in 1900.There,he also showed dreams are not only random but are also wish fulfilments.The process of converting latent dream thoughts into manifest dream aspect Freud called Dream Work.His psychoanalysis was extremely influential in the 1920s,including theory of unconscious had massive in art and literature.He influenced the surrealism of the 1920s when 1924, Andre Breton published the " surrealistic manifesto",he concluded that art should come from the unconscious.This implies that artist should strives toward superrealism when they derive the most liberal inspiration from his dreams and latent images.Given that a dream is a little work of art,requires a comprehension of its denselanguage of symbols,to interpret them.Freud can be very difficult to grasp,leading to further evolution of the field of psychology.We treated sofar a basic premise and a criticalcompendium of the western evolution of philosophical thoughts though we have not included the critiques whatsoever.We come to the end of marathon treatise.NICOLO MACHIAVELLI

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