July 14, 2023


The kaleidoscopic experience of light is apparently quite distinguished from that of darkness and the brightness of the day cannot be comprehended by the darkness in the night.Hence,what is real not the same with fake or fabled entity and where ignorance rules knowledge does not dare rule nor attempt to comprehend it without chart bursting exceptional outcome.Moreover,people and nationalities tend to obtain their tradition from prior influence and in most cases, long forgotten history.In most cases,spectra of human reflection often emanates from the prism of this historical gesture, positive or negative as long as it guarantees them manageable outcome or satisfactory results.They don't even care whether the result or the traffic of tradition is palatable or not.A good reason behind human lethargy's critical inability to leave the comfortability of their comfortable zones.Being indifference to venture beyond the seas of uncharted coast,testifies to the bullying bugbears of dread itself, tainted the adventure of aspiring elements.The tangled knot of rigidity,often threatens the posterity of the state or such beleaguered society where in most cases the social norms of positive attitude and mental health under moral siege is relentlessly involved.Whereas it is extremely arduous task to leave tradition behind for the so called positivity when indeed it is the spring board or Commonwealth of innovation or technology incubators for the brightest posterity that such positivism may not guarantee.Mordern society as it were over the ages,is perennially torn between this Scylla and charybdis and to get the right adaptation, adjustment between this indecision for a soft landing seems to torn apart polities in the various entanglement,they found themselves.The adoption of social measures must come with predictable forecast,whose outcome can be accelerated by extant social forces and enhanceable moral adustment.In most cases,moral impairment has persisted where such adjustment could not be procured.This does not go down well with the welfare of positive attitude which when invariably we refer to time Investment factors or positive value items like honesty, transparency,justice integrity,etc.Does it implies that the mental health of the rudderless state or volatile society is affected when such adjustment at a given period, fails like failure?There is need to juxtapose the euphonious and cacophonous ensembles of aggregate historical identities to unveil what the adjustment can do or better still yet maintains that fairly persistence of the statusquo.Which one does rational historicism as oppose to empirical historicism prefer ?Do we need positive leadership or negative leadership or positive followership or negative followership or ablutionism? It is apt to say the score card of empirical historicism ordinarily provides ingenuous but optimal outcome for the verdict of rational historicism.The former is live and the latter dead upon arrival unless it is substantiated by time Investment to spin off new historical trends and engineer new vista of yet unknown history.We do not pluck history in a vacuum but raked on the evidential trees of empirical historicism.To do otherwise is to evict the spectre of true culture in place of fabricated rational historicism.

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