September 9, 2022


sweater over his beanpole.David blew the smile further as he narrated Fard's heresies.'he created the first man 66trillion years ago when the world was ruled by 24 scientists and a rogue scientist gave birth to white race and...''gave birth?or created?''all of the above.''nope two different phrases or verbs?''the rogue race was given dominion for 6,000years and blacks to take over in 20th century.''You know was born in 1897 in rural Georgia.''Does it make sense to create that impression,he was a disciple of Booker when indeed he fled to the north too.''Yeah,but he adopted same method Booker deployed for black freedom.Nevertheless did have a tolerant or forgiving spirit like Booker.Agreed X was too boisterous but shouldnt have been murdered that way''well spoken''Had Booker murdered Dubois for pulling out to form NAACP,it could have been nemesis of great civil right movement that later took the world by storm in 50s and 60s.He showed liberal leadership quality and thrived in the face of opposition from hisown

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