Hamiltonian America,an ungrateful America.indeed the most untold story of the world greatest man that ever lived.Americans were barbarians in those days,hardly knew a thing so deep beyond been a mere intellectual dilletantes.Then heypresto,a little boy withthe humblest background ended showing them the way,carried them by his brain's universe,pictured thatplains,with paradise,and elevated that virgin new world,from the backwaters of imperialists'dunghill and the backwoods of British dungeon,to the most powerful country,most dreaded economy of the world.
O,how time flies and hardly had he gotten his vindication from history,as his wife had thought.Until he had conceived that nirvana under sun,the new world wouldn't have seized to be that asshole of slavery and not until his tumultuous bloody downfall in Weehawken,New Jersey,of the most humblest immigrant from Nevis,before a new page of history was turned overleaf.Indeed the most glorious pages of history ever written by tim
e itself.Stay tuned and enjoy its series
O,how time flies and hardly had he gotten his vindication from history,as his wife had thought.Until he had conceived that nirvana under sun,the new world wouldn't have seized to be that asshole of slavery and not until his tumultuous bloody downfall in Weehawken,New Jersey,of the most humblest immigrant from Nevis,before a new page of history was turned overleaf.Indeed the most glorious pages of history ever written by tim
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