There is empirical evidence that the upward trajectory of technological
freedom, will signal more downturns and exercerbate the existing
deposed value system of the depraved mordern man..Given that we are
known by what we do, obviously shows it is not an opinionated fact
after all baptism of impression is equivalent or equiproportional evidence
of its etchings and etchinated fact.Hence , we are mindful of ethical
fact, through which even technological freedom itself is obsessively
perpetuated.Graphically, it is indubitable that such deeds
institutionalised as habits, indicates the true identity of the existing
arts.It requires that action be formed upon this basis, rational or
irrationally irradiated to further stamp the standard impression, and
the stigma or the applause tagged with it is identity.The detonation of
habit gives us this branded label stamped on our ego.The stimulation of
the intrinsic values makes identity questionable,when p erfidious deeds
with no optimal value as highly misconstrued identity, permeate our
telestation or vista.Given that the opinions of habit, that fuels the
act tion and action motive culminate into the habit of human enterprise
and operative custom of the social enterprise. We agree that
deeds,stability of habit and its habitat , custom can be changed given
that they are formed by opinionated fact,sometimes a
December 24, 2019
Frankly speaking, the formation of habit seemed not to dominate a
leading academic coursework of the psychological science and it has
refrained all forms of entreaties to assume the dominant position.
This owed largely to the lethargy of psychological research, going on
in the varsities and various research institutions. This operative
lacuna boldly written in the depraved or debased value of mordern age,
that despite the growth in cumulative core science, the value system of
mordern time has refused to grow, as we confused the overaching impact
of mordern technology with overbearing downturn of value system, being
mindful of the fact the modular framework, for procreating befitting
value system, lay not in the powers of mordern tehnology, of which
mordern psychology is part integer, but the stranglehold of such core
competency, lay in the science that Sigmund Freud popularized as
neurologist.This academic and intellectual neorosis has refused to heal
as modern technology skyrocketed in the face of demoted value system,
deposed by rarity of coherent psychological science to serve as
operative calibration in view of standard value system as opposed to
defacto value system , of the volatile mordern age.The existing chaos is
bound to escalate as technological freedom explosive behemoth boomerang
beyond proportion..
December 23, 2019
SOLIST MANIFSTO AND ABRAHAM' S LAW : THE TRUE WEALTH OF NATION. 1. There is no disputing the fact that capitalism is bound to fail, in the same way that communism had failed in eastern Europe. The foresight error of its exponents was to be blamed and could not be exonerated from the precincts of its institutional quagmire that crashed in early nineties.Although Adam Smith had discovered the invisible hand,but certainly,he had not identified the true invisible hand,the magical charm behind the mordern miracle of the neoliberalism and western civilization, especially as it were over the last two hundred years of capitalism ever since wealth of nation was published in 1776 or after the exit of Adam Smith. This true invisible hand now uncovered as Abraham's Law, otherwise known market rational forces or the theory of necessity and liabilities, has been responsible as catalyst, for the industrialisation and sustainability of mass capitalism of the period under review.Hence the utilitarian theory of capital should have proceeded and evolved sustainably over the period the way the capitalism structure had matured and twin evils wouldn't have been major challenge today. When Smith argued for the need of self regulation, those who read him paid less attention, and to note that there is self regulatory natural order in the market"that is that regulated buying and selling, supply and demand", he charted a new dawn.
In the broad economy, given that the quatum of the poor population, is extremely overwhelming in the informal sector or the debt economy, therendhould be more focused on the latter. The entire broad economy should not be deregulated and dual macroeconomics floated on the two pairs with dual financial system, requires that the central bank of microfinance-CBM as opposed to CBN policing formal sector of an economy like Nigeria, or for a country like United States, which may have federal credit reserve serving the poor population of 35million and other citizens that form part of its sector, require a commensurate quantity of credit money to fight this twin evils.The monetary credit policy or debt monetary policy at the credit open MARKET- COMO(not OMO)'s prop up operations (not mop up )will distribute same credit money to the indigent populace guaranteed by the same hinterland at the market eligibility curve.Going by the properties of debt money, like conventional money, the former is a far better saver of wealth.With properly organised investment market, full employment unthinkable among the orthodoxies, is guaranteed, inequality of wealth reduced to the barest minimum. The competition generated by the dual nature of the broad economy, including its dual macroeconomics, with monetary efficiency, effective capacity building and sustainable wealth generation.To be able to measure
for the adoption and adaptation by the longuer climes, the developing region of the world with high population of the world poor . We refer to Asia, middl east and Africa respectively. Given that mass poverty is a global outbreak, so that mass poverty even in the advanced countries would soon reach twenty percent in the forseeable future.And so, it is a global challenge and does not require sectarian justice, for universal prosperity to be perpetrated, quantity of credit money that would guarantee explosion or rise in the general debt price level and increase in the debt oriented goods and services.To buy an increase in the quantity of debt money or conventional money is not guaranteed to change quantity as noted by the Keynesians or prices as resolved by the classical,but this twin evils.In the debt economics, eligible debtors must meet eligible creditors, given that markets are barely rational,reserve the priviledge for market rational forces to make it rational and the task or burden this golden responsibility, imposes,at this debt market eligibility curve,should let loosed rise in aggregate demand and growth in investment spending.The growth in the purchasing power of debt money would accelerate the purchasing power of conventional money.We might be apposite to put it succinctly that the growth in the quantity of money supply,in the marsolist economy would now be accelerated
It may seem satirical, to orthodoxies but in the world of marsolism, it is indubitably an accomplished fact that the fundamental fact in economic histry is not inflation but inequalities of wealth or masspovery and certainly the most positivistic form of inflation debtflation seeks to extirpate the imbroglio of the world, cradled with the advent of the stone age.Marsolism believes to banish the twin evils of mordern civilisation and engenders universal prosperity, outwits the competency of the orthodoxies, with the exclusive preserve, rests upon the shoulders of marsolism.This guarantees sustained increase in the universal prosperity.Economies worldwide in view with debt macroeconomics,requires an exponential growth of debt oriented goods and services, for the assuage and banishment of this twin evils.In the balance of credit payment interacting with the quantity theory of credit money, a standard debt economy is needed to achieve this mainstream goal of neomordern age.This indicates that twin economies formula, that is the mainstream economy or formal sector, should function alongside the debt economy that ordinarily must crytalise over the informal sector environment, to assume the golden responsibilities.It shows that the general economy, should now be classified as broad economy, incorporating dual macroeconomics, along this rational divide.This is particularly interesting for
paul krugman
The article published below by the blogger IBIKUNLE LANIYAN, intends to usher in a new dawn in economics especially macroeconomics and also change totally the way we treat prices and the strategic impact of money supply on inflation. It critically revolutionizes economic thoughts and peruses how growth in debt price level result in poverty eradication and universal capitalism The specter of change is set to revolutionize the world of macroeconomic thoughts and the boon to modern economics shall be empirical proven.Enjoy the reading. The newly developed school of market redistributionism or marsolism, is poised to critique the existing orthodoxies, not the way Adam Smith, did to the Thomas Mun 's bullionists and the physiocrats in France, or the way the beleaguered classical economics theorists were toppled by the neoclassical s or the bashings by the Keynesians, meted out to both classicals and neoclassicals during the second World war. In the newly developed school of marsolism, the neoliberalism of the west is anathema to neomordern development as did the orthodoxies of the last two hundred years.It might have been for the preceeding period,that ballooned global prosperity,but no more this stead to threat debtflation as the fundamental
December 22, 2019
Driving traffic can be fun especially sending free traffic to your blog and at the same time can be much more naughty than you think.Exercising control over key terms and critical issues also pretty difficult matters to assume too quickly a soft landing.Anyway it is surmountable for the passionate minds,when you invariably get down to the brasstacks.Driving traffic free or paid get us similar outcome at the end though at no cost to the former and most rational webmasters or bloggers would likely preffer this less traveled route.Hence we have the longer version and then the shorterversion whichever way you decided to apply.In the short analysis if you wont spend time,but you must spend money hardly querrulously pleases its apologists.But if you wont spend moneythen you must spend time,that is the long version.According to a friend of mine Paul a webdeveloper who knew Linda Ikeji,a leading blogger in Nigeria also concurred more than five years ago that paid traffic was faster.Well where free traffic comes from
December 18, 2019
.The Death And The king's Horsemen, with
popeyed captive audience stuck to the stardom gizzard pocketed the
Nobel . adulation adorns his ovation court, where from the play of
Giants to Idanre And Other poems; A Shuttle In The Crypt, The Man
Died:Prison Notes, Ogun Abibiman, his marathon poetry, his pantheon of
magnum opus endears him to the galaxy of the bards and holoipoloi
alike.Those glides, gibes and floodgate of gloatings and gobbledygooks,
flung at his visage, direst cracked a nuanced ring of gordian knot of
brass and gold.Bidding frenetic earth offbay and feverish beneath seas
afloat above sepulchral swamp.Cosseted with avalanche of gratitude,green
eyed grouchs,in grotesques,grating davy jones locker.How this berth of
modest charms,dunked him innocuous satire,a plebeian prisoner of
conscience.So glides he,torpsy turvy astride,brazen autumn upon his
satiety,swiftest hours had overgrown mothernature as they flew into
dingy space. So, slides he above irrascible circumcision and frippery of
endowed derelicts, jaywalkers of sorcery, Jay breakers of mutiny,
janitors of savagery.And where he this fringe lie, being frogmarched,
grievance on the open sore of dark continent grimace him, but gallantry
over this plunge hath frenetic frequence and carol the mystery gunman in
the trenches trenchwarfare.still on horseback towards the nirvana, too
horsedecombat to overturn, laggards on horseback a greenhouse plant with
moisturised eyes, to molly coddle
December 2, 2019
From the theory of Johann karl Rodbertus,another Sismondi's protege,karl Marx was influenced to theorise communist revolution,given the incorrigibility of the growing severity of business cycle,bound to crash,he noted revolution would be the correcting point.Only passing references were made in Marx main book Das Kapital(1867) compared to his post humous books such as the theories of surplus value.In 1800,French Economist Clement Juglar first identified economic cycle 7-11 years and from this theory another chapter in history was developed where Joseph Schumper a Havard economist first identified fourstages in Juglar's model.They include expansion,crisis,recovery and recession and in a close examination of this model,Schumpeterassociates recovery with growth in productivy,aggregate demand and prices.Then he proposed like his colleagues use of business cycle typology after their discoverers.They include kitchin cycle,3 to 5yrs;Juglar cycle,7 to 11yrs;kuznet cycle, 15 to 25 yrs and kondrantiev cycle45-6o years
The Association For The Relief of Manufacturing Poor'was prepared in patnership with his comtemporary Jean Charles Leonard de Sismondi.They both identified underconsumption and overproduction as causes of business cycle and both causes too were linked to inequalities of wealth.They advocated government intervention and socialism,even before keynesian and Marxism popularised them.Though Sismondi's theory of periodic crisis fired the first salvo,still they couldnt peruse the basic rudiments of market socialism.It is becoming clearer that over the years of relentless academic evolution that without the advent of macroeconomic era or appropriate macroeconomic theory,successive scholarship and research interest wouldnt have been generated in its study among economists,ever since underconsumption theory was developed in 1930s as heterodox branch in economics and later systemised by keynes.Charles Dunoyer's theory of alternating cycles and latersimilar theories were inspired by Sismondi's th
eory of periodic crisis.fredereik Von Hayek,the author of Road To Serfdom.
eory of periodic crisis.fredereik Von Hayek,the author of Road To Serfdom.
Stood more than three times than that of 1900.A textbook economics had lamented:Does it means an average person in 2000 was three times better off than the average person of 1900?Certainly not an embarrasment to mainstream economists but a cummulative dent to the market intergrity they seek to protect.Business cycle tends,to stall steady growth momentum,an operative lacuna from which development cycle exploiting credit cycle is poised to bridge.Unfortunately,such notion in most cases would be considered quite obscene to economists in general.Does it mean the upward movement and downward movement of gross domestic products(GDP) also popularly known as trade cycle or economic cycle could be stopped?That is to ensure the mordern society is rid off of these twin evils.Infact not until Ronald Leo Sismondi was vindicated in the panic of 1825,classical economists largely denied the existence of business cycle.Likewise Robert Owen an utopian socialist and texture manufacturer in the Report to the Committee of the
Milton Friedman
Milton Friedman
on average lasted 58 months and average contraction 11 months.After 1990,expansion average 95 months and average contraction 11 months.Even with better measure or broad gauge as GDP coupled with advent of macroeconomics which downplayed the significance of business cycle research until recent times,time lag to sustainable growth hasnt decline,but its abettor especially with the ineffective role of monetary policy at managing the boom and burst cycle.For instance,the recession that was begun in December 2007 and lasted 18 months broke the record of 1973-75 and then 1981-82 that lasted 16 months now became the longest postwar recession in American history.Sometimes,it could be worrisome when you look at this nonlinear growth and this affect GDP Straight line course.For instance it could have been more,had the percentage loss been added,that is world GDP grew by 59 times since 1960.And without been adjusted for annual inflation of the period.Now per capital GNP in 2000 in the United States stood three times than
December 1, 2019
focus only on goods and services domestically produced in America.It influence marsolism's sovereign national credit income account(SONACA) and (GAP/GOCAP) a miniature GDP equivalent for the yet unorganised debt economy.Kuznet efforts provided a better template at measurement of economic growth andgood framework to handle the cycle.Most theories on business cycle focus more on monetary policy or agricultural weather climate and it speaks volume why it should not be underrated or underestimated as central economic problem and boon alike especially to investors profiting largely from market downturns.Several institutions like NBER have examined its volatility in America using GDP,and real indicators like employment,inflation,income and wholesale retail,industrial production etc.General speaking according to NBER,that since the second world war,expansion had taken an average of 95 months and contraction phase an average of 11 months.It uses data on debt and market to measure ex
pansion since 1945 and it says Robert Klein
pansion since 1945 and it says Robert Klein
The cradle of macroeconomic thought obtains its stronghold from two sources for the upteempth time the monetary policy and business cycle.The latter being the subject matter and main puzzle for which the latter revolves and the entire macroeconomic school of thoughts also revolves by evolution was begun in 1860,from the research interest of William Stanley Jevon and Clement Juglar.Hence from that pioneering effort spiraled the contribution of successive generation of economists that followed thereafter.They attempted to explain business cycle and the best attempt in this context was the foundation of U.S. NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH(NBER) in 1920 a boom period by Wesley Mitchel and that glorious institution produced and engaged some of the finest economists,the world has ever seen.We can still remember the likes of Simon Kuznets the pioneer of America's national income statistics that was later called gross national products and later changed to gross domestic product(GDP) in early 90s to focus on
One of the objectives of market optimality in the school of marsolism is to fight business cycle volatility and we briefly examines business cycle in the PART 19 Of this macroeconomic thought series and its idiosycracy as identified by economists in general and noted in the PART 20 Upward in stalling the steady momentum of economic growth.It precisely inhibits growth transition and maturity and climbing up the ladders of development cycle.This fails to guarrantee market optimality and universal prosperity and universal justice respectively.Economic growth formula with mordern imperial economists passes through uneven growth line unlike marsolism school that should passes through linear or straight line course.This non linear approach directly catalyses inequality of wealth and fuel mass poverty.To closes this gapwe must adopt the linear approachto growth as postulated by marsolism.This guarrantees soft landing for the efficient application of balance of credit payment and the quantity theory of debt money.
The attainment of optimal economic growth and debt price equalitarian stability.This is pure socialist system where the lowest rung of the market percentiles top the wealth table chart of market economy in contrast to pure market neoliberalism or pure capitalist system and it simply means an increasing proportion of debt goods and services are provided by the lowest rung percentiles made possible through government support in addition to what pure capitalist system can provide.Hence the role of debt price system is critical in attainment of this basic task.We can then adjust our sovereign wealth distribution formula through SONACA and precisely should favour the poor population bracket and hence close the gap,banish inequality of wealth and mass poverty forever from the human society.Then fruits of mordern technological and economic freedom would be universal.It shows marsolism is the only known economic pill to change market cycle and with sole antidote to fight business cycle,using its logic of optimality.
We know debt price system in a given debt economy functions efficiently with the four basic tasks in the same way as mainstream economy's price system though a bit distinction is noted in the circulation of wealth notes otherwise also known as sovereign debt notes.The latter determine what and how is produced;determining how goods and serviced will be produced;determining how income will be distributed among society's members and also determining economic growth and per capital income.But the former summarises them with one word,determining the proportion of sovereign wealth notes to be circulated to attain optimal economic growth.It covers basic tasks such as what proportion and how much of wealth notes or debt money will be produced and distributed in the debt economy's debt cycle;determine how much debt goods and services will be produced and distributed;determining how much debt income will be produced among the indigent society's lowest rung percentiles;determining how much debt per capital income that
If as proposed in the quantity theory of money that government should keep money supply fairly steady rate per addum to ensure the natural growth of an economy,however its inadequacy is evidence given that the most influential form of money and wealth notes havent been discovered yet that guarrantee optimal economic growth for the steady progress of egalitarian era.Now instead of envisaged inflation,debtflation a positive form of inflation will propel excessive money supply and excessive debt money supply expansion respectively. The expansion of debt money supply should be achieved by targeting the growth rate of social debt and pump equivalent at least or twice the rate at which social debt capital grows or increases so as to maintain attainment of optimal economic debt price stability.Debt money supply should grow constantly tied to the nominal GAP growth andsometimes at fixed percentage.The formula for monetarism (MV=PQ)extremely differs ordinarilyto branded marsolism formula(DV=DQ)all thing being equal.
November 27, 2019
When we talk about the theory of business cycle,we refer to measures that provide graphical details of economic performances at a particular period.It indicates the volatility of economic performance and tracks perpetuality of business fluctuation.Business cycle generally speaking is divided into four phaseswith the first phasetrough,a point at which national output is at the lowest margin when compared to the potential level.Then the trough is followed closely by an expansion phase a period that measures risinglevel of national output.When the output reach or hits its highest point relative to potential level,the phase is called peak,while peak is also followed by recession.It is the phase at which national output falls absymally from peak to trough again and then overall economic performance using business cycle to measure and compare potential GDP to the actual GDP.Depression is a severe form of recession such as happened in the great depression of 1930s when in 1929 about 11,000banks out of 30
November 25, 2019
I'll groove with thee,enchanted by thy placebo,to nurse my grief and my tendon comfort sought,What should i do i here solitary with you? My gaunt lustre cavorting floppily,must not precipitous be, Come oh come my solitude thrust in thy drunken solicitude engrooved,What if this farago barndoor no hit,then shall i retreat again ?O yes,squeaky clean shall i retreat with thy gritty chin ensconce,What if be potion,in the cuisine and saddle salivated which the sloths sublimely pother hath speckled to have me windy sail,lest in this quavering thraldom,causal forces my avalanche refrain,because windy sail beneath slothful embankment,rudderless bank seeth not?Then
November 11, 2019
Life is a mission of great sacrifice but not vain sacrifice and struggles for a purpose in an existentialist planet still undeniably as irrevocably so to say for all time remains the overiding objective of this ministry.It does not take a millenium to unravel then that the purpose of history over which this strategic mission aptly traverses is universal freedom that could only be procured from a satisfactory surge of mass learning.Obviously,it is the most critical point of duty and a tall order for organisation of competent arts that we all earnestly yearn and strive hard to be freed from the shackles of our ramrod and limitation bestowed upon us by the ramshackled intent anddebased values of the society at large.The sacrifice of purpose optimised in a weighted average of a purposeful living held constant in that circumference of self restraint and unpalatable circumstances goes beyond sanctity and mastery of corecompentence of human arts.It takes more than a passive artistry typically to be morally inclined
November 6, 2019
This peregrinatory or perambulatory position over the last two hundred years since publication of Adam Smith's Wealth of nation in 1776,is regarded by marsolism as the vicious cycle of economics.It indicates that both schools of macroeconomics the best so far or most influential do not guarrantee optimal economic growth or capital development and the goal of market egalitarianism or redistributionism cannot be achieved,given that the purpose or policy goal of macroeconomics in the long run,should be egalitariam or market redistributionism.And it is not true that in the long run growing demand will exceed declining supply or that shortage caused by growing demand will force inflation up to accelerate disequilibrium but that wealth disequilibrium associated with social debt that persists the vicious cycle of macroeconomics will make such growth unsustainable.The general purpose of economics ordinarily does not seeks to attain universal economic freedom,symbolised by the attainment of optimal economic growth.
This peregrinatory or perambulatory position over the last two hundred years since publication of Adam Smith's Wealth of nation in 1776,is regarded by marsolism as the vicious cycle of economics.It indicates that both schools of macroeconomics the best so far or most influential do not guarrantee optimal economic growth or capital development and the goal of market egalitarianism or redistributionism cannot be achieved,given that the purpose or policy goal of macroeconomics in the long run,should be egalitariam or market redistributionism.And it is not true that in the long run growing demand will exceed declining supply or that shortage caused by growing demand will force inflation up to accelerate disequilibrium but that wealth disequilibrium associated with social debt that persists the vicious cycle of macroeconomics will make such growth unsustainable.The general purpose of economics ordinarily does not seeks to attain universal economic freedom,symbolised by the attainment of optimal economic growth.
that states debt money supply(DM) or (D) is multiplied by the rate at which social debt is rising per year and equiproportional relief fund spent as credit liquidity(DV) equals nominal prosperity expenditures.Consequently this creates egalitarian market society,in the long run.Hence,the marsolists,egalitarianists have a world to win to create not a proletariat society but a croletariat society of classless struggle.Now,monetarism say that as the availability of money in the system increases,agregate demand for goods and services goes up and encourages jobcreation and stimulates economic growth,but volatility persist.Here marsolism emergence opposed simply orthodoxies instead that both keynesian and monetarism are turning things upside down that such growth is temporary,face saving pallitives,patching root,purposeless and visionless,barely resolve human,social and economic debts.They ordinarilytreat only the symptoms,shooting the spectre of unemployment,a known economic debt back to origin
al previous position.
al previous position.
It states that debt money supply resolves once and for all,extreme volatility,the worst challenge of business cycle.That the total amount of debt money supply in a debt economy and broad economy respectively is the primary determinant of not just economic growth but sustainable economic growth and optimal economic growth;a true reflection of matured growth of development cycle.Optimal economic growth measures growth transition over the seven stages of development cycle,detonated economically to pay off social debt.It argues that no living macroeconomic theory or orthodoxies could pay off economic debt sustainably without paying off social debt such as inequality of wealth and mass poverty first as cardinal thrust of the policygoal.Market forces ordinarily,do not exude capacity to pay off economic debt let alone saddled with the fiduciary responsibility of social debt amortisation.Though social debt has macroeconomic root could not be resolved bymarketforces.The main kernel is the quantity theory of debt money
Monetarism is a macroeconomic thought,a concept that states government can foster economic stability by targeting the growth rate of money supply.Essentially,the views are based on the belief that the total amount of money in an economy is the primary determinant of economic growth.It suggests that government can foster economic stability by targeting the growth rate of money supply and the major kernel of monetarism is the quantity theory of money that states money supply (M) is multiplied by the rate at which money is spent per annum(V) equals nominal expenditures.Whereas market redistributionism or marsolism as a profound macroeconomic concept states both govt and the people(both views by marsolism and neomarsolism) as expressed can foster economic stability by targeting instead the growth of debt money supply.This form laid more emphasis on variegated forms of money then identifies the type with the highest universal wealth multiplier effect to launch policy initiatives that guarrantees appropriate supply
November 4, 2019
the bootless cringe,a curse upon itself upon this contented yeast,will this sullen earth sings melody that heaven's gate cannot hear?As the lark as the day's break,to scorn mutation flown at the fortune's table.And those dissonant buds that run contrarian the winds,to my navel twice as the heaven's secret emerald pleads,that retreats the sunset in the west from being faded at dusk,that which seeth twilght by day black by night to fret oddyseys.On glowing coal of such fire doth he not the ashes of gaintly days felt,to sting that feeble which thou must crumble so long as the eyes that see give thee a lease and salivation of the marbled dawn.And gilded roses of the sky that leapt with imperial wands swept with golden stones in dingy sun,where statues of obeisance,shall not be overbearing to apprehend nor embroach's roots stumbled with prevarication.To mask his swords over this burning fire beneath a sojourner's eyes,those night's bright sparkles shallforever live in dreary memory.Yea,galaxies of roseating sky!
the bootless cringe,a curse upon itself upon this contented yeast,will this sullen earth sings melody that heaven's gate cannot hear?As the lark as the day's break,to scorn mutation flown at the fortune's table.And those dissonant buds that run contrarian the winds,to my navel twice as the heaven's secret emerald pleads,that retreats the sunset in the west from being faded at dusk,that which seeth twilght by day black by night to fret oddyseys.On glowing coal of such fire doth he not the ashes of gaintly days felt,to sting that feeble which thou must crumble so long as the eyes that see give thee a lease and salivation of the marbled dawn.And gilded roses of the sky that leapt with imperial wands swept with golden stones in dingy sun,where statues of obeisance,shall not be overbearing to apprehend nor embroach's roots stumbled with prevarication.To mask his swords over this burning fire beneath a sojourner's eyes,those night's bright sparkles shallforever live in dreary memory.Yea,galaxies of roseating sky!
My misgivings'hazy eyes are something like the gullible gull fed by coral's red than this trigger at catharsis whisked at my moonish heels,tis the scary snow be white to dun her breasts,for blackness to grow at its heels and obscene cheeks not a scented in delight,for the breath of my mistimed reeks,tis my melody a pleasing sound hath heard for a goddess gait that grouchs on sandy ground.To bridge lacuna as wide as heaven's shore.These sourest deeds,lilies hardly fester smell far worse than do weeds.That though thou art black as hell and dark as night,radiance in thy enrobe thumped thee brightest,for every radiance as attention seeks,that never a fixed mark looks its tempest,shakened to stun a wandering bark,frollicking with unknown gloss,for untramelled height taken when rosy lips fondle love in time's timeless sand and space,where no time space,bent over its sickles' compass.When in dissonance tribulated wanderlust wandering with hypes of fortunes'sordid eyes.Not to beweep exile's outcast to snop bootless
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