April 16, 2020


THE MARSOLIST MANIFESTO AND THE ABRAHAM'S LAW : THE TRUE INVISIBLE HAND.16.the velocity of debt money is affected from the short term to the long term and output in the long run is determined by the productive capacity of the debt cycle movement.So movement along these cycles enables us to  view debtflaton rate.Other common measures of of debtflation, include GAP debtflator and GAP deflator .
While the latter measures the prices of goods and services, in the informal sector economy.The former deals with debt trade undertaken by debtor-creditor consumers  or a measures of all debt prices of debt oriented goods and services,in the debt economy.The Nigerian investment Assembly, trade and investment department and equivalent  assembly budget office and bureau offices, both should publish the GAP debtflator/deflator series, including the CBM Bulletins and official sources.Now,for the informal sector GAP defined as nominal GAP measure divided by real GAP measure.       GAP DEBTFLATOR/DEFLATOR=Nominal GAP÷Real GAP.
The assembly bureau of labour market statistics, publishes regular regional debtflaton and breaks down CRPI/CCPI calculation as it affects every region of the country,through this restructured debt economy. Economic agents through epectation,forecast and various adjustments on the balance of credit payment, are poised for winning strategies.They are supposed,to look into the future,to maximize their wealth potentials,and to often r
China's overcapacity easing: Deutsche Bank - Business - Chinadaily ...
espond to immediate opportunity cost and..

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