December 11, 2023


The dynasty of development patterns and objective models fractured by duncy dunghill and dyslexia of social perception and dysentery of dislocated social impairment politics a somewhat dutch uncle to more than duplicate chronic underdevelopment.Mordern societies dull as ditchwater often a dullard and duffer dumbfounded by dudgeon of this recurrent anathema where outmoded theoretical orthodoxies are barely dislodged from the development textbook drooling dryshod.In most cases,development measures are alien to developmental performance discharge antidevelopment imprecation,downright bedridden downhill and requires dotted lined drowsy,dotty dotages of development custom be unbundled for a new dawn of historic economics.Policy makers,strategic thinkers,thoughtful henchmen and development actors and their ilks of old geezers,hogwash hobbledehoys as heretofore grounded social herdsmen hardly exonerated,hobbleskirts the approriate rythyms of development heroism in perpetual fathom of developmental romanticism.

The operating rythm for development practice in mordern societies as far as the pace of development velocity is concerned trails the atmosphere of development demand and the rationality of those who demand and the relative tradition to support the appropriate may not only be heartbreaking but also incorrigible in the context of remorseless pyrates and perpetual powermarket stranglehold adinfinitum. It is in their best interest that the miasma of this heatstroke,prickly heat and heat waves persist.

As long as they predominate as the development decelerators,battered pyrates,despondency and retrogression for the upteempth of social politics not unbundled tied to the casuistry of their prejudice for lacklustre defense of fallible social optimism.A deadshot retinue of dissident folks in the painstaking clamour for rational choices in their rarities disproportionate and social impairment factor unsurmounted in contrast to the surfeit of social challenges swallowing our susceptibilities and vulnerabilities.We re suspicious of our intentions surrender our lost nuggets of encroached social capacity to the wasting venom of social political surrealism and not swampily surmise that we re daunted by our vulnerabilities to undermine the relief or reprieve that historical economics or developmentology offers neomordern times.

In mordern development discourse,the spherical mode of thoughtful review as respite for historical essence,calls for spineless speculators and specific gravity of competitive rational choices that only peculiar specimen of strategic thinkers though often benightedly unleash specious logic till empiricism is mustered are quite worthy to change the strategic course of historical spectacles.They do not cling to orthodoxy for so long only to be provoked at the eleventh hour by strategic thinking to spearhead and spawn a novel spatial mode of custom in the wide spectrum of implausible innovation.Not too common for them to spatchcock or interpolate but shows expertise in halting perpetual mode of orthodoxy and the spews of inherent tradition,ingrained brisky maneauvers sparkling a new dimension in the surging perimeter of historical growth.We re not too shallow to identify this oracle of historical metamorphosis and inherent distinction with which they carved uncommon niche and make a difference in their literal and metaphorical impact over the ebullient rapture of historical impecable change.Measurable impact not too arduous to achieve when the ethical standards are assured in the character of impact management.

We cursorily xray the theory of existence from into median and final includes silence age;mothernature;cultural age/formful/creative age/human intelligences/human relation/social intelligences/social relation/social system/development system/golden age civilisation.They re guided by the following theories and laws:assymetrical laws of gravity and resistance(faith);law of necessity and liability(fate/kismetic);law of recyclical renewal;theory of social engineering on the role of social relation architecture;developmentology comprises of growth management and development cycle transition management including social engineering and falls under historical economics.
The research template above guides the critical rendition of this dissertation and logics as shown in this exposition
Growth and development management and the philosophy of growth and development on one hand and then growth and development management and the equalitarian philosophy of growth and development pithily explains the graphical differences between inequal growth outcome and growth equity in favour of the former often attest to the main reason behind the unparalell growth in structural inequity a strategic dose to maintain the near eternal sittight syndrome of social class differences hamorhaging the plight of social instability and social injustice in mordern society.We resolve the critical challenge by proposition of market rational forces and institutionalises robust platform to execute the wonderful findings.

The search for social,economic freedom and historical justice sluggishly finds its hard to identify the natural root of its impossible mission and may tarry longer until we ve uncover and apply the novel conventions of historical economics.We as mankind barely relieve ourselves of orthodoxy once we ve make a decision,get stuck and fully convinced that no better alternative exist inadvertently commit us to slavery of the thing that emaciates the human ado.We perpetually embrace the known custom and invariably complacent and emboldened to make the good sacrifice as well as endorse the ignorance not to try the new innovation.

Economic freedom does not come on a platter of gold and while it takes probably over three thousand years to find economic freedom foundation for mankind that skyrocketed at the dawn of Corpernican,Galilean,Newtonian and Classical school of economics era,the economic freedom's embryonic stage had not surpassed a tercentenary and how fast we could go with the digital age should be left to the successive generation of mankind to decide who may or may not be thinkers in the unfolding times

We are embarrassed not just by the intellectual aesthetic beauty of orthodoxy and the inherent tradition it procures but by the deitylike status we bequeath to them to celebrate the cacophony of such intoxicated rigidity to fathom less about ready made solution already devised by competitive theories.Moreso as the competitive knowledge not so much a blockbuster to usurp the ingrained influence of the sedentary orthodoxy.
The power of optimism may not salvage society with wrong growth model but they do with the application of historical economics that have high impact management operational discharge and objective performance.

The Golden economics Of Time Use.part one

We are nothing but the fugacious passage of time planted on the utilitarian field of volatile sojourn of time infested space mucus dropping inconsiderate seasons and wasting epochs.The judicious use of time differentiates human arts supplanted within this same perimeter of dreamland spaces regardless of the different genres in perusal of artistic erudition and broken fortitude that those those bruised by their conscience in the fracture courses of economic time use are made to face regret in the latter part of their lives.The feedstock of human arts still remains undeniably and defensibly the efficient use of economic time for which non existent time economics yet to proffer critical measures let alone unleash the innovative avalanche of the undiscovered discipline.
The strategic imperative of time economics inordinately and subconsciously optimized by time economists the so-called successful men is not understandable demystified by the feet of splashing ducks or by the warped feet of broken dreams and to leverage below this bandwidth is to lengthen the embryonic cord in the same wavelength of human failure as maybe maneuvered in the allotted allure of wasting human prejudice .We are the reflection of effective time use and optimal economics of time use invariably denies rational expediency of its consumers and the efficient allocation of choices steadfastly marketed in the volatile charts of human decision table of preferences .This however unarguably declines as the growth of irresponsible human task that scarcely or barely pays assume the stratosphere.In the allure of social relation's ethical principle of public esteem as against self esteem canvasses patronage for social capital,the woebegone quality of human capital also increases.
Do we need a critical balance or total break away of human environment  espouses this infinite optimal value of its self preservation to avoid dilution?As the human environment suffers dilution with the social environment and lopsided engineering of social relation mated with social prejudice the inherent decline of social perception enhances the critical impairment of social order.The best alibi or primordial benchmark for effective time use of economic time is the efficiently allocated time to egalitarian vision supported with same egalitarian mission.It optimisers the rising quality and impact multiplier and impact multiplayer value accretion of economic time.Slow down the mileage use of a vehicle as shown above or speed velocity is the same as slowing down use of economic time use being the speedometer of development production and factor multiplication.Economic time is a passage of time allocated to the effective use of egalitarian vision backed up by egalitarian mission for the purpose of the mission to purchase the critical  dismemberment of social debt with the allotted time use.
The possibility for the dismemberment fracture is invariably guaranteed by time investment and it barely fails when the investment is made on the concrete concept of economic time use.It optimises using natural optimisers the inherent use value of the allocated scarce time use .Time preparedness and prepayment of the inherent preparedness of time assume the strategic horizon of efficient time use when use value is enhanced with such allocation.Time never forgives even though we claim not to know and when such waste is rampant it automatically adjusts its engagement mechanism and divest its avalanche of natural benediction to refer to what is called  negative time devestiture of human fate .It hands over supreme court verdict to the book of history to decide and flies away into space unreturned in the imponderable of eternity.Time's judicious use of economic time does not pay the time economists but much profitable the chief judge of time who inherits the time precedence and power of attorney to pass verdicts .
The legatees of time or history and history itself reserves the power to pass verdict.It is becoming efficient allocation of time is increasing and mankind does not want to admit to reallocate their precedence in the favor of efficient time use of economic time.Economic time use is the saviour of mankind and there are no salvation or defense mechanism above or beneath that could adjust the gate of mankind from poverty into universal prosperity besides judicious use of economic time use.
In the next we identify the vitiation factors behind the decline in the effective use of time economics.


What is left to the debilitating mankind to manage who could barely condemn extant environment let alone capitalise on transfer influence?They manage mediocrity either self mediocrity or environmental mediocrity destined to the whack obscurity of history.The bold is not afraid to venture equipped with professional arts, extraordinary stamina for sustainable work tradition, offering exceptional services, valuable insight in a key Industry in such commerce or technological services, wracking up indelible influence that next adjoining texture of operating history could only glorify in the most explosive panorama of transfer influence.The professional merits of prestigious arts

Unleashes mystery beyond what mediocre mankind could fathom.Is there any luck or fortune hiding elsewhere for mediocre mankind destined to the doomsday of historical obscurity to avert this obscene tag of illicit mediocrity?Sometimes so vile and heinous were the condition of these noisome slaves of mediocres insomuch the swollen modicum of social debt unsettles the present but also stole the much unsafer posterity?What happen to nation that could hardly change its environment?Of course maybe destined to a whack life of mediocrity ? Otherwise adjustment of actual history into the real history? However how does this preference of social change come about for banana republic eschewed from the mellifluous influence of business Prenticeship?Does it infer that mere structural adjustment of historical growth adequate to resolve this much error of social malaise?

In tackling this obscene nukes of social malaise,for a nation sunk in the elevated depression of a grotesque volcanoic eruption,the tested methods of historical reconstructionism provide everlasting panacea.

It appears embittered social perception is responsible for the company of social malaise mordern society experiences and to correct this anomaly of pandemic ailment we devise the reconstruction of historical growth. The logics of social perception must be imbibed by leagues of historical actors and absorption of inherent social debt resolution they propose are imbibe from empiricism of historical scholarship to reinvent their strategic purpose of history.There is a lot of work to be done by historical managers to guarantee the optimal security of historical growth against historical theft against.When social relation comprises of human,material, environmental and Industrial relations across every social strata fails to coagulate evidences of break down of social capital indicates breakdown of legal framework for productivity of social relation and interrelated optimal impact on social progress.This does not spare institutional breakdown as to exclude personality infringement as empirical evidence for the degeneracy of social malaise.The embittered social perception paralysis is responsible catalyst for this causal break down and in most cases social strata legal apparatus are not proficient enough to identify this transactional theft of social malaise for which social scientists and historicists are better trained to proffer ideal solution.

The essence of the historical economics is the palaver of social debt elimination such as eradication of inequality of wealth, monumental wealth creation and complete eradication of mass Poverty respectively.This is so much attained by historical reconstruction and self critical technological growth of history in the most ideal marsolist direction.Armed with the marsolist manifesto and divergent marsolist models devise creative ways and means to revamp and make social relation responsive in the context of historical reconstructionism,to attain in that regard the advanced purpose of history.

The Power of Perception

The power of perception goes beyond prejudicial politics and we cannot discountenance the quality of strategic impact prejudicial politics have on the power of perception in that the doses for operational discharge and performance generation is linked to this interrelationship.
They collaborate in the interelationship using the power of environmental politics and it implies that the undue influence of environmental forces inordinately influences this interrelationship goes along to determine the embittered profile and bickering pedigree of social relation in the social system that is often on the receiving ends.
The hapless social system lack buffers to insulate itself from the miasma of ordeals it faces in the battlefield of social order impairment yoked by prejudicial politics tearing apart the power market harmony and proliferation of social malaise in the face of unbridled prejudicial politics galvanising the structural incapacitation of social strata.It is downright impossible for public institutions to work where this public dysfunctioning of social impairment politics persists.We recommend the structural unbundling of social politics 's social capital allocated to dismemberment of social relation.By subscribing to the ethics of great charters,we begin to unbundle in the golden transition this wasting mirage of impairment politics of prejudice reallocate mental energy of social relationship toward reengineering.


SORCERERS STONE. A contd of elegy to the sadomasochism.written in the form of poetic drama. A short or cameo poetic drama is shortened or called - C.A.P.O.D.
SORCERERS' STONE. Ikoyi. A Street,Osborne and Gerard. Enter Omashile to meet and relish her lover.

Trash! Never tell,you barely love me again:I sacrifice avalanche still hardly reciprocates being unkind,no empathy whatsoever.And if i had revenged,you will not by this time had liv'd. Oladele.Clownish You sounds,as well as a daydreamer.I had no love for you;still a wild goose chase?Dont you get it? Am just a playerboy.Enter that into your empty skull. Omashile.Oh,am now an empty skull?Now i ve become an object of ridicule,aftermath of the escapade in which you deflowered me and i lost my pride at a dying minutes towards the happily married life. Why in the first place,you put that fickle ring into my hand? Oladele.Are you kidding me?So,at your age,you still barely know about simple tactics of a mere playerboy to get you on bed.You should have realised that before we gyrated the day before yesterday and even now. Omashile.Are you serious? Please dont make a mockery of me. She went on her knees and burst into tears,frantically helpless.And Oladele pixilated with acrimony,snubbed her and exeunt in a huff,..

Sonnet 31.If thou plethora,my well oomph'd oddles,When that sterling pounce my piety with neglect,shall not bicker,And shall be lily livered once more protracted these limber onerous lilts of thy renegade hood, Contrast them with the bantering of time,and though they outmarch and outmaneaver'd,by every lilt as like two peas in a peapod,Lissom them for my litigious,not for my lollop of lonely heart,longfaced by the longevity of these shortsighted blokes,O then this longhaired him but this scary thought of long drawn out longstanding:'Had my indure's truce with this longshot tarri'd out,A gild'd logician lucrative and ferocious than the longshots of the loggerheads'lollop,had logg'd, To sail in long boat for epicure of the lustr'd fleece,But ever since they did not care a fig and wranglings wrangling wrangle,Their brand'd niche,their lucre-lustre,rave for rave,in punctillious mode, they'give the price for monotony.

Sonnet 32.No more floodgates be floodgates,at these prostitutes of mores, Floodgates have floodgates,where roses have thorn and thistles,flood and fountains,lagoons and lakes have floating bridges,And that flirtatious lollop that fritters away verve,in a deadhouse flogging of the folkway, All men cherish this folkway and barely molten,A melancholia melting pot for its medley and public melee,Its bespoke only says messo middling and messo dunghill,not so poised a salvaging time's amiss,Not prepossesing the metropolis from the web of preposterous and howling protraction,For its hypochondriarch predisposition,for the most insensate gimmicks of a gimcracks'bulli'd dawn,The fortunate party,the hilly beans legendary exertion desecrate'd , And the war of attrittion needful hate unflappable,to thrive,That i be emissary in this yet to be knighted mission,an empiricism must buy,to that coagulate self,To the tender'st and sweet'st buds,that entreaties galore,saith to them'life is too short',But its golden pearls are...

undermined,being lameduck and decrepit glimmerrings,To see the goggle eyed godforsakens do deeds of derringdo,To bid nonchallance,to play goblin as a godspeed,kaput fortune's dearest lustre,And coronated in thy insalubrious insalubriate,what avalanche am i sufficed to latch onto,How can my ruse crave inquisition as innuendos to inquire While thou dost inquisitorial that pour'st aplomb in to my holycuriousity,Thine own innocuous insanity too flexing in my nocuous attrition,O give thyself the insidious,if wrought insertion in thee,Worthy insulation on guard,'gainst the insuperable; For whose 'so insouciance that cannot insularity to insulate,When thou thy insidious dost let loose its intrique intoto? Be thou the tenthfooth pole,a barge pole much more insouciance,Than those nearest as dearest ado,which insouciance dost jettission;And he that stampedes heels himself on such contextual ados refrain,let him not coagulate,for a lion trods to outlive him long his misery,if my malinger adophobia
do trite to outwit holycuriousity,The pang being mine,a lifelong frantic but thine misery be thine misery;for the lion trods in the streets,with the eulogy of terror,O how thy viles of manner insouciance sings,When thou art adophobiac,the better morsel of thee feedeth,Who can mine own conquest to mine own triumphalism lilts?And that string that by this wraith bemoan'd never die,What effrontery o what effrontery wouldst thou dare and craves?Were it not in thy celestial ego,gave thee blunt carteblanche, To gavel intergrity of time with the rhapsody of hardihood,most priceless gems beneath earth surface,Which hardihood and time so flighty,dost insouciance trigger so lampoon'd And thou steadi'st how to craft ethos,that in the eulogy of time,the praise of hardihood,doth then beckons, Strip me all my doves my dopes and mopes,yea my mopes strip them off,What thou then hast thou then more thou ere hadst?What avalanche?what surfeit in satiety? No mope,no dope by entanglements that thou mayest genuine hardihood ....

Sonnet 42.Am i not a superhuman,of he who dreams like the gods?Yet still am on thy brace,that my exit mothernture beyond superfluous barely withheld,whom above quietus forever invincible,O what a happy ending that never ends,of a stormy petrel whose figment and forays,begat seventh heaven,O what a happy ending do i find impulse than the sonorous songs of a passing earthling,O what a happy endings do i find,But what'so benediction feint evaporate that blots out malediction? O that lacuna that ages have never filled! That thou mayest be superman like me and yet still do i salivate when sedulous beyond my exit second heaven as seventh heaven servileth,towards his heels beneath headed,Yet they know it not,when throng wallows in sombre Shall i not distraugth,supposin thou art fickle

Sonnet 43.Shall i not distraught supposing thou art fickle,Like a hoo'd discontent'd hibernating in the distress'd purlieus,May modus viviendi still to thee university of adversity,though now alter'd by mine dutch courage ,in the sanctity of golden fleece,Thy insouciance with me invidious charm thy hearty blind alley in frosty alarm;for there can be no abode thy heart in mine dutch uncle,Therefore i cannot perfectly broach thy penitence,in burlesqu'd exemplification,the homeric hooves'hop,Is writ in hoorays and hoopla of "bereft smash hit,or that barndoor barely pays without hardihood" But coronation in thy resolute empire did not destract,That in thy swashbuckling palms,sweet love cast over passionometre,that pays with hardihood should never cease, Wherever thy art or thy pulsate's tireless mortify be,swung beyond the arms of the morpheus,thy morphology should not be motheaten but mothproof opus be,

Sonnet.44- They that ethos-lucre to pay this price and will hone ado,That ado not ado the viles they those ado do opus,Who moving as gregarious flocks are they themselves hooded with gregarious chants and hooched by bandwagon jumping otiose,minacious oubliete,not otherworldly and too oracular to venture,They their opus by heirloom,hell's orotund ornery of damp squib,And Heaven's niches alien to their shores,They being vices,and architect of their own vices,overweight but bad sailors overworn by nether beneath,The season's outlays to the season's prodigals'club,Though to themselves slaves be slaves,ere and thereafter were to live,But if that lifelong servitude with base contagion frollic suffuse in the gregarious chant,the mammoth infection soon outwits metropolis,for the infectious charm that turneth a gangrene will public quagmire overwhelm this plateau, Then they fared far worse than they rave

Sonnet 45.How sweet ozone dost thou make the smell,Which like thy hilly heath'd beans in the fragrance rose,Doth not precipitous stink the beauty of thy blinding sequestrate!O what sweet vision dost thou thy hardihood insulates! That dearth that tells the sparsely beans of thy glorious herald, Not pawing in onerous state of thy beautiful sport, Cannot dispirit thee but in thy lodestar,that with the terror of a lion trods,barr'd a street's compete, O what a benediction to be so enthus'd,as lockaway from the miasma of this ill maner'd flocks! Which for their strangulating infatuation,a lifelong breaths,belabour as slavish ado, Not nothing loath! not nothing loath!locusts of treacherous heels,whose lucky dip,slavish elements bereaved their golden fleece,slammed by incurable vulgar path, O the price of vision is indeed paid by sweet charm of hardihood, In the frontiers of howling wilderness,its mines are dug,its fields are plow'd and evergreen in omni-season

Sonnet.46.If thou footslog to play footsie my well contented footrace, When even that flimsy footstool and footl'd footpath,my footsore shall slip,And by footwork,footage footloose re-foot'd,This footpath footpounds of thy fancy free footle contrast with the fool's paradise and batter'd time,And though they be impetuous slingshot,imperturb'd by every limp of its inclemency, Gratuitous them for my fortitude,not for my green eyed grazes upon my navel,Outwitt'd by the art of footloose fancyfree wightly species, Now then condescend for hardihood lord of automagnetism,is loving though my charm with this mystical dung salivate,A dearest as foulest footbath than this slippery had shown,to get on the gravy train in the prime rain and greenhorns'vilous desert lull,lugs lustrous dawn downwind,And sloth'd beneath by their intransigence,i'll then thread cautiously his for his passion, Values are no sloth,when windy sail are no navigable.

Sonnet 47- An intrinsic intro of so stagnating a fateful nocturne have i spar'd,Bickering not the mountaintop with judgemental eyes of the dickens,jiving and gyrating with sonorous music,the instrumentalists pixilat'd with humorous sound of its mighty pianos,dancing pinkly to melodious cymbals.Purging but alarmist fire of pulsatory-ting'd scarecrow,that overwhelm'd shrinking violet's pschos and its immanent hangover that stall'd his personage,Betwixt mine scalding hot and clemency,a battle line is drawn,And each doth scatterbrain turns schmaltz,unto its schema;When that transmogrify is underpin'd,art is scrumptious for the scum of the earth's biles ,driven away, Or not lilylivered himself with no sighs doth pother,And to the scum of the earth's vilous resins,Upon weary trounce of shank's pony,barely endear'd,

Sonnet 48- If the draconian instance of my landmark stride,were ruritarian rumbustious ruse,should not rut my steely-gripe, For then sacrilegious of sacred crow,would i not condone,from sabrerattling fallen deed,where loungelizard dost renege contest, Not barring sackcloth and ashes,although thy foot did string astray,Upon the most unfairest trods,plaster'd on scorching earth, For sabble wield can sag,both saddle and sail,As soon as the brothel brothels,the prostitutes where he would sloth,But hurray,samba dances me that i am bout to sap,savant savvies of savoir faires,when thou art school'd,But that so much of a savagery lay and scabrous scarifi'd, I must append time's restraints,with checkered antecedence of egalitarian scarlet, Scaring not the worms away,like a scaremonger,by badgering of norm's nether bales but scandalous scapegoats' exemplifications so venomous.

Sonnet.49-How steely was i bepoke when i took my mirth,Each cloven hoofs,on the hop Above piffle were leaps in the dark,that to my lease of creas'd art,as occassion demands,might nightmare go crazy, From the nuggets of hardihood,in the nucleus of nervous obliterate, But thou desert oasis,to whom my nuggets' oblique obsess'd,thy obssesive sable canst not unflappable benumb'd,Most habituate of oblation,now my hare's hale and hearty halcyon days,Thou bereft of halfcock,hairsplitting and mine only punchdrunk,Art punched the pusillanimous pulsate of every limping pussyfoot,Thee, have i not plum'd whatsoever,in any ploy,pointifate where thou art pompous,though ponces,Within genteel poppet of my poppinjay, From whence porcelain of bravado bristly at good trencherman,that thou mayest avaricious partake,Even thence thou wilt be purport -brisky,This bereft i dread

Sonnet.50-This bereft i dread for eschatology,purplish pugnacious for a golden trophy so sure,Utter now of the spring and pother of the benumb,And thee like every shadow tend,upon puritan's pungence,all ados of purple patch pyrexia set,And you not in the inferno of pyrrhic victory being traumatis'd,That thy pyromania doth putsch of your pussilanimous intransigence,The other being your indecision as derelict procrastination doth vile;And you pucker in every malediction,a poltroon ,we acknowledge in all invidious graces,you have no vindicate, But thee like none thee,inane self vacuous thee,factitious trickles for insidious behemoth,Not the nugget nor the gilded purple passage,Of shrinking violets'smother shall have lived to outlive history before history,But you shall thrive with more sparkles in mine spittle,How sullen wastrel shall time's broilling hot be ridiculed, Whereon thou crucifix as maiden wanderlust,strumpet'd thy nugget.

Development Management And Social Growth part 1

We re not at the turning point where we badly needed to be and does not demean the fact we re dreadfully socially under capacitated.The realm of social capacity is famished and invidious dislocation of the social malaise stares us in the face insomuch that in an evasive and fast evaporating rythmic euphemism of banana republic setting seemingly that we hardly know where to start from giving the magnitude of social challenges.A standard euphonious wavemaking etiquette for social auditing should be from top to bottom and historical auditing should be from future down to the past and instill reconstruction from the present.
The moral estragement from ethereal mode of equestrian development management to espouse the fact of epithetic dearth of social capacity,endemic  equidistant to the equivocal framework entrenched in a given beleaguered social system in comparative equipose terms to emergent social system. They entomb development,development management and  pattern lacks clarity,engrossed by theoretical ambiguity bereft of ambience and enfilade,where emotionalism as eloquent elixir holds the forth in the stead of performance discharge and delivery substance.The elysian emaciation of social capacity and somewhat denial of social articulation's embonpoint elipsis elusive compounded with counterdevelopment cacophony and elevated nightmare of punitive effluents to castrate development crusade,dwindling dynamites,eclipsed with effrontery of eggshell chinese taints and badly effete for the emergent and beleaguered social systems..

December 10, 2023


Considering the unsustainable and unsuspecting reckless and monumental outlays of bad economic growth disengaged by disenabled essence of historical audit in the most unusual audit,we shall be inauspiciously forced to do house cleaning in favour of transparency and eliminate social debt waste plainly exposed to our conscience.When we subject all mordern economic indicators to mere historical timeline impact survey not just historical economic data timelines sustainable surveys,we shall boldly unveil in due time the gravity and magnitude of social debt commulatives and allied social malaise which might have escape social perception verdict of mordern historical economists.To receive the case study reports by steering groups and study groups ,not the absolute results but with what application are the inform to launch a durable social transformation to the people and the state in general?

However, how understandable it maybe solution oriented approach, problem solving techniques a vast hordes of policy processes emanates from solution oriented approach where assessment studies formulate itself from detail proposals to identify and solve social problems unfairly misjudged.This is known historical auditing error identification where critical assessment concentrates on identification and analysis of problem location not avoiding policy studies techniques, location analysis, allocation analysis,the scope of project desirability and allied theoretical inbuilt with technical capacity, organisational, institutional, legal analysis,policy planning analysis,innovative and creative capacity,amidst optional and available alternatives.Social debt the main focus of historical economics is the main Economic problem taking consideration of the social and environmental factors.Critical assessment studies enforce diverse terms of scientific research of policy issues stressing multiple decision making processes dimension involved both rational, empirical and conceptual dimension.This leads to better policy and theoretical consideration creating solid basis for thoughtful review,negotiation and solution procurement.Social debt critical assessment studies (SDCAS) is a inquiry mechanism by main objective to pose critical question to the group of historical economists a new age of social scientists and policy makers alike creating the conceptual of social perception leading to formation of joint conceptions of the social historical problems under discussion.

We deserve the rollercoaster hurdles of historical justice often socially impaired under extant conventional terms.The rapid monetisation of social debt,its liability assets could accelerate the growth of historical economic Freedom ranging from crypto monetisation,tradable assets, debt economic securities and application of historical macroeconomic models armed in transmission mechanism of the uncommon standard monetary policy.Strategically deregulation of debt System as debt economy and broad macroeconomic settings creates moral buffers for economic system reajustment for forecast optimal growth relief.

The transmission mechanism of historical justice begins with seeking tenable choices for historical liberty and we are a social animal for the main purport of this contextual historical growth.The motive of freedom is the public denial of the extant environment to the satisfaction of that motive.We hardly tend interogate the main perception behind that motive and when succesful findings are made the brutish intention uncovered oft to mortgage the future and welfare of passing mankind.When we fail to weaken the intent,we risk enslaving the unborn posterity before they re born.To escape the trouble of the long but tortuous winding path,we'll soon find ourselves at the beginning and end of the tunnel and polish the effective framework for social debt monetisation.
Perceptual politics by emergence and resonance in a rational social relation are much linked with the nightmare of prejudicial politics of decision management to lynch and nip the bud at angular effect.We discredit enormous magnitude of social challenges and audacious that the best alibi to resolve the nightmare is to still cling to orthodoxy.
Social challenges do not mar beautiful days in the atrophy of planlessness and lack of preparedness.And those who are opportuned to motivate the society to overcome anathema of social challenges are somehow accustomed to the improvised morsel of isolated preparedness and the moral incandescence of social rationalism.
We should preempt those values that make us great.

We re not at the turning point where we badly needed to be and does not demean the fact we re dreadfully socially under capacitated.The realm of social capacity is famished and invidious dislocation of the social malaise stares us in the face insomuch that in an evasive and fast evaporating rythmic euphemism of banana republic setting seemingly that we hardly know where to start from giving the magnitude of social challenges.A standard euphonious wavemaking etiquette for social auditing should be from top to bottom and historical auditing should be from future down to the past and instill reconstruction from the present.

The moral estragement from ethereal mode of equestrian development management to espouse the fact of epithetic dearth of social capacity,endemic equidistant to the equivocal framework entrenched in a given beleaguered social system in comparative equipose terms to emergent social system. They entomb development,development management and pattern lacks clarity,engrossed by theoretical ambiguity bereft of ambience and enfilade,where emotionalism as eloquent elixir holds the forth in the stead of performance discharge and delivery substance.The elysian emaciation of social capacity and somewhat denial of social articulation's embonpoint elipsis elusive compounded with counterdevelopment cacophony and elevated nightmare of punitive effluents to castrate development crusade,dwindling dynamites,eclipsed with effrontery of eggshell chinese taints and badly effete for the emergent and beleaguered social systems.


Nature using the consumption of arts chisels a new dawn of historical identities drawing from the essence of history to re write the strategic course of historical growth for yet a solid streamline of greater historical liberty.Armed with the contract of time ,having thorough bred understanding of the concept of time mainly by effective time Investment under direction of good historical purpose and enabled by strategic philosophy of history,mankind exploiting sensational indicators such as the influence​ of environmental resistance.


We may never learn enough from characterised fountain of history the sole book of nature and culture in general,but we should learn adequately enough to revamp the teething miasma of historical challenges for the sole essence of historical reconstruction.The theorist blogger open a new horizon in the treatment of history for the purpose of liquidating historical gap and amortization of social debt to guarantee social equity.Enjoy the reading.

The institutional personality of enterprise development bankrolls development lethargy and the abiding norm of the environmental restraints arising from failure of attempted praxis of development at a given period is informed by irresponsible protection of irresistible orthodoxy.This sounds so much disgusting to suggest the anathema of western Development​ pattern be jettisoned for homegrown technology.We challenge for the umpteenth times these restraints breaking stalemate inherent in the established status quo and unseat those Invidious orgres who protect orthodoxy ;for they do nothing to promote the Industrial and technological growth of history.They re a plague to mordern society and could be found in most cases among the plummeting noises of conventional technologists,who were fucking desperate to maintain destructive status quo,as the main purpose of civilisation decline.We add nothing to civilised society, balkanization of civilisation for which we take so much with no replenishment whatsoever in return.

Given the decelerative momentum maneuvered in the sedentary backwaters of statusquo protectors ,the cummulative forces and rising onus to birth new development pattern were not only denied from the opposing folks but also the allied generation of academic scholarship that follows them equally dispute any notion for mass innovability whatsoever.It is infantile therefore to chart the path into golden age civilisation with this disrepute of intellectual history by much dissipated folks and intellectual terrorists and dissidents in mordern age.

The revelation of history in the cultural context of empirical transition across the circumference of historical fields of knowledge which ensues and comprises its strategic interaction from same circumference of brain use or intellectual history via circumference of earth so to say historical earth or empirical historicism tediously affords mankind further tutelage into the potential review of historical knowledge for further potential drive of historical reconstruction.However , historical reconstructionist model barely modally possible in the atrophy of this essence of history to whose perspective is notedly historical review at every twist and turn of historical expedition. There is no attempt to stop historical clock or at best invoke the use of development clock so that it reads logically the clockwise nature of development velocity measures growth of development cycle and turnovers of golden transition.

We unravel a distinctive historicistic model a rational template for standardised method for golden age historical reconstruction in the best alibi for historical economics ever contrived when effectualised within developmentological histological framework.This framework unleashes faster socioeconomic receipt of profit , revenue or reward in record numbers than could be muster by prior models of political economics and allied jargons concocted over the last tercentenary or so.Our contextual evaluation of the essence of history depicts the militating offenses launched at the moral impairment of great charter of liberty to which such denial at optimal carricature descends deep down into bone marrow and aching root of development tree of history.To rebuild the growth chart and logical chemistry of historical growth by socioeconomic reengineering of historical purpose,we reposition it with main purport of technological historical growth

The character of historical identity besides,the character of extant historical knowledge invariably being lucidly rely upon to grow the holy sanctity of historical growth could go as fast as the extant historical scholarship could go in deciphering and mustering requisite historical knowledge badly needed to grasp the esoteric nature of this historical identities,interpretative and allied theoretical analysis that should go with them for enviable intellectual expedition and the cultural mysticism latent in every passing body of historical knowledge.A nation is as rich as the repertoire of historical growth saddle with the oddysey of her manifold historical expedition comprises of the geographical, environmental and in most cases intellectual expedition nature bestows on it at critical juncture of her history.She is not spared of commensurate development as long as historical exemplaries are guaranteed.A nation with rich tapestry of intellectual history and in this context endows with commonwealth of intellectual and socioeconomic intrigues could therefore go this far.Anything below this comeuppance of paradigm shift is a Pandora of anathema and tends to bequethe unaffordable social tension to its irrational clime.The undaunting task of equipping a nation's operating history beyond the extant ledger of actual history embossed with premature empirical history is to enrich that adjustment to operating history or real history with the right philosophy of history, subjective to periodical feedback from the essence of history for optimal fulfillment of advanced and civilised purpose of history.

Sorcerer's stone

SORCERERS STONE. A contd of elegy to the sadomasochism.written in the form of poetic drama. A short or cameo poetic drama is shortened or called - C.A.P.O.D.Enjoy the Sonnet 36.What hardihood's seedlings will joyously jettison thee till thou on thy primrose bank,waterloo meets!You culprit,yea but yet might'st my mollifi'd moke bedecks,And scold thy servitude and howling vagabond,Which opprobrium thee in their anarchic howls,where inaction adhesives addle and thou art no art comtempt'd to crumble on a benight'd shore,The vanishing winds on its burrowing earth by thy tremor,seducing fleece to fondle thee gaunt,Of thine breast and dairy products,thrust with opulence bittersweet,by thy ramrod being apt to transmogrify,Mine wobble and insidious are prong'd with a jihadic flexings,How to share the pots of porridge,stakes the intergrity of time and golden kismet,How can i then disdain alacrity in remorse pent,That am alabastar'd the benefice of limbo?When howling wilderness trauma its repression thrust is not lessen'd by hardihood, But stead adophobia by adophobia,and wink and wink that wiles by wiles grimaces engross'd, And weirdos though spindle to either willy nilly's ........

Sonnet 36

Sonnet 36.What hardihood's seedlings will joyously jettison thee till thou on thy primrose bank,waterloo meets!You culprit,yea but yet might'st my mollifi'd moke bedecks,And scold thy servitude and howling vagabond,Which opprobrium thee in their anarchic howls,where inaction adhesives addle and thou art no art comtempt'd to crumble on a benight'd shore,The vanishing winds on its burrowing earth by thy tremor,seducing fleece to fondle thee gaunt,Of thine breast and dairy products,thrust with opulence bittersweet,by thy ramrod being apt to transmogrify,Mine wobble and insidious are prong'd with a jihadic flexings,How to share the pots of porridge,stakes the intergrity of time and golden kismet,How can i then disdain alacrity in remorse pent,That am alabastar'd the benefice of limbo?When howling wilderness trauma its repression thrust is not lessen'd by hardihood, But stead adophobia by adophobia,and wink and wink that wiles by wiles grimaces engross'd, And weirdos though spindle to either willy nilly's .......

November 1, 2023


There is nothing like the spirit of the pursuit and it doesn't get any better either when we fail to identify the most ideal direction in life and we just have to identify the reason behind the mission.Otherwise the essence of pursuit might be lost in transit and we risk a great expenditure of life time in vain.It is this onus that is fallen on the missionary of reforms to make the world a better place to live.The most powerful force behind this trigger is the spirit of hope and we could not but agree that the power of optimism is the principal force behind longevity of dreams  ,of the mission and of a lifetime.Sometimes people live longer when they are well Endowed with this spirit of hope a life saving grace in time of distress.No one ever prays to loose this hope when we re surrounded by bad association and company of bad manners who utters pessimism.We re made by not only what we say but also by the influence of bad association we mingle and when the vision is tardier we re gonna have to reengineer the evil influence and surround ourselves with right thinking individual to effect the change we badly needed to accelerate the drive that the spirit of hope requires to get to expected end.We know that to boost the spirit it must be planted on the right soil to grow lest it be stiffled by thorn and thistles.Everyone alive is living on hope and hardly know the height it could assume until we have gotten to the promiseland.


We just have to believe in what we do and not resting on our oars to leave no stone unturned and the earlier the better we do that the farthest forward we move onto the expected ends.Society does not empower right habbit formation and most ideal behavioral custom to get to the wits end and we shall have to derive passion from impossible situation to reform social life in the most ideal direction.The photographic images of where the society is headed at a particular period and at the right time is not with the policies and politics of the state but in the enclosed mindset and brain images of the human mind.We rely so much on the latter and that calls for a different approach to successful mission.We do not want to protect the status quo and that is what we did and we re paying dearly for it.We rely   on capacity building and institutional development to reform the volatile sociopolitical economy and fail to identify ways and means to manage and reform the ethonomy of human psychology what I called psychonomy or psychonomics.We barely shot the right ballistic of psychonomics and regress with utmost demotion of most ideal development practice that society desires at a particular period.I think this is the most important announcement that mordern pundits and academic scholars barely notice.We should pay attention to what we think and if we do society moves in the right direction.It is common .Nothing success like success and nothing fails like failure.

October 23, 2023


We briefly examine world economy in a jiffy and forecast the next couple of years.

The rapidly changing nature of world economy vary from place to place and the rate of industrialization and technologisation differs across climes .Endowed with different processes and development models and divergent method of globalization,they assume different pattern of growth and development.This changing trend in globalization has transformed the way development indicators behave to communicate impact and economic performance across the board and this explains why development differs from place to place.
With the emergence of marsolist age, modern development indicators are no doubt outdated.This include development indicators such as Gross domestic product, human development development index,literacy rate etc.We deimemphasise development gap between nations in an attempt to close this mirage of development gap.It automatically means that world bank categorisation of countries into lower income countries,newly emerging economies and higher income countries appears to be outdated and out of times.This identity leads to development gap and to erase this orgy of self muted uneven development is to eradicate development gap that measures inequality.
I quite disagree with the causes of uneven development as admitted by world bank to include the physical, economic and historical.Physical factors like climate, natural resource curse theory; economic factors like poverty cycle, global trading system; historical like colonialism etc.Using the factors above,wealth, health disparities and transnational migration . To the contrary I quite believe development gap was manufactured by mankind and the work of arts like macroeconomic theories and imperial sciences.If demographic transition model and population pyramids favour rising upward population,the trend of development gap could abate.
Development gap could be eradicated with the repair of macroeconomic theories but mordern economists barely believe it could be eradicated.Shifts in global technology begin on this note to anticipate equality of wealth and that explains reason behind growth and development imbalance between countries in the international community.
The changing shape of the world economy does not afford the option of going down without going upward as the business cycle theory admits.However,the prospects of robust global economic recovery that was dim as at the first quarter of the year tends to change as crude prices top above $100.Stubborn inflation,rising interest rates with risk of uncertainty, Ukraine war, climate crisis, riding on COVID-19 and rapidly shifting macroeconomic condition clouded economic economic outlook stalling sustainable development goals(SDGs).
Global growth slowed to 2.3% in 2022 from a projection of  3.1% in 2023,a revised upward of 0.4%from the January forecast.Reinforcement of long term trend in weak economic performance in terms of GDP per Capita growing slightly in Africa,latin America and carribean region.
Labour markets with unemployment rates slowed down and perambulating work shortages even as global monetary tightening aggravated fiscal and debt vulnerabilities in developing countries.Debt servicing burdens have increased due to strong dollars,debt default risks and rising borrowing cost.Such financing constraints decline government capacity to invest in capital project and achieve sustainable development.
And to arrest this imbalance we should adopt this marsolist macroeconomics to resolve this critical imbalance and avert hotheaded nightmare of development gap.


Quidocrat's bounty ibikunle laniyan Wed, Mar 22, 11:00 AM to laniyanibikunle In the picturesque cacophony of fugacious limerence,unruly cheeks grew catawampus at the blandishment of consternation fugacity wrought upon his quidocratic transmogrification.What a riposte of Draconian but esoteric pareidolia.And lo,lugubrious gauches of extrinsic pithy pecuniary expurgated, abrogated and quashed from the dictionary of the quidocrat.Now behold once a loquacious, timorous pasqinade retreated into undiluted shell.No longer his sobriquet,in the meretricious parsimony of amenable austerity,not much insouciant to reify supernumerarious empyrean teleology.Idempotent but flagitious fifth columnists made a limpid orison unto the eleemosynary of the magnate.Hardly did he corruscate in contretemp to make contrarian detente to the Scion of the squirearchy.Fractious he in the docket, unleashed aberrant stratagem to abjure repressive cabal and macerate the lingo, patois of the potentate and the squirearchy.The

September 23, 2023


The judgement of Nigerian election petition tribunal was delivered on September 6 to the acclimation of its Mr President afficionados and haters or critics.Hence dissatisfied with the outcome of the longest case in nigerian legal system that lasted for 13hours,the opposition parties took their appeal to the supreme.When Mr President was away in a G20 summit India,where he hoped to drum up support for foreign Investment,the verdict was delivered on September 6.The tribunal ruled the main opposition parties failed to prove their claims of electoral malpractices in the disputed February 25 election."This petition is hereby declared unmeritorous "as the rejected their challenge against Mr President electoral victory.The president had won 37percent of the vote with 8.79m.votes  against close challengers 6.7m.and 6m.of atiku and peter obi respectively.The verdict of the five member panel headed by Tsammani was rejected and appealed to the Apex court.The case in dispute includes manipulation of results and overvoting;the issues of mandatory 25% of fct;Delay in the electronic transmission of results; alleged double nomination of vice president;alleged perjury on age and dual citizenship; alleged drug conviction and forged certificate .The court presided otherwise that the plaintiffs could not provide enough tangible and admissible evidence to validate their claims. Dissatisfied with the verdict have appealed to the Apex court. Awaiting the verdict of the supreme Court after appeal close on Wednesday,do they have any chance to overturn the verdict of the court of appeal? Of course not due to the fact the Apex court does not admit no longer any hot facts but the cold facts on ground would be examined and therefore uphold the verdict of the appeal court.Therefore it is advisable for the opposition parties to join hands together with the sitting government to develop the country.

September 20, 2023


Hello my fans i ve been off in the las t one month barely posted and we are coming big.Thanks

July 17, 2023


Set Forth At Dawn ibikunle laniyan Mon, Apr 10, 11:16 AM to laniyankunle The beauty of vision is interred in the strategic feat of accomplished reality or so to say fait accompli.We attain the outcome not because the intention or the vision is an abracadabra as some seem when they behold successful people and accommodate them with overwhelmed ego of awe and status embarrassment in contrariwise to their pontificating goofs of sallowhood.Those who set forth at dawn perhaps are opportune to make faster overture than the late comers though that is not the recipe to adjudge potential success often make a huge impact.The use of time and reaping the best of time investment calls for references to human reflection to bouy or influence quality of outcome desired.We do not deride the fact of late comers thriving in saturated industry given both are defined by induction of sustainable moral commitment to strategic compass of the blazing vision they desire or set forth at dawn.Early adventure affords the ample opportunity to produce traffic lot of triar and error, unfolds monumental discoveries,reap overwhelming profits amidst relentless affliction and extended family of failures nurturing awesome population of proteges and disciples.We do not discountenance that overtaken is allowed in terms of scope of achievement but not definitely with the grandmaster in terms of value and volumes of achievement recorded and that is why we call it'checkered antecedence,'be it for a nation,entity or individual.It takes monumental proportion of time and avalanche of time investment to achieve such feat.The on us affords the time tested artists to spread creativity,uncovers new yield of innovation, science and technology as time investment and time Creator's Intelligence permits.The problem case studies and problem solving time intent of the artists often times create platform for this context of experimentation, experience hunting and innovation and unleash new values and ways of life.No matter what you do the the blessings of current strategic impact must exceed prior antecedence.Anything to the contrary is a fabulous fable and a mere aggrandized hotchpotch of negative reflection and negative reflection galore.We are judged by the outcome of what we do and not what we do.The art of becoming or it's science does not favour anyone and much less elsewhere around the world, where development or the practice of development is receding,when juxtaposed in the same mode at which negative reflection growls.It does not follow which religion or race they follow but the fair object of positive reflection and if possible egalitarian impact in the world at large.To the early comers in the golden enterprise of time investment,there is need for implicit and explicit juxtaposition that takes huge milestone of time investment to attain.To acquire much confidence to break the frontiers of much prior feat certainly defy the spate of such shorttermism when it defiles the status quo to break the stalemate and pay off liability by the orgy of repressive canyons and cumulative responsibility of time investment.


Reflections.chapter ibikunle laniyan Fri, Mar 24, 7:42 AM to laniyankunle The generic approach to problem study permits easy policy apparent analysis and solution to make social life affordable.The exigencies for rapid comprehension of social problem,enables customized solution for specific problem identification.Frankly speaking,it all depends on getting appropriate structured scrutiny right depending on the politics of positive reflection devoid of poignant prejudice.We broadly approach metaphysical realm of social work with levity when we ignobly ignore the strategic use of impression literature overwhelmed by prejudice and it leads to moral impairment and ensure gross underdevelopment.Ideally,once we take informed decision or not,we re liable and responsible to our various social actions.The spiral of social instability is therefore not a natural impairment but man-made causes that requires the use of impression literature to take informed decision and flag off meaningful transition of average tradition.This avoids trial and error and relentless spate of conditional threats associated with general impact management.


Re: Reflections.chapter 3,pg.1 ibikunle laniyan Apr 1, 2023, 2:50 PM to laniyankunle Effective hate management and Public Good system. The unfair politics of positive reflection in most climes is quite alarming and a sole causative factor and much responsible as impairment custody for the evolution of hate tradition.We are not unaware as humanity the fact that men of positive reflection are infinitely also catalysts behind the obscenes,relentless spate and immodest traverse of the hate tradition.Plebeans in most cases are not spared either of their behavioral debris and insensitive followership attributes crusading their ignorance in the ever ballooning nightmare of unbridled negative reflection.They maybe diverse in values and commodious population wise,their prejudice of moral impairment politics and causal impact pale into obscurity the gravity of monumental damage that men of positive reflection could unleash at a given period.Should they not act out of discord, there could exert enormous impact on the welfare of public good in general.Contextually we cannot disagreed with the superior influence of such consensus reflection the fundamental basis of mordern democractic society.We do not dispute the fact the objective nature of followership and leadership in the strategic management of positive reflection is a winding catapult that is determined by volatile nature of the environment they found themselves.Apparently,this unfair politics butchers the welfare and mortgage the potential operating platform of the public good system.Behold where the unfair politics persist contemporary public good evanishes alongside its likely cultural incentives to unleash new values and uncommon custom of equity and fairness.The rise in the growth of demeaning hate tradition is a bespoke investment of this unfair politics and the religion of insensitive leadership and ignorant followership.Although we share consensus reflection,hate tradition cannot be completely eradicated in mordern society,however it should be noted that public good system doesn't exist where the effective hate management system hibernates in gross obscurity.The general conduct of unfair On Mar 28, 2023 2:59 PM, "ibikunle laniyan" wrote: The endowment and the art of problem identification,problem recommendation and solution procurement with lightning speed,amidst the myriad of social problem is not common to all asundry and climes. I have no doubt were it to be so, extinction of social debt would have been guaranteed long ago.To come to terms with the new mode of solution analysis and solution procurement,the best alibi is to quarantine the sparsely blokes with superior tact for positive reflection.A responsible response that unveils the fortune of human and social preparedness when commercialised could subconsciously nip in the bud,the protruberances and outstandings of social problem.The characters of positive reflection are blessed with the sole panacea to curb immodesty of social debt.Social problems when not resolved in the long run,as moral outstandings otherwise also known as social debt,are barely resolved in the nightmare of prejudice.Frankly speaking,where the problem and such challenges still lingers, it is certain evidence politics of positive reflection either hasn't yet begin or barely take root.Regardless of the nature of dastardly operating environment,the system of problem management begining with case study such as identification, recommendation, analysis and procurement including policy study, prescription,analysis, approach and resolution subject to evaluation of impression literature,must be thoroughly instituted in the meantime for the success of problem case studies,in a given policy approach and concerned environment.The environment of human reflection and the explorative resources to get aid are not far fetched albeit restricted alteration and resources import must be located in the same environment where the extant problem case study begins.Often times larger spectrum of arts invariably observe a given problem but it takes a professional to thrive in the objective references and problem case study identification for the right solution .Behold the fact that it is hardly found to be such a universal arts and the rarity of human curio speaks volumes why you never get to see expertise with such monumental prestige,for many generic generations long after they are gone.To take a political approach to problem solving is a wonderful worst case scenario in problem management and problem case studies respectively.A time wasting venom that is not common or distinctive or unique to the developing countries alone but also advanced climes tainted with superior coloration for racial profiling worst than ethnic profiling of the former.Social problem often takes a universal policy approach and effective problem management to thrive better in sensitive climes with the benediction of proper hate management culture and public good irrespective of races and climes,we are found,the public good system and proper hate management culture ensures faster disposal of problem case studies even before they become standard orthodoxies. To become standard orthodoxies, social problem must have empirical evidence of gross underdevelopment, institutional Injustice, social instability, widespread poverty,with destructive impact.Although may not be isolated to a particular region but strategic solution to strategic locations enhances the concept of problem case studies.Extensive investment in the impression literature smoothens and accelerate problem process management, resolution and review.


Nigerian Girls,Future Fake Mothers ibikunle laniyan Mon, Apr 10, 11:16 AM to laniyankunle Wonder shall never end.Recently i switched to wasobia fm and on the 7th of the April I was listening to Chiboy on Wasobia as he lamented the fraudulent attitude of Nigerian Girls our so called future mothers.He berated the fake lives of Nigerian Girls and their shenanigans at extorting money and duping their so called boyfriends of their hard-earned properties.Extorting not only money ,but clothes, sandals, phones,food, recharge cards,data,.Girlfriends every where are too demanding and not for once showing gratitude to their patners for their philanthropic gesture.Drawing from personal experience,in the last edition of Chiboy and the Calabar girls,he went into narrative of possible scenarios a boyfriend could experience with visiting girl friend.Callers and text messages were in most cases male dominated and did not for once debunk the gory tales of these elements of ingratitude.He was fond of lampooning fake lives of Nigerian Girls epitomized in the celibate personality of Itoro.A delight of comedy and tragicomedy for their fake lives. Your guess is as good as mine the personal experience we share on a daily basis and onerous cost of having girl friend especially for the poor folks on the street.A girl on a visit to his guy throws caution to the wind, extorting the guy to the last Kobo.They tend to share passion for uncommon programs led by General Badman, otherwise also known as James Expensive into the s,into the P and Solid AC,then Solid AC and Uzor toasting themselves like Chiboy and Itoro.Chiboy makes a satire and a parody of this fabled girls and unleash the paradox that society or the media barely talks about. Nigerian Girls epitomized by lust for money and greed for wealth.The challenge of nation building begins with welfare of the family and stunted economic growth and the plight of peculiar values undermine the posterity of sustainable development.True human development unarguably begins with family and future mothers are today's girls.Like the male folks,their greed and deception with fake lives a foolproof of family failure to demystify the quality of future motherhood.We shouldn't expect a distinct outcome from a nation with parlous family foundation.


Writing is a wonderful profession and quite interesting to behold wonderful hands of earthlings archiving the present and the past into the unknown future even before it's birth.However I make bold to say that from the time hesiod and home started to write so fast as they could go down to the least of mordern writers,the best of writers in terms of volume and speed wouldn't have written 3.2pages if he had lived a hundred years.Infact not even a 1.2m.or 1m.pages should he so much tried.I don't think the best effort of mortal writer couldn't have gone beyond 200,000pages at most or better still slight above 100,000pages.I infinitely doubt human ability to pen at least 1,000books at most.And I set 1m.pages for myself and at least a thousand books.


The energy from the sun sustains the universe and keep it alive.There is a belief that the universe cannot exist without this energy and the very solid fuel that gives it light or power to drive home eternal motion and enables the systemic functionality of the nature.Unarguably,this energy replenishes the four components of the Earth mainly water,air,Earth and fire and nothing ever exist without it.It is constant, reliable and dependable and the true reason behind the survival of nature.We agree everything changes,life changes,time changes including the four components of the Earth through which nature was created and evolved along the same path.Condition changes,order changes, mankind changes and custom changes but not so with the energy that maintains universe.The technology of eternal energy though renews itself every second,it still remains an Immortal mystery beyond the grasp of mortals. Natural science indicates that the four components are catalysts for the growth of animals, plants,species and nature in general.However, science has not been able to identify this energy though numerous thesis were churned out in this context which I believe is a conjecture at large.In one of my research,I uncovered the energy as mother nature and the theocentre of this energy system or intangible light is faith.Fortunately faith is a common etymology to mankind in general with the evidence that butresses the preeminence of religion in human society.A staggering six thousand religions world wide and still yet we undermine the rational use of the mother nature is the spirit of nature and existence though have explained differently and largely misconstrued by avant-garde in general.Energy or power is everything and everywhere at every time and everything you see is a conglomerate of this power. Given that it is omnipotent, omnipresence and omniscience,it has the capability to supply all material and no material needs in the same way it has the earned the mysterious feat for being involved in the creation and evolution of nature.To conform into the operating module of this energy,is to unleash the infinite powers and infinite Intelligence to make things happen and impossibility possible.However,in order to key into this supernatural power,faith in the part of mankind is allowed and badly needed to unleash any accomplishment whatsoever.When we are unperturbed with this mode of action we can be sure of successful undertakings.Faith that cannot shaken is only possible with the realization of this esoteric power.Great men of the world were able to use the power of subconscious mind the true hidden universal mind to rake astounding achievement.

July 16, 2023


Plateau state in Nigeria is now killing field with average killing of 345 people per day and about 18,000persons in the internal displaced camps in about 14 local governments.what do you make of this brouhaha?The speculation was rife their land was sold and formerly cool and calm state with serene weather now hotbed of killings.Citizen Jones lamented on 90.3 fm a local radio about these killings, a metaphor for failed nigerian state.He reiterated,are we down?This was his concern after debate on the function and effectiveness of EFCC.With a group of lawyers they debated the viable existence of nigeria.


And lo,the medley out of foofarawed and flimflamed futz,at gambit in gadzooks,barely their doppelganger could stigmatise the cornucopia of bailiwick to traduce the open cryptozoology that ran amok in the alfresco, festooned by triumphant hills.And the wagging tongues of lackadaisical kvetchers and dreamland's noctambulists,lollygagging in their maelstrom of dreamland's noyade and metro operoses ceased the pantagrualian otalgia.This spaghettificated peterman's pilgrimage of pilgarlic quibbles, scalawags,rumpus ruffians, scatterbrained, schmoozing scofflaws,slapdash skullduggery and scrofulous ragamuffins in their skedaddling sausade still on the pother and pollex,to previse rollover of the razzle dazzling razzia.Oh,superfluous snollygosters and the taniwha,the fifth columnists on the slipshod in reprisal, spellbound telekinesis in spurrier usurped by vagabonds,untill the velleity of switcherooed spitchcock, impudent verve

July 15, 2023


A TRAVELOGUE'S FESTOON.3c ibikunle laniyan Mon, Apr 17, 10:28 PM to laniyankunle From the vilest lounge lizards, metropolitans earnestly crave nirvana. And making a sloth of wishes,treasure of lofty heights deep shrinking thoughts'neglect persuades shall apprise my wit of unthrifty simpletons,vamoosed in garrison of unspoken dreams.Then let it not defile their freaking dread,trivial homage pays o melange of the ridiculous dilletantes,not too darling blunt,to blunt the lion's paws,faintest sweet brood upon devouring time and shallow Earth in disdain of macrocephalous stormy petrel.Sorry seasons of anomy,to carve shallow Earth with the unfairest brows,glazing perchance by cunning eyes gone berserk to refrain from the Portmanteau of weary toils,unleashed by the petrel's travelogue.So oft have they faintest invoked the gods and goddesses of sorcery and loomed with sorcerers;heart inflaming torch to court his festoons and wreath of garlands.His legion not disarmed by noctambulism in perpetual duress of tripping expedition,to pay the theft and quash the season of anomie.Shall we compare to the lounge lizards o let fiddle be fiddle,metropolitans of backward violets.


Re:Human Reflection And Environmental Management.chapter 4 ibikunle laniyan Mon, Apr 17, 10:26 PM to laniyankunle We cannot jettison the fact that the environment of human reflection and the resources it badly needed to grow in an ideal setting,grows in the same proportion as the physical environment,it operates.The velocity of both ratio is expected to grow at the same rate at least or at best the former should supercede it by generations yet unknown and avoid shortfall and setback.This is what is called planning and preparedness.A lag behind by the former creates incompatible barrier that ordinarily automates the floodgate of social debts.What could have accounted for this mismatch?The clarity is adjudged convincing enough with credible evidence in this context,we refer to miniature or infinitesimal ratio of objective followership and objective leadership respectively.What an uncensored horizon! The size of politics of prejudice in an uncensored environment tends to accelerate negative reflection compared to censored environment.Nevertheless human reflection in the budget of preparedness invariably outgrows the environment that supplants its operating muse.As long as the operating muse keeps growing with selfreflection,it is bound to outgrow the environment either by content or impact leveraging.Note that operating or usable intelligence or so to say a combination of reflection,and dormant Intelligence and forecast impact management.This in real terms aptly refers to upgraded use of intelligence,preparedness and with evidence of Investment return,it is tagged operating Intelligence.This untapped high level of objectivity if commercialised and guaranteed could ensure the sustainability and maintenance of operating Intelligence either by manual use or automated bot through the treaty of great charter of liberty at advanced stage but initially through the statistical manual monitoring, physical surveillance or and the supervision. Depending on the perspective,we affirm that based on the growing size of brain morally or immorally, negative or positive,the reflection often outgrow the environment that nurtures as tradition or habbit formation grows uncontrollably.To control movement from environment into alien land either the reflection or environment is impaired or growth is impaired leading moral or physical damage to the artist or environment involved.The natural consequences could be moral impairment, perspective and personal impairment,medical impairment,unfulfillment,maniac depression, frustration, mental health irresponsibilty and a host of traffic causes in tradition transition hazards (TTH)of becoming.Sometimes short lived life and unfulfilled destiny of the concerned artists. It is trite to enthuse that the quality and quantity of human reflection multiplies by locations in a given environment and when moral exhaustion sets in,nexpedient (necessary -expediency)necessity warrants growth of arts beyond known horizon to other environment as ordained by forces beyond the individual powers.In this censored environment,the human artist is opportune to escape the process ordeals of TTH a movement that could catapult rapid growth of average to median and top tradition transition.In most cases quality of reflection dies in an uncensored environment. On Mar 24, 2023 7:20 AM, "ibikunle laniyan" wrote:

July 14, 2023

A Travelogue s Festoon.part 1

A cromulent coddiwompler,axiculous,kenspeckle,lamprophoniac,quixotic pauciloquent out of mephitic dysani,defenestrated by eleutheromania insomuch to pluck ado from limerence and meraki of apricated ferhweh,in repugnant of resilient hiraeth.Not a numinous dint of pernicious schwellenangst and egregious mudita to ingratiate himself with the papilionaceous querencia and peripatetic retrouvailles,a sondered sollivagant on the attic shore of abesi.From the Ubuntu of aching ados,his vellichor in sychronicity of novaturient eudaimonia.Adrift from the mixtymaty,spizzerinctum and matutolypea of the beachcombers,beastof preys macerated by beast of burdens,baragouins,beetlebrowed beefcakes,fafflers,fimblefamblers,forjeskits in feriation and quake buttocks smothered with kakorrhaphiophobia,lallation and haunted with oneirodynia, gourmands with pozzywallah,ombibulous raving with scuttlebutts,beaujolais, Burgundies,limburgers,verjuices,beafsteaks,demitasses,companages,scrumdiddlyumptious mulligatawnies,smorgasbords,confectioneries,coffeepotters,bisques,borschts,bouillabaisses,rechauffes,slobberchops,alamodes,alacartes,rummers,tapsters,bistros and alehouses'afficionados and hogos,the tiffin lover,almondeyed,makebating jigamaree and ambiential but ambidextrous ampere,loofed himself,with drawn sword from forel,in whister-twister, with quenched derechos, coast home pyrhic victory.Waow, what a brutish anecdote of funerary urns'gourmets,egregious cognoscentis,opulent bouquets,forest cauldrons and brinny deep brinkmanship!Scarebabies,clinomaniac,atingled bafflegabs,still on the recubation,where composmentis freak out concertina,till the standing ovation was dished out to the obeliscolychny.Did he not traduce them the betweenity of breedbating clinchpoops with contempt and cachinnation ?The xertz of agastopiac eulogy pours dyspeptic and fractious he in gusto,the asportation and backberend of dreams suspended.The arcadian,ulotrichous globetrotter whose silvery of elfinlike forays dances in the moonlight,not yet over with the epilogue,drew fortitude from imperious martinet of insouciant n'est-ce pas.Orotund but noisome interlocutors,dribbled with weltschmerz.Hurled himself like a vagabond,sapient spirited Zorro, willynilly in the teepees and wigwams of the obstreperous deadwood, nocturnal hunting, not the scintillating treehoppers,to outwit the tempestuous typhoons.

A Travelogue s Festoon PART 3

The macrocephalous stormy petrel,a replica of the golden boy,swerved in locupletative euphoria and balustrade of magnanimous ovation,swooned aplomb by demured petrichor,obstrigillate the contemptuous folks.Sometimes miffed beyond compare to micturate,some mutandum by suicide,nonsequiturs for the manque of milquetoast,even as sepulchral forenensts and bombastic vitriolics,gobsmacked.A vertiginious palimpsest and corpulent catechism of ascetic jeu d'espirit in the season of anomie supplanted amidst the gallows,sanguine,blanch, caesura and elegiac stones and bricks of egregious epater la bourgeois.What litotes thaned upon the earls of this fiendish Wyrd to smash the virtuoso of nirvana?Not too didactic a convivial to denigrate and cringe in this peregrinatory blandishments of anomied season,hunked,in disparate lethargy.A travelogue's oddysey, rampaging from everest skywards and Himalayan travelocity, nonetheless,met the festoon at dawn.


The kaleidoscopic experience of light is apparently quite distinguished from that of darkness and the brightness of the day cannot be comprehended by the darkness in the night.Hence,what is real not the same with fake or fabled entity and where ignorance rules knowledge does not dare rule nor attempt to comprehend it without chart bursting exceptional outcome.Moreover,people and nationalities tend to obtain their tradition from prior influence and in most cases, long forgotten history.In most cases,spectra of human reflection often emanates from the prism of this historical gesture, positive or negative as long as it guarantees them manageable outcome or satisfactory results.They don't even care whether the result or the traffic of tradition is palatable or not.A good reason behind human lethargy's critical inability to leave the comfortability of their comfortable zones.Being indifference to venture beyond the seas of uncharted coast,testifies to the bullying bugbears of dread itself, tainted the adventure of aspiring elements.The tangled knot of rigidity,often threatens the posterity of the state or such beleaguered society where in most cases the social norms of positive attitude and mental health under moral siege is relentlessly involved.Whereas it is extremely arduous task to leave tradition behind for the so called positivity when indeed it is the spring board or Commonwealth of innovation or technology incubators for the brightest posterity that such positivism may not guarantee.Mordern society as it were over the ages,is perennially torn between this Scylla and charybdis and to get the right adaptation, adjustment between this indecision for a soft landing seems to torn apart polities in the various entanglement,they found themselves.The adoption of social measures must come with predictable forecast,whose outcome can be accelerated by extant social forces and enhanceable moral adustment.In most cases,moral impairment has persisted where such adjustment could not be procured.This does not go down well with the welfare of positive attitude which when invariably we refer to time Investment factors or positive value items like honesty, transparency,justice integrity,etc.Does it implies that the mental health of the rudderless state or volatile society is affected when such adjustment at a given period, fails like failure?There is need to juxtapose the euphonious and cacophonous ensembles of aggregate historical identities to unveil what the adjustment can do or better still yet maintains that fairly persistence of the statusquo.Which one does rational historicism as oppose to empirical historicism prefer ?Do we need positive leadership or negative leadership or positive followership or negative followership or ablutionism? It is apt to say the score card of empirical historicism ordinarily provides ingenuous but optimal outcome for the verdict of rational historicism.The former is live and the latter dead upon arrival unless it is substantiated by time Investment to spin off new historical trends and engineer new vista of yet unknown history.We do not pluck history in a vacuum but raked on the evidential trees of empirical historicism.To do otherwise is to evict the spectre of true culture in place of fabricated rational historicism.