January 27, 2019


asidethe goose that lays the golden eggs.So,Mankind is bound by law of artistic design to be untruthful,perpetually betrothed to it until soul purity matures and in the long run,condemned to the guillotine of falsehood,let alone beensalvaged from the bullnecked savagery of this self deceit grinded by capitalistic but bumptious burgeon.This capitalistic theory of self interest,however,does not preserve the welfare and sanctity of those with the inbuilt capacitorial tendencies to advocate verity,no matter whose ox is gored.It implies that the proliferation of social debt items isundaunted,a possibility of relentless triumph of evil of over shallow good that hardly excites civilisation and the age of history itselfa cavernous cat's paw of the catharsis and the ultimate prize of soul purity and universaljustice.That it pertains a catcall of catholic resolutions that be it accomplished or not affirms the downright impossibility of attainment of this elusive freedom.Then until history speaks,true freedomnotpossibleImage result for the photos of poets

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