, plants,species and nature in general.However, science has not been able to identify this energy though numerous thesis were churned out in this context which I believe is a conjecture at large.In one of my research,I uncovered the energy as mother nature and the theocentre of this energy system or intangible light is faith.Fortunately faith is a common etymology to mankind in general with the evidence that butresses the preeminence of religion in human society.A staggering six thousand religions world wide and still yet we undermine the rational use of the mother nature is the spirit of nature and existence though have explained differently and largely misconstrued by avant-garde in general.Energy or power is everything and everywhere at every time and everything you see is a conglomerate of this power. Given that it is omnipotent, omnipresence and omniscience,it has the capability to supply all material and no material needs in the same way it has the earned the mysterious feat for being involved in the creation and evolution of nature.To conform into the operating module of this energy,is to unleash the infinite powers and infinite Intelligence to make things happen and impossibility possible.However,in order to key into this supernatural power,faith in the part of mankind is allowed and badly needed to unleash any accomplishment whatsoever.When we are unperturbed with this mode of action we can be sure of successful undertakings.Faith that cannot shaken is only possible with the realization of this esoteric power.Great men of the world were able to use the power of subconscious mind the true hidden universal mind to rake astounding achievement.
July 16, 2023
Plateau state in Nigeria is now killing field with average killing of 345 people per day and about 18,000persons in the internal displaced camps in about 14 local governments.what do you make of this brouhaha?The speculation was rife their land was sold and formerly cool and calm state with serene weather now hotbed of killings.Citizen Jones lamented on 90.3 fm a local radio about these killings, a metaphor for failed nigerian state.He reiterated,are we down?This was his concern after debate on the function and effectiveness of EFCC.With a group of lawyers they debated the viable existence of nigeria.
And lo,the medley out of foofarawed and flimflamed futz,at gambit in gadzooks,barely their doppelganger could stigmatise the cornucopia of bailiwick to traduce the open cryptozoology that ran amok in the alfresco, festooned by triumphant hills.And the wagging tongues of lackadaisical kvetchers and dreamland's noctambulists,lollygagging in their maelstrom of dreamland's noyade and metro operoses ceased the pantagrualian otalgia.This spaghettificated peterman's pilgrimage of pilgarlic quibbles, scalawags,rumpus ruffians, scatterbrained, schmoozing scofflaws,slapdash skullduggery and scrofulous ragamuffins in their skedaddling sausade still on the pother and pollex,to previse rollover of the razzle dazzling razzia.Oh,superfluous snollygosters and the taniwha,the fifth columnists on the slipshod in reprisal, spellbound telekinesis in spurrier usurped by vagabonds,untill the velleity of switcherooed spitchcock, impudent verve
July 15, 2023
ibikunle laniyan
Mon, Apr 17, 10:28 PM
to laniyankunle
From the vilest lounge lizards, metropolitans earnestly crave nirvana.
And making a sloth of wishes,treasure of lofty heights deep shrinking thoughts'neglect persuades shall apprise my wit of unthrifty simpletons,vamoosed in garrison of unspoken dreams.Then let it not defile their freaking dread,trivial homage pays o melange of the ridiculous dilletantes,not too darling blunt,to blunt the lion's paws,faintest sweet brood upon devouring time and shallow Earth in disdain of macrocephalous stormy petrel.Sorry seasons of anomy,to carve shallow Earth with the unfairest brows,glazing perchance by cunning eyes gone berserk to refrain from the Portmanteau of weary toils,unleashed by the petrel's travelogue.So oft have they faintest invoked the gods and goddesses of sorcery and loomed with sorcerers;heart inflaming torch to court his festoons and wreath of garlands.His legion not disarmed by noctambulism in perpetual duress of tripping expedition,to pay the theft and quash the season of anomie.Shall we compare to the lounge lizards o let fiddle be fiddle,metropolitans of backward violets.
Re:Human Reflection And Environmental Management.chapter 4
ibikunle laniyan
Mon, Apr 17, 10:26 PM
to laniyankunle
We cannot jettison the fact that the environment of human reflection and the resources it badly needed to grow in an ideal setting,grows in the same proportion as the physical environment,it operates.The velocity of both ratio is expected to grow at the same rate at least or at best the former should supercede it by generations yet unknown and avoid shortfall and setback.This is what is called planning and preparedness.A lag behind by the former creates incompatible barrier that ordinarily automates the floodgate of social debts.What could have accounted for this mismatch?The clarity is adjudged convincing enough with credible evidence in this context,we refer to miniature or infinitesimal ratio of objective followership and objective leadership respectively.What an uncensored horizon! The size of politics of prejudice in an uncensored environment tends to accelerate negative reflection compared to censored environment.Nevertheless human reflection in the budget of preparedness invariably outgrows the environment that supplants its operating muse.As long as the operating muse keeps growing with selfreflection,it is bound to outgrow the environment either by content or impact leveraging.Note that operating or usable intelligence or so to say a combination of reflection,and dormant Intelligence and forecast impact management.This in real terms aptly refers to upgraded use of intelligence,preparedness and with evidence of Investment return,it is tagged operating Intelligence.This untapped high level of objectivity if commercialised and guaranteed could ensure the sustainability and maintenance of operating Intelligence either by manual use or automated bot through the treaty of great charter of liberty at advanced stage but initially through the statistical manual monitoring, physical surveillance or and the supervision. Depending on the perspective,we affirm that based on the growing size of brain morally or immorally, negative or positive,the reflection often outgrow the environment that nurtures as tradition or habbit formation grows uncontrollably.To control movement from environment into alien land either the reflection or environment is impaired or growth is impaired leading moral or physical damage to the artist or environment involved.The natural consequences could be moral impairment, perspective and personal impairment,medical impairment,unfulfillment,maniac depression, frustration, mental health irresponsibilty and a host of traffic causes in tradition transition hazards (TTH)of becoming.Sometimes short lived life and unfulfilled destiny of the concerned artists.
It is trite to enthuse that the quality and quantity of human reflection multiplies by locations in a given environment and when moral exhaustion sets in,nexpedient (necessary -expediency)necessity warrants growth of arts beyond known horizon to other environment as ordained by forces beyond the individual powers.In this censored environment,the human artist is opportune to escape the process ordeals of TTH a movement that could catapult rapid growth of average to median and top tradition transition.In most cases quality of reflection dies in an uncensored environment.
On Mar 24, 2023 7:20 AM, "ibikunle laniyan" wrote:
July 14, 2023
A Travelogue s Festoon.part 1
A cromulent coddiwompler,axiculous,kenspeckle,lamprophoniac,quixotic pauciloquent out of mephitic dysani,defenestrated by eleutheromania insomuch to pluck ado from limerence and meraki of apricated ferhweh,in repugnant of resilient hiraeth.Not a numinous dint of pernicious schwellenangst and egregious mudita to ingratiate himself with the papilionaceous querencia and peripatetic retrouvailles,a sondered sollivagant on the attic shore of abesi.From the Ubuntu of aching ados,his vellichor in sychronicity of novaturient eudaimonia.Adrift from the mixtymaty,spizzerinctum and matutolypea of the beachcombers,beastof preys macerated by beast of burdens,baragouins,beetlebrowed beefcakes,fafflers,fimblefamblers,forjeskits in feriation and quake buttocks smothered with kakorrhaphiophobia,lallation and haunted with oneirodynia, gourmands with pozzywallah,ombibulous raving with scuttlebutts,beaujolais, Burgundies,limburgers,verjuices,beafsteaks,demitasses,companages,scrumdiddlyumptious mulligatawnies,smorgasbords,confectioneries,coffeepotters,bisques,borschts,bouillabaisses,rechauffes,slobberchops,alamodes,alacartes,rummers,tapsters,bistros and alehouses'afficionados and hogos,the tiffin lover,almondeyed,makebating jigamaree and ambiential but ambidextrous ampere,loofed himself,with drawn sword from forel,in whister-twister, with quenched derechos, coast home pyrhic victory.Waow, what a brutish anecdote of funerary urns'gourmets,egregious cognoscentis,opulent bouquets,forest cauldrons and brinny deep brinkmanship!Scarebabies,clinomaniac,atingled bafflegabs,still on the recubation,where composmentis freak out concertina,till the standing ovation was dished out to the obeliscolychny.Did he not traduce them the betweenity of breedbating clinchpoops with contempt and cachinnation ?The xertz of agastopiac eulogy pours dyspeptic and fractious he in gusto,the asportation and backberend of dreams suspended.The arcadian,ulotrichous globetrotter whose silvery of elfinlike forays dances in the moonlight,not yet over with the epilogue,drew fortitude from imperious martinet of insouciant n'est-ce pas.Orotund but noisome interlocutors,dribbled with weltschmerz.Hurled himself like a vagabond,sapient spirited Zorro, willynilly in the teepees and wigwams of the obstreperous deadwood, nocturnal hunting, not the scintillating treehoppers,to outwit the tempestuous typhoons.
A Travelogue s Festoon PART 3
The macrocephalous stormy petrel,a replica of the golden boy,swerved in locupletative euphoria and balustrade of magnanimous ovation,swooned aplomb by demured petrichor,obstrigillate the contemptuous folks.Sometimes miffed beyond compare to micturate,some mutandum by suicide,nonsequiturs for the manque of milquetoast,even as sepulchral forenensts and bombastic vitriolics,gobsmacked.A vertiginious palimpsest and corpulent catechism of ascetic jeu d'espirit in the season of anomie supplanted amidst the gallows,sanguine,blanch, caesura and elegiac stones and bricks of egregious epater la bourgeois.What litotes thaned upon the earls of this fiendish Wyrd to smash the virtuoso of nirvana?Not too didactic a convivial to denigrate and cringe in this peregrinatory blandishments of anomied season,hunked,in disparate lethargy.A travelogue's oddysey, rampaging from everest skywards and Himalayan travelocity, nonetheless,met the festoon at dawn.
The kaleidoscopic experience of light is apparently quite distinguished from that of darkness and the brightness of the day cannot be comprehended by the darkness in the night.Hence,what is real not the same with fake or fabled entity and where ignorance rules knowledge does not dare rule nor attempt to comprehend it without chart bursting exceptional outcome.Moreover,people and nationalities tend to obtain their tradition from prior influence and in most cases, long forgotten history.In most cases,spectra of human reflection often emanates from the prism of this historical gesture, positive or negative as long as it guarantees them manageable outcome or satisfactory results.They don't even care whether the result or the traffic of tradition is palatable or not.A good reason behind human lethargy's critical inability to leave the comfortability of their comfortable zones.Being indifference to venture beyond the seas of uncharted coast,testifies to the bullying bugbears of dread itself, tainted the adventure of aspiring elements.The tangled knot of rigidity,often threatens the posterity of the state or such beleaguered society where in most cases the social norms of positive attitude and mental health under moral siege is relentlessly involved.Whereas it is extremely arduous task to leave tradition behind for the so called positivity when indeed it is the spring board or Commonwealth of innovation or technology incubators for the brightest posterity that such positivism may not guarantee.Mordern society as it were over the ages,is perennially torn between this Scylla and charybdis and to get the right adaptation, adjustment between this indecision for a soft landing seems to torn apart polities in the various entanglement,they found themselves.The adoption of social measures must come with predictable forecast,whose outcome can be accelerated by extant social forces and enhanceable moral adustment.In most cases,moral impairment has persisted where such adjustment could not be procured.This does not go down well with the welfare of positive attitude which when invariably we refer to time Investment factors or positive value items like honesty, transparency,justice integrity,etc.Does it implies that the mental health of the rudderless state or volatile society is affected when such adjustment at a given period, fails like failure?There is need to juxtapose the euphonious and cacophonous ensembles of aggregate historical identities to unveil what the adjustment can do or better still yet maintains that fairly persistence of the statusquo.Which one does rational historicism as oppose to empirical historicism prefer ?Do we need positive leadership or negative leadership or positive followership or negative followership or ablutionism? It is apt to say the score card of empirical historicism ordinarily provides ingenuous but optimal outcome for the verdict of rational historicism.The former is live and the latter dead upon arrival unless it is substantiated by time Investment to spin off new historical trends and engineer new vista of yet unknown history.We do not pluck history in a vacuum but raked on the evidential trees of empirical historicism.To do otherwise is to evict the spectre of true culture in place of fabricated rational historicism.
The blogger for the first time in scientific history unfolds the world of medical spiritology and in this spiritological survey and you maybe shocked with simple findings.
ibikunle laniyan
Sat, Apr 29, 12:59 PM
to laniyankunle
The universe unarguably is very inconceivably huge to comprehend and the sprawling but esoteric distances traversing,its spatial plane,amidst the peeping light sky and gentle waves of the orbit and Newtonian elliptical oval is mind blogging.Quite a nebula,indeed,that the scientists measure these distances in light minutes and light years.
However,we are bound to ask questions like the scientists do.What is light minutes or light years?A distance through which light travels in one minute is light minute and that's a long but tortuous road,given the fact that light travels its traffic through space at 300,000 km.per second.Therefore a light minute is 60 times 300,000 or 18m.km.The former a light years is close to ten trillion kilometers away.That is to say how far away is the sun?Just a little over 8 light minutes away.On a hot June day with rays of sunlight warming mortal faces, must have travelled the universe,that eight minutes to reach us.Pluto next planet is five light hours away from earthlings and that is to say an astronomer through telescope is gazing back five light hours in time.The closest star in the milky way or winter street to our planet is just four light years and the whole nebula is 90,000light years wide.That is the distance it takes light to travel from one end of galaxy to other.A sheer look at a star in the winter street,is 50,000 years back in time.The most distant galaxies are certainly ten billion light years away from us.And to get signals from them is about traveling same ten billion years back in an ephemeral lifetime and that of the universe.Twice as the existence of our solar system of some fifteen billion years back to the atavistic period.This tremendous feeling could the sensitive dizzy,considering the fact our sun is one of over 400billion other stars,in our own Galaxy.
Moreover,a spiritological surveys through dreams and trances indicate that the human brain is a sort of universe on its own.And to borrow the rationalists viewpoint,the universe thinks the way human mind or brain thinks.I make bold to say the universe is the brain of mothernature with 14trillion cells or stars as the same fourteen trillion cells composed in the human brain.The same cells that form the mental bigbang are the same stars that migrate into formation of the universe.Sigmund Freud,in his book Interpretation of Dreams wrote a lot about dreams and how the subconscious mind communicate with the conscious mind through the dreams.Although Freud may not have admitted this part of dream's but certainly evident before us.Every dream within a dreamyard or dreammile is unarguably fifty thousand psychocentric light travels,back in time.The movement of particles including blood in the simple anatomical survey,the
We celebrate Soyinka as he clocks 89 and we wish the obscurantist manay more years in advance
I think I love Soyinka
ibikunle laniyan
Mon, Apr 17, 10:28 PM
to laniyankunle
I think I love Soyinka.
And I Know it rains
When I love him
It is the identity of my root
The identity my father
Gave me upon crossing to art class
Unveiling my potential
Prior to clocking sweet little sixteen
He had said to me
'Son you're Soyinka'.
The Genesis of my destiny
In the path to the becoming
Still yet,the adoration for science
Does not wane
My father had made the mark
And the magic wand
'Soyinka was my first love
Soyinka was my first identity'
In the path towards obscurantism.
I think I love Soyinka
I think it rains
When I love Soyinka
As the heir apparent
To the throne of kongi
I think it rains
I think it rains.
I saw its rains
I see it rains
I see it rains
And yeah the rainstorm was fierce
When I wrote those beautiful lines
Dedicated to the king of sharons
Soyinka,the father of African literature
I think it rains when I take my pen
To write out of hazy clouds
The imponderables of the beautiful minds
Who can change the incitement?
The beautiful weather
O that my father instills in me
Long after him posthumously
The sparkling loner of the cringing voice
Like clicketyclank rings adinfinitum
In cruise of cruel baptism
I behold the beautiful dreams
With hallowed feet upon hallowed shore.
Let my father's wishes be
I think Soyinka was my first love
Soyinka was my first identity.
The true identity of my history
Soyinka was my folksongs
I think it rains
I think it rains.
Within blandishment of casuistry
And phenomenal spirit of freedom
I came to face the consequences
The consequences of choices.
Of painful choices,of the politics of choices.
I think it rains
When you follow your love
Well wishers on the great battlefield
Of freedom,
Of the freedom of the mind,
Of the freedom of passion
Of the freedom of first love
Of the freedom of first identity.
The identity of the root
Is the true love
The finest arts of the mind
I think it rains when I write
I think it rains when you return
To the roots.
The hands of the first love is heavy
Like the heavens and hell
Like grave and life.
Like day and night
Upon the freedom of expression.
I think it taxes my personality
And earns me my personage.
I think it rains when I write
I think it rains
Because I love Soyinka
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