March 28, 2022
Dare you not ill will,prophylaxis held at your stead deposition and
bade you farewell.Parrots shall no longer be parrots,parrot fashion's
parsimonious to growl parish pump politics with Alupluto`s parrot
cry.A prophylaxis to succour resurfaced.Parenthesis,wrenched upon this
burnishing glide sempiternal abide,no more a dissident club of
assholes shall Alupluto be to break the parole.Warclouds thump into
war cry!War slogan thumps into battlefields!And they shall war and
ahead of them to the respite shall arise the golden boy to salvage
from the trenchwarfare."The sweeper himself a fisherman,a prognathous
fishmonger aloof,still at inglenook,on the fink,fed his riparian
rights and ducked them in a scrumptious gourmet of finnan haddock,fish
and chips,drunk like a fish,fishmongering at noon with fishing
tackle,fishing rod in limbo behind laid in limbo strobelight and
flambeau.Spoused by fishwife and gluttonous fishplate welded to
gourmand his nightlight away at the honeymoon of nightlife overlooking
the river in
Hewers of wood floating impalables a hookah of jilted incandescent
whereon silvermorn could not hoodwink.Fearless fauxpass,their
accoutrement van decked,lummoxes in their parlous luminous paint,low
comedies for the lumberjacks.So,soon had heinous deadwood grimaces
ducked them flee,low pitched frankeinstein lumped now in the
throat,forever,keep a low profile.Macabre dances dawn till dust and
primrose way in reverse,circuitous in circumference of lunatic
fringes'lustrous heaps raving in metrocities,mad hopping
Aluplutans.With malice aforethought they shot machine gun malfeasance
out of limbo,malleable mammies in their mammoth bore a potbelly
indescribable,inexpressible,downwind with the first principles."O
first principles may your printer's inks never dry!And in your
printing press prithe thee let the blue funk forever depart."Dipped in
gall this prissy propelling pen had propitious exclusive for
prophylaxis".'Sure a howler's curative to glide over the hump,down to
earth at Alupluto.Hepochondria!hypochondria!!
Behold the Chimney sweeper out in thump.Had he now a caveman not
rumbling over this bard's monologue broached at Inglenook,ruminating
the oddysey of a tree hopper at loggerheads with Alupluto's grappling
hook for silver moon?His ingest was superceeded by iniquitous memoirs
as inviolable monolocuter that he bore Aluplutans'ingot to pensively
monologue the cacophonous,dramatis personae down at heels,down and
outs,downcasts of the cold douche,stranded in the downer's turbulent
downdraughts,mangled in their bellyaching drapes.What a rivel of
downtoearth to speak off forty to the dozen,damn drastic drogue for
doubting thomases and of the blackest dye locked up with dyslexiac
ruinous syndrome.But blue funk jones,o a bouquet for the easygoing
doubting thomases'bevy.Had i not lay embargo upon this glide of drogue
parachute wonted by cerebral infantile paralysis for mine empyreal
heights'ectasis?Fastidious interlopers on rampage at interface and
stampeded.Irremediable ,irreligious and cadence irresolute.Hewers of
's moan for a countersink.Credulous lonely journey to the
jerusalem!His tangential cue not to deprecate to the cubic cryptics
ledgered with desert spites across the dingy streets and crybabies
this deleterious homilies,devil's advocates burst scribbled notes
beyond cryptogram.Dime a dicken dime a dozen dindong doddles his
docilic dock's docket,fired from doldrum as mutant dogtrots the
boobstraps and lo alights vertex.Would he ever race like a poddle a
pekinese,a chow and a collie?Would he ever race like an Afghan a husky
or a borzoi?Sound infantile like a bulldog?But pretty much like a
greyhound,a cheetah pated distance on the back with artless
ease.Urchin 's stable to the augean's romance,moonlight struck and
vertiginious creeps for the launderer's soap and mopping stick.His
golden bolted not too dampy to bereave acrimonious antecedence raped
for the credulous dusk.Stuck to the glossy hole of caricature,a
globule rose from the gloams of gloamings to the
glimerrings'glimmers,gling,glinting,glinted to the
a charioteer beyond his cavalier viscousity bade cheerio on the
charabanc to the charnelhouses for introspective chef
d'oeuvre.Carnages hurled on the carnage froth him gore to cheep not
cognizant of sporadic chickenboxes and chil.brains.He him and nature
chinwaging not like chinless wonder of chickenfeed cavaliers,chirpily
chiseled mothernature's awe of psychotic vagrant chisellers and
pyrates of freedom.Brutish nature his chaperon stoop to grease him off
dilletantes'brook and the holypiety his cicatrices'cinders
circumvented.Clamourous clambers on the civvy streets arcadian rythms
of the clodhoppers,clammy and clambakes did him frizzle.To the
coagulants of the cockcrows should they creep beyond
crepuscular,crescendo cremated and compelingly detached and ever
amiss,creepycrawlies,crosspatches,crabgrasses too dank barely held at
cragy's length in clumpers and clutches as cubbers to warm the
cockleshells.Crevasses in a crevice to whom such cataleptic credo
dawdles a fugitive to the scornful cheeks,an eternity's
of petulant memoirs,bosseyed,boohoos.Borderline boomerang on the
botch,bosun bop yells bootless.To plait this penitent
horsepower,brassmonkey breaches boodles and brimful bright diseases
brighten.The bard croons as the wind croons,o the bard croons as the
winds blow crosswise this quirky critters where the shepherd's crook
cruses.Denude this dyke of devil-may-care censure,dillydally switches
dirtytricks,disarmament disemboweled.Bucolic buffers buffet buckled
augean stable's ensnare.Buggered brown student,a boy's broth,browned
off his bruises,with the budhist apparition not twerked it as if
bugaboo,a camouflage clowned as burlesque to buzz him a buttonhole of
this ominous cadence.To fire the cannonade,artful callisthenic of
callous cabbage went to sleep as captious whims and caprices slothed
him dire.Capricious capitulation,a fugitive to nurse cascade's
cartridges.A carte blanche to razzmatazz his casus belli of cast
iron's carthorse and catapult mutation.Waow a cauldron,a
causecelebre!A cloture for themutant
antecedential catalogues,to carouse memoirs,carresed by cat's paw
where carnages'cauldron was ornamented by arcadian prowling of furtive
but carefree carnivores in the perilous circumference.Memoirs stuck
like a clumpet with case history,enrobed with cassocks his mouth
dunked with casseroles the castaway in a maroon island intermittently
shook boodle like agama lizard.A catalysis with introspection catcalls
at the casus bellis and cat and mouses of the carefree
bears,Hyenas,grisly bears,ferrets,tigers,leopard,siamese cats as the
angora cats as the persian cats as the manx cats,the badgers and the
skunks,wolves and foxes clumped darwining jungle marred with fittest
fiddles.Like a catatonic catburgars predated causecelebre from the
sunrise pawn to the sunset carouse.Cavemen and savages in the brook of
mordernity.Beneath this cavalry of encumbrance works like a charm,to
lay chargrin of the ethnocentric ethnography.Now a
Assiduous he prowls the mopping vapor vaporizes asphyziated aspen to
asseverate the atomic pile he a nuclear reactor the smashhit
stratagem.And voila,au fond as volley,did he volley catapult aufait.He
did marroon the brouhaha to knit the brows and browbeat carthasis to
buttonhole damp squip.Not his fury's broth to brook and brunt borne
buckling down to buck across the bulging rubicon.Bucked?His budhism
cleft him romance with buddies.Bullheaded machismo trounced for the
bumper crop.He lays amidst bulrushes,belicose bulwark in turpsyturvy's
crenelated times whereof his kinky introspective bunk ups allays him
venom to butch acme.A burnt offering burped him to burnish bulging
burgeon.Waow,thence was begun he to bunt strategem.Come here you
buskers,bustards o land birds,o butterfingers,bystanders,cabbages in
the rendezvous make no moan to calabash your cadavers.Take muse,take
cognoscenti from this camaraderie not to carp your carbuncle but
kindles his caricature.Cataract at a furlong drew him slingshot at the
for the mutant.Connoiseurs were school from the punditry of
dilletantes.Caveat emptor:cease and desist from Colonel blimp when he
comes to town with the comedy of manners,lest ye be coact,coerce with
him.Sometimes urchins'fret with cisterns of costermongers and
grocers,bartenders,barbarians quite coughed him in trapped lionine
couchant drew him scorn of funk at the gregarious chants.Funnybusiness
funnyboned but urchins crossbed stone the crows as morning
cockcrows.Evade him furore at a furlong,of a fuddyduddied cumudgeon a
bargepole fucking fool.Hence defrost him as gnome'n`zurich for golden
morn.Mortal foibles denigrate this humour to deport deeds of deringdo
for hollow dickens.Did he a dobbin desecrate this doctrinaire for a
ghoul of banana republicans?Scorned somewhat the dickens gliding the
lilies.Did my harpoon grotty for the whales?Did he pour libation to
the gods to cart away this archipelago of smashhit?Will i not draw my
archer to arrogate myself the compeling art nouveau himself as the
Amuck drew his amperage,angst of amplitude angling to lever ever and
anon ancticlockwise cruises of antiheroic antiques.Apathetic
appeasement of arcadian archetypical.He slew his archery and angling
armlet could not him pacify.Weakneeds behind the arras,askewed
aspersion asphyziated.Assault and battery astringent astray.Read ye
asterisk,the astrology and the auguries of the augusts,this whale of
time his aweinspiring and awestruck aversion bemused.Baleful
bairns,this invidious plains of bar sinisters and heinous baulks
encroached,barnacles of barrack,bearded lions in dens,beaumonde
bedraggled,beetlebrows bellyaches,bestiality bewails not their bethels
bestrode betrothed,bestrew betrothed,bijous in
bigwigs'bigheaded,bibulous blackmagic bivouac,blast furnaces of
bleached blandishment and bootleggers,blast off with blameworthy where
grinding mills of blarney,streets blitz unbowed.Blow by
blow,bloodsport,blueribboned at the bluff,blubbered at the
boardwalk.Boathouse his venturesome and bonkers boob his bootstraps
February 8, 2022
The blogger ibikunlelaniyan disputes the concept of inflation in this pieceEnjoy
Global economy as it were since the dawn of mordern times does rise and fall as in the prior times and we seem bedevilled with the avalanche of the concept of inflation by modern economists trapped in the confusion of macroeconomics to make it the greatest headache of mordern age.We cannot disagree that inflation is a fundamental force in economic growth and both economic growth and inflation seem to move in diverse and stark opposite direction.
However in this edition the author seem to disgree with meaning and concept of inflation specifically its basic definition.It has been defined as the general mode of risinng prices and nothing but rising prices and i seem to bicker with this cluless position.The spiral of nflationary bout that seems dampen growth and development can be attributed to the misconception rather than the heavier tenses linked with inflation.We cannot quantify the strategic impact of inflation untl we have been able to resolve the puzzling puzzles surrounding its mythical definitive appeal.
Policies,concept and theories have refused or failed woefully to tame the ecalating scourge and they appear only to patch the minacious salmagundis of its spiral.Ordinarily speaking,it is an hypothesis to contend with the phenomenal devil that you hardly untwine its nature let alone a lasting resolution proffered.
Th writer in the next piece is poised to not ony truly define the frankeinstein and what it takes to conquer this greatest evil of mordern time but unleash its critique on tiring concept and earlier definitions they 've provided over time since wealth of nation was writen in 1776.The relentless data presentation useless and a vain labour unless we redirect the mental energy of millions and billions of manpower of researches exerted over the centuries since mordern industrial revolution was begun.Getting down to this brasstacks we should be able to handle golden age economics with ease.Only a blind will define a thing or identify a thing by its causes and blind out out its effect and to be so enmamoured is to work your backward from the ideal and reliable solution ought to be proffered to the intending attemptbyfacing stark realities.
Is it not true that there is always a rise in mass poverty when aggregate demand rises beyond agregate suppply when prices rise which erupted inequality of wealth in the process?is it not also true when it haunts suppliers too and mass poverty transfered to them supply rises above demand?
However we are not in doubt to contend that the mordern theories of inflation is undoubtedly influenced by the classical thought and theory of inflation.This laid emphasis on the role of money and that prices rise in proportion to the quantity supply of money disaggregated from inflationary influenced non monetary factors.We do agreed that collectivist thoughts is grossly lacking and economists differ markedly across their ideological divide.The keynesians based their concept on nonmonetary factors to avers that aggregate demand as constituent factor and defy logic of monetatry expansion.Although mordern theories agreed that both supply and demand side are constituent factors the dominance of monetary expansion endorsed by monetarism has quashed other aspersions in the quantity theory of money.
We can thence contend wealth and mass poverty is basically distributed and redistributed according to disequalibrium of the market forces and so much concern concern should be placed on the disequalibrium of market forces which also has been defined differently.Does it make sense to infer that the interaction between demand pull and cost push inflation modes coagulate to influence prices or price level ostracising the price effect and inequality in the distribution motive and also alienated causes from the stable of definitive concept?The mordern theories of inflation cannot play a vital role in the antiinflationary movement nor inspirational in its policy formulation.
Does it make sense to say when the monetary and real esctors are in the equalibrium then the economy is automatically also in the equilibrium,in the face of grinding mass poverty as such that happens in the third world economy?I beg to disagree.To be candideconomic agents must be at the equalibrium level so to say equalitarian prices and both top and bottom percentiles capable of equalitarian demanding and supplying power.This isegalitarian economics and prices ought to behave according to this context.
Moreover when there is diequalibrium people desire and capability to hold money even emoney or cryptos decline.Hence egalitarian price level including egalitarian investment declines as human poverty index.Anything to the contrary seem to work backward price level and no end to the patching vendatta.
January 10, 2022
Egregious wimple on the wick,tilts the windmills at Alupluto,willynilly
on the wickerwork,Oddysey on the boomerang,willothewisp at blue
funk.On the whisk,in a whirl as they whisk,whippied as whipping boy,
egregious wimple waspish celibates,hagiologies in peonage, whimpering
with mafioso and dancing stuporously the tammanies'tambourine at River
Abesi.Foklores hurled at this boggey of tall tales swooned squadron's
nostalgia at sea.Sweltering wimplers, superlative suppine, swindled at
the sweettoothed swine of squawking squaws.O,their stabbing
comeuppance! Egregious on the wimple, wimple on the egregious
spoliated dimple of sporadic spoors.A spooky spool of the squemish
squaws thumping thumped up the bettenoires and edentate senoras and
nixes gallivanting with the squadron's sport to spoke the pyrates
wheels.At one split,they splurged, at others,splenetic split
personality,they splayed, mermaids as they vent the spleen and lo
splintered at the Providence of lucre and spirituous sloth.O what a
tall tales.Like sorority, frequented the squadron.Snowfalls of
snippets fallen in the snowcladed snowdrift,silentitious snowline like
snowflakes,in the snowfield.A snowhite snippets in their clandestine
packets of snow storm overwhelmed Sherlock Holmes snowlined
snowshoes.Themselves in the meantime melange not bugged with
snowblindness to curry fortune with the golden pall of snippets and
Rubicon to traverse Jubilant hills.Squadron beseech the Holmes,Snoop
and Snoop as they steed to buy.Golden snooks in the Snooker,snoopers
in the sleuths of snooty snooker hardly snoozed nor snore tis
massacres of the mafioso filibusters reprisal.
Many a moon mince a silver moon.Damn they funkies the dagwoods,on the
vintage madcap.My Reuben,thick club sandwich,my dagwood Sandwich,my
open-faced sandwich! Oh my Daddy Warbucks crimson vertebrae cleaves
profusely.Refrain now a daliesque,a surreal surrealism in the marroon
roses.Those physical jerks worth the salt of the daily dozen deluxe
and every facsimile,it exults retreats a Coronach but my decalcomania
my John Hancock,salient days'folklore sings.Gone with the winds and
seabank hardly contains,my iambic pentameter,dactylic hexameter,my
macaronic,fascenic and hudibrastic verses,swept beneath the
decalescent junkyard of hallucinatory decapods.Silvermoon returns for
the africana Jones,yet their kabala far away.Now, it cleaves to my
archipelago,my Joe six pack a dimestore and a bazaar of daddy
Warbucks.My crater,jar,urn,ewer and amphora,a plenitude of
mazuma.Which Kodachrome do I get?A melange of this penumbra,held aloft
the penurious caisson of kozenstrationslagers.Many a spike in the
dessicated marroon John Jane Q publics'melange drowned in scrapyard.Oh
you mean kayak, pirogues,coracle and outrigger on the high sea?Sound
petty, nutty to envisage floating wreckages at shore!And which
kibuttz,kolkhoz will we coop the lost Jones?Let them dream.Dreamland
voyagers not Maelstromed at sea! Africana Jones banter,jest,jive and
spoof juicy morsel.A dimidiate of Joe Dokes and Joe blow.Pour me my
libation of kyphotic kudize.A matronymic matrices, marshmallow of
mermalading Lollapalooza.Yea,my Daddy Warbucks,my John Hancock,my
abala,manila of manicure clings greedily at my quest of byzanthinous
surrender.When Daddy Warbucks the cosmopolitan Globetrotter and Zurich
gnomes of silver moon Bodega sojourned metropolis, Joe six pack jived
and made jest,nab and funk.Oh they fret mea culpa!Did colonel blimp
retreat?Nope,whereon it persist as they smudge and smother ateliery
with myocardial infraction,yeah myelagic encephalomyelitis.Varicose
veins bleed profusely, nakedly bugged down by alakazam of
mythomaniasis.On the cambric broth of fleckled maculated macules,Joe
Does bunk,cant and drivel, kvetching bellyching Daddy
Warbucks'decretum.And the madcap of penury prowls the main Street.Much
more dessicant,parched,torrid, dehydrated salmagundi persists.Yeoman
averts this goobledygook and spook of marinade.What spoof,as they jazz
in vain?They fret marasmus bounce and jounce :blue funk at funky
frith,kablooey and koing.Africana Jones piously synonymous with
penury.Supposing my marginalia and the kriegspiel for the wandering
Jones,to salvage doddering coracle,I a troubadour from Alupluto nails
the octopus poser:To kosher as amphora,as jardiniere,hurl onto the
pinion and may gallantry avalanche cleaves greedily to the horse
hoofs.Oh Daddy Warbucks my John Hancock!The world is your oyster.
December 20, 2021
That Nigeria is a failed state should no longer be contended and too
much nonplussed we seem to fall out of touch with basic
fundamentals.For instance, economic growth stunted, mass unemployment
and mass poverty blanketed the nation's like a chilling fog.As at June
2019,the domestic debt profile stood at 24tr.but currently balloons to
35tr naira.Abandoned project population,grew up in the country
sincerely rose from 1960 to 2012 at almost 12,000 worth of
abandoned projects costing about 15tr.despite collected
mobilisation fees.Current debt profile,stood at 35tr.while abandoned
projects skyrocketed to 56,000units worth 50tr.scattered in the
geological zones Nationwide.
December 18, 2021
O what a gory sight it was,bristly to dip.How they drunk down to the
dregs,with coronary thrombosis,the corsair,searover,mafioso,the
picaroons,the privateers,Corsanostra,
racketeers,filibuster,freebooters,the mobster.
How the squadron,with searoom,the old salt,
mastermariners,shellbacks,the oldseadogs of Alupluto,in their
flotillas,the jackjars and the boaters,rancorous cheeks bold and pale
did froward an aperitif,an antipasto.But now the
seaserpent,hydra,krakens,the leviathans of the sea,dusty,sabulous
sabrerattling,in sackloth and ashes,mawkish and sachariferous grew
dingy obdurate .
Hung over this breakwater,dike,jetty,gulfweed,rockweed,seatangle,seacliff,
Aluplutans on the sea of flames, marinade,bluedeep,vinegar and
alkaline in their blue green,seagreen,torquiose, aquamarine,
jaunt,seatrip capsized saturnalia boats unto Jubilant Hills. Tis
like a streak of lightning was everywhere, bolted from cerrulean sky.
Now was it a dumb play,that he glided onshore,to lewd bawd
jokes and as second banana to secluse mainland with routed
nixes,nymphs,kelpies,limniads,naiads,from rampaging blues,oft to
contempt of a battalion crept offshore in the boat trip.
Even as the tellurians at Alupluto,in quivering temblor of the
telluses,the shatterproof brassbound old salts,old
seadogs,lascars,seapersons,shellbacked Mariners,jackjars, bluejacketed
cadets, drunken down to the dregs, with alkaline,vinegary, marinade,in
the fluttering seagull and seascape,hung in their flotillas,with
bluegreen, aquamarine,torquiose, seagreen searoom,assailed in their
jaunt seatrip,the oarfishes,seaserpents, leviathans of the
seas,searovers,hydraheaded krakens,giant sqiuds,mafioso,
filibusters,picaroons, corsair,privateers,serrated seadrifts as
flotsam,shriveled in the sea of flames over this seabank,
cay,seaboard,seacliff,gulfweed,rockweed,dike,seatangle and
lakefront,little squandrant dachshund arenacious afghan beagle decasse
glides onshore backward like nevermind backward thence he and they
hardly withdrew,in rendezvous tete-a-tete,matinee as sequacious second
banana oft to secluse the
kittens,bunies,purdahs,harems,seraglios,metrolitans, limniads,kelpies
nymphets,ocean nymphs naiads,nixes from searest vale of tears.
History has a purpose and must be fulfilled as well.In this piece the blogger examines the purpose behind the growth of history and its attempt at timely historical reconstruction.
History does not travel on a straight line nor does it endorse
traverse of nonlinear trajectory without the mutual atrophy of market
forces of necessity.The character of history is endeared to the
standard alibis of changing times,investing desegregated,segregated
and logical,illogical times in changing environment envisioned with
prime motif to create systemic chaos and untimely inequality among
them with the central theme to compete for change in the ecosystem of
change itself and does not pacify the tranquil moderation and reticent
transmogrification without its trademark volatility of blast furnaced
smithereens for the purpose of time equity and timely reconciliation
of histodical inequity.The growth of history does organically grows in
thin air,unleashes timely needed change,decimating growth inequity in
the mensuration of same alibis that underpins crucifix of evolutionary
arts on the hometurf and planting field.While critical arts is subject
to artificiality of artificialised arts and man inclusive,the weird
sisters of mothernature, provide catalyst for the principal motivation
of historic growth, tolerating time inequity and time equity
respectively according to seasonal cycle of histoical necessity.A
core critical ensemble of this article of artificialised artificiality
is the finiteness of their schematic disposal inconveniently in
comparison to the infinity of the latter,through which we re awesomely
awed by the eternity of its operative radius. Objectively and
organically the purpose of history is to promote the philosophy of
great charter of liberty and utilizes this egalitarian ideology
through soul purity to reach the golden age of development cycle.In
the critical build up to this anticipatory nirvana,the growth of
history as mankind best time investment, using great charter of
liberty seeks manumission of history with the lofty task comprising of
erasing agenlong historical inequities tangible or intangible from the
abode of mankind.The concept of soul purity reached the brightest.
impact when tenets of great charters is fully adopted and endorsed.We
have identified historical market inequity such as misery and mass
poverty and inequalities of wealth and above all lack of access to
power market by larger swathe of neglected global population.It also
include structural inequity and physical poverty of the countries of
the world.This is not achievable until the golden tenets of great
charter of liberty have been fully entrenched.The extant legion of
global institutional fabric for the upteempth time,does not afford its
affordability and requires structural engineering and technological
institutional reforms and sometimes systemic change to accommodate the
new global order.The ever changing historical structure volatile
observes this doldrum at loggerhead with the ideal framework in favour
racial sectarianism and invariably is in the best interest of
developed society.Mankind in general had grown from civilization to
civilization through the crucifix of evolutionary arts and crafts of
the growth of history and we all as benefactors seek to
equalitarianise the ideals of the golden tenets as instructed by the
purpose of history.
Did the Helen of Troy not abscond to Troy with the stampeding Paris of
Troy?Did Mycenaus a Spartan spouse of Helen not embroil in the
ballocks? Did the deconium aftermath not palatable to the Wiles of
the Trojans,not enjoin in brutish expedition his progeny,King
Agamemnon against Troy?Did the Grecians'withdrawal pretense not left
behind them a bulge bracket of effigy,a wooden horse, enclosed with
fightin parties concealed?
December 16, 2021
Great speeches are not made in the air but in the mind mated with actions and great words and great actions are not what they seem but impecable and directional.
Great actions are what they claim to be unless they are tarred with tangible effect.What you have spoken you must heed.What you have heeded,you must do,to change the fate of mankind.There are not many mountains to be conquered in life and not many laurels to be won in a contest unless the drivder in the tears and wears of atrophy takes the battles to the right location.How come those who are not concerned are landslide victors in the battle of an alien lands.Those who fight must wage the true battle and those who lead must identify the true battle and those who defend must indeed the true battle of freedom and hence strategically impact the fate of mankind.We share the failure with those who loose and we share the victory with those who win.It is incontrovertible to avers that the fate of mankind is interconnected and the collective fortune of man secures surety when larger part of mankind derives freedom and extract victories from the golden fortune of those who win.Our collective survival as earthbound.....
You sent
Great actions should always be what they claim to be unless they are tarred with dedicated are mere frivolities in the long run.What you have spoken you must not only heed but lead others to be your disciples.What you have heeded,you must not only do,but they must live you posthumously,to change the fate of mankind.There are so many mountains and impedimenta should this apothegm not heeded and applied and we re conquered in life by fables and not many laurels to be won in a contest where this is eluded and difficultto take the battles to the right location.How come those who are not concerned are landslide victors in the battle of an alien lands.Those who fight must wage the true battle to remember their histor and those who lead must identify the true battle is the history they left behind and those who defend must indeed remember this true battle of freedom and hence strategically impact the fate of mankind.We share the victory long after us
We as earthbound creatures rest largely on the grandiose strides of this league of forward leaning men,swashbucklers of checkered antecedence.We cannot be misconstrued from the golden fact there is a golden spirit in every failed actions and erstwhile failed actions can be remoded at the appointed as golden actions of victorious life.A failure today is bookmarked for success for tommorow and only in the golden pen of those men with perseverence shall it be written.If you like change history but you cannot change them.History says in trenches the beautiful brides are unseen lands and the victories not yet seen.You can only be alloted with your choice of victory and the size quality and quantity of human victory received,can only be identified with the pedigree of mortal vision when they interactively interact and share personal,social history and human interaction with the circumtances bedevilling the quality of resolution to thwart the imperial times and idionsycracies of our time.Obviously a societal fabric ordinarily impounds spectra fiddles of a productive life and imposes extreme limitations upon the venturesome adventures of the aspiring human artist.Not that the wilderness times creates a nightmare nor constitutes a drain on the freedom of human primacy but that they a foundry of triumphant hills and a golden furnace of victorious dawns.To survive decision management is key to making the right choices and the subject of victories are the sublime skills and vertical strategy maneavered at the defense of freedom.Every impediment is absolute landmines of opportunity and to those impinged by dire slap of circumstances,a golden tunnel is created in the tiring long walk of freedom.Wilderness,a challenger of the human fortitude and the ecological intergrity of your defense brings out the empyreal heights of glorious mission.To those who barely ...
barely unravel the quantity of expedition,they cannot be bound to outlive succesful action with the quality of the mission at hand.
I have gone through the pages of history like my fellow pundits to realise the inflation of arts is the best most critical resource of checkered antecedence and the optimal quality of history.Does it get any better when arts reaches its vertex and villainous becomes?That sums the downfall of history and a rich repertoire of ignoble literature to avoid further pitfalls of the successive times.The human perception of logics and discretion of changing times,enriches this repertoire with the mathematics of time investment basically from the simplest stuffs of human observation.The strategic competition of human perception raises the bar of great technical discoveries and undiluted innovations of the protrusive times from the boundless society of industrial minds.The cascading ages guarrantee mankind this league of innovative landlords and their selfregulatory tenants of institutionalised uses and spirals of success applications.The tardier growth of this scientific knowledge and beleaguered scholarship whichtruly
influenced diverse computation of industrial techniques diffentiates the optimal quality of one age to the other.History by essence and histology seeks to fill the vacancy of thoughts and thoughtlessness of the previous ages with the rich resources and thoughtfulness of successive times.It bridges the lacuna of atavistic history or previous antecedence with histological opulence of subsequent history.In other words subsequent tree of history becomes the substructure on the material soil of history and previous tree of history becomes the superstructure of history.This conceptualises standard history of culture as the true material history substantiated by working true history backward.This concept of backward historical progression as the best framework of reconstructionist times better enhances the true successive norms of development.The historicists and scholars are satified with this legal approach of backward histology as opposed to forward histology endorsed by historians and laymen alike.
Those who pierced history with the chisels of reconstructionist motif do so successfully with magical wand of backward histology,the best alibi of forward histological progression and yeast of true civilisation.The development of successive historical theoretical mechanical rose from floundered errors of latter times.This discountenanced itself from the technical error of prior times sometimes with inapposite depth when juxtapose its structural tangibility with the advanced cynosure of later times.Backward histology supplies itself both with theme and resources for historical reconstructionism subject to its tested flurry of empirical evidences.It contrasts sharply with forward history as the best histology or histosophy or philosophy of history.Backward histology begins by timeline progression of histological audit including both ideological,benefical and standard historical audit.This fundamental research exposes the quality of successive forward history and subsequently set up template for true historical
reconstructionism.In the scholarship of historical backward progression so to say backward histology,no stone is left untouched and all prior golden age of thoughts is regarded archaic to successive slate of historical reconstructionism.Backward histology does not spare prior uniformity standard and condensed best practices.The rapid intensification of scientific interest formalises the revolutionary backward histology in contrast to evolutionary backward histology and the admixture of the above formula seeks to accelerate quantity and quality of standard mechanical historical reconstructionism and progression.
of my nascent favouritism to insist upper hand for backward histology as against development dissidence of forward histology but that history so compounded with empirical evidences.For us the state and mankind to experiment the true growth of history to breathe peace and liberty,it must be enshrined in this way and directed by its wills,whims and caprices
The cannon of development functioning effectively within its standard legal framework and development cycle ecosystem is tied to backward histology of the great charter of liberty to communicate and breathes civilisation at a particular period when subscribed to by all sundry.The opulence of a nation`s checkered antecedence and cultural evolution provides a rich soil for the germination of her civilisation subject to the sociomechanical engineering of this tripod formula or square model.The causative indifference of capacity building,policy and institutional development of the state,fed by forward histology,is better explained by this spiral of collosal neglect.This is aggravated in insaner climes where critical access to information is lacking and the liberty of information freedom is ambushed by mass distortion of political expediencies.We are the true reflection of our beleaguered social environments and we the dividends of enshrined damnation hidden within the humiliated conscience of the people andstate
The timely reactions of Social psyche can be fully identified at the liberty of social intergrity.The great charter of liberty the social psyche and the conscience of the state is well cultivated in the avalanche of its social interactions.The conjugal knots of this social interaction with the prejudices of social strata timely breathes social change at every interval of social work and social crusade respectively.The sociochemical reaction of mechanical state of change management,is invariably regarded as social intergrity.The timely organic responses of social intergrity to periodical state overhaul and crisis management to guarrantee social order positively reflects the mechanical intergrity of great charter of devolopment tripod.Consequently and contextually social disintergration is a panacea of the chaotic structure of insensitive social aparatus of the state or nation.The ecomechanical surgery unleashes itself to censure the structural imbalance when the tenets of social intergrity are organically
Methinks that a standard social apparatus be contrived where social and economic expediencies so to say innovative cultural expediencies be elevated above political expediencies even in a social orderly state.This axiom we captured as standard logics in a power market tripods where social and economic power triumph over political power.It is the best reflection of social intergrity at its peak and a pointer to the massive egalitarian reflection of social strata interaction within development ecosystem.The mordern times inspite of monument change wrought by technological not yet decipher the strategic impact of formula,although unknowingly haphazardly entrench its abstract framework.It is timesaver and timetested with much unidentified empirical evidences as the true etiquette of the state.Then social etiquette is aggregate functioning of social intergrity as organic pastime and systemic grease for unprecedented growth and development.
The embattled practice of development and development management in
a betternoire condense of beleaguered development ecosystem realises this optimal struggle of growth and development over chaotic state.The response of social etiquette peace,justice,equity and freedom manifest fully at the most relaxed drive of this systemic entrenchment.We do not think the welfare of the political system guarrantee the welfare of the economic and social system in a beleaguered power market system.The egalitarian nature of Social intergrity ensures strategic equilibrium beyond the partisan encumbrances of power market disorder.When social capital is defected evidenced by a malfunctioning social etiquette,a social reengineering audit ordinarily boost power market equilibrium that restores social order.The quality of social interaction clouded by great charter of civilisation tripod tends to create social buffers to absorb inorganic shock of crisis ridden state.The greatest challenge is the ecomechanical resillience nature of social interaction`s response system as true crisis manager of
such embattled state.
Mordern state apparatus is generally prone to chaos and specifically the quantum ratio of organic chaos invariably truncate the targeted ratio of growth and development bargained at a given period.This social chaos worse than economic and political equivalent creates structural bottlenecks that bars or impedes the capability of social interaction consuming timely social intergrity at climbing variegated trendline of development cycle.It behoves on a given operative template of social system to ensure the possibility of golden transition so to say ascension of development to catalyse growth and development.The workability and operative influence of great charters begins by inordinate supply of massive development demand.The institutionalisation of development market demand explores the strategic capability of social psyche to generate information and technical information that can ensures this growth and development.Humanity like the state by nature is generally prone to social chaos,and
a deter to the systemic tradition of mass development.
Development market civilisation is a function of social strata social interactions with the power market maturity.When they are consumated in the golden transition with the tripod system the sustainability of development management,its cyclical tradition and actuality in a complex but apprehensive ecosystem practically guarrantees the sustainable enterprise of institutionalised growth and development.This is the best and most critical alibi of complex social reflection.Social reflection is often hypercomplex when development practice fails woefully to decode woebegone custom of social etiquette to riprimand social chaos.Totally alien to the organic wishes of social interaction`s economics at ensuring preservation of social stability,crystalises social disorder in the long run.A resourceful censure on the authority of social chaos culminates critical paralysis of the state.It is far better for social psyche at the liberty of information freedom to be healed
organically than the spate of well uncordinated institutional reforms.This often detest surgical operation of complete systemic change in place of haphazards administration of policy practice.Consequently a worst case scenario of development underdevelopment spirals from the embattled ecosystem.Dynamically the chemistry of development manpower appreciates with the contextual quality of social interactions at every twist and turns of incentivised development barometers that thrived from power market frontiers incubated from the profitable exploration of social chaos.
Objectively it shows vividly depending on the magnitude of necessity at hand,social chaos when positively as true barometer for development dissidence could catapult and refine the quantity of social interaction at a time as well as polishing of quality of social intergrity badly needed to communicate that tireless spiral of that social change in the hepthacentric golden transition.The metaeconomics of the development cycle` golden transition .....
astrochemically provides a softlanding.
Development,management and development barometers worldwide are fast becoming a thorny soil of golden transition.Their counterproductivity institutionalised not because of a rise in the new but peculiar genre of social chaos that is to say the chaotic rise of technology chaos of mordern age but that the standard metrics of climbing the golden transition let alone its discovery havent been discovered yet.Regardless of sectarian motif of global development enterprise,it does not seem to indicate there is utmost concern of a sensitive social system at curbing disastrous threat of human oriented technology chaos.Mankind greatest challenge resides in the harmonisational balance of the power market welfare with the survival of mankind as a whole.The growth of history as the civilisation of times and space similarly creates diverse levers for changing times.The growth and development of technology chaos revolutionarily thrives in the boom and burst cycle of history as did
the pantheon of social chaos`contrived development assymetry of changing times.We ordinarily abhor this spigot of peculiar spiral but we cannot but share thoughtful consensus with the chronic foresight of golden necessity at mobilising social forces to boost development market demand that accelerate golden transition.The world greatest power market incentives for golden transition were given birth or gain renaisance at the profitability of social chaotic exploitation.The new form of social chaos would not only refine the extant quality and quantity of golden transition,it would also catalyse complex development assymetry.How shall we abscond if peradventure we neglect such a great salvation to abhor counterproductive of social sectarianism that fuels this chaos of social chaos.Mankind for a larger swathe had glaringly exploited this entanglement of social sectarianism to born human civilisation.But the fruits of sectarianism seems to spread timely distribution of golden ages out of the golden necessity and
golden transition respectively from an embattled ecosystem.The upper etchelon of power market have distributed uneven development from the cannon and ambushed frontiers of the backward histology.
We`ve abandoned humanistic ethos at development paradigm optimisation and ratio maximisation in favour of social sectarianism.As the art of development separatism,methinks is the most potent force at development maximisation.Mankind has used power market aggression much more profitable to grow development thriving through mobilisation of social evil forces or strategic imperialism of evil to spread first and foremost civilisation and having been satedwith its satiety let it loosed to the four corners of the earth.In the complex development compass or the so called civilisation tripod or its square model,development market economics profitably deploy mass development through the power market strategic inequity.first sectarianism muster this growth then liberalisation of development market civilisation grow as social sectarianism much earlier contrived contracts its aged momentum and humanistic ego of development practice optimised its ideological bandwidth.Human civilisation has paid a perilous price for the
In the socioeconomics of civilisation management,we must unravel the nature of development ecosystem at a particular period and its tangential differential struggle at mustering growth and development.We cannot contend against the fact that power market aggression that thrives in this organic ecosystem has found its way in the social strata masked as social sectarianism in public domains.This allegory in development context originates from the institutional cluelessness of development racial managers mustering social sectarianism as ethical and a intellectual disability at perusing the clarity of social egalitarianism as tangible standard norms for growing growth and development.A proper theoretical articulation can exterminate the remainder of social sectarian approach at development maximisation.As the strategic notion of social equalitarianism permeates social strata reducing this spiral of cluelessness,the ensuing breath of fresh air to navigate social spheres and realms an operational conduit of social
strata,thus reduce their psychomotive pang of social sectarian allergies.Understanding this mystic process ordinarily automates civilisation tripod or development square model.This armoury appeasement however for the upteempth time as true development when truly accelerated,should be indoctrinated with more prejudice for backward histology.In the organic chart chart for the historical tree of development,we examine forward histology and backward histology and awed with the latter.Frankly speaking organic development ecosystem explores divergent development rythms at divergent times and space when they interact with their immediate environment.Taking a critical look at the organic chart of the development ecosystem to comprehend its nature of timely tested social interaction,we begin with development square and isolate sectarian histology.The development rythm 1.0 captures civilisation tripod while development rythm 2.0 captures great charter of liberty.
We explore further the scholarship of our development
management and diverse reactions in their ecosystem to communicate growth and development.This leads us to development rythm 3.0 where power market interacts with organic peerages as noted above where social sectarianism breathes.In the development rythm 4.0.we identify golden necessity and liability as the sum total inspiration a causative point of development enterprises and the effect point where its endresult is determined.Development rythm 5.0 indicates the development cycle and its golden transition that is movement up and down its allocative trendline of hepthacentric barlines.Development rythm 6.0 incorporate physical mass of development enterprise and it simply refers to social strata.Basically it is expedient to note that golden necessity and liability resolution of social debt cycle terminates in the golden age.The development atomic structure terminates in the development rythm 7.0 where golden age of development market germinates anticipated civilisation as capital development.Hence in the .....
In the ecosystem of development enterprises,golden cycle is the alpha and omega and infact guides all rythms,social aparatus and rythmic devices including hepthacentrics toward the golden effect to birth golden age.In the mathematics of development time investment the strategic interactions of all rythms and enterprises gives us social interactions.In other words,the ecosystem must interacts with policy practices and institutionalised to communicate growth and development.This is regarded as social system where the objective of social interaction is to eliminate and pay off social debt.It institutionalises development ecosystem in practice interacting with policy, and social debt to formalise a social system.However but if it is mated with backward histology creates a socioeconomic system.The productive life of optimal social interaction so to say social reflection is a basic module to unveil social intergrity.A cumulative modes of social etiquettes over a considerable period engenders social intergrity.
SOCIAL STRATA is the apex bondholder in the time investment of development ecosystem.
We lay background with the hardware of development,development management,operative and causative enterprises the seedbed of the ecosystem investiture.We are not placated with the prestige and power market influence ascribed to the conjugal powers of development sectarianism to the alienation of the hapless region flawless growth of history.We might not be at the same velocity thirty to fifty decades ago but with the growth of mordern technology community as fruit of scholastic sectarianism to the consternation of bucanneers envisaged pessimism,technology and inherent chaos whatsoever did turn the tide of times and their table of market imperialism around.They magnificently hugely benefited from the yoke of sectarianism and positive impact of technology they helped invented.This can be regarded as Monster of civilisation frankeinstein(MCF).Neoliberal imperialists of today could in the next tercentenary be at the receiving end.This could infuse unprecedented social chaos that might set backward mordern age
After the Prussian wars that took 3 decades to flex,perhaps unlike the bubonic plague that took more than a tercentenary for Europe to recover,what impact did that make on the conscience of power market to curb the recurrence?Did it avert two decades of Napoleonic wars either that blanketed Europe like a chilling fog?The boom and burst cycle of power market aggresion that detonated into cataclysm of two world wars barely ceased the relish and revel of social sectarism in the politics of development sectarianism.Social chaos,a black box item of social debt perambulates with the growth of the rise and fall of history and had nothing to do with the maturity of human learning and empirical censure.Society in the exploitation of history should be able to use power market empiricism to place censure on the growth of social chaos at a particular period.The mass competition of variegated complex hurdles of development ecosystem in the hepthacentric social interaction portends the possibility of recurrence.Old
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After the Prussian wars that took 3 decades to flex,perhaps unlike the bubonic plague that took more than a tercentenary for Europe to recover,what impact did that make on the conscience of power market to curb the recurrence?Did it avert two decades of Napoleonic wars either that blanketed Europe like a chilling fog?The boom and burst cycle of power market aggresion that detonated into cataclysm of two world wars barely ceased the relish and revel of social sectarism in the politics of development sectarianism.Social chaos,a black box item of social debt perambulates with the growth of the rise and fall of history and had nothing to do with the maturity of human learning and empirical censure.Society in the exploitation of history should be able to use power market empiricism to place censure on the growth of social chaos at a particular period.The mass competition of variegated complex hurdles of development ecosystem in the hepthacentric social interaction portends the possibility of recurrence.Old
and erstwhile hapless region of the world are fast climbing the ladder of virulent power market aggresion and could turn the tide of time around revisiting with vengeful spites or vengeance as the recompense of years of servitude wherein when they too were taken as captives.Those who were once slaves could someday be desperate virulently to run their show as victors on top etchelon of power market.This could backfire given the premeditated social chaos,with the evidence of history proferating social debt that might mankind centuries to recover.In the ancient times,political battles even in their worst brutish congress were less brutal compared to the artless friction of deadliest missiles and arsenal of sophisticated weapons of mordern age.Civilisation risk and strategic threat to human survival is quite higher with growing perils as civilisation growth velocity burst the stratosphere.Concerted efforts and egalitarian institutional consensus mobilised over time to contract social chaos were at best politicicised
Sectarianism or not sectarianism,the art of development and development commerce is bound to grow as mass development market demand burst the stratosphere.Those are injured by declining pride and sinking arogance where what they deviced to make people slaves now usurped from them would find it hard to adjust to egalitarian development market commerce.Not until every nation has subscribed to egalitarian mode,will the clamour for death of super power market aggression possible.In the treatment of developmentology and developmentological case studies,we exhume ipsofacto empirical evidence to aid adoption of precautionary measures for the sake of freedom,equity and justice.
The organic risk of development assymetry a spiral of social sectarianism ordinarily contracts in the nicks of time to mutualise egalitarian mode.Neoliberal sectarianism would give way to sectarian egalitarianism,then liberal egalitarianism and then neoliberal egalitarianism and postliberal egalitarianism as the moral frontiers of development egalitarianism.Understanding a legal framework for the social interaction and cultural evolution both in the ecosystem and tangible materialism portends fortune for civilisation libido.
Ibikunle Laniyan
December 12, 2021
and who their real enemies are.And the day that happens woe betide
those enemies.The ibos will deal with them very roughly, very
roughly."Then he gave himself a nickname "Ebbudola", abuses became he
said when he flagged off his free education in Uroboland in the old
midw est.He was building schools and enrolling Stidents,still people
were launching at him, see Awolowo children, they can read and
write.He said that was how he started 'with ridicule'and later the
chronic abuses ended with honour."
"infact am surprised at
this information.You still have the parts of the interview that talk
about starvation policy, twenty pounds etc?"
"Yes is
there in the interview."he moved closer to her, passing the phone
asshe chipped him"don't worry.Let me call my brothers and you can
testify before them."She clutched her phone"Emeka,where is your cousin
"My God where have you been?Mama has been looking.She
went to Umuahia to search for you"
".Am in Lagos.Forget all those
pranks.Turn on your video call.i wanted you badly here.Join
conversation.We re discussing civil war."
"Civil war, what do you Know
about civil war you this small girl 32years.You just marry focus on
"My husband is a Yoruba man.I think you know that and I m quite
sure mama didn't Know I was married to Yoruba.""So,you those useless
people.Those betrayals .....they gave us twenty pounds during civil
war see how we recovered everything by ourselves inspire of all the
losses,we recovered everything.Why are u so stupid to marry
" keep quiet my friend.Listen to the conversation I can see
you,yes I can.""Now I can see a man there"
"See we re discussing the
starvation policy, twenty pounds etc "
"You mean, you have traveled
that far?So what's the use of driving me crazy with what led to death of
millions of people."
"Let me answer you."
"What do you want to say? the
genocide took away our freedom everything.Imagine twenty shillings or
twenty pounds.."
"keep quiet let me talk.Am not going to convince you?I will
tell you.Have you read there was a country by Achebe."
"He lamented the
starvation of the ibos during the war.i ve read it.Dont worry yourself.
"the husband took over
the analysis."My in law it was like reading half-truth or mendacity"
"didn't they
loot our money only to distribute pittance?"
"But the money in
question was returned after the civil war."
"Where who returned
wetin?liar my in law from the pit of hell."
"I will wasaap the 1983
interview awolowo did prior to the presidential election that
"Liar in law,liar in law.My sister you married liars and we
shall not embrace liars as children.our people will disown them."
that interview,you will read it also.Let me say it here.He distributed
all Ibo money at the rate of 900,000pounds per month as subvention
until he had paid off their money.Infact,against many peoples wishes'he
revived ACB and gave it lifeline with initial 3m.and half pounds to take off.
When he was confronted with barage of questions,over the bank's revival,he said it
was improper to deny ACB critical asset to finance as the only ibo
bank after the war.He did same to Cooperative bank of Eastern
Nigeria.Many ibos I've met and had laid false claim to the fact they survived
damnation all alone,with no one to support them.No no no it was a lie.He
distributed all the money'
There is a silent tribal crisis acatalectic ethnocentric animosity going on Nigeria ever sincethe end of civil war in 1970.And so much lies have been told that seems to dismember the pretended unity in the country.The blogger believes history should healus and he decided to pen this short story to heal the country.The piece was written 3 days ago)to correct there was a country written by Chinua ACHEBE posthumously on the starvation policy during the war.
"Have you read'There was a country'by Chinua Achebe and the lies he
told against the great Awo?"
"I ve always be been telling you
times without number, every man is entitled to his own opinion."
"What are you driving at?I don't get you?" "When
you don't have informed opinion, it's better for you to keep quiet
than to be telling lies everywhere misleading the people?"
"How are you sure Achebe the greatest literary genius was telling
lies with that book or the starvation policy entirely?Didn't he
starved them to death? About three million died unmourned."
"There were all blatant liars and had no element of Truth
in.Although he wrote the book more than thirty years after Awolowo's
death in 1986,destiny has it that in 1983 at the age of 74,the late
sage prior to Presidential election of the period,granted an interview
to settle the matter once and for all." "Are you sure you Yorubas are
not cooking up something again?You know they don't speak I'll of the
dead.Why did you get interview from?"
"Here is the interview
reproduced online by Premium Times.Am very sure and Happy,ignoramus
like Achebe never lived to see the truth of this matter." "Let me
see"wooed his phone screen closer and readjusted his binoculars.
"You can see is a long interview.He granted the during the campaign
trail of 1983 election.Let me go to the part of civil war where he
answered the moderator,one Mr Oparadike and recounted his experience
during the war, including starvation policy,the twenty pounds,post war
empowerment finance.99percent of the ibos perhaps haven't read that
interview.And so,I think they should stop lying and face the fact.They
asked him about his stand on civil war,his unpopularity among the
Biafrans and his response to how he was viewed as the enemy of the ibo
"What was his reply? Liars".
"He said he had a good rapport with the igbos either in Anambra or
Imo.People welcomed him warmly and 'affectionately',but the bigwigs in
iboland were not too comfortable with his popularity.So,by telling
lies and fabricating lies about him and denigrating him,they persisted
to keep their popularity.He did not mince and nevermind he mentioned
one of them". "And who was that?" "Ojukwu of course.A very
blunt man.He did not mention others." "My father told lies
about him, misleading my brothers.My mother refused to allow him
deceived my brothers because she said they both enjoyed free education
in late 50s, before they were married." "Now you re becoming
objective and many ibos did not even know so many millions of ibos
enjoyed free.Somebody who had been preaching free education since 1942
before becoming premier shortly after the general election of 1951.Now
he said these bigwigs were pathological liars kept on telling lies
about him and since they refused to be censured,'to persist in telling
lies about him'what's the point of quandary defense?" "Let me
quote him.... 'I know that someday the ibos,the masses of the ibo will
realize who their friends are
Vision as the science of art is the faculty of seeing and seeing or
Vista capture or visualization compresses tripartite visual clauses.It
is a triple faculty of the posterior sight to see ahead, gigantic
hindsight faculty or retrosight reflection and broadly speaking
present sight,to contrive introspection.I think is the grandest human
and social reflection there is under sun.There is no gainsay the fact
that logical precedence of implied arts is fact based compressed
tripartite faculty in the long run.
In the economics of human
observation,this bystander,precocious, highly presumptious,
unremitting if not coordinated by other senses'collective
incorporation and impecable tripartite faculty of the medulla texture
is under the pristine tutelage of horsesense till it is totally
unimpaired by creative consensus of the human senses' inducible and
deducible Patchwork paroxysms according to the logical precedence of
horsesense backed implied arts.The miscarriages of this scarce
commodity of prime arts so to say literally and pejoratively not
metaphorically as circumstantial deponent of causalities and
happenstances is quite on the increase,when we take into precedence
its intellectual mortality rates in mordern times.
Nonetheless,the evolutionary and transitory
absorption of visualization or Vista mental outputs increases with
alarming proportion unintandem with the mortgaged mortality.The
intellectual moral exercises grew at stratosphere as mankind consumes
more information than ever before.When we categorically speaking,
definitively expresses ambition as a design, intent,target,end,dream,
hope,desire to achieve something, purpose,plan,goal,aim,
aspiration,objective, mission,calling,scheme and intention,we re
simply profound with proven evidence,it is not only fact based,driven
by intelligence but also sculptured by vision.It takes the tripartite
faculty as a critical resources to provide its chemistry of
institutional intelligence to usher in notionally farm in formative
impulse once the horse sense driven brain texture has provided the
organic Telex and transmission of intelligence based vision for
immediate absorption.
It is quite easier to get the ambition at the
slightest slip and slide of human imagination,but not quite easy to
produce vision with high accuracy at almost Acapella proportion.We
cannot contend the factory of fact that ambition is quite easily
formed unlike the tardier opposite which are both interwoven
compendious environmental forces to guide implied arts in the
administration of express arts and the mutation Enterprise including
paying expenses or handling routine expenditure in the organic
realm.One is onomatopoiecally discreet that without the omnipotence
and omniscient headlong hodgepodged plunge of mass competition,the
quantifiable quality use of the tripartite faculty could at best be on
the perennial decline.Thanks to abundance the bounteous period of
mordern information technology.
The perpetual refinery of ambition and
its cumulative texture is accelerated over time as medula videos of
vision supplies ambition with intensive mutual intelligence to enrich
its strategic contents, equipped it with planning research and
planning resources for rapid impact delivery.Frankly speaking,with
ample institutional Intelligence,delivered in phases or
intermittently,ambition and vision as the ecosystem's forbearances and
its routine's appetent immaculate appanages form their ideology at
this acciculated standpoint to purposely empower the implied arts in
the hegemony of organic realm.We quite agreed,as two faces of a single
coin ambition shirks its tangled toga of true definitive appeal,in the
atrophy of vision's impecable deification.
Sometimes not that it leads
to miscarriages but the low convertible appeals and parlous moral
interaction, reduces ambition quality discharge in the routinous
organic realm.Ideology stinks belatedly stunned with no apodictic
parody, burdened by aphotism of aphylactic,authalic and homolagraphic
projection,deformed and impaired and implied arts itself suffocated
within its operative radius of innate mental process retardation and
incapable of moral verdict to inculcate badly needed enterprise
in the organic ecosystem of evolutionary arts,junketing like a
Globetrotter from the point of inception,when information Freedom
spurs a given lease of bland art,to identify hidden opportunities,into
the mooting point when it is filled with vision, ambition,
ideology,strategy,faith, action, empiricism and rewards,much more
booby traps can be found in their discreet and indiscreet manners.The
law of sight is a forunner in the discovery of potential arts and it
takes faith to engineer or reengineer,not just mere vision let alone
it be mated with ideology,ambition, strategy with apposite action.When
you gather experience from learned ones,rather than tardier trial and
errors approach,you accelerates chances of survival and sustainability
and rewards for such good deed does not come until requisite capacity
is mastered by artist in waiting.
We identify septacentric items above
in the ministry of mission exluding the environmental forces and
capacity or the underlining characters in the agregate to seal
accomplishment.We should advocate in the organic ecosystem of arts,so
by then,we distinguish bland arts to empirical arts and the former
dies before its birth mostly at the notioning vs visionary
visualization point or inception point.Tested arts incorporate the
ministry of custom and ministry of mission to undertake
accomplishment.The particularity of this brevity,accommodates
discounts for its momentary failure and we can be sure makes a
difference when passionate drive or passion is involved.
To understand the true essence of capacity and quantifiable capacity,we refer to
implied capacity that is politics of arts that bridges and handles
mutation of accomplishment from ministry of arts and custom and
ministry of mission where we execute the laid down custom.When we
infer express capacity,we unveil a thoroughly invested skills that is
a critical central resource of implied capacity explored in the
administration of the mutation Enterprise.Most failure in this
mutation Enterprise is linked to the dearth,paucity,amiss of implied
arts or deserted descent of the implied character.However,it can be
stiffed and strangulated by implied duress which invariably occurs
where moral inadequacy or poorly buffered express capacity,ungainly
threatened with unfair psychological spaces to provide eligible
confinement for implied arts to champion defense of organic realm,that
is the metamorphosis of the mutation.
Obviously,so to say the
administration of the Enterprise,rest largely with the welfare of the
implied arts.It insulates against perpetual and random defeats of the
express arts and we can be assured that the human and social
reflection of the team work, provide a soft landing specifically for
mutual critics of history.
Mordern civilisation as it were over the noachian is obviously incomplete without the role of arts in the practice of development grooming human customs and science and generic technology over the ages.Understanding the arts is vital according to blogger.
The arts of man as the very identity of mankind identifies with every
man,to unveil aggregate human reflection in a given environment.We are
known in the most distant disgusting and rhapsodic times as the true
human identity of a given age as it were in recorded times.Once dated
by history and glorious times is unarguably unchangeable and unless
passing times changes in the most discreet manner,a given mutation
barely incurious in the reflection of arts.Like its carrier,
indispensable arts is mercurial and hyperemotional not absolutely
detached from the mindset of the environment through which it is
The prime motif of art is best served by timely reaction to a
given information that first unleashes freedom of the mind,impulsed
notion to similarly acquires the material equivalent.Certainly,it
depends on whether a given environment that unveils the discovery can
provide framework for the moral acquisition of the badly needed
capacity.Otherwise,the aspiring artist must break borders and alter
missing gaps by changing environment for better environment for the
purpose of acquisition.Therefore each environment carries its organic
risk,aptitude and altitude work s towards prime acquisition target for
every evolutionary arts.
True arts is both passionate,strategic,
evolutionary,scientific and capacity laden and the more the capacity
it acquires the less organic risk it incenses.It is the same
incentives for the persistent reduction of inherent organic risk
insomuch that the more passionate artist-in- waiting becomes the more
strategic,the more evolutionary and capacity laden,organic risk
focally reduces to the barest minimum to the manageable
Continous learning is keystone to the progress of evolutionary
challenges abound,such as intellectual reaction to noticeable
necessity,then apposite mentorship and timely resources to fund the
objective response to make the credible acquisition a prime reality.We
refer to this causal buffer support Gadgets.In the advanced economy,it
is provided where the developing society is strictly lagging
behind.They rely on luck,untimely intervention and self efforts and
ratio of opportunities persistently declines per a given generation.
October 22, 2021
10.VULGARIAN vent your spleen at misty road distraction and souless spammer in the works .
Songbirds are many in the forest and not all can be heard at the same times.Sotto voce falls behind. Do not offend the solecism and you cannot be placated with sobstory..Sometimes, getting to your dreamland destination, require a whoopee spiral of solitary confinement, given that such arduous task require a lifetime of reflection to hit the barndoor.
This is particularly interesting, when you talk about writing or writing profession the solecism of writer's haven. Every artist dream of sucess at the soapbox first and foremost for we battle with spirit to get to dreamland destination. We should not avoid smokescreen of random smudge in a smudgepot, to keep vanity of revel of pursuit as journey men sojourning in a foreign land. Moving towards our much cherished destination constitute immediate priority of purpose.
With gallantry not with slipshod, we gather smattering hit little by little into a shoal run smackdab to reach destination. Sometimes on the sly, depending on the scenario in which we are flung. We hit the slog adinfinitum until guerdon .With that sledgehammer, we go down sledging and avert slaughterhouses of golden dreams for those who jump the bandwagon.
There are skivvies to be done in every house.Who will strife to do them for the landlord or landlady to take the glory? To slap and tickles the golden dream across the sky blue of the skyhigh slap heap could be...
9.VULGARIAN FRACTION.many to board and catch flight to chosen destination.It is the same with vision and then journey men, for they hardly work alone."Well chosen.
Nature is loaded with our bounties and we re nothing but the steverdore of nature's boundless bounties through the arts of pursuit.We agreed we barely walk alone,but quite expedient to observe a vast majority is quite misled alongside strange path.Sparsely driven stapled starry eyed valiant thinkers outwitted by mean spirited vulgaran fraction.They celebrate mediocrity and fatalists.To jump the bandwagon for the sake of "we hardly walk alone "could be the worst crime of a great dreamer.Hence, vision killers on the rampage .Caveat emptor.
Get your association right in most cases not just aby association and mentorship is the key.Otherwise, you stark starring mad.Once you 've found your stamping ground then get mentorship and alight square bashing within your square bracket wrangling and wiggling squeaky clean, in the circumference of your arts.
There might occasional squalls, squeaks and squeamish frenzy at various road distraction sporadically spoonfeed by simpleton associated with squalor of pursuit, never you squander your stamped stamping ground for a misty road.
The springtide and spring time here is focus focus, dedication, and commitment evidence of abiding gallantry .This is what I call"Arts on the spree"when you link it to your expertise and road map strategy.
Arts on the spree must be elated and spoilsport
THE PURPOSE. OF HISTORY.part 1.The purpose of history,is universal justice and the means to the end, is the great charter of liberty.Given the fact that history does not traverse on a straight line, , the multiplier of this unversal modifying pattern , tied to te purpose for which it is authored by mother nature,, we are granted whatsoever we desire,specifically the racking up of mythical relics of history.The rapture of historical progression and retrogression,is embalmed in the underlining tenets of this myth.Unknown to historicism, the pendulum swings from the order of retrogression to progression, as encapsulated in the mythical contraption permits time investment to either predate or backdate history by its checkered cultural antecedence.To strangulate etchinated fact of history is to not only deny the dimensional fortitude,and the sacrifice, being the price paid for it to be written and produced in the cultural cycle's vast assembly line of mass information freedom, but also dismember the fact that it swings its operative windmills between this mythical trenchwarfare of the human an social enterprise of the passing age.To exhume pedigrees, polities,reputations is to explore and xray the public asset of social mores and the acredited seasons, slotted to hunt for knowledgeable knowledge on its tripple for the purpose of scholarship and institutional invocation of social architecture.And to usher in collaborative consensus,by its consequences,is to Kindle or embrace the
HE MYTH OF EXISTENCE.PART 2.It takes time to build solid myth and the influential remains of the human enterprise,left behind the mysterious pectre of postconscious and unconsumed relir pst consumed time of the departed artists.We do no sanction the proliferation of negative myth impacts over or exceed the positive myth and although it is proper for good to triumph over evil, to imply that positive myth exceeds devilish myth, we require a balance or an equilibrium still yet forthcoming.It is true that good does not always excite us and hardly provoke our best fiddles,and in such mythical disequilibrium,social debt proliferated.In this context we are bestowed with the unfavourable 'mythical clime,where we are stuck,with the deficit myth contraption and a surplus mythical position, by its material value or in strict economic terms,hardly motivate us beyond what the mythical balance could give us.Strategic planning has not evozolved up to this level to abrogate the economic profit of this contraction of the surplus mythical position.Ordinarily, you need mental and spiritual images to project and to protect human civilisation,given the existing dearth of impending decline of the surplus myth's position.Like the market forces,in variety struggling for the control of the equilibrium, the myth's market position aggravates the situation, where passive images, hardly retard mortal deadbeats. It is for the entire stranglehold of a lifetime that we belabour the business, for
THE MYTH OF EXISTENCE.PART 1 . Obviously, life is full of myth and we bound to meet them and leave them behind.This myth automated by human artifice when left behind,immortalises the artist in man.This could sometimes if not in most cases immortalises the person or the human personage involved as demigod and so sacred that it could be worshipped.The myths speak like a lone voice of an indelible mark of history posthumously for the immortalised.Our entire life is modeled alongside this emboss,and privileges are the material value of both actual and desired myths,we hope to leave behind.When we make good choices,we help humanity,and can be positively traded in the most prestigious baazars of history,that nature cannot jettison to the obscurity of history.Such history commands extremely complex influence,with ubiquitous readership and impressive ovation.Then posthumously,we reap the fruit of human person,and then the power of such influence is extensively profound,to generate both linear and nonlinear viewpoints of the human reflections for the regeneration of unlimited generations to come.This further boosts the recyclical renewal value of the uninstitutionalised great charters of liberty.In the nick of time,those prior human reflections,when invoked by either practice or mimicry arts,can be excellently exceded.Provided with a meagre impact,it is not apposite to regard it as the historical progression
must have been influential amply to the extent of creating a lever
and return back to Europe with hard currencies.The payments for such contracts,are often in dollars,a magitude too heavy for the economy with weak productive base to bear, blame the multinationals and the bureau de charge.It would be wiser to fund such projects from the nation's offshore funds to save currency further erosion.There has not been a transparent concerted effort and robust strategies to reduce the intense pressure on the naira specifically the threat of capital flight further plummeting the perpetually battered currency.
There should be fiscal discipline and macroeconomic price stability to firm the value of naira and the exchange rate stability.Putting a realistic or desirable exchange rate that may vary only slightly over time require a definite and holistic measures to guide against fiscal indiscipline and macroeconomic price Instability.Due to idionsycracies on ground we quite agree the principles of free market cannot absolutely be applied hook line and sinker in our unique monetary ecosystem.This cannot be disputed particularly in this distinct socioeconomic environment,governed by a situation of restricted supply hijacked by few money bags,strangulating the weak market.The inadequacy of market forces hardly applies where everyone anticipates the persistent fall of the currency prompting speculative bidding and highly exaggerated forex demand.
Governments worldwide cannot practically be divorced themselves from the issue
September 3, 2021
Price Stability and Exchange Rate Sustainability.
Ever since 2002,when the central bank initiated guidelines for long term lending an also convergence of various markets through interbank foreign exchange market(IFEM) policy.Strategic inputs were made by the Bankers committee especially its subcommittee on fiscal and monetary policy and the opinion was that to CBN there was no parallel market.Unfortunately over the years speaking with double mouth it has encouraged them.Imagine,yet the apex bank was auctioning the dollars,funding the Bureau de charge and encouraging arbitraging activities that fueled capital flight and currency erosion.Blatant liar!So,one is not surprised it has failed in almost all operating measures introduced for two decades including banks recapitalization.
Exchange rate being the relative price of different national currencies is determined by market forces driving stocks of national monies on the foreign exchange market worldwide.In general,it reflects the underlying health of the economy and also economic fundamentals of forex market forces,inflation rate, unemployment rate,market psychology and balance of payment position.This does not exclude sociopolitical factors and other factors earlier mentioned.This includes periodical worsening liquidity overhang spurred by excessive monetization of petrodollars earnings,uncoordinated bouts of fiscal expansion. Consequently,broad and narrow measures of the money supply (M1) and (M2),
and decisions of appropriate exchange rate regime finding the actual exchange rate levels which though of course may vary slightly beyond some limits over the course of time.Frankly speaking there is a mismatch of policy between monetary and fiscal policy, tto defeat the overall policy objectives.Precisely the former focuses on almost exclusively on demand management strategy with intent to curb price increases or check mate inflation,whereas the latter in a volatile terrain like Nigeria indulges in fiscal indiscipline and cannot be easily synchronized with its ideal framework of fiscal stance that focuses on cost containment,production promotion target,real sector productivity and mass investment as well as enhancements of job creation opportunities.Unrestrained spending and uncoordinated release of funds under the pretense of economic reconstruction decimated the financial system over the years.
The apex bank is invariably quite more complacent with exchange rate demand management approach rather than ensuring egalitarian monetary policy over a given period to alleviate pains of the real sector and its policy shift perenially favours artificial defense of the naira.The challenge of rate and forex market convergence unarguably is the biggest nightmare of successive administrations.
S.14.frenetic velocity crescendoed fifty yards from the humus trenches.His mnemonics not flogging a dead horse at nocturnal bent, his fluttering feet,in flustering volteface outpaced him to his household to bell the cat.The house stood on a tremor fog and eugenic teen sped ethereal blue sky away,vanishing from the forest array of eucalyptus trees.A yard away from home's Window pane whereon his partriarch was engulfed with sentry of blue seas,etched himself to the flintfooted etiquette."Fifth columnists,pirates from the north country,pirates from the Arabia flipped into the forest like a flint"tremor belched."Gash!You flibertigibet,dont be so flipping rude boy"a flip remarks, flimsy gaunt flung upon his trembling hands and gushing feet flicking."Oh am not playful nor flighty, snippet is crystal.They flew in fortnightly with caravans.Cabalise espionage not with the halfcocked grip mounted at halfcock.Deploy snippet at nocturnal hours counterclockwise to eavesdrop the raging inferno and the flank in tactical fission."Now refrained to send him away with flea in his ears nor yet his flammel refuted."So discreet!You the flatfooted flatspin,at sunset,with your accoutrement,my flambeau,stonemason,rolling stone,like a stoolie,a stool pigeon, be my stooge to quash the stormy cloud.Retrovert to my muse,your hallowed shell.On the morrow,'gins to gallantry, before the sun goes down."clouds of pulses upon his tendons waned at his slippery exit for the bedtime. As like eyeball to eyeball
S.9.The voyeaur waddles his vulgarianfraction like a vulpine,waffling and wacky,waggery and wagging to voyeauristically wager his bet on whoremasters.A wallopping wanderlust of the mud wallow.A well hung, a well groomed,well intentioned and a well knitt and not well heeled and well lined but wet dreamt and well oiled,hustling whispering campaign as pastime at the watercourses.Bounteaous passion for whaling,his whirligig whereon he whoops holistic whirlpool,a whippersnapper and a dapper.He churns sarcastically a whippingboy even when whined and whiplashed his unruly whiphand at whimpering distance.Like a wildfire,hunting wildfowls themselves like his ilks wildfowled wildgoose chase rottened with damned sow of wild oats and here a reproach to this ilks willy nilly,his idiosyncrasies took a wigging.And to checkered antecedence,dutifully windowdressed him, hid wimpled windingsheet willowy or not,tilting at windmills.This parody could be windowshade to historians but not to windbroken historicists.The bimbolike wankering wight,like the renegades ,windward and windswept,marooned in a windstorm, hanging like walrus moustache,wine,women and song.The vixenish spouses at nuptial knots condescended himat alehouses and bartenders clung to their winchesters of maddening rants,videlicet the volteface of the bard's bibliophiliac libido.A viscous visage of vituperative pedigree argues him viva voce,a vitriolic hell still to vociferate not with shrinking violet, staunchly held to
Nobody would buy those refineries the way they presently constituted,unless you put them right.The cost of putting them right is quite expensive and enough to nuild the new refineries. ? Hence it is cheaper to construct new refineries that the the cost preparing the refineries for privatization. Government knows unless they are working properly nobody would buy the refineries, due to cost and latest advancement in technology.To stop wasting money,on the white elephant project,the best option should be to auction them .
Deregulation should come phases, first temporary importation of crude to alleviate problem of scarcity, two, licenses should be granted for construction of cottage refineries rather than than squander destiny of a nation in the hands of few oligarchs.The challenges of deregulation is also major problem affecting directly or indirectly the forex market due to our import dependent economy and cannot be excluded from the influence of macroeconomic policy.This inordinately affects naira exchange.
Now she stroke his brialliantine that she brouhaha,And gins to brownstudy,bruit abroad and brunching brunches to couch himself upon the brunette's lap to brunt the alight of the day's bubble, bustle ado himself.
Bubbly bubbly,brush him off the broad couch as the weeping morn sleeping dusk becomes.On the morrow bustle ado himself out of the caesura of the emotive calaboose,the fugacious callow again belabour the cauldron of cacophonous toiling strife.Here comes and sits where the vulgarian fractions'captive audience hisses,the gallery players,coyed by medley's castigate doth he dance,Catholic winces shot as gregarious bandwagon jump,certificate of the dungeon,sometimes shuttles through cavernous voyage as cat's paw Cat's eye,Cerebrum in serfdom,cephalic in servitude,this squander seething seizeth him coarse on his sweating palm.Doth he pleads with trembling passion pithy precedence at the sentry of chanticleer,the charter of the fleeting fury?Now at dotage ilks themselves, charioteers,charlatans as chaperons in ambush guiltless bemoan,in rigmarole the circadian circus of the civvy street.
He burns himself hoarse,doth he quench,himself with windy sigh and cheapjack immodest feet and cheeseparing not grin him like a Cheshire cat.He biten his cherry and behold how his cherry bites,a chimera of chunky pure shame retreats,which bred more bites in the vapourous ducks.So,offers she the cinderella at the cipher of cinches,to quash him religious relief,whereon civvies
allows for more competition and eventually price crashes.When you create the competition, people can go to the cheaper market,to buy fuel whether from NNPC station or private stations.
Note that this arrangement is a short time arrangements because with the current exchange the landing cost will be high that will affect the daily pump price and monumental crisis will persist.Our country in the first instance,has no business importing fuel, given our vast potential and importation should be an interim measures.The first step to transparent deregulation should be to privitise the public refineries and enabled them to work effectively. Infact to be candid the government refineries are outdated cannot even produce efficiently. Technology has advanced and we now have cottage refineries and modular refineries and so forth.You can get cottage refineries with just 5m.or 10m.dollars to serve towns and cities.Why cant they support local governments ready to own their refineries?Yet they refused such mode of transparent deregulation.Many of these models should be allowed and not ideal to rely on Dangote Lagos refineries with estimated 650,000 bpd, when we fail to patronise state and local government based refineries alongside many private modular or cottage refineries.So, we should have not less than 1,000 cottage refineries.Why granting monopoly to one person to strangulate our destiny?
We know that it is naturally expedient for us to refine here.So if you refine
The issue of floating and petroleum market deregulating are also extremely related.These issues are control based.It requires government to know what to control and what they ought not to.Nigerians tend misrepresent the issue of deregulation and when government brought out the issue of deregulation the inference drawn from average Nigerians is price increase.So,anytime government talk about it,it tends to approximates price and I dont think they do understand what deregulation is all about.But if they do,will applaud government specifically when it decides to do it right and we cannot exonerate government from this distortion.
Whereas the true meaning of competition is to introduce cometition so that everyone not just multinationals and independent oil companies can import fuel and we dont have to rely on NNPC alone.That is to say as far as they meet specifications,they can be granted license to import. This brings price down due to cutthroat competition and sellers will be at cost plus margin.Meanwhile now that we rely on NNPC to bring in fuel and we claim to enjoy subsidy,we are paying for corruption and inefficiency and fraud.What a bigger price to pay!We end up in the black market as the grand last resort. They simply mismanaged the process and poor communication results due to misinformation of the process.That is why NLC over the years has fought government over subsidy fraud.Hence,deregulation is not equivalent of price increase because it
13.CENTRAL BANKING. and is also driven by demand of consumers ability to even borrow naira.This has to do more with the peoples'access to bank funding,rather than being related to earning ability per capita.Exchange rate adjustment measure or indicators that control demand is what is invariably adjusted.The essence of monetary policy to raise rate higher is to discourage demand same with fiscal controls.
The controls are haphazardly applied to encourage the differentials in the two markets.It is unfortunate that despite other countries that apply these controls,they barely have this differentials.A highly unproductive situation people getting richer for doing nothing created a loophole for some people to benefit from,moving money from official market to parallel market profiting from selfish margin and consequently plummeting the value of local currency.
Inasmuch as it is expedient to try and boost the manufacturing sector,we should make do with what we have presently.
When we float the naira and stop controling forex market,the deregulated foreign exchange will be a great boost to real sector.We can't avoid this option and to do so can be likened to postponing the evil days.Every time we control a common item say rice or cement or so to say importers should get import licence to import, and you heighten the smuggling problems on the other side or you sell cement at fixed price.This is unprofitable as we are only magnifying the problems associated with control
July 28, 2021
the motif for documentation is driven by the need if the procurement is meant for manufacturing or trade.With this information,government accordingly directs policy to take into consideration this motif for productive activities and not speculation to encourage that particular sectors of the economy.This is the only use of documentation in line with best practices and not used for speculative purposes nor to control its use.
I think the problem started in early 1999 especially in 2001when the apex bank did the so called restructuring termed Project Eagles and shortly after that it returned to retail banking focusing on forex auction and ever since the value of naira plummeted.But if government frees the forex market and we have one rate differential vanishes.
The fear of capital flight as nurtured by those who support forex control does not arise in this context given that we have witnessed a couple of investment over time since we return to democracy.The return in the financial system especially the stock exchange in the country inspite of COVID19 outbreak still the best worldwide.I do not think there should be incentive for Nigerians to move their money out if the country is politically stable especially when you provide security for such money to be invested overseas at 3percent?
Certainly,when government frees the forex market from excessive control the investors confidence will increase to mean that they have freedom to move in and out their money
It is unfortunate we run our economy close to what other deregulated economies are doing still does it make sense for certain parts of it to be held hostage through bureaucratic controls?The problem started with this kind of distortion,where despite all arms f Government running expenditures in billions of dollars compared to millions of naira in early 1999,with fast blooming economic activities yet we still ration foreign exchange.It does not make sense for the apex bank to still regulate the forex market and weekly allocation.If we must run a deregulated economy,should open up the foreign exchange policy.We should be armed in our economy with the political courage to say,what we can control is our local currency and not the dollars.That is the gospel.Simple.
To be precise the first and the only thing to do is to float the naira our local currency and stop the peril of defending the naira,that dissipated and ruined GEJ administration.Floating is a technical word and does not necessarily indicates another bout of ineffectual deregulation,driven with controversy,that we dread to hear.The challenge of documentation is really causing dislocation and market distortion.And people are scared of giving details in terms of documentation of what they really intend to do with forex they purchase .Hence they moved into the other market black market where they have excessive freedom to buy what they like at any point in time without resistance.Why the documentation?
We have more than 150 countries of the world that we can emulate effectively in term of forex management.Frankly speaking,if we don't know what to do,we can copy them hook,line and sinker what they are doing.It is unfortunate and surprises me it still remains major headache and crisis in this country given the fact forex market is the most important market in an economy.Speculative buying is certainly a contributive factor and we dont have to worry whether naira is overvalued or not and stuff like that and certainly mere symptom and not the cause or the problem.Nor should we be concerned people are taking position due to the fact that the rate is going up.In an environment tainted with macroeconomic price instability,there could be an element of that.
The real challenge is the lack of deregulation of forex market.As it were over the last 30 years,there has a flurry of mismatch of policies by a politically indecisive government.There is no total liberalization of the economy and the government is torn to shreds between running a controlled economy or liberal one.And you don't open one side and close the other side and we seem to be committed to deregulated economy to no avail.When democracy came we opened up a lot of sectors,deregulation,liberalization and privatization and investors took positions.Unlike previous regimes,a lot of money flowed into the country like the famous telecommunications deregulation and recapitalization of banks and other financial
Substitution and partial dollarisation in the economy"; a development which the MPC Communique decries and sadly recognizes to have also significantly fuelled the unusually high demand for forex.
Consequently the committee,reaffirmed that"the naira remained the currency of transaction in the economy and therefore advised the CBN to take all possible measures to address the development"
At this point in time in 2014 when naira was still far below 300naira to the dollar so to say 200naira,Henry Boyo belching his carthasis lamented the decision of the CBN's MPC a committee setting interest rates for their policy blunder fixing rate at 13percent also directly challenged dollarisation and tackling the symptoms rather than the actual problem of too much naira in circulation.Why should the committee having realized the problem decided to still embrace the punitive or deterrent rates of 13percent?Knowing the implications that banks would charge above 20percent,in addition to penal effect on critical sectors creating mass employment specifically the real sector,ironically suffocating with the attendant production cost and explosion in general prices worsened by higher cost of funds and deteriorating price stability.Yet would not stop its hypocritical sermons to banks to reduce the punitive interest rate it set periodically.Did the threat of Dollarisation not the headache of CBN governors decried ever since 1999?
He proffered the solution effectively as it
July 23, 2021
and also applies to the self mastery of the individuals, of rational individuals moved by consciousness of his own control to the exclusion of external forces of diverse kind.Being able to interprete meaning into personal identity and not influenced by by freign influence as like a slave incapable of rational thinking, conceiving of his own policies and programs and achieving them.
However, in this treatise Berlin proved his claim how the concept of positive freedom was abused and cited historical instances where they were abused.Nevertheless this individual prerogatives,Berlin was forced to discord the concept of positive freedom and heavily discredited its bad theories and fond of defence of the negative liberty being freedom from interference.He claims the latter more civilised and worthy of defense in contrast to concept of positive liberty though essential to decent existence, had been grossly abused over time and chrobically perverted. There isnt no doubt limitless liberty of capitalists destroy limited freedom of factory workers and menial labourers.That negative liberty drastically reduced for positive liberty to be meaningful at best they should reach an equilibrium.
Berlin's observation based on the empirical basis of historical thesis rather than philosophical thesis.He witnessed the unruly terror of Russian revolution of 1917 as a boy and was skewed about the diligence of the truths he presented to the exclusion of Nazi atrocities .
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