June 9, 2019


Given its all encompassing and diversified,we shall be content with the main aspects of Hegel's work and the basic method he expoused for the understanding of historical progress.Every philosophical system before him has attempted to set eternal criteria for the limit of human knowledge and research basis of human cognition.Consequently they share opinion and made declarations about timeless factor of human knowledge about the world.However he believed differently that the basis of human cognition changes from generation to generation and therefore no timeless reason and no eternal truths.That the only fixed point philosophy of mankind ordinarily holds onto is nothing but history.And to Hegel,history was likened to a river whose running tiny movement in the water body at a given point rises and falls.That in terms of philosophical reflection,reason is a process and also dynamic.Truth follows the same process,given that there are no eternal benchmark beyond historical process for the determination of truth and

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