They also saw language as an organism.Infact,the entire material world like a poetic work was a living organism.Hence,no sharp contrast exist in between them and they bear testimony to the vivid presence of world spirit in people,culture not just popular culture as nature and art.They collected folksongs from distant lands,captioned as the ebulient voices of the people,of which Herder was their preeminent forerunner.He said folktales was the mothertongue of the people.For instance,Brother's Grimm and a host of others collected folk songs and fairy tales in Heidelberg.We refer in this case to Grimm's fairy tales and in Norway,evidences that Asbjornsen and Moe collected folktales were foolproof nationwide.This enabled more intense scientific study of local language.It also led to rediscovery of old Norwegian myths and sagas from heathen times.This influenced composers all over Europe to begin to infuse their songs and incorporate folk melodies into them,improving their compositions.It bridged gap between both, THOMAS AQUINAS BELOW

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