November 23, 2024

Assymetry part 13

Act 2 Scene 1

Enter Federera and comfort in the brochette.

Faderera:His bombastic guttural tongue him to pytalise spatter or spue not in a patter but torridly brochette '
(As if caught in frenzy of glossolalia,the wax of glossitis in the glossodynia or glossalgia of utterances did not make him regret tautology of him phrases and goofs as if like sucking glossina of his own accord to suck his tongue dry of precious words.)
Comfort:Remember that incidence right?
Faderera: What a great talker?
Comfort:He's never learn to keep his mouth shut.
Faderera:Not blessed with that roil of  gumminess or tackiness or  glueyness to keep his mouth shut in broad daylight.No mucilaginous no glutinous none whatsoever!A centroid of his Achilles heel and barely his Cer tamed,to colligate and cerebrate.He should reflect like nodding daffodils as pendulous stems of a weeping willow and lilacs with drooping panicles of flagrant flowers.
Comfort:So plants do reflect too?interesting.
Faderera:So why do they nod before they grow?
Comfort: Absolutely right.
Faderera: Perception is everything.
Faderera:The dayfast spent.
Comfort: Anyway,what did village papa say about him?
Faderera:They said his wife Bolaji had divorced him and was even jobless living on her like in misery and wretched.
Comfort:Are you serious?
Faderera:Did he groak with groyne or groin or breakwater to grok and eject punches of punditry?Then he cast aspersion at her gunk probity?From gungho of gunfight into gunfire by gun men in the gun sight and gunshot of a gunboat,by gunslingers, triggermen and the fiasco of broken knot stinks to high heaven, bestial anecdotes in the vicinity.
Comfort:Did I not expect gooked meekness from a submissive lady?
Faderera:You would never see that in today's hogwash of bestial civilisation.Obviously it has corrupted every fibre of these ladies in general.Why would a woman be the 🍞 breadwinner?
Comfort:Did I hear the new betroth to Bolaji's was a grub street hack and a grubby grubstake d farmer in the village.Quite a sterling artist who communicate by gruntle and grunts of grunters'grunthoot in the solemn forest.
Faderera:Quite impressed.Our first guest of honor. Blessed with lot of food,at least spouse might not be hungry for a day.

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