September 9, 2022


Booker's ideology was timeless and radiance glows as the sun.''uhmm....''of course still unprecedented and all others including MLKJ were black enemies etc.''MLK...j..who?''Martin luther and that was why they civil right activists couldnt produce a president.''and what about barrack''Barrack was an outsider not the protege of mainstream civil right activists in america.'' have eyes for details.thump up''and he became his greatest disciple''a distant one at that''Yea,you know he started at the community.Peopl are watching you you dont know?''Booker!'checking his photos and a copy of his book Up from Slavery.'He was selfless and original and whitesupremacists were uncomfortable with the teaching of West Virginian and they made effort to divert attention from his teaching still relevant to today's challenges.Born in the 19th century,teaching structured in the 20th century,still applicable to the 21st century.A promenade to the Hampston University,trodded hundred of miles away to educate himself.Kudos

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