May 22, 2018


The Rape Of Ajilete
Ogbomosho Ajilete ,the ‘odium’ of Yorubaland, my humble
Abode ,
Still snapped and slouched in a swamp of unmerited and
unsound  smoking gun,
Haply that osmosis and nomenclature with the sloven sludge
 of paroxysm,grandiose sticks,
From the besieged conceit of Yoruboid enclave,north and
 South annexed for  itself,
As the lord protector of Yorubaland , borne its feathers ,with
keen appetite,
As garrison of rudderless wings,which in stout stratifies lay, straining
At the leash,
Stonecold,to sword dance straight-fight,with girth,hung as they
Swoon upon its swivel.
 Image result for pictures of OGBOMOSHO IN OYO STATEImage result for pictures of OGBOMOSHO IN OYO STATE
 the famous tortoise in king's palace in Ogbomosho

Haply that swoon,shylocked upon its poltrooned realm of infantrymen,
That bordered its plateau,Image result for pictures of OGBOMOSHO IN OYO STATE

Rose in derision,crouched upon its rudderless feathers ,pale and frosty,
Did they plough,
With keen appetite and salivating mensrea,when vendetta uncouthly
Did not fray to gallivant,
Gorged with miseriest morsel of the earth ,to waggle trench-warfare,
Clear and crystal,verdured by vermins,of the invidious invaders,
From the north country,
Which in that sky  of vociferous Samurai and wasteland  of braggart
-wastrels ,
Where scraggly stars as glorious as Ibadan’s heavenly dew  of warlike
Stormy cloud.

With pure crimson pale , Salaam genuflects  triumphant battlement ,
For goonish obloquy,
And so,tomfooleries,hung in saturnalia,of its sloven realm,fled
 With invidious  invaders,
O ,behold,Ajilete ‘s Samurai,lord protector of the realm,blazes
 like a colosus,
Oh,amidst a medley of harrowing distress,what guerdon have they
been inured,
If triumphant as the old sleigh bells elud’d them as soon as froth
debilitated  as vanquished,
As is the apogee and glorious morning melt away,as geld as the
 Mortification of her resistant rudders,
A voluminous brickwall avalanche,to the ireful supplanted,danced
Its samba.

Oh to the poltrooned realm ,this gangrene,sore deeply ,frangible
Grenade,from its rampaging sport,
That gallantry ,so gracious itself,doth gradient of its sinew,rollicks
Its gladiators,
Perchance,the rapine of the North Country,a rancorous ebulliency
Mangled its maniac depressive realm,Ajilete’s rampaging Sport,as
Stiff as ramrod,
For the treacly of their  sullen feet,rudderless wings,oft tarnished
Perchance ,that derision of Ajilete’s swashbuckling,sweet above
 compare ,
Clogs the wheel of the realm,pouncing above troubled waters
and its plangent earth.

Disdainfully ,it did sting,as picadors of vainglorious physical jerks,
Haunting and picketing the picaresques of the realm,frequent’d
Yoruboid plateau,
Robed with mean spirited gaunt,meaner and meanest,as they
Prettily vaunt,
With swift intent and bickering coy , soiled with blutcheon
And gone awry,
But some hobbling thoughts,did incite its peck of trouble,wonked
By pederasts of brotherly mores,
Lampooning pedagogues of the realm,wobbling feet  dazed by ignoble
Keeping one ‘s pecker up,marooned in their pecker of  pecking order.

Her blustering fort,all too timeless a revolutionary,if none of those ,gins
them to peek.

Her indefatigable Samurai,numero uno,her objective ridicule,of the
Realm’s nonchalance,
Swahbuckling but they with, scorned obsession,cajoled rancor ,to
Sweet Ajilete,a raccoon of the birds of the golden morn with sweet
 roses beyond compare ,
From candid morn to candid dusk,prettily and prettily entreats its charm,
And lay fledglings in jolt,
Her grating grill burns with bashful shame, and grailed them,with scornful
To flay rather than flaunt the flatulence of their indigo dye of sentiment,
And thy heroics canst they not vouch,nor thy ethnology,deemed as fugitive,
A quirky species of Yoruboid heirloom.

When heroism, swears and nests a home in her soil-that she like her queen
As frontiersmen, a pastime becomes,o history cannot disprove her soothing
And age by age , manicured by age upon age ,age above,and age beneath age,
Spent in the defense of the realm,that they in reprisal ,swore to tarnish the
Rocketing of golden forays,
With which ,it should be re- written ,with the golden pen ,nursed on the golden
Sands of time,
Therefore,I lie not with dissent,but with plain gospel,drizzling
From the oats of its adorable bard,
So,gracois an history and historicism,lay kimbo,its kith and kin
Of knight marshalls and knight errants.

Since that foible,our defence of the realm,and skirted in the hallowed
 chambers of love,
Thus was intensely smooched ,hector-agregate of the picadors and street
My better angel, is justice,a man of the gospel,shall preach the gospel,
Tis heavenly heartfelt,returns ,the gospel of the hooligans,coaxes not perfidy
To coagulate,
This vapour ,this breath of a vapour,vouched to dissuade and dislodge ,
That this unfair roses ,supplanted upon fair sun,might on this fussy
earth ,unfolds,
So,with this vouch and vow,maketh I  condescend,broke byhungry

What graffiti is not hewn so much out of gospel,not gelding  verity
On its pikestaff,
To break  salaam in the realm,to win a hell,in place of a paradise,
A molass that cheaply sticks,
Sweet Ajilete,a sedentary cosmopolitan of the first class extraction,
So gracious as heroism and sanctimony,from whosecringing  gourd
and garrison,
Infantrymen of the realm,gourmands and hibernates in winters,from
Oyo-ile,South of River Niger,
Lovely,amiable,amicable,pious  and warlike but  brazenly diabolical ,
Did flock,the virgin pleateau,with their tireless hunting expedition.

Such hunting,flexing and flocking under the Ajagbon tree,as petty  as
 Glorious as it could look,
Like a comic relief,wimbled on a plateau of the unearthly,weetless
To welter,
Eerily speaks of astute stratagem , for reconnoitering and reconnaissance  ,
Ogunlola, inoffensive but a belligerent hunter, apprised them folktales ,
Being accommodative,under Ajagbon tree,and they in return,showers
With mega-tons of chastity,immense love and favours,to win him
 genealogy of monarchy,
His hood corronated on a plumpy virgin soil,and the earth rejoices and
 the realm salvaged.

In the hallowed unripe age of the kingship evolutionary and chivalry,
Boldness,bade not refrain,touches him profoundly and still,unbesieged
By his intransigency,
Did allure him freedom,from his self inflicted  incarceration by the Alaafin,
O what a chastity of Oyo-ile, rampaging from North country ,where rapine
Raped this realm,
From the banditry of Elemosho,the precarious  warlord,or his heroism ,
That was a  stint in afterwards of a sworn oath,to the monarchy ,to kick
Elemosho’s daisy,
And gauntlet ,he did receive to stampede with the gauntlet,upon sworn
Oath,to draw his sublime archery.

Obnoxious as it sounds ,the tender grip but rugged nibbler ,
Banished from manacle and gaol,swore to battlement of the
Maurading fuglemen,
Still avail him away from sarcasm  and coy- jest ,that waylaid him
Every step;
And then his gait touches the bait stuck his chin and struck his archery,
And lo, Elemosho, the treacherous  marauder,struck down from the
His hiding place,and fell flat on his back ,decapitated by Ogunlola
 For a rodeo of rodomontade and merriment  in the palace of the
King, Alaafin.

Hung in this penumbrate penumbra,disgruntled elements ,with poof
 of pointificate ,
wheezing like a grampus as her checkered annals are being in rendition
 dished out,
Clung like  a limpet,disowned inhabitants of virgin soil,as Bariba,an alien
This molasses barely spare the monarchy ,whose ranting as well as
meddling ,
As officious goof christened and dubbed  it so-a bariba enclave,to
Its consternation,
If history make sworn ,how shall I swear,differently ,and if history
 make them ,
If history makes them conjecture ,my  roots ,how shall I dispute
greedily .

The immanent misconstrued heroism tossed with  a
mortifying of the  esoteric shamanism ,
A patrimony of the Ajagbon tree philosophy,that hurled into
 sheol,Elemosho’s  chicanery,
And to them and the knuckles of the unsuspecting prodigies,
I lay kimbo,begrudged,upon which my numb is castrated and gashed,
To constantly belabor,institutionalized mischief  with this
 incendiary piece to a standstill,
And being frayed from hoodwink , this gospel,dense ,shall its
Guerdon noteworthy  be;
And derobed from miasma of prejudice ,with which mendacious
chronicles and quirky heroism .

Are laced,with fables and farce in public domain,to depose with no
Empathy ,Ajilete’s sublime feats,
If heroism, be the calibration ,to know,yonder heights by history,
shall suffice;
Not adorned with ricocheted tongue of sarcasm and lampooned ego;
Not embellish the realm,with nescient souls,whose marooned brood,
A living brook canst not illumined,
Remorseless as a vile act of spieteful venom,to snob benigned  wights,
Banished by mythical traction of antecedence and glorious herald ,decked
With malice,
That malignant tumor, that still smeared this realm with its malediction.

Thine feet , thine sullen eyes jolly seeks, not thy state of dreadful remorse,
In the counterespionage ,how bent are they ,to uproot mellifluous cymbals
Of Ajilete’s jingoism,
And its indelible symphony ,sung by history and historicity itself played so much
Free by  its acolytes and aficionados,
Truncheon robed their cheeks and scantily clad ,had such heroism,weaned
 upon motherearth of this realm ,
And scantily clad , had they  been regurgitated,elsewhere in this enclave of
Animosity cliff balls,
When Toyosi Aburu Maku,all asundry on warfront,with his protégés, Aresha,
Onpetu and Olugbon,
Were waging tails at Dahomey Wars,he did with grandiose forays, upturned

For more than a triplet of  decades and percipient history barely knocked
him off, its glorious pen,
And with subtle perch,his trough ,trudged at sea ,over this eaon,escalating
 intent and megalomaniac,
Narcissus,so they lay by its warlike Brook,to wage this sanguinary bloodletting,
That paled into obscurity,omnifarious feats of Yoruboid pantheon of deities,
Are Latosa,Ogun laka Aye,Moremi,OSUN,Oya,Yemoja, a vast swathe,hurdled
In this umbrage,
Oh Aburumaku,did he kick his daisy at the warfront like his ilks of the King’s
 armour bearer-Are Onakakanfos?
His spleen velvety moist hands,elude him this stigma of ridicule that history
speaks guile of they ,not him.

This velvety rapture aplomb seeks,that barely had he returned from
battlefields ,did  he then  the daisy kicked ,
O Nirvana stood he ,in humble bay ,to berth and the fair sun looked
more on he than  them,
Not harmfisted thee,with inglorious eyes,the infamous eyes still
 refutes  tirade,
To abate,oh quoth he , that Prince Tunde Ogbomosho,’’with him ,
I,my custom,my history ,my people, being so much grossly prejudiced.

Unfairness is fairness, ,illicit,a  licit, but not so greatly,a vast swathe
To impair sacred fairness,a fickle,and clothe its fickle,frosty as pale,
When as thine misty eyes,hath chosen the fickle as fairness,and stalked
 thine hood,
With prejudice and resentment,shouldst thou not strike a balance,with
When blots of plainance,flighty,transfused and unequivocal,envelops
And when thou comest,to narrate,and thy tales to tell,shouldest thou
 not condescend,consider dissenting voices?
Betwixt them ,looped with unfair lips,kisseth mendacity,with glee,as

With that transit vile of unfair lips ,hath they with groove,mated together,
Sore deeply manifold tales,pleading ecstasy ,upon scornful state , its crash
helmet of pleading tongue,
They brimmed ,with falsehood,to undermine this crusade,if prejudice and
Verity, couple be……………………….contd.

                                    NARCISSUS TALES OF OGBOMOSHO AJILETE
This is an epic poem of how Ogbomosho was founded and what contribution,it has made to yorubaland and naija.

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