May 11, 2024
I think I believe
All things are possible
Not that they can be
But absolutely must be
Beyond the crucifix of impossibility
Golden charm to change the cantankerous
Beneath this surge of impossibility
Castrated and capsized
Above those foibles of thraldom
Luminous rays of golden sparks
Of apotheosis and stardom
And lo like storms of lightning
And like a cannon balls
Apotheosis drops its frenzy
Unceremoniously from mteverest.
A belief is a lifetime fortress
Of salvation and salvation arsenal
They whose thrust in that arsenal
Are curators of salvation insulator
A buffer that insulates that rhapsody
Of salvation.
With that competitive hedge,aspirants
Of dreamland and dreamland memoirs
Are never spared of fortune hills
The indigent folks and the opulent class
Are bound apiece by the same fate
Luscious choices made glorious by checkered
Fought in the throng of animal spirit
Of liberty,
And envisioned in the same wraith of libertas
To the golden forays that we are freed at last
The old and the young, the poor and the rich
Wise and fool,the homeless and castle lords
To make a meaning of their investment of time
To castrate this ocean surge this dingy behemoth
Make winces to placate the much vaunted fortune hills
Through frangible beseech of this salvation arsenal
We conquer enmasse the farthest voyage of the yonder
The immortal and grievous adventure of the land and the
In the golden nightmare and remorseless freak of
adventurous time
Take not your bow to throw the sponge too quickly
And renege your grill of grimdeath into forlorn shores
The golden mileage of a clairvoyant, brisky bait
Like a ramrod, froth to traverse beyond the road foxes
Neither perturbed by the nebulous vertigo in which arts
Is thrown in the lion's den as liliputs of the grand canyon
Resilient pugilist hibernating his majestic ciffs
Above the jagged edges of this inclement canyons
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Am quite amazed when words flow unpremeditated