December 5, 2024


Mothernature.Specie 1

Mothernature o my motherwit o naturewit prowls as the Cosmos prowls.
Even as motherwit sojourns the infinitude
Sick thoughted cosmos with the anisogametic pair of anisometropic time and gravity unfurls anisometric resistance to freak him to the anisotropic punches of elliptical oval,
Thrice drearier than she does make amorous rites unto him and as she set to smother eternity with love 
Time in the womb of resistance and gravity betrayed him afar off
And vamoose into imponderable Cosmos yet unknown to animate species.
Should I tell you the mystery of the meta universe was it invented ?
Waow a pejorative rebuff of the astigmatic patients of the creationists that you're embowelled to nurse the gull of hagiography in the vile sick thoughted mire of those dares who dare to spit baloney in the face of empirical formula plain to telelogy.
How come the goofs saith unto themselves the annexal of motherwit was ever invented beyond the evolutionary tour of the elliptical oval of the cosmic clock?
Condescend to wonder they impugn to alight their stead to steed 
And censure the insolence and the vipers of insolence to the saddle bow 
Upon this cross currency they freak their impatience into ambiguity to birth religion the worst gangrene of living and crusade providence on a fallen canvas.
Here come the viper hisses trembling salve at derisive momentum ;time and manpower squandered over such impotent banal of beleaguered sport, precedent of falsehood and apostasy a prologue to chaos and vendetta in the mortal planet.
Did they not know gravity and resistance functions as the heliocentric parallax annual parallax of the Cosmos?How come the cosmic clock not yet known to fathom the fact of evolution as self evident verity most prominent gospel of existentialism?
Tame them in their ignorance,smite in their ignorance, butcher them in their ignorance that they may die in hell of the unknown 
Trembling upon their studded bridle conscience of the dead in the open robbery of the souls the forgotten clarity of the army of slaves in the planet of piety.
She red in the infinitude of her sport glowing with fire pit of hell as existence stinks at her spring,distant to the perfection of its glory.
Was it ever created none of it none whatsoever and did providence ever evolve too?An indisputable complex axiom of existence.
Much the same imprudent misery of annular scotoma abounds with annular eclipse as well as the annulated clocks of annular eclipse.
Nimbly she fastens her bridle and how mysterious is her velocity to escape beyond optics of mortal species her very cradle,craft, context and existence.Still ultrasonic to the most prudent mortal visage beats them hollow in the sanction of groping faculty .
So soon she was gone in the innumerable eclipses as they were down with impairment of prevision,yet they gamble in the transaction of perception.O perception is everything.Really ?Yet the percipient fails to see.
In the thrill of ecclipses'summerhouse there she relaxes her groin and grunt and unto she came the cosmos to inquire of her strength and the fortitude of her eternity.
There doth she saith unto him'If thou will perceive thou shall open your conscience"
Now doth he aligns from his frown and cease her fiend to be.And as soon as she was gone in the flight of the unconscious,Cosmos fails still to decipher her stance neither uncover the cosmic clock nor a somber to open his conscience.
Did they not come in gore and gore, horrible in gore and satanic in gore ;that righteous blokes now the satanic blokes whose bible and verses Sentinel in the obituary of perception fails to see.
Backward to the backyard of perception to she pushed him dire terrifying pitfall as if she was gone in the temperance of another circle of infinitude.
Now avert himself to chide and begins to frown ;With shaken intention distilling showers of imprisoned imprudence enveloped his heels anew and to fairies like annwn, vanishes his tent for his siblings mocked him to depart her summer houses as she was gone from the indolence of his optical ass. Then they feedeth on the ravishing steam of piety 's moisture to which incandescence of existentialism was long smothered before sun eclipses.
Still he entreats folly prettily entreats folly that the Cosmos was supplanted by providence that Cosmos barely sees and who perhaps might have comprehends his roots tis the modern earth coined' mothernature ' from the rubric of etymology.
Look how tangled in their immortal viles and science fiction the pundits fallen in same excreta they excrete.
So offer they themselves palisades and palliatives piety the salvation being norm our defense,What fear of the unknown in the nesciency of unknown ,who being looked as goofs when they entreat folly in the dark horses 
Till they overruled as well as over swayed making them not jittery emboldened by the awe of providence ,yet mothernature and providence pleasure in the same summer house and flourish in the same evolutionary court?
Did they tinker to cavil atheism as if stunted with anorexic nervosa?Did they rampage to affront such context suffocated by anomic aphasia in their nebulous season of anomie?Over their dead body to servile to jest their blue veined violets to behold and witness the jeers of anopluras with the affliction of cecity.O anopia sealed their demise in the jungle of derision .
Their tender spring savaged upon the use of time to frown no empathy on the objective use of resistance in the hallowed chambers of silence where perception and mothernature evolved omni existence.
Atheists too in their communities traded with calumny of perception barely their good logics apprehended.
Providence did it ever exist ?If it does the complex misery of its rampage reverberated with atheism and atheism the first and the science of evolution and figment.Two spineless but anoraxigenic  doves empyrean sky badgers to reproach and reproof,
In the canyon of narcissus oracles dainties to taste and feel,anosmatic and anothropiac, aloof in their smother demised not in the shadows but in their nescient brook of Pandora.
Sights are made to see the jewels of the feet and roadmaster how defiled was the body that infest they infest to feed rainbows in vile.Do they feed by the law of nature on the earth's increase or on its decrease to avert decline in the gospel of perception?O the mirage is so complex where anterograde amnesia or post traumatic amnesia not an alien of repugnant tissue in their medula affliction .To sigh in celestial breath where gentle waves wrought bittersweet nemesis with embittered cheeks for calumny of Sentinel fallen in the bunker.
Obdurate irate grazes on the lips of perception where tyros had strayed lovely caves to enquire in the enchanting pots of orotund swallow .
Impetuosly they leap , impetuosly they rave they loathe the furnace and vapours from oracle of naturewit the true portraiture of providence in the provinces of existentialism and empiricism.
Nothing is real nothing is fake,nothing is fair nothing is unfair .
Who is the fairest breeder Providence or mothernature or Cosmos?Of course they came from the rear in the infinitude of motherwit.
O Cosmos or providence salute the meta Genesis!
Perhaps mortals dread anthropometry for the savage dread of gottadermerrung or ragnarok!
Love sick pious goofs ,happy season fraught with happy reason ,heaven is home earth is market place earth is a vile a medieval bestial prejudice rollicking in modern enclosure.
Bibliophobiac bibliophile with stripes of prejudices to demise encyclopedia of polymaths in their rainbow of borderless cudgels.
Chorus tears cast aspersion over this dumb play to smear fairest plough in dingy cloud.
Then again she came back into the summer house to lay!Did she ever lay?Paley cheeks resurfaced from the springing colt who plucks his bud in ramrod glitters 
And she saith unto him 'Havent you apprise yourself with your renegade hood wither thou cometh wither thou springeth?'
Did I not see the grafting on my insignia?
Did mine graffito not pour accolades to providence at dusk?Not one gram or obolus of falsehood could mire this axiom."
"Thou art my grand seed and providence your patriarchal authority .O you grandiloquent granny knot,your jungle does not mince flattery to quench benison at dawn'.
'Was there any interlope by design?'
'logically nope but pejoratively nay ,that that hood that hagiograpñhers in the malignant stupor trump to distill over canyon's alcohol bespatter axiom of your root'.
Had it been for design in his palid cheeks,your birth might in pang inconclusive and downright dialogical What a dialogue of bombastic ignoramuses and goofs of pointificates?'
Then she fled again into unconscious the sole mystery of eternity and summer house vaporized in vacuous cloud.
'Does she speaks like you"the words fell into eclipses as she was gone in a flash like streak of lightning and drown in bellicose clouds.'Oh no not again? Does it she mimic this mornings and pedigrees to comport her existence and bred mine too?'His broken jaws and astonished visage fell in the tort of his mutes.
Fair wit falls in fair plows as unfair wit never falls in unfair plows .
A thousand insightful beams beam him searchlight into the evergreen plunge of cosmic moisture .This gash perplex him greedily as grazing pasture in grazing land tumult by grazing fire rodents in the granary wits and evaporation into the piteous cloud. Then he returns back eclipses 

December 4, 2024

A lover's burden.part 3

That from the dark bed of lone wolves keep his sordid eyes so accustomed to lonehand in a lonehill
Whose tributary subject to quakes of lingering lollygag
His effrontery to loiter for shekels and lolloped his loll in a loll around demeaned quest for Ice lolly, yet Lolita's umbilical cord to lolly,hell in paradise stampede to fathom naggings.Stomaching diatribe from Lolitas in pang beneath loin of his loin cloth, held him to a loggy embarrass.That he in refrain of loco as if to locomote in  loblolly of loaming loaf but cavil himself did cruss to kale,trading logroll in logrolling for Lolita's love,
Now his logotype dancing feverishly  for  clams,at the lure of logorrhea,See how the braid expunged him logomachy ,not loginess of logo mania to stake him off fairer sex .Kale snow him white now a lodestar a lodestone to pelf the lolita with loligo .A lassy scorn caught him off guard the earth deep sweet loaf.Like a fomorian apologist,foam at the mouth, perfum'd his fondle as industrious fomite and no more adorn his nature with dunce cap the fool's cap in a fool's errand for the fool's paradise of the fool's gold.O not once did he stroke his foot brake for the foot race .As foot soldier stroke his foot pedal in the hurlyburly of foot traffic to stampede the fellow foot shaped foot pound in the jungle of fool around,horse around and foodies.Hail he  o never lay aside this crimson of vertebrates and invertebrates that you may learn from the day of trouble .
Long may they live when he wanton crest to contend with contentment and salivate his sacrifice the true price of liberty.He saith unto himself 'they will buy you justice and pay you good dealing.
What bargain have I made to a thousand kisses grimace to pelf?'
Behold over that honey mouth did he draw her lips in the enveloped troth ,fallowed to gallivanting over lucre,wine,dine and woman.Then she saith to him his lips are conquerors and over this encrusted lance Lolita barely infringed his lust.Lend him nature of time into the occasion parade to permit it that that flying squad of rebuke did him the holistic moult at dusk.Froward infants wove him flying colours and did quell him quenched from the nightmare of being flying Dutchman,as the flying mare of broken vicissitudes.
Lust break through the pistles where his golden roses have prickles tis being plucked for restitution of integrity.Chiefly in mellifluous lust whose lust exceeds adjacent lust.
His teething teeth bares no gangs and fangs barefoot to reproof the folk tales of Arabian knights,horsepipping,farandoling in Mazurka ,moris dancing and folk dancing to the pristine verity of custom, rampaged in the molass of dancing moon.
Do I desire to be illumin'd with bespoke art to stampede under folk music with folk etymology? From foeman as the pelf into first love hunting season of kale as jealous bossom, admiration hunts his navel with chastity .O learn to refrain who sees his true lust in her native more of naked eyes 
Teaches glutton in his eyes over lutarious lust overgrown with thorn and thistles to sedate days of reckoning in grand style of integrity and self esteem.
Jealous lovers as flying birds on flying carpets fly above the Himalayas bearded and bedded time away in the glutton of lucre,for tame who cries in the overwhelming sanctions of one sweet lust for amorous rites.
And this dumb play with miry eyes never seen broken down in tears,so white lust engulf so white chastity until the flight of impunity.Where white and black met each other not to fly the coop and flyaway like flyby night .Did they go ballistic fly the kitten blow their stack and venge him to moult?
Over one fair hands she heaved the heavenly moisture to groom his chastity ,flighting combat from the heart attorneys of lust and love.
Fly off the handle summons fly off in the 
teeth,to detracts fly in the ointment and grope him beyond the skunk and flunk of illetered foxes.

December 1, 2024

A lover's Burden.part 2

What if in your hebetude you succumb not  to heat seeking missiles and heat hyperpyrexia of hebephrenic schizophrenia in your heat absorbing or endothermic exothermic self? What if such sordid mettle like sicko your mushrooming propensity heatstroke sunk and fiasco pelted your bone marrow and disrepute  self what would you do at the end of the broken tunnel?Like the heavenly body prone to sojourn of heavenward trajectory by heavenward sojourner the horse laugh of hedonistic ballistics,ought to be the  golden helmet .Alas heat seeking missiles of the echymotic exothermic ire of the self glut lays the posers for the dawn of mavericks.Otherwise not to be heat seeking missiles hitting target with the heat seeking ire might risk being minnow in the gallantry of heavyweights .O how I wisely wish the eccentric hedonists mimic this regalia of Nazarenes being plump and stouted to docility and pluck us the mount Everest of sunny hills? 
 The eccyesis or metaeccyesis and ecdermic ecdysis of tirade towards ecesis and enfeoffment of the enfilade yokung burdensome arts misfires 
Does it mean endothermic reaction could change the endovenous? Otherwise endothemous could linger with the epithet of fallen angels with fallen dreams?Can you unveil miasma seeking immortality behind the endogenous depression?
How I wish the enanthema of this bizarrely encopresis encore you risk to pitch the hood of your involuntary in the enatiomorphism of the enatiomorph's enantiomer?O the enantheoidal joint,speroid or ball and socket be not fall aside and what an empyrean height of empty headed not a requisite of empty belied? Not a cryogenics to feed it cryopathy o an empty nester cringed  in the  cryoanaesthesia of cryocautery to moult himself and moult aloof that sieves he of the infection of disconsolate tirade.A crudite! A fearsome gourmet of gruet sifting aloof in the gruet stands .Cruciform crud of cowbait emaciated by ire on the crossjack of cross current in cruddies of the crossbow affixed to the crossbeam of the crossbones .Who can stitch the cross-grained curly grained ire beyond the cross-pollination of the vaguous crossbred?
A cronk ,a bedalme ,O the hell of the woman 's scorned,a hag a crony of peevish wraith had debunked the wolfish tales of her affliction at the paw of senility did she not recount her penitence at the gaunt of immanent fauxpaus?A crofter a frontiers woman,a Crockett crocketed herself with croix  de guerre of ire in her wrinkled prime had set house,womb blessings and brethrens on fire .
To tie the rider she begins to lament,the impulsive impunity of ire the bossom of disgusting tirade o the broken navel of wrath imposing moisture.
Thou shouldest think it heavy to wrath nor woo thyself to wrath 
The bard and the sibling black power and white power in the wrangling with the hag 
Quelled her tirade to no avail 
The impunity besiege het footsteps a nuance backward more than twice her jeers of spittles and sport
Can thy wrath deify and seize you salvation from thy slavery to shoot you furthermost in your venge of backfired slavery?
But wrath growing to themselves are nothing but karma abuse 
For offender 's jeers rebuking retribution and threaten it to terrifying proportion
That it may strike the oppobrium of the abuser
That when thou art forgotten it may throw 
Vengeful spite at the hoof and nemesis of those who pull the trigger .
Inspite of spent penitent that dost her hood survive her senility undone damage nature's travesty cries in overwhelming vain with unfair sight at her goofs of unturned tide of forlorn times.
If she burns her tears nature's contempt too shalt rebuke her but in vain in the brothel of shame open street retort where cast them in the open defecation wrath and diatribe upon the bard siblings.
Where in repercussion she dote her hood at daughter's internment and entreaty of loved ones couldn't placate the abode set on fire by uncouth tongue 
Uncouth tongue leave my refrain never cling to it.
This heat sinking missile does not forloof her tirade and smoking gun of invectives to burn them sloth at her gaunt of medula burst
O what a wrath it was she came from the brothel of shamelessness and steals her household 
A thousand wrath at her bespoke grill fills her household with venge
A common heirloom when she recalls the days of yore .
The sun had not look down spiteful over her altars where she reeds with her fray
The ireful facade of her visage snarls of public ridicule,a falderol of fall army worm, denses nit and tucking,bashes  rhytidectomy a faineance of acaulescent witchcraft a faience of failsafe opprobrium at the fahrenheit of contempt, fair mindedness like a Deus ex machina not her fair and square fairground like a discourteous falsafian harangue by absence seizure or Petit mal epilepsy to sometimes enquire cradle of their trigger and nemesis nor untangle the riddle that linger impetuosly tis the trigger is undermined. 
Pure kinky crotchety liars and brutes from the pit of hell 
Yet she cloy her adient  lips in beguiling moisture not loathed greedily satiety until the intriguing sports is over.

November 27, 2024

Assymetry part 14

Faderera: Broken families searing apart without mends and siblings aren't getting any better in this peculiarity.It does not seem to get any better.You said you have a similar story to tell.
Comfort:Quite frustrating but aint nothing new embedded in our tradition thing already.
Faderera:I thought she should have married a wealthier type or whose parents were blessed with landed property.Societies are grouped in classes.
Comfort: You re funny really.Are you kidding me?Does that judge true love?
Faderera:You should know class exist in whatever you do and societies are stratified along classes.If you don't know it you better know it now.
Comfort:Wait!Are you seriously saying is quite insurmountable?(mouth agape and abbocluded).No,no,no you re dead wrong.A late friend of mine once noted and cast this aspersion who was indoctrinated accordingly as a lifelong fatalist and it cost him dearly his life.He believe classes can never be erased illogically enthused to Marxist thought but the Marxist themselves were bold to assertively claim the distinctive divide or the public institution of divisive pluralism,could be erased,albeit through a revolution.Does it make sense for such specie of mortals to quit their lifestyle or lifelong dream and destroy their God-given talent and stop hunting for fulfilment?
The cosecant of discourse here is bolaji what preference do you have?
Faderera: Siblings that do come out of their specific parental mould and blessed with landed property even among the bottom percentiles of the society belong to different class unless they see or meet unique spouses of the same mould hardly predisposed towards less fortunate class below their rank and file.It happens and affect ladies especially from more fortunate families.
Comfort:What re you driving at?You mean they marry their type?
Faderera:Of course,the cases are rampant.
Comfort:Sometimes it turn sour and you should know that.I have a typical exemplary of the tort in question.
Comfort:Yarn me more please 
Faderera:The twosome elegy got married to each other at the mere of mention of the fact my father too had property or your father too have property?'That was the connection and the bond immediately grew stronger than normal and they had three kids.
Comfort:Are you talking of Blessing and her husband in your vicinity?
Faderera: How do you know my mind?
Comfort:I knew their story better than you do.They soon fell apart and began to tell lies to each other and the lady question met her demise not after they were divorced and now a single mother who was disvirgined by the sloth in question fled when the news broke she was dead.How do you juxtapose that?
Faderera: Surprising, how do you know?
Comfort:Things happened and you knew we went to the same wedding together.The so called 'Beach wedding '
Faderera:You re right,I could recall the beautiful wedding incident at the beach!
Comfort: Exactly it didn't work out but it could in some cases. Although it started well abnittio and later turn abarticulated  due to infidelity  mistrust and dearth of finance.
Faderera: Elaborate pls.
Comfort:I was caged with Anadia trepidans the day I visited their abode of the single father.I cannot imagine the expediency of a runaway husband for safety in the face of torture and suffocation of his first love.Things happen and that is what it is.It doesn't matter whether Bolaji was married into richer classes or not like her family's.
Faderera:They don't have abators as friends they only have Abattoirs as friends 'frenemies'.
Comfort: Exactly!They re fiends plus friends and it doesn't matter where you work or not , classes or no classes people would misbehave it's the function of regulatory agencies, court system and religious institutions to call them to order once boundaries are broken.You think human beings are rational elements you made the biggest if you think otherwise.All men live with prejudice and often live bad impression,bad interpretation of their environment and eventually with bad expression.Why do you think we have crisis everywhere? Simply because people hardly observe well and in most irrational even In the intellectual matters worse and getting worse.
Faderera:Yarn me more about the lady.
Comfort:See,a woman's love should marry a man and not the man's love to marry a woman.
Faderera:Why ?
Comfort: because it won't last in most cases.The lady had no strong love for the man and it was the crave of 'my father owns properties'.Cant you see the ends?
Faderera:Anyway you're right.

November 23, 2024

Assymetry part 13

Act 2 Scene 1

Enter Federera and comfort in the brochette.

Faderera:His bombastic guttural tongue him to pytalise spatter or spue not in a patter but torridly brochette '
(As if caught in frenzy of glossolalia,the wax of glossitis in the glossodynia or glossalgia of utterances did not make him regret tautology of him phrases and goofs as if like sucking glossina of his own accord to suck his tongue dry of precious words.)
Comfort:Remember that incidence right?
Faderera: What a great talker?
Comfort:He's never learn to keep his mouth shut.
Faderera:Not blessed with that roil of  gumminess or tackiness or  glueyness to keep his mouth shut in broad daylight.No mucilaginous no glutinous none whatsoever!A centroid of his Achilles heel and barely his Cer tamed,to colligate and cerebrate.He should reflect like nodding daffodils as pendulous stems of a weeping willow and lilacs with drooping panicles of flagrant flowers.
Comfort:So plants do reflect too?interesting.
Faderera:So why do they nod before they grow?
Comfort: Absolutely right.
Faderera: Perception is everything.
Faderera:The dayfast spent.
Comfort: Anyway,what did village papa say about him?
Faderera:They said his wife Bolaji had divorced him and was even jobless living on her like in misery and wretched.
Comfort:Are you serious?
Faderera:Did he groak with groyne or groin or breakwater to grok and eject punches of punditry?Then he cast aspersion at her gunk probity?From gungho of gunfight into gunfire by gun men in the gun sight and gunshot of a gunboat,by gunslingers, triggermen and the fiasco of broken knot stinks to high heaven, bestial anecdotes in the vicinity.
Comfort:Did I not expect gooked meekness from a submissive lady?
Faderera:You would never see that in today's hogwash of bestial civilisation.Obviously it has corrupted every fibre of these ladies in general.Why would a woman be the 🍞 breadwinner?
Comfort:Did I hear the new betroth to Bolaji's was a grub street hack and a grubby grubstake d farmer in the village.Quite a sterling artist who communicate by gruntle and grunts of grunters'grunthoot in the solemn forest.
Faderera:Quite impressed.Our first guest of honor. Blessed with lot of food,at least spouse might not be hungry for a day.