January 20, 2019


From a distraught at his disgruntled feet,a crotchety butterfinger whose planet,drips beyond its oysters.A duffering nemesis from a dryrot.Not with my high dudgeon to duke with dumbshow.And now to duck to enlist him,the dutch uncle,when he comes to boomtown,my bossom-town.Ere dust off sinew'd jaw and bombastic,a fickle of dusky dare.Earthling of the jungle,shattering me my dissonant ebbtide of my blackest dye.Not irrascible emote and effusion of this egotrip and elysian elan.Upon this emboss,he nuanced its embroidery to empathise this emporium of supposed emendation, Which gratified his grit from a windy vista,Whereon the engulf might distinctively this fractious cocoon,at this gallery,plays ovation to the unsuspecting fracture.The elegiac gall of the pofaced poetry,glaring on his physiogonomy.Sands Of time as the winds that avail had not its niece,nephew or cousin scythed him all thatclannish emotes of the wind,Nor porousness of the nightmare alluded to its allure;but the nonplus of hellish novas ranklesdeep

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