An Ode to
St. Vaudeville
They sigh with the sigh of hedonism
And moment of voluptuary burned like
acid in their wake,
And still moment later closed they behind ,
them,with a deafening bang,
To racketeer incubus gamester
of St.vaudeville,
Still,dancing to the open gallery ,the galoshe of
Its galvanism.
He ,a gaffer ,peddling nuances, st.vaudevile
parexcellence, and a
gadabout plenipotentiary ,
On the trojan gaga
,gaffs he, with gales of gaffe ,
his antiheroic horse ,
And the rancid quest
, gads his , the Tremolo of
impassive imprint ,
His gala of gaiety,and imporous impost,frouncing
vicissitude ,
And straits of pandemonium ,ozzles its petals with
stunning naivety,
Behold him, a fugueman of St.vaudeville boulevard ,
and its immanent impresario.
With incurious
incursion ,incurvate,incorrigible ,
incurable and indecorous,
Inaudible as it were ,his pottentous plethora of whacked
gusto ,totters in
vile ,
The blinding warp
devour him ,thou grim goblin
of hades,expunge
he,of decrepit guise.
Pogrom of the neurosis, broachs perfectly as pogrom of the
open gallery and city
Whereon Volant feet and
voluble hypocrisy,volleys sticky
virtus of humoursome
mirth ,
Hurtling and hustling ,voluptuary renegade of fugacious
Species,ricocheted ,as he dances on canvas,
Howbeit ,as a kinky sand of gauchy cloud,and like a clown
Harps as its harlequinade,
Still,it steeds ,ridiculed by frosty pale,the hasp and the
Heady man ,headstrong and adamantinous in that
moor of barren-land
Hawks hedonism ,its heathen-dom rapport like his ilks ,
Highwaymen of
infelicitous lance and insalubrious
He a cassanova,still unblushing,wines and dines away , in
Wanton malignance,
Fructiferous hours of oaks at the alehouses, as jeroboam
Guzzlers,guzzles adinfinitum.
Frolicking with viragoes , lucre-glots of ale-houses,
foster-girls and
geisha-girls of broken troth ,
Rising impetuously,impugning homespun homestead,
to fill him dire,
A finical of insidious infraction and insipid masquerade,
waltzes with
merriment,go wassailing,
Beseeched with omnivorous obsession,the obversion of
the obtuse knots ,
Kneadsthe mainstream etiquette and public misery,
interred,beneath its obvelation .
And so,as it is to knighthood,so it is to villainy ,
a kaleidoscope of antiheroes as deigned as
Kinematic odious knighterrants of the libertinous
ogre and icentious oblation,
Fostered by broken gouge of selfesteem ,heaved by
self adulation and
deposed by objurgation,
A deposition ,that they in his lurk,cannot withstand,
neither they nor he , even at glee counterpoise,
How shall they elope the guillotine of times,let alone
on sebaceous grill,when
oblated at the windy poles?
Omnivarious voluptuary crisscrosses olivaceous
tilts of sanguinary landmines,
Whose gratifying hounds and obsecration ,to
perenially defies
Oblative apogee ogles like the wild ass its villainous
Vaudevile!vaudevile !! ‘’ he eulogized ,panting like
love smitten beau,
Walloped at rampage ,pleases he, him and them ,
his ilks to dwell.
Look,how a donkey,brazenly pants ,knotted in
a freshet,
So glued ,to the meadow,in her fast guzzling
salivation ,
Twice a gloat, like a frenzied freestone , gybes
his glacis,
And being tacky,to the apron of vaudeville,joists
to jowl his Jubilant
Like his ilks,they jingle and jocund,to defy elegy
of its rampage and bubonic plague.
With unfair lips,to sneer and jeer teleological
Basking in vitiated halo,wattled frequency and
hurling pasquinade on
zoilean strain,
Ominous,luminous as it were , thus overswayed
this frequency,
Carving they, a niche,as the prisoner of primrose bank
,of shallowed yolks
and mean spirited bred,
Dancing sepulcher,in devouring haste,to obliterate
obsequious impurities,maelstromed at censured
olive branch.
Howbeit booed, by motherwit,still fastened to its
lurk of indigo hell,
Her libertine,he embraces but that liberty of troth ,
he cannot ,meet nor guarantee,
And navigates now,he clowns at penitence,and
deboned its tumescence,
Sadomasochistic at the broken gouge, aptly frolicking
swindled souls!
Haunted with the oblique knead of overweening
super egos.
Histrionics goof , he did blot golden morn,closeted
by agoraphobiac knobs that
throbs away,
Remorse,at the pennick peptic glands,of this much
maligned but ignoble peccadilloes,
Over this pelt,perfunctorily,hath he hung his perforated
plunge,of pelicled menagerie,
Cloyed in recess of his vari-coloured particle and throttled
He peels acerbic pasture, his pastime ,struck at the
superlative anvil and fop of supererogated
‘’Ouite ,superfluous, ‘’renounced not naturewit,but
indeed superfluous,swoons his tilted tendons,
Whereon his signature
bonus,a tickling phosphor,a
phoenix to the tetchy philotechnic,
Unfair flowers gathered in their unruly prime ,rots away
in little
time,tapestry of temulence,
Still ,like a bird in a tangled , she lurks his bosom,still
her bosom ,he lurks at St.vaudeville,
With her delilah’s trap,she, a lurid inamorata makes
amain unto him and
greedily,lures his gulls.
And prettily ,they coagulate.the talisman of
amorous thanatoid,
Staid is he,thawed at her staid,staid is she
,licentious and amorous,as they wine and dine,
The embellished tincture of vacuous hoods ,
supplanted by the
uncanny village of hedonism,
The darkest moon ,shines upon this vesuvian steam,
the darkest hour a stampede upon its feet,
And lo,they lay beneath groveling jingle,that surfaces
to cool down the heat.
And so,quench the darts forth fire,and flung
they behind them the nebula of immanent
To be lushed and lured by hell of perfidy,
masquerading as poreless tinges of St.vaudevile ,
And were they not gnawed perpetually by
tremor of this
translucent lust?
Were they glued and gulled to grouch censure,
transfixed ,upon nature’s sudorific quest,
To famish vaudeville,beyond its terrigeneous
twiddle ,laden with
foams ,furled by twinging
Tramel St.vaudevile,fugitives of mores ,alight ,
Clothed with the blanket of unblushing pounce,
and let it steed ,
Troll voluptuary-city,stampeded upon thy heels ,
Of voluptuous rudders ,let serpent hisses ,hiss no
more ,
Tramps,hobos tender spring froth thee not unripe,
whereon thy phosphorescent euphora basks.
Yet,mayest thou be staled,beautifying ,as the spring,
In liberalism,doth yearly ferments,
Hence,trepidation grips motherearth,…………
as vagabond vacillated scorned fugacity,
Be bold to lush,neither
tipsy nor poisoned by potion
Supplanted at st.vaudevile ,
Swashbuckling trods,thou wast begot to arduous heels,
Whereon kismet pays thy price of freedom,
And like tangled birds,in knot,might soon outwits time
To alight like the eagle
and outpaces like the falcon.
And so being engross,naturewit plaited by shrewdness saith
unto thee,
‘Pang of agony ,with
which thou feedest , thy spasm,fondles
sweetest labour’,
Behold like a loneranger, the first and foremost rule of the
Thumb,that thou mayest observe,
That thou mayest
live,when sweetest labour ,thou art dined,
She refrains and
lampoons veracity’not all that glitters,is gold’.
That by laws of nature ,thou art bound,to subconsciously
feed thy promote and
But with precaution, to censure regression of thy promote,
That thou mayest ssurvive,
Thou didst fled the farmfields,to jocund ,and cheerily
Twixt crimson hedonism ,froth double barrel gunned –
Voluptuary seeks,
And in contending passion, gemmate and aptly foresworn
to blink .
And trembling in thy frequency ,to do fain the unfair girth,
Of a famished pout,replete with votive candles of thy
And waddle this proud wade,deigns greedily ,to smother thee
Chastity of no
Truculent and still unblushing,venous dread,ventilated not
And unto thee trollop,mothers of the nation, not embroyonic
Cord of foul play.
A thousand honey scorn ,that scorn’st farthe’t,than the sun
The earth,shalt thy hurled splash,manicured,with the
And stomping feet,dancing upon the motherearth,sisterhood
Of st.vaudevile,reliinquished celibacy,
Standing at lorrette of the lorgnette, a lothario as he was,
By lucubration,
To scold his lutarious and litigious loom for
gargantuan lottery for
Voluptuary city,goaded arenacious palms to gnashe for
And so,at the groundplot of grandiloquent gewgaw,he scorned
Lutarious st.vaudevile:
‘’Why didst thou err with impunity and racketeer hedonism in
Thou wast ignorasmus,a jerrybuilder,with farmfields
,hurled down by
And fie they fie,with
frosty bridle ,beneath haunting furrows
Of davy jones locker,
Jesuitical in jetsam,as the feets of the gazelles,swung to
The romps of mortifying
Narcissus,so,they agonise ,as the presence of the daylight ,knock them
And the gouts of
sarcastic ovation, flung nearby,burst into hysterical
Wherein earth supplanted by festive fan fare fests at
ganglioned st.
Gapes at the darkest hour,and thou art ashamed to belabor,for
Gallinaceauos hewns,not in satiety ,invariably,gawks its
gavel ,on this
So much glitters, greedily killeth fast ,and the pang of a
woman at
Being belabor,he cannot belabor,being belabor,she cannot
to disdain,
That cavil of kismet,gulling the gullet,wrought at
At her arms and womb,
And in one sweet labour,kindles its navel,which bred more
Than all of nature’s beauties welded ,
And dewed with distilling showers of the heavenly moistures
In such gusto,mortal labour be lucently grooved.
Starry heavens above being so envious,earth so heavier
and ocean-seas bluer
to sloth vaudeville,
This flank of vista,windy vapours sigh before torment of
Time ,
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