May 22, 2018


Crimson frigid invertebrates,unassailable,involutionary,
Infiltrated with the infirmity of the neurosis,and jaundiced vaunt,
Tethered senile and hobbling hobbledehoy,Inveigled,with the
 invidious impinge of the ogre,
Illbred histrionics of the city square,to play the mortifying
As dazzling razzmatazz and impecunious bough of poltrooned 

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Perforce ,it will iterate intuses’galumph,inversely ferried across
Its splendiferous languor,
A landsman ,who cannot see above his lassitudinous landscape,
Tongues and semantics of the Moorish polyglots are alien to him,
To whom this brutish carapace springs ,froth upon his blushing impiety,
Livid lips and subtile evasion,
And the imbued suicide pains ,that cannot be allayed even  by  sheer
overdose of nepenthe.

With subacid passion and imprimatured impiety ,he  lies intestate ,caressed
 with fusillade and  indigo of ado-phobia,
And the sun rises,and the moon rises,and the sun falls and the moon falls ,
at the racketeering of elliptical oval,
Grim-death,pawned,in that summit of evaporating sunbeam,thou wilt not
 deign this favour,
Still it meeds, by naturewit ,carious suggilation,from its impending farrago of pothered
And the sun cries when it rises,and the moon laments,when it rises,and the sun cries ,
when it falls,and the moon laments,when it falls.

What a sundry of peripatetic gangrenes ,replete with, stupendous nozzles ,and
frangible banks of  inapposite rudders ,
How shall we be relieved,if we gather ,such plenitude of infirmities  and fragments
 of a potsherd,to re-groove vacuity,at convalescence,
To whom, nondescript nooddle,defied,with its nobblesse ,pouted against its
Sturdy simpletons and weetless half-wits,stale and staid,sings like a minstrel,these
 verses and stanzas of ado-phobia,
He atones thrice fairer ,than himself,with indolence ,pledges,to woo his sick-thoughted
bile and obdurate neurosis.

Furthermost,he nauseates from the gully of his viviparous gauchy clouds,warbling with
the necromancy of insolence,
Pleads him,to ambush, from contumacious well-spring,to vouchsafe ,at the molestation
 of motherwit,
Oh,that myrmidon,pleases him,to dwell,wherein slothfest,in slothcity,indulges,to the
Plenary of gregarious chants,
Rudderless banks,necessitous,but namby-pamby indigents of mottled navel,monomaniacs
Of the wall-eyes,
Trembling in windy escutcheon and vitiated mores ,to do a villainious good,amidst famished
nymphs, mumpish recreants and vagrant psychotics.

To refrain a truce of  the hoity toity aperture,ridiculing supposed piety ,at the saddlebow
A thousand foul plays,not numbed by a thousand nebulous secrets,unequivocal,shall the
Vafrous sands of time be enamoured,to recoil its lambent,
Oh,what a nefarious unicorn,time is ,with its elegiac ode to ado-phobia and its inglorious
To sequestrate,palid undulating jingoism of its ultra,montanious freedom,and barter its
Truculent,still,it steeds and by its treacle,imoinges ,tophaceous translucence of naturewit.

Tacking and tacking ,titubation itself ,totters, its rudderless banks whereon,tenancy of time
Canst not quench,
Let time’s scorn and tantrums,scold the beautiful ones as punitive strayed horses ,once
Mutilated as lack-lustre claws,
And the thespian introspectors and histrionic cartoonists ,shalt return ,to river streams ,not
To  pout,
But to scoop , fresh water ,with a thesis ,tutored by Hegelian dialectics,  socratic dialogue,
And Cartesian logic of cogito ergo sum,
To refute tenebrous ligaments ,and lo,the tempestuous temerity of time’s inglorious techy,
testicles .

Mated,with terraces of temerarious pedagogues and irreproachable erudition,not impeached
By intransitive intrepidity,
Tepsichorean dancing,dances threadbare,capsized by languor ,clams like clambake,tingles ,tambourine
At kickshaw of paratonic paresis,
Moult! Moult!!moult!!! ,the cricket voice of Nightingale sings,
Moult,so sings the nightingale , to carry coal to Newcastle,
At a peripatetic circumference ,engrave now ,perfervidity ,perforates thee,
Perforce perfidy ,

Peremptory and perdurable ,flog subtle wits of perfunctory darkest hours.
Behold ,penny wise particle ,now partible ,thou canst not fail,
And the moon rises and the sun rises ,even above its perihelion of smokey orbit,
Ado-phobia ,reverts back to its bellyache and burning earth,whereon its keepsake is
Nothing but sheol galore,
Antiheros and antiheroines , antediluvian arids,woo not armistice ,to bait a backward
 country,a backward charm and a bag of bones.

As it trods the earth,with  unearthly volley ,esoteric pearls divers ,smitten   and 
asphalted with armada of argy bargy bazaar of bedridden charms,
To frolic its flippancy , gallivanting miry girth to beards,with glees , ado-phobia in
 its den.

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