April 25, 2020
We know Germans are bloody racists.Why did Trump pour racial derogatory remarks on black community,when he lamented their little success?Hear him according to Washington Post analysis,'Why is it that the African American community,is so much,you know,numerous times more than everybody else?'he asked.Then he concluded'it doesnt make sense and i dont like it'.You could hear live and direct the racist intention of Jim Crow era coming back from the dead and we might not be surprised to see proliferation of racist institutions like Klu Klux Klan(KKK) returning from the dead too.Was it not true that the Chinese accused America of planting the virus in Wuhan,China after the October World Military Games?Trump had already made know his intention with that racist remark and his interest to revive the Rockefeller Plan toward reducing population of the world.With the outbreak of COVID19 worsening their extant social and economic conditions,everywhere blacks are dying and little wonder the New Yorker called it the 'Black
April 24, 2020
I believe COVID19 in mainland America is nothing but pure racism and extreme racial profiling.I think it was introduced as a racist propanganda of Trump administration playing to the gallery of the Republican tea party guys in capitol hills,industries and other secret places.It had nothing to do with China.The intention was to wipe out black population from America for good.It sounds disgusting but i was not surprised because i have seen it coming and i thoroughly debated itas one major items of intellectual debates we have had for more than two decades before i called it quit in 2019.In those days,as a jobless man i frequented newstands in ikeja under bridge where they distributed papers for vendors and later ikotun roundabout.My family later moved to igando where we discussed topics with few eggheads in the informal and street debate sessions.I did the same at Odo eran newstand where sometimes i was mistaken for a lunatic fringe.I saw it long coming but i never knew it would assume this heartless method.
had not yet been bashed this discontented eyes,for men will kiss freedom far away from where impenitent dogfight was ducked.Efflorescence from the north,not too eggheaded a patella of egshell chinese but effrontery stuck effulgence.Happygolucky triggers of bazooka,grenades,muskets and munitions at Abesi harum scarum bloodthirsty.As if they wore hobbleskirt,hobbledehoy handicraft of dogged warfare beneath wooden bridges,godforsaken.The infidels were exterminated by golden boy gangsters.Not gratifying too quirkily with bland heighos stuck with greenfingers.Grotesques and inelegant,Abesi stood still,intractable and invidious.Irruption itsybitsy broke the jinx and jellied at Abesi not impetuous but imperious and impervious,implicitly as explicitly impounded Abesi and drove Maximus gangsters back to northcountry and launched hecatomb in reprisal of the assailed realm.With vengeful spite shall never regard,taken captivity captive of the impostured hamlets.How like a jade this goldenboyhood stood like gibraltar to
Careen darts forth the fire from their bone.O were they invincible,battlements were done with livelihood.Castaways and cauldron of Carcasses burnt between this corrosive and forest cause celebre.A cavalier the golden boy predisposed from the northcountry,eastern skies'peeping Tom peevish to annex,Aluplutans his pebbles on the beach,with certitude gazing the cerrulean sky.Nay more than chauvinism,for the cheery at clamber clobbered.What tis to clutches they clutch?How stranglehold of clutches clattered!O had Alupluto not borne so combative mode and craven spirit,she hadnt brought forth this triumph.Deadshot and decoy of deadblows clumped momentum.What were they by all ramificationthat they couldnt contempt it?Or what ostentatious peril defecates upon RiverAbesi?What were thy retribution,'saith kismet'so demeaning for one tardy feet?We aver debilitating stances to speak fair at the battlement.Nope,providence to detonate where one derelict or its detrop detours.Over this clueless hood discomfiture boisterously
April 23, 2020
I do not agree with Louis Brandeis,an associate justice of the United States that"Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel the invasion of their rights by evil minded leaders".He wrote,last emphasis mine that"the greatest threats to liberty lurk in the insidious'minds',well intended well meaning but without understanding".I beg to disagree with learned counsel in the first submission and opine instead that no man born is free and all men are born slaves within the threshold of family patrimony and social groups respectively.And until the expertise of a given technical art is mastered on the homeground,the first battleground,a child is still slave under parentalcare for purpose of growth.As soon ashe burst the steam of parentage,he assumes another cycle of social slavery,tied to the apron string of peerage pressure and social groups.It is a lifelong slavery,even worse and practically very few men,attains intellectual freedom in a lifetime.A child now man at this stage,has lost his mind and his opinion
The magnitude of freedom equitable to every generation and the quality of its disposal and material impact can be inextricably linked to the grandeur of the extant maturity of facts at hand.If harvested with appropriate theory would create leverage for a golden age of unprecedented development.This unarguably for the irrefutable evidence of history was transpired in the west with the catapult of industrial revolution and various revolutions of the last 200years since Adam Smith wrote Wealth Of Nation in I776 and more or less in the United States during the depression era,when Maynard Keynes churned out his total spending theory.When these two strategic positives coagulate,then a wise time investment makes a solid return.The maturity of facts at hand does notnecessarily correspond to the necessity of times and when it does this leverage with nostandard deviation is morethan possible to author human civilisation.Men with such discretion,are equipped with the stamina to triumph in the battlefield of freedom.
We harvest a given plethora of facts and figures for the purpose of freedom given that they are born by necessity of a period.It is the greatest sacrifice to be made for the true price of freedom to be paid from the complex factory of history that provides the logical framework for the vast production of material facts.When we have gathered a rational momentum and freedom unleashed by all its ramification as stipulated in the great charters,the appropriation of mainstream justice should not be lowered beneath its standard benchmark.The material fruits of mordern science and technology are secondary outputs of the linear and non linear retrogression and linear and non linear progression of history.The proponents of the great charters are extracts of the victorious struggle that availeth much steadily when mankind positively interpret the cummulative relics of history.To pay solid attention to its lines and verses ordinarily culminates to activism of the great charters,with evidences of sustainable institutions
April 20, 2020
Nations and societies bedeviled by dark age malediction in this context are climes suffocated by dearth of these interpreters and theorists.Theoretical ambiguity besides,the tardy level and depositional rate of development in those climes barely go away.Unless they grow the equiproportional rate of intellectual freedom ordinarily supplanted by same class in competent climes,the malediction of chronic underdevelopment in less saner climes could persist.When we juxtapose equally the development empirical trends,in both climes,to share expertise and information makes the world a better place.We are not perplexed when strategic ideals are stranded and it behoves on human persons and nations to stake intergrity for accomplishment.Every one fight for a place in history and we are justified to enthuse in the pride of doing so.The weak would fall behind and the strong sets the pace,giving direction to the wherewithal of history.Sometimes the pride could damage the unity of mankind from the bland disunity of history
There should be tradition for every productivity and without art its belief system and the environment that inspires it,there can be no tradition let alone productivity and the growth it mobilises.We know a society by the quality of its tradition and can vividly measures its benediction or its lost cycle of productivity it incurably aggrandises,through reversion to cultural engineering.Growth architecture and development engineering begins by comprehending the science of human culture.Hencehistory opens frontier of new world of civilisation when the ideology,science and technology of humantradition and that of the society man's most sacred patrimony,also known as history is heavilyevaluated.Cultural engineering or rengineering perhaps haphazardly begins by history,historicism and historiography.To unleash growth and development like never before it is invariably the last bastion of human civilisation and the security of the unborn times.We are bewildered not by its richness but by its dearth of interpreters
We pay the price of history for every livehood and until we have fully paid this price the true price of freedom cannot be truly paid.To those who have been truly brainwashed that history travels in a linear space to defy exisentialist facts of history and opined not to adjust their lifestyle for purpose of change,they might have traveled too fast only to beshamedby villains of history and be shocked forever.We cannot truly deny the outcome of our actions and invariably be detached from its glory or vainglory.Every art carries its magical spells its own consequences,yet the crowd barely deny to share ovation of a glorious art.Mankind is heavily divided along this lineand no mortal hardly ever associate with the ridicule of season,contempt oftime,true villains of history.Theworld of mean and golden peopletakes little cognisance of this checkered meaness of antecedence to promote mankind gullibility and moral insecurity of the next set of antecedence.The stamina of freedom is declining,for the true price.
We are what we are a mere earthlings of passing shadows untill we have found our cogent bearing.We are not yet a nomenclature of apotheosis untill the bearings of denial and extreme sacrifice has made life so much uncomfortable for we the journeymen in the wilderness passage and still bade momentary pleasure a farewell in the face of extreme despair and grief.We are not the fortune of this passing shadow but the greenfields of the everlasting sands of time wherein we write our history with our hands.We might choose to write it either with mean pen or golden pen.A mean pen for the vulgar writes meanantecedence but a goldenpen forthe goleador writes goldenantecedence for which the ages barely disrepute.In reprobate we aretold of mean antecedence,if we are written of mean pen;for you write as you think anddo.Take hold of your time,write your own history with the goldenpen,let no one do otherwise.As you lay your bed,so shall they lie on it.We cannot be rewritten bythe hands of an alien folks,once written forever.
April 16, 2020
HAND.18.We should identify, social poverty cycle,an economic environment
from which debt cycle can be floated and then transition process
These economic agents in the credit cycle,spend debt income, awashed with debt purchasing power,or so to say debt oriented purchasing power parity, grows in multiples with such unique,highly distinguished, unorthodox and unprecedented intermediation process,where the debt cycle,debtflation cycle and development cycle respectively,interact together to grow GOCAP/GAP, sometimes by 50 per cent,in the debt economy,unthinkable by mordern orthodoxies,especially where radical approach is undertaken.
By so doing, the debt economy and mainstream economy intrinsically and extrinsically interact to grow the broad economy in multiples.With such growth in multiples,debt economics worry less about inflation and recession,as old economic twin evils,but with new evils,where sustainainble growth and development is perpetrated in the plethora of poverty reduction and decline in the inequalities of wealth .
With sustainainble high debtflation,spreading material wealth position,inflation and unemployment or recession,cease to be the major operative burden of mordern economy, signifies emergent of marsolism and neomarsolism epoch.Marsolism's quantity theory of debt money emphasises steady growth rate of debt money,to attain in full the Abraham's effect,where universal prosperity is achieved.
These economic agents in the credit cycle,spend debt income, awashed with debt purchasing power,or so to say debt oriented purchasing power parity, grows in multiples with such unique,highly distinguished, unorthodox and unprecedented intermediation process,where the debt cycle,debtflation cycle and development cycle respectively,interact together to grow GOCAP/GAP, sometimes by 50 per cent,in the debt economy,unthinkable by mordern orthodoxies,especially where radical approach is undertaken.
By so doing, the debt economy and mainstream economy intrinsically and extrinsically interact to grow the broad economy in multiples.With such growth in multiples,debt economics worry less about inflation and recession,as old economic twin evils,but with new evils,where sustainainble growth and development is perpetrated in the plethora of poverty reduction and decline in the inequalities of wealth .
With sustainainble high debtflation,spreading material wealth position,inflation and unemployment or recession,cease to be the major operative burden of mordern economy, signifies emergent of marsolism and neomarsolism epoch.Marsolism's quantity theory of debt money emphasises steady growth rate of debt money,to attain in full the Abraham's effect,where universal prosperity is achieved.
HAND.17.and undue pressures.In fulfilling this prediction and mandate of
universal prosperity,the central bank for microfinance-CBM worldwide
are supposed to use their expertise and credibility to ensure and
guarantee sucessful debtflation.Otherwise ominous betting games could be
hazardous,that is to say debtor-creditor investors will make irrational
bets, that could launch the virgin system into tailspin.
The Lagos school of economics as opposed to Austrian school for this reason,shall be responsible in forming the consensus for the marsolist movement and stresses the need to adopt its quantitative model for the purpose of universal prosper.Debtflation refers to an increase in the quantity of debt money,averagely equiproportional to correspond growth extant,in the ratio of debt needs, sometimes proportional rise by volume,value and quantity at a given period,with expectations that proportional wealth level,will follow.This is possible as people take advantages and opportunities,that balance of credit payment,provided to every economic agent.
Monetary debtflation,can be regarded as sustainainble rise in the exchange and circulation of debt finance and debt velocity.We call it the Abraham's effect when the process is undertaken and succesful.Debt cycle transitions indicate when the debt markets,slowly move up the debt cycle and debtflation cycle respectively.
The term debtflation also
refers to not only..
The Lagos school of economics as opposed to Austrian school for this reason,shall be responsible in forming the consensus for the marsolist movement and stresses the need to adopt its quantitative model for the purpose of universal prosper.Debtflation refers to an increase in the quantity of debt money,averagely equiproportional to correspond growth extant,in the ratio of debt needs, sometimes proportional rise by volume,value and quantity at a given period,with expectations that proportional wealth level,will follow.This is possible as people take advantages and opportunities,that balance of credit payment,provided to every economic agent.
Monetary debtflation,can be regarded as sustainainble rise in the exchange and circulation of debt finance and debt velocity.We call it the Abraham's effect when the process is undertaken and succesful.Debt cycle transitions indicate when the debt markets,slowly move up the debt cycle and debtflation cycle respectively.
HAND.16.the velocity of debt money is affected from the short term to
the long term and output in the long run is determined by the productive
capacity of the debt cycle movement.So movement along these cycles
enables us to view debtflaton rate.Other common measures of of
debtflation, include GAP debtflator and GAP deflator .
While the latter measures the prices of goods and services, in the informal sector economy.The former deals with debt trade undertaken by debtor-creditor consumers or a measures of all debt prices of debt oriented goods and services,in the debt economy.The Nigerian investment Assembly, trade and investment department and equivalent assembly budget office and bureau offices, both should publish the GAP debtflator/deflator series, including the CBM Bulletins and official sources.Now,for the informal sector GAP defined as nominal GAP measure divided by real GAP measure. GAP DEBTFLATOR/DEFLATOR=Nominal GAP÷Real GAP.
The assembly bureau of labour market statistics, publishes regular regional debtflaton and breaks down CRPI/CCPI calculation as it affects every region of the country,through this restructured debt economy. Economic agents through epectation,forecast and various adjustments on the balance of credit payment, are poised for winning strategies.They are supposed,to look into the future,to maximize their wealth potentials,and to often r
espond to immediate opportunity cost and..
While the latter measures the prices of goods and services, in the informal sector economy.The former deals with debt trade undertaken by debtor-creditor consumers or a measures of all debt prices of debt oriented goods and services,in the debt economy.The Nigerian investment Assembly, trade and investment department and equivalent assembly budget office and bureau offices, both should publish the GAP debtflator/deflator series, including the CBM Bulletins and official sources.Now,for the informal sector GAP defined as nominal GAP measure divided by real GAP measure. GAP DEBTFLATOR/DEFLATOR=Nominal GAP÷Real GAP.
The assembly bureau of labour market statistics, publishes regular regional debtflaton and breaks down CRPI/CCPI calculation as it affects every region of the country,through this restructured debt economy. Economic agents through epectation,forecast and various adjustments on the balance of credit payment, are poised for winning strategies.They are supposed,to look into the future,to maximize their wealth potentials,and to often r
espond to immediate opportunity cost and..
HAND.14.the gross and net multiplier effect of the disbursements.They
should pay attention to this core debtflation grassroots indices or
rate,to get better estimate of long term direction for the overall macro
credit and macroeconomic movement.
Debtflation rate the most widely used
secondary metric index in calculating debt cycle movement,exchange
stability or spread and expected changes in broad credit price
indices,typically the consumer credit price index.This mesures general
rise or fall in the broad economy's debt prices over a given
period.Consumer credit retail price index contains a larger basket of
debt goods and services,broader than consumer credit price.The method of
calculation,is illustrated below , say in January,2006,the Nigerian
consumer credit price index,stood at 200.500 and in January 2007, it
stood at 200.200.Hence the formula for calculating the annual percentage
rate of debtflation over a given period of time:
The debtflation rate is calculated
using the metric above.Other widely used, price indices include:1.the
creditor price index-:it measures changes in the debt prices, as
influenced by credit capitalist such as institutional credit investors,
for their debt trade,that they charge debtor and debt comunicism.It
extremely differs consumer credit price index, in that price
subsidisation,profit income and consumer credit taxes,may caused the
received amount

HAND.13. Performance and active engagement of the debt economy, GAP
wise, both tangible or intangibles. They include agroallied services
such as food,commodities, then rentals, other tangibles such as
microstocks, stakes, microbonds traded at investment exchanges, and
other intangibles that contributed to balance of debt trade deploying
debt factors of production, in the vast debt market production line
driven by debt finance,that is through cheap access to microcapital,
with amortization plan being done by vast strategies of consumer
microcredit methodologies warehoused at the investment Assembly' s
office of the exchequer,the central bank for microfinance-
CBM, its treasury market and various credit exchanges, operating in the debt economy. We shall monitor growth at the COMO employment index, COMO prosperity index,COMO inequalities of wealth index and the assembly's official bulletins and gazette respectively.The core debtflation is a measure of debtflation for a subset of consumer credit price indices that exclude medium to longterm loan, jumbos reserved for macrocredit indices, after the borrowers'weaning or embryonic period.
They deal with SMEs and microentrepreneurs, which should be more volatile,easily rise and fall than other form of debt prices at lea
stin the short term.The federal consumer credit reserve board or CBM,should pay attention to such loans at this weaning period measuring the gross.....
CBM, its treasury market and various credit exchanges, operating in the debt economy. We shall monitor growth at the COMO employment index, COMO prosperity index,COMO inequalities of wealth index and the assembly's official bulletins and gazette respectively.The core debtflation is a measure of debtflation for a subset of consumer credit price indices that exclude medium to longterm loan, jumbos reserved for macrocredit indices, after the borrowers'weaning or embryonic period.
They deal with SMEs and microentrepreneurs, which should be more volatile,easily rise and fall than other form of debt prices at lea
stin the short term.The federal consumer credit reserve board or CBM,should pay attention to such loans at this weaning period measuring the gross.....
April 15, 2020
TRIUMPHANT HILLS, A POEM FROM THE ANTHOLOGIES OF ST.BLUES QUEER STREET. PART 2. over sacred hill.The proud entente of lake river abesi itself jubilant, eloped to cart away more bouquets of flowers, where its squadron rides.Not an aloof ride where this spectre apologia greedily trumpets and jubilant hours feasted.Pines wane,flutes dance to jubilate the trickiest battle royale ceased, minnions beat alabaster cups and horns of dread.And thundered feet become flying feet to make mountain the home of the gods and wolves on the mountain,like whirlwind from wolves beneath. Millennium of grief,stricken fine dogs and deadwood, could with mere putsch of the knight of old's dragnet pulled them into stardom.How not like goody goody, shouldest nigh comport,on a gormless gosh and gnash of piffles.Not the gourmand of the vulgar and the vulgarian fraction,that quashed it beneath,Aluplu
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