Then he faced another challenge,though a controllable challenge,and a less tedious one than thefailure at school,some sort of disaster.That he promptly lost the only match of the season.then he also lost the consolation game.Not very social person to be able asked a girl out on a high school date,signifies his stately fright and more shyness than disliked.But one thing was absolutely special by him,he had an extratalent in which one can perform excellently-that his drawings were exceptional and very proud of them.Then he went out to advertise nobody like them,or appreciated them and everywhere he was rejected including the great walt disney studios,but you know what Sparky didnt quit.And so frustrated,decided to write his autobiography in cartoons and being instant hit,was popularly everewhere.Charles Schulz popularly known as sparky,the creator of the most popular carton of all time- the peanuts comic trips and became the most famous cartoonist of all time.He seemed unable to succeed in many things but e
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