May 22, 2018


A clangor went out from the west
Like the spheroid went out  everywhere
Swankily ,swansong capsized .
Grouching , swashbuckled enclave swarmed off its sward
And thus from the spigot,  it thus began anew
Remote clangor suspended no bridge
Goons synecdoche ,alarmed  and relinquished syncretism
Syrupy glands dissuade from the backwaters .
As tacky velvety tabulates tact in tantrums of

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old greybeard
Tilted into a filth  and the stench like a meteor had  fizzled out .

The forlorn mnemonics of the tardiest  engross , tilted and steamnumbered
Tinkles on;
Engross in the tingle , totebag peddles threadbare of the tittle-tattle;
As tinder pot fizzles out , tintinnabulation hurled into dunghill;
Western clangor  cast  down with the   sadomasochism  and the
clangor of the clansmen , sickled totty and tousling –a white
elepha nt hedonism  hot-blodded by the clangor of the clansmen ;
Ebullient in pruriency,dine-bibing and wine-bibing ,winpled nest  rarer ,gone
on exile .

Behold ,the treasure trove’s travelogue ferret  traps even as treachery  hung
 its treacling molasses over Alupluto ;
The boon of the grappling hook trots the Trojan to work like the Trojan ;
Veneer parole and parody vending, dismayed  with the last straw of the
trump card ;
Whacky and whamming  cascade pummeled ;
                                                    THE CLANGOR OF THE MOUSES
With a burnt midnight oil on a sofa ,pummeling claws squashes ferret ;
Puerile pugnacity,  pudgy-crawls tumescence ;
Pullulation  was mischievous and dead ,pulsing and pulsating,
Puling and puking nestling ado ;
Behold ,  the puffiness of the pulverized bloke now ,cold blodded- a pukka heraldry
 raptured at the binge of the pulchritude  ;
With pun, pounced into  punch, prurience  punctilious so punchiest, 
Puppy love punted  ,quarried  and quavered ,rack and ruin did he go
With a raft;

With troucing tinkle squashes ado
Quirk of little quaint ,hung in Rabelaisian racecourses, feast on ravishing ire;
White elephant ravens frost and razzle ;
Upon this pond ,he trods on treachery ,rockier and rock solid ,raveling and roosting
Salacity like a whore;
…………………………………………………………..contd .

Alas in the tempest of the dusk , a seafarer with a ferry at River Abesi ;
Rankling with barrage of scurrility ,scuzzily  scuttles golden seasons  get on seas ;
With pending seagoing seamless and searing , the seadog thus banters
Was begun ;
“Bandits sauntered  the waters
And demand thee a ransom –a ransom of thy soul;
Holoipoloi gutted with serfdom  as they abode the high river ;
Gather crest for wit,writ and summons and now,Abesi  held as
 gunboat diplomatic spot ;
Pry no more whence  I come and pry now more whence i go and
 We Aluplutans,whirly-whizzy , assailed and war -clouded  by maurauders
 , hung on a precipice ;
Pinked  with alarming presages  and unsettled by impecabble prescience;
 Go no plonker and a marvel at the writ of thy kindred ;

A pie eyed piggish monster whose archery long lost to the grappling hook ;
Demented piece de resistance ;
Pilloried by pigment , piecemeal piecework and patchwork hung  pillocks
Being galled to guillotines and nethers was plain as pikestaff’
A thousand bandit playthings,a plenitude of plebeians  and tens of
thousands of puppeteer struck into sheol at River Abesi ;
Cannibals pounced on pyromaniac and pyrotechnics as potbelly
Preens precocity craft ferried in Alupluto;
Here we sojourn but not forever –promenades-in-transit ,welded clangour mongers ;
May we not be dismayed as sojourners ;
Amidst the mouses hurled down by whams and whiffy ,sniffing the whiffy ,moult
 mounded for adventures ;
Now muckraking embellish ,muck as mucilage in the west ;
No muchness elsewhere as muddle and mulletering interred on a mulch ;
As multimedia perchs loftily unfolding the mugshots ;
Necromancy and neurosis unwinds nuke and nozzles;
And nought ogles away as clangor mongering resinated ;
Opacity templates disposed with omnipresence oozes  its agate.

Pacifism fades away as we sojourn ;
Banditry palmier than ever before zooms off with frozen pale beyond
Pale annexed  annex the clansmen ;
Where  palatino’ s punditry heed the pamphleteer’s pally for stratagem;
Clangor monger mongering panache gins to flex ;
Paragliding of paroxysm and punchline bamboozled raids paunchy ire;
Headed to Alehouses and the bottle of wine,the lumps of scabrous  and
sloven sloth resonated and sauntered ;
where snake charmers and white elephants dulcified witchcraft;
Lost in the smokescreen the smoothiers smouldered and smooched
to hedonism;
And the hades as smoke fire went everywhere ;
Smutty ,sooty  now soluble fungue –blokes evanesced to the east ;
Battalions in their triples waded through the  stagy ploughed sonority ;
To augment the stanchion ,the beamlight malls greet greadily ;
Jubilant as the old sleigh bells ,dine and wine ,;
Swamp of old boggy slumbers and sloughedvrising meteor ‘
And dampens veneer parody ;
Smalltalk and smalltime smarmier ,giddying offences and playing stallion;
Venerations and verisimilitude separated by a mile smeared of vestry ;
Cicero’s blarney stone as lean as Sancho ;s ass and lazy as toad detest ravenous
 wolf ‘s nature to salve ; 

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