SONNET-1-Impale not the hours, that genteel pact did stook,
Upon that furtive gad,it winnows,whereon every specie doth
Will pluck like a leaf impalpable to blench funky frith,
And that immolate,imporous fairly doth not excel over
That stealth away,unflappable placidity of the impassive
To a dingy din and dionysian bray of heinous gallows and hoods
him stringent,
His fume fungible cannot fumigate , ecclat incursion of its funky
And like a funambulist, trapped with its tethering rope,the
Earshot of the incrustation
O earth ,funkying
o the earth moans,and barrenness
flies on every side ,
Frost on lusty leaves,impudent pottery,a postulate
pleonastic to elope,
Nor as a plumage, disdain’d brine being pluck’d and viscid
like a plumpy

Away when not timely
distilled by heavenly
moistures,asphyxiated by
Trapped breeze and winter of gravy train far away.
SONNET-2-As whiffs,like a whim,whistle in the whist,that
caprice like
a freak,a buzzing sound,
A whir barely frets
,its whirlwind over its sagging mile, whisk eyed reverted
back to its
Then let not its winter wheeling waves deface thee,break
even some spiral
over hapless dusk,
Wince not,adorn not your neck with the bracelet of its
sorcery,to deign its
vitriolic malignance,
That unkempt swagger is forbidden usury,which wattles those
Wasping its unflappable Trojan horse,that’s for prudence,to
breed another
A thousand times thyself a merchandise,warpier than thou,or
a thousand
times virulent thee submerged,
Be it foul play or wastrel tacit,if a thousand times of thy
wastrel thee coagulate,
Then,what could a funky frith,a voluptuous grope of sandy
shore do?if thou should
Wassail’d ,wasp in its gaol,be not a nebula,and a warren to
banish its volcano,
Volcano!volcano!!volcano!!! it burns an Everest
lustre,unhallowed and all the
Colours of rainbow sunk beneath its primrose bank.
Sullen’st music hear’st not mellifluous symphony,nature’s
vouch,sour after
sour,sour with sour,
Flex and war not ,nor its yellings mangled tis gravy train
eloped;why hear’st thou not
humourous girth,
Or otherwise cringest with hedonism thine contempt;if the
funky frith of
Trojan horses,be smitten,by hurly-burly.
SONNET-3-Do pervert thine marrow,in retrogression,thy
sinew,should’st hustle flimsy,
How one persevere humorous girth,hurl’d beneath
dunghill,strikes a lackluster
With tides downhill;
Veering pertinacity
and ignobility ,to encrust sarcasm,in one fell swoop,
Funky deign doth sings whose clutterless and clueless
lyrics,being frivolous
Sings foul play,to thee;’’thou unblemished rot,is it for
frith,runnest thou affray,
That burnest like a volcano on misty mountain?Ah thou
clueless bigot,if thou
Clutterless hypostatic
Hypostasis shall harp to abide and trojan horses,reddened by
kismetic palms,
Running away,will make thyself merchandise of contempt,and
not to smother ,
A steely fibre,
rampaging igneous rocky ignite,the earth with thy hell tarry still,
And thy impudent iceberg weep,
Not being with a trademark distinctive hewn,has hurtle
behind glorious palms
And feet,
When every sordid plough,in that hell,might be dunghill
cremat’d by sweltering
eyes of laborious hours,
Her humus vertex enclosed and still the world contends;but custom’s freak,hath
upon the earth
Behold ,what a miser
in the world doth speaks,condescends but his
and groove unscath’d,
the afflict’d so destroy’st his hood,so illogical and
illiberal and no poison as
venomous and no cancer as gangrenous,
As the frith,funkying on a pure cauldron,its carteblanche
sparest no rod,that on
Himself,kismetic feet smouldered,
SONNET-4- What a vile ,that heaven’s plaudit eulogises,for
hypothecation thou bearest not sword for nothing,
As the frith and thy merchandise are so froth a verecund
Unleash if thou wilt,thy art as thy defence ,thy
That being against thyself,might loom and linger ,seeking
furacious claws,to ruinate,
Which to thy thraldom,should be thy relief tied,shall its
fairer ,that its
purest gold, be as the glorious dew and kismetic
palms not akimbo,Make thee that harpoon for dart against whales ,
That beauty still bedecked the gladiators,with untangled
kismetic feet
of gold ,
Or to thyself decimates its kindled kismetic feet of
gold;rise above
The heartburn
,impetuous and headstrong,
So fast as thou canst run,with that fresh blood that thou
Fret with arts yonder
hills’ escapades,
Beauteous pearls and pebble dusk,coagulate at hansock
Hebetude to hebetate,
Clasp and heckle a reef knot,that homily,upon the growl of
of time,might centuries preach,
Heathendom decrepit with funky frith, heaves its
Sweet compare,hailed mass boggy cloak,but homologous
disjointed .
SONNET -5-O that you were not slammed by this thraldom
But harlequin like a clown in a pantomime ,haziest
hawks,much stronger
Than hebetude yourself ,
To treacherous slam thy bellicose navel,and in neuter of
this malediction,
Beware of wits’ end ,
To jealously price your verdict ,not imprudence plucks,so
should thy heed ,
Be bristl’d to hatch in its season ,
And above thy deign reproof be,held in legion of hostage
indigo,helot and
Hobbledehoy of its gauchy but ineffable clouds,
As infidelity infest its despondent seasons,infelicitous
growls its sullen
Whose ode on indolence ,is as stale as frittered zeal ,and
a barren land
Which lets so a
discreet callow,overwhelmed crust,fall to deceit and
indexterity ,
Which infecundity,in an evaporating soil,upends against its stormy mists,and
Barren soil,unthrifty jingoist,o none but impaled frugality
appends sagacity,
O you had a bile ,let your foible be cut,O you had a
bile,indeed,let your
foible be cut ,
Let it be cut otherwise obscure shalt thou histrionics and
melodrama play,
Then shall the impudence of this oddman’s mélange,whisks
infiltrate away.
SONNET 6-Thyself pedigreed,thy pedigree itself pedicured
thee not to funky-
Over strangled vale unbetrothed ,over pink sallowed shells
befuddled and
Still jump through the hoops,hoicked in a hoopla of hornies and horseplays,
Hobbyhorses of hobos,fleabites, hokum and hives of histrionics,still funky frith,
Thou hillocked hillbilly,be not in hock,wherein you plow this
glum brass that gnaws
So deeply,
Be thy gob,at thy fulminate,not gobbled this sacrilege,and
be not gadfly as thou
sunketh do,
And when thou blue funk,funkiest fracture and fest,gallivanting
At the pit of hell,
Earth shattering earthlings,perished earthwork,burrowing
Dotage of dead-brat and deadbeat ignition,gadabouts,whammed,
confiscated volition,
And wrought wryly yoyos,whingeing and whining and
shrieking,a mere whimsical
Thou art thyself a whipping boy,witchdoctor of thy own
self-abnegative witchery,
When bulwark falls,a waif that returns his distending
passion,not shirk its eagle,
Nor its tendentious
wakeful,hobos no more at the ignition plow;what viva his
plaudits earn!
How come vacuous vagrants entangle this plain,embroidered by
blue funk
that friths!
SONNET 7-The urbanity of this utopian urban myth,more than
As urbane as its diffusion,that s fairest of its provincial
legions,to stymie
That s splenetic styptics stylistics to eclipse carthasis of the cosmos renegade
funky frith apologia
Much averse doth avarice its avaunt ,bally ballot of its
tendon soothe
And much less worth not much a disdain of his auxillaries,
More than a sinister to balk and hoodwink,once the balloon
goes up,
One dapper ,a Cardoso at Venice,poignant out of corps de
her ballerina swayed ,
Hardly had he decked his waist with the baldric of baleful
Did he his balls of
banal and prisoner of foibles at the bar interrogated
at a stone s throw,
On a bank holiday,a tenth foot pole at the cashing point
stared him in
the face ,
And upon bearing his soul ,that his teeth bared,that quirky
eaon,barge into
his sedulous groove,
And barges as he traipse and traipses as he barge,stonefaced as barefaced
Barmily barmy
And no pacify to sooth him apoplexy and exhaustion tis like
a barman and
a barsmitzvah,
A toddler barbiturates served he,and soon,that his ignoble beast
of burden,
Ferrying ire and beaten blue by its own batik, dozes off,on a sofa of
crowded alehouse,
His orgy,beast of prey by aura,that brash alterego that
bearded the lion in
his den to gash showbiz opera,
A repertoire of besotted ballerinas,stampeded with
besmirched feet,at his
heels .
And being turgid upon his hellbent,sloshed them to pulsate
wherein pulses
And pulses as they heart-throb,
And dare a damn dead opera,damn dead ,unfair to fusspots
with bated breath
Open sesame!open sesame!open sesame!open sesame!had he gone
to bats?
How well,his stormy petrel blazes them trail to trail-blaze
in his traction of
tortuous grail,
But he not frugal at Venice,had morbid lurk,at nadir to jade
them well beneath,
And now at hand grieving as they merely meek and
prattle,without practice,is
his soldiership of oratorio,
And they like a heathen to the atteliery goons them
moorless,at his beast of burden
Apoplectic avaunt,
Beyond their kungfus,kudos coronated to him of a timely
berserk, they crowed not
and kowtow,
And being subservient as sedentary at his heels,they ply their
troth,tis awoke he,in a
Flabbergast ,
Why art they cringy bounteous crowded at his circumference,wherein his radius stood?
O lest his cosmos should fret idolatry swing thy neath of
wine and dine,
What merit fastened in his fret to goof that he should plumb
upward bank
After his cameo refrain then under duress swung in the
amorous bank,
And a lifelong flirt stained and stigmatized a once glorious
For you the love as lust or licentiousness can mean nothing
to prove,if nothing
But smear,
Unless it be for chaste to chide thee,a bully-some virtuous lie,that never
To do more damage than mine own lease to wither funky
frith’s gauchiest
O how sloth,heaved more coals upon the deceased dreams,than
O let not this defilement,pine away sanctity of the soul
that should in his
Martyrdom mammoth salvaged,
Ain’t no true love at Alupluto;for the banditry by tentacles
of its blanket terror,
Had mortgaged womensfolk for a prize of aggression,and every
them deeply ,
And durress’d into oath taking,minacious random raids
coagulated with terror,
Stare them clear,o stare clear;for the womensfolk,art being
plunged into its
Cimmerian darkness of
counter espionage,
Lest thy esoteric well kept be divulged at the price of
lecherous dogs
Dine and wine
I am the bard of Alupluto,in me thou fadeth not in the
sunset tis sunrise
And twilight of such glorious herald ,
Which by me if not reneged doth gavel silvermoon as the deathbed of
laborious rites,
That on the ashes of ash heaps,gregarious chant ,greedily
and greedily
doth lie,
And if it be not thee pervertest
Why is their resolve,they the mighty fallen heels, so barren
in the land,
So windy sail
besmirched and encroached ,from the coagulated bed of
Why with thy gorgeous brawn ever flexed at fracas do I not
they as thee
Implored them to lunge?
Abstain!abstain!yet they
disgusting and repugnant abscond from its refrain
Why I write thee,I implore thee that this salvo that
they fiasco flex’d,thou
Mayest not err,
Keep the invention away from the weed,that every word of the
Fairly observe,
Let it be known that sweet allegiance,beyond compare,a
surest salvation
For as the sunrise is daily twain to the sunset in the
conjugal bliss of the
Elliptical oval,
So shall thee to thine twine of salvation train unbundled,as
is the pracis
of galactic stars,
In the golden hook bereft of wrinkles,whereon that this thy
chef d’ouevre
So grandiose a cheesepairing of painstaking good cheer
enlist thee in
the golden sands of time,
As predestined hewn of the kismetic palms,unctioned by
In the frittered banks,thou shalt not be found nor fired
blank,with the
Blandest grin,
Many a ilks of this Venice dapper,crissedcrossed this
by licentiousness,
And lo,silvermoon went up in smoke,depleted without remedy
and this
Epistle of etiquette,
Not etiolated,wilt not thee, thy craftsmanship crabwise
never ever
Where all thy treasure as thou thyself not outgone noon doth
homage pay.
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