June 11, 2019


Benjamin Franklin,inventor of light conductor and another American polymath like Alexander Hamilton,had made a strong point that if they were no limiting factor in nature,one single species of plant or animal would spread over the entire planet.But because there are diverse species,they keep each other in balance." Obviously this influenced Malthus to propound the malthusian theory of world population.He propounded that mankind's capability is excessively great to procreate that opportunity avails that there more children born than can survive.Given the fact that the production of food can never keep pace with population increase,he believed huge proportion were doomed to die in the existential struggle.This categorical appraisal became the icing on the cake and the universal mechanism,he was looking for and it explains how natural selection in the struggle for life happens.We examined that in the first book The Origin Of Species,two theories were proposed such as suggested by Erasmus Darwin,Darwin's grand

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