June 7, 2019


He became a don in Heidelberg,the Center of national Romanticism,but first became an asistant professor in Jena.It was in 1818 when he was appointed a Professor in Berlin when the city was spiritual center of the movement and Europe.Prior to his death in 1831 by cholera, Hegelianism had become a household name in almost all German Universities.Though he united almost every idea of the movement but he was sharply critical of them too.This including Schelling,like other Romanticists who enthused that life deepest meaning lay in 'world spirit'.When he uses the term,he uses it differently and he defines it to mean the sum total of human utterances due to the fact only man has a spirit.Then he speaks of world spirit progress throughout history,refering to human life,human thought,human culture.He barely believed man could attain clear cognition of nature's deepest secrets and admitted existence of unattainable truths.He reasoned sharply truth is subjective and no truth exist beyond human reason and all knowledge.

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