June 8, 2018


                                                            OPERA  SOYINKA
The galaxy of Opera Soyinka ,
Weaned from  the  umbilical cord
 of motherhood  in nineteenth thirties ,
a descent of the geneology of Isara Remo,
whose inchoate incendiarism at the ivory
 towers ,in the native­+ land and Queensland,
afterwards,a stormy petrel,a pluralist ,
rampaging  and weltering through weevils
 amidst colonies of  wherret to set  thames
on fire ,
spurred dense incursion of the Royal Court
Theatre .

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A  piquant pounce of the playwright,incognito
 waded  ,
to an illustrious boomerang from a puerile
poetaster ,
to the most obscurantist bard in living Africa .
In the dense  incurvate and incubus windbound
of wasteland dark ages,that plenitude ,a plethora of
windfalls ,
brought a Nobel ,on plebeian sand and whilom as
 evermore ,it was a great plough ,
not merely ,  for the recluse with the plumbline ,nor as
pithy eerie
 that shot pleonastic Afrocentric zests on the frontburner
 of Nobel-literatis,but voluble sudoric stigma doused .
Still,a vantage ,smothered by  its enchantment of dissident
 platoon of infidel bards,
wistful but witless,wiseacres but wobbling ,wire-pulled,
intrigued by wispy whiffs,
to defy apple pie order ,emulating bard of kongi ,as an
 indefatigable wheelwright,

 to pull a Nobel ,on the indian files as a heiraparent to this
porous throne
 of the most illustrious pontoon ,a cameo vaudeville of
Afrocentric  arts,
non pareil with elsewhere as league of voluble wastrels
 and mean spirited ilks  ,wattled this plateau ;
jungled apologia of apple of discord,stomped by apple cart
and headstrong horrent ,hooped in its dickesian jamboree.
Does that applique apostatized , hasped and hacked the
golden feets of its Ijegba bard and distant galaxies ?
At his homily and hebetude ,bucaneers of freedom , stampedes ,
for  oasis ,to quench their thirsts of salivation ,in the desert of no

It was quite an opera, when in midsixties ,a seizue of presshouse ,
to broadcast psephological disorder encumbered by bereft of
 practical politics
 and a crusader of the knight of old,a mystery gunman seemingly
like a conscript ,
with intendment , to castrate mass pogrom of the late sixties,
carted away in solitary confinement , by the absolutist regime ,
honed evidence of the indomitable hireling of his unparelled
 gavel of vernacular justice,in variegated climes .

Hobbledehoy histrionics sprouted from the jungle of Isara
Remo, hierophant of public domain justice,
scampering through its hilarious comedies and highwaymen
of its harum-scarum ilks ,
still arched apropos,  apposite   mensrea ,to approximate and
 appropriate his visualization of the posterity,
across this supposedly hooded blanket cover ,was no mean feat
for this checkered antecedence.
Famous for oratory ,did he belch from his tummy” A tiger doesn’t
proclaim its tigritude ,he pounces’’
An ornatory of the embellished tongue to debunk the glorification
of Afrocentric past ,
As expounded ,By Leopold Sendor Seghor ‘s nostalgic nigritude
movement ,masqueraded in gutter denial of polymordernism .
In the ‘’Death And the  king Horsemen’’states he”The elephant
trails no tethering rope;that king is not crowned ,who will
 peg an elephant ?’’
A pugilist of the revolutionaries ,sometimes tended resignation
,as a protest against  Lord acton’s dictum on porous and
imperial power .

He was no stranger to solitary confinement ,incarcerated in the
Twenty two  months,cavalier confinement  of the Maiduguri 
gaol ,
Executioner of the bucaneers of freedom , dipped mysticism in
his pen ,

Behold, this tragicomedy ,kongi was behind bars ,still undaunted
Sculptured dual novels –The Interpreters ,The season Of Anomies
And then the autobiographical  The Man Died,
Yet his play –kongi harvest was staged to rapturous aplomb at the
 World Festival Of Negro Arts, In Dakar ,Senegal,
Still behind bars ,The Lion And The Jewel  was produced in Accra, in
September ,ninety-sixtyseven ,and by November The Trials Of Brother
 Jero ,
And Strong Breed in the Green Wich Mews in New York were produced

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