Still yet to wade into the threshold of the much vaunted melodramatic changes required not only in
tandem with our relationship with the environment but also to a larger extent
reconsidering our policy choices ,ideological differences , our prorities and the
services that bankroll them way back
since the voyage of human
civilisation begun .The same prejudiced self immolating kind inherent in the
massacre of 6 million German jews during the second world war and the brutality
of the souls with which they were executed by its hang over on human mores has
not yet abated .Retroactively those policy choices and similar patterns such as SAP
or the so called Washington Consensus-a reincarnation of the long
forgoten generation of the Mercentalist era of Thomas Mun, still largely exist
even in those nations that hardly deserve them .Poorer they become and still
poorer they believe they shall die and upon this hellbent they are swallowed by
the fortitude of hell , seeeking the
eternal dunghill and eager beaver to preserve
their self imposed male
diction of
the subservient region .Their stardom is
largely dependent on this imprecation .
The prejudice has not yet abated especially
with the weaponisation of diseases of mordern age such as HIV-AIDS
,constantly advocating their superiority of Aryannism and a host of numerous
bickering policies fueling this divisive propensities of the globe that have enslaved the destiny of mankind
like never before. This fury by a terrifying proportion had not in any way abated but had only changed its dimensions
and masqueraded its political depth stealthily in proximity to the laxity of psychological abrasion to shape the texture of our thinking, understanding the fallibility of human nature and to take havoc unleash to
the next level .Our collective mass seemed to have been altered by vulgar
indignities unleashed on the so called rejects of the world as coined by great
powers .
How are we to define the word''Superior race''and ''primitive race'' and
what notions do the imperialists entertain and the rashness of the rationalism
that turpedoed such unwholy instinct to
subdue virgin lands and which submerges
the alien customs and regard its cultural values as sickos of a dumbel -a
primitive brand and still yet fail to realise their unrivalled contribution to
world civilisation .
It doesnt need a soothsayer to tell
or salve for the blind to distinguish
the superior race and the sparkling differences of those who lay the foundation of human civilisation.How
so powerful are those who build the house but much more powerful are those who
lay its foundation .As ejoined by the Holy book ''if the foundation is bad
,what can the righteous do''To be candid , the rootstock of world civilisation
crisis is Hate crime a passionate syndrome of superiorrity exhibited by the
superior builders against the pioneers of arts and culture .It the apogee of
all thresholds and this threshold ,we must cross for a lasting shallom in
Jerusalem .If we fail to cross this rubicon-this great threshold of racial
acrimony and a baste of brisky transteritorial animosity,we are galled by and
stuck by our enduring influence over time and space and incapable to build a
formidable house strictly haunted by such bigotry -a lathe of hallucination
that fails to recognise the original builders of the house made to pine away in the desert of no oars . Certainly ,with the growing risk of racial
discord and the trojan horse of hate crime prowling the globe and the
loggerheads of the two camps , human civilisation is at the risk of great
collapse unless a new structure devoid of capitalism and capitalist greed is
erected ,this great collapse is more real than we can think of .MARK MY WORD-it
could be the exit of western civilisation.
Mending fences therefore require an everlasting bridges to be built
towards ending the cacophony of racial
greed and distrust of territorial agreession
and is advisable for leadership and imperial rough edges to meet and
expunge these differences that barricaded the hapless regions for a new dawn.We are in the ministry of
purpose and all humanity lived for the purpose of what they believed
.Unfortunately , the vision of my head defeats this claim and the alarm that
lingers until the great western civilisation crumbles like pack of cards .Hate crime
is the bane and the sordid bane of the great civilisation-its very
frankeinstein's.Isee and proclaim-the end is near and requires no remorse;for
it is too late and for every misdeed ,there is verdict.
With this possible crash where and when will the new structure evolve ?Will
this take us another ten thousand years to build another great civilisation as
mankind in general ,considering the tasky voyages waded in the earlier effort
by mankind?Certainly so and certainly not depending on the prism of theoretical
permutations being infered .Of course human verdict extremely differs but
certainly it cannot be disputed hate crime -an upsurge of racial distrust is at the root of western economic crisis -a
resolve that might make the golden age civilisation transition possible .
Why do we have to fail to recognise the giant contribution of those so
called primitive races and their impact on
world civilisation and every relics of histo-cedence that apprises this
informed evidence has been persistently lampooned as mendacious by western
anthropologists ,ethnologists and paleoanthropologists of European and
AngloAmerican extraction. They have extracted so much from this rejects of
history to build their homes and mordern
civilisation only for them to be discarded and to claim they are those that fit to die and that death they
shall die for a mightier human species to rise from their race long after their
exit .
Recompense or retribution is an epistemological and eschatological
imperatives of human and natural mores ;for which the end is not known until
the bridges are crossed and they are abound to be confronted by similar
treatment by the new great powers from Asia.It is a fact of life and accomplished fact indeed -a
recyclical renewal at every twist and turn of mortal antecedence .The golden
rule invariably applies and the law of karma never changes.They are bound to be
treated by the new powers the same way
and in attempt to revenge or react could lead to 3rd world war
either related to hate crime or the greed to take the market of these
developing countries -probably the last
battleground of mordern wars .
Upon the asssumption of new
cultural powers , a new epoch of cultural development would soon emerge .It is
practically impossible to envisage a reocurrence of the similar checkered
antecedence of camaraderie experimented
between the British and the American inspite the isolationism of 2nd world war
both Anglo Saxon to be repeated with the new powers -a totally different
tongues with diverse religion,languages ,tradition and customs The Spanish can tell what the French did at
their backyard to spite its continental prestige upon asumption of power ;the French can tell
also what the British did to ridicule
its stardom especially the Napoleonic
dynasty after the Battle of
Waterloo and the Congress of Vienna-1815 and the succour of the allied forces
during the 2nd second world war .All can tell the greater evils of the fall of
great powers and the shame that can follow .It is clear that such rapport may never
occur with behemoth China and the impending calamity looming in the clash with
new world civilisations is crystal clear .
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