May 3, 2024


We are endangered species in this part of the world and I think we should state categorically the way it should be stated the mountain of debt gripping States and federal government in Nigeria is quite alarming and the blogger Ibikunle Abraham Laniyan laments the unbearable situation in this part of the world.Enjoy the reading.

We are a nation of many flaws and a flaw of many flaws in this context making unnecessary mistakes, fauxpass upon fauxpass and we move from flaw to flaw from one stigma to stigma,from foible to foible.My concern is when are we going to stop deliberately making mistakes I mean avoidable mistakes and avoidable flaws and have a softlanding make the country a thing of pride for its endangered citizens ?I doubt that even eternity may not be sufficient to answer that question.
However debts are just too many to ignore and we Ve frustrated with far too many debts and I was wondering could we survive with this protrusion of artificial mountain? Almost all states in the country are highly indebted including the top ten poorest states of the federation and does not spare we know the richest states which believe since they have a lot of money they could afford to undertake the rising burden of this artificial mountains with artless without fear or foe.
I had lamented in one of my pieces the spate of incompleted projects nationwide tied to this baseless spring of artificial mountains callously burgeoning nationwide.A professor of economics had provided the terrible data on the State of this burden and I think with the current APC three administrations so far the epilepsy or pandemics isn't ready yet to stop.
The don from the university of Ibadan Prof ademola gave the figure several years to 8million abandoned in two decades alone.At over 60years since independence who can stop us not to believe every two decades we abandon ten million worth of projects in a total of thirty million abandoned projects littering the nooks and crannies of the country?
We agree that is the source of our corruption and a compound reason behind this monumental balloon government debt In the punch newspapers with snapshots in this piece a senator lamented the State of Kaduna State economy battered by over 800billion naira debt left behind by its erstwhile governor a spillover of the uneconomic loan of 350million borrowed by that behemoth state government.Having read through the interview I was baffled once again to think Nigeria has a good future nor any responsible past to lean on.The current federal government inherited 87trillion currently ballooned above 100tr.naira at current rate of the exchange.Just read the interview in the insertion.

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