June 6, 2018


All over the world every nation   yearns for the neplus ulstra and the beauty of social life is the survival of mankind .We are what we are today because that’s exactly what we wanted and chosen to be .We are the reflection of our time  and the identity of our nation and the purpose of our being .Our ministry is the ministry of progress and the civilization of mankind -that is our primary assignment under Sun and the very mirror of human existence .
However , we seem to have forgotten that the society does not make us we do and the  challenges do not either without our response and the bestowed grace of nature .We live for what we know and we do not defend for what we do not know and we are the embodiment of the optimism of our people  and time and the corporate identity of our nation.In that battle of freedom and the greatest battlefield of the minds as we seek to define and redefine the very essence of human existence ,proper evaluation of our ministry of purpose still yet a fundamental missing links of the indepth virtue of freedom that we earnestly seek as we fail to explore the  nation’s checkered antecedence.How then can we attain this freedom let alone attain universal justice –being the ultimate ends of mankind .
We are as shallow as what we believe and we as deep as what we stand for . Times and seasons may not always favour but the defense of what we believe can stand us the test of time .The journey may be long and weary but it takes only golden dream and the practical laws of action as magical powers to get there .Your faith in this dream is the icing on the cake walking over the thin line of impossibility into the land of our endless possibilities long anticipated in the wilderness of pursuit .I said it again-we are what we are  because that’s exactly what we are chosen to be and indeed the very identity of our nation and mirror of our custom.How well we manage this axiom determines the place of our nation and people on the sands of time .
It is on this note that we desire to spread the dragnet of development and apotheosis far beyond the borders of our shores and the  confines of our expertise into geographies and demographies yet untamed far beyond the labours of atavistic or previous history and the reach of our forefathers fallen behind times .The infusion of wealth never before seen will be harnessed all over the world .It is the same as saying  that the nation-states of the world are tied together by same destiny and the development of an economy cannot be detached from the fate of the international community to which it is bound .
It is the duty of each generation to persistently advance the course and progress of mankind  beyond the endeavors of previous generation.This calls for selfless leadership in the service of mankind  and without a responsible and sensitive followership buoyant in their defense and not repugnant to the wishes of revolutionary activists and radical reformers   could be an impossible mission to achieve . The fate of mankind we cannot be deceived is tied together and development in one part of the world is a replica of development not yet monetized or capitalized in the developing league and so therefore  it must be allowed to spread from the opportuned territory into the hapless region of the world .Otherwise the contagion of mass poverty could backfire and spread so quickly to advanced economies destroying in the long run the fruits and gains of technology and science supplanted by generations before now .This bitter truth and vulnerable gospel had been abhorred by the great powers right  from the ancient till date and it is in their power to rejoice in their captivity constantly forgetting the most disturbed period of their history .The unity of mankind matters more than we previously thought and the level of chronic capital underdevelopment experienced all over the world basically in the developing countries is a function of racial pride of civilized economies and visionless and corrupt leadership of the third world societies .So by bridging the huge  development gap disunity and debased value system has to be replaced and its allied culture inducing barrier expunged.

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