January 25, 2020
Nature was the biographer of nature whereon with history himself personifies.Wondrous glides and paces pacing through the fiord,decibels,deadwood,walkways,islands,headlands,backwoods,lowlands,highlands,badlands,whispering trees,burbling streams,sunlight sets,forest leaves aglow,golden light dappling open paths,sacred sanctuaries,storms'virulence and tenderwards'billy-os,autumn trees'glowing embers and rich hues,wintering forest,snow and autumn leaves in their historic beckoning calls.The spring's forest with the earth's awakening joy,the sun groveling pebbles in the rain,dashing through the landscapes,over prairies,mountains and rivers,darting birds and wild geese,heading home marching in indianfiles,falcons and eagles,at record speed,speeding eternity away,flapping impecable wings in flight,tireless sunlight claps the earth,moonbeam kissing the seabed.To drop your medula and eyes closed with bended knees in nature's bossom,will be to resign your fate to this wondrous appeal billows of the biographer himself.
January 24, 2020
burrowing with teaspoon sugar in their saliva,to cleanse them of horsehairs coated beneath longhouse'fingernails honeymoon.To coerce force majeure on limestone's shady side grovels lukewarm backache.Neither they a whitefish and blackerries,nor under current buttermilk and a forbearer of watertight thunderbird.Solemn autumns visiting solemn blue sky.Wavelength tailbone,lemonline jellybean,crewcut backstroke beachcomber .
burrowing with teaspoon sugar in their saliva,to cleanse them of horsehairs coated beneath longhouse'fingernails honeymoon.To coerce force majeure on limestone's shady side grovels lukewarm backache.Neither they a whitefish and blackerries,nor under current buttermilk and a forbearer of watertight thunderbird.Solemn autumns visiting solemn blue sky.Wavelength tailbone,lemonline jellybean,crewcut backstr
oke beachcomber .
oke beachcomber .
into islands of sunbaked stones,worn down in the ocean's floor of submerged salt kisses or fondle of the golden pearls,beneath an ounce of gold.Where autumn wind chases farthest plunged ashore and a thousand chastes weary grimaces,of a thousand scattered sappling seeds.To refrain the bliss that the world is your oysters,with bubbling music at morn and midnight,wine and dine at the lovers'nest.At daylight and moonlight,the world holds your oysters without limit.Why the slids on frivolous shoes to dance farthest on frivolous sands?The river blossoms heavily in moon spilling nights and dark furrows on sadder but witless wights.Migratory birds,borderless wolves and windless falcons by fitful falls of dead rains.Stalked ire of sight ill-fitting skins,tenderfoot daisy wheel slipshods.Of the latter math puzzles,with the cattails,groveling subsided longing persists.A moonshine on snowbank clockwise and anticlockwise,warpath day dreamers.A fishhook in the sheeskin of the underfoot animals.Time spacewalk burrowing
or lavender for the bees or castor seed or palm plantation or cucumcer.We will not cease to racketeer the farmfields for the sky meteors.And the whole cabboodle of cosmogony cannot be denied of the seasons of parrots.Salamander that fix their eyes'tiny beads on distant cloud of light exploring the stars;are not quite hazy to find their path across the wild and wet nests.To tar the crooked way of the valley with the golden smile and swan out the island's ruins.To sing with blackbirds in the spruces.Will the river be stripped of its cove's stones,from the gulf and blackbirds ceased to grow their wild songs,in the high pines when great nest swayed branches's lattice,moon's brute music kindling inferno?Strangers to paradise in lonely fields with the burning wings.What an agony of a story likened to that of the pines and the twitching leaves so unpalatable for a raconteaur.The beguiling earth with bartered bodies hardly deciphers.Neither jagged beauty'stony trails rise in the rocky acres nor growl to break grief
There,kwarshiokor and starvation landmines,burnished sheol with innumerable daisy kicks.Blackened eastern inferno,sworddeath beneath farcical battlefield that was never be,yet pogroms kissed the earth's greensheet masked by treachery of headstones where blackscorpion out in a thump,swooped on portharcourt and calabar to submission in the hethptacentric modicum of days.The swinnish swineherd methinks will never forget yet they scorn for memoirs and swerved anew to perfidy.Nature's bliss a nature's wondrous will not dismember its pleasantries of the oddysey.It pleads greedly my navel wherein the forester with the nature's memoirs,made rendition of the oddysey across the woods.He reminisced his gusto to my belly ache to cut tomatoes and then place it on coated barleys or robed farmfield with sweet asylum that smells like honey and tranquility or lillies and peonies that scented the same or sweet peas or sugar syrups peas or sage,myth and thyme ticks them in cheers.This summer
clocks,watermelon and blue robelia
clocks,watermelon and blue robelia
At the rectilinear stand of the awesome pines,a sputtering forester sweet and sour,wandered like a lonely cloud at the sweepings of this regalia,to bone thin phalanx flanking roadside,afterthought magnolias blossoming,adorned purple,yellow and pink,and a gallery of dancing ferns across the bush pathways.White flags draped and swollenhead switched to awe and a sword dance at his swoon not embattled by a trip to the land's end,a vast swathe of the coast acatalectically burried in sand,mangroove,lively oaks,razed gulfweed proned to seahorses tails'clinging and seaweed.An ecosystem not abdicated by swordplays and sheer thin palms of palmettos,augury of triumph and adamantine flung over vanquished trip of the forester to bliss on hallowed ground.His riverie hidden by lofty sacks of row and length perspired and fleckled by cotton plants,tattered rainments sewn at cross swords,in a battlefield that discountenanced colored troops,swooping at no defiance.And lo,prickled the conscience of a seared dawn at port biafra.
January 12, 2020
that scorns his malefic and mephitic meres and morrows.As if nescient muliebrity,nocuous and noisome,with perfervid perfidy,robed his johny joie de vivre.Sometimes negligent of his orgulous and philipic plangence,volleyed at plenteous bushwhack plumbless.There he goes into the astrayedpit at this sullen realm farawayandbeyond his rhadamantined thresh,his umbilical quidnunc,repined refulgency and rubescent roundelay,rutilant by chirping birds.Starcrossedships of desert steed unstunned over stygian groove across storied strand.Not chided by supernal surruration,whose temerarious evasion,thrice this tenebrous sky flown.Toilsometidings amiss,toped by welkin of virescent ingratitude.Wondrouswrath grimaces wreathe of younglingyonder yores whodefile and defy zephyr ofillustrousdreamyard fait accompli and white sepulchre,an elusive dreamland wayfarer.The deadwood of the mules creases the muleteer to cast a sentry adispose.A rambling that cannot be extricated from its coatings;a paranoiac.And lo
,medication,o selfcare.
Here abode,smothered aurora,atrabilious bid him adieu crispy far away apace now beyond earshot creased by barque and like jetsam of the argosy cairned.Arrant asunder bedizened by surrealism,tethers bestrewed betide.Celerity of saturnalia boat brumes his clarion feet that once blithely vagabonds the bosky and circumvallate boulevard and the dell of vales that drudge him repressed and cleaved to cockcrows beyond his crapulent,crescent and darkling dingle of divers domes.The eld of eminence,empyreal sky could not curtail and ether waves fulminating sea ernes to espy evanescent fidus achates.Farewell dulcified with flaxened shroud,flexuous hills,fleered from the jungle of Alupluto,fulginated filiginous bunked at random plough with furbelow ichor rising,gooseflesh and hurripilation,illuded him nature to imbrue impuisant ego,incarnadined by his ingrate crux.Across this knell,swings his lachrymal isle,a hidebound,unhallowed voyager's lacustrined lea.A lightsome lambent,maddingly lu
cent endowed with reprieve that....
Our earthbound earthlings barely a receptacle for uncharted twirls and hardly a jesuitical with the golden eyes.Like a jerk is much more jejune than the hoopla's twinkle,and if hoot be jejune,her hoodwink not wanton hoodoo's red.If horseopera be her hoohas and pecking order,that she mollycoddles to grow vile with hotchpotch and traduce her terrestrial realm then to tut-tut this treacled turpitude.Sparsely roses hath with melifluous symphony the sweetest vignette upturns kismet.A tideway like a tidewaters when hurlyburly's sprinkled inkismet,smokey pride does not see.Behold the steamshovels excavating sordid earth as they steed bootless heaven cries,steeplejacks hurl upon steeplechases,squirearchy of reef knot,squarebashing dreamyard's folklores,spilled in their spiel from subnormal spindles,and slavered to bash sleazy twinkling zeutergeist.Haply it winks this heighos,desire atelliery as flying minstrels in sleeky space,not to twiddle for tweedy autumn.They play trumpcard tis the last trump for golden bliss.
January 10, 2020
January 9, 2020
Swore not to be ducked.Now at the feet they plead so oft they plead maligned semantics to plead them clemency and doused metalanguages,with oleaginous currents of a polyglot.Now they woo them cammaraderrie,fettled above this pang sinewy of the direful goddess of war.Poked boyhood lampooned them,'Wallow, gooseberries,alien sloths at this realm umbilical cord hamstrung,washing royal robes in dirty linen.Sing not the liturgy of the longwinded,when at sedate moor,over this prostituted altars forsooth reckons low comedies,defying lowdowns,not for sportish dance their lullaby.'They keep the fastener where are none but lustrous cheeks of the obscurantism.The high pitched magniloquence of the cosmopolitans frets the sea,jewels of the Carribean,jewel of the seas,fairroses in their genetic bones junketing,winkled not with a squint and winnow with a spleen,splaying to spitfire,with splendiferous spit and polish to clean corpus augean stable,fairy moon,resilient stirups,splinted up
on the green fields of the earth.
Pinheaded low comedies at this sweatening palm,pinted with the vertigos of pink elephant.Being so petulant at this manacle,pouted in dreary disdain,harraugued with muscular dystropy.Muses of the jewels of the carribean,the globetrotters,at their doorsteps barely muck from the jungle of the boyish expedition,whose serendipity at the seaside fomented this fervid gaiety.Narky and mucky,red with goals of derision fire,arraigned charters at the nativity.Backward,they scar this personage to deem them outpatient stroked to wellness at the operating theatre.Better still excommunicated with the ramrod of lustful language.Over this windy sigh that blow them dry as empty eagle,they burn their bashful shame with rashes in the face.Overstrifed but not overstuffed,overtaxed but overshoot with naivety.Overstock and overweening feedeth their earthly pronged heavenly moistures.Pantalloons of the morning rainbow,the jewels of the seas,jewels of the Carribean,hardly push the panic button.Twixt crimson percussion,ra
Why did they vouchsafe to alight that the Sun could not contend them?When this solace like succour did him deign to meed,over this poke of jewels of the seas'ovation to pomp his obscene cheeks,the gooseberries'malevolence,maliced him beneath.Hard and fast did they swoon with their metalanguaged and hoobledygooked hardbitten mensrea of the semantics.Over this gossamered contend,though seriocomic,serpentine and malingering gorges rise.With heart to heart magniloquent semantic heave like heartthrobs heartwarming,hoax upon hoax,they kissed blarney stone off vulgarian fraction.And it was as if senescent gallivant had crept on selfwilled and selfsown hocuspocus.This gordian knot made them play gooseberry and being drowned in this seraphic jene saisquoi like nocturnal serenade,Jeremiad upon their pucker,was plunged with nebula.Mongolian gooseberries at daggers drawn with the Caucasian monkey business.And they monger harmfisted hamper and pouted chins like money bag
s,defying reticent cadence and moment of truth.....
January 7, 2020
PONTOON.Livelihood,a go bet on the ponnies.You ponnies,ponder this
poof of pointificate,a pontoon'livelhood'ponytrekked by fellow
gregarious birds of passage.What a pontoon that they plausibly bet on
the ponnies and not infecund to rant that ponces like arrant
hogswash.Livelihood,a repertoire of cribs,whose go greens about the
gills,will take the gill from the gingerbread.Alas they bet on the
ponnies,in vacuous sands,pony trekkers of pontoon,to poohpooh eke and
ekeing,stupendous poppycock,with the porcelain of crepuscular,poor
spirited pork butchers and pock eyed pop dippers.Still at the senile of
the bough,staggering holoipoloi,nestling as they drew aside the kismet's
nimbus,a heuristic nuances of nuisance value.Undetered not to bumb and
numb the hurlyburly's spasmodic plangence,obsolescent heirloom of the
queer street's obloquy.This pontoon,an unruly
oddballs,obstreperous,they play for girth,to prune into fringes,they
odoriferous odds and sods of the odious livery.Play it artifice do not
gawp for the genius locis,of obsolescence barely its ambiance deny.Play
it like conspicuous consumption,for this pontoon,speaks grandiloquent
burlesque of the phantamagoriac chicanery.So,let the groundwork play
delilah to its pundits and dilletantes,where the futurologists could
abscond,to contumeliously salvage moors from the saturnalia boat.Half
baked and half cock,are we incorrigible hewns pontooning and jenesaquoi
with bunted flag at halfmoon to trigger hairsplitting?
December 30, 2019
mudslinging,could be source of operating argument. Sentiment or
prejudice could form source of an argument and prejudice, can be
intricately linked with the ignorance of the discussant.It implie and
mere analysis can form the whole bulk of knowledge.We might not be
forced to contend that ignorance itself is a stage in knowledge
formation.Knowledge logical or illogical can spring from diverse
sources,namely the ablution,that include,sentiment,fact, opinion and a
host of other source.I classified it as illogical in contrast to fact
based or logical.Generally speaking, argument sprouts from different
dimensions,flows in counterclockwise direction.Sometimes,its clockwise
direction can be punctured by assymetry of standpoint and ensuring
safeguard of fact at hand.The mode of argument partly formed by
prejudices,might not be punctured by emerging fact, but also by the
nature of clarity and logic that supplants the emerging fact.When the
clarity is convincing,ample evidence of the presentation distortion
automatically warrants the emergence and presentation of the fact at
hand, to tarnish the riddles of the haunting prejudice.Although these
sources along side sentiments tends to make discussion thick,and
undoubtedly,illogical discourse with high ratio of ignorance quashes and
decimates the quality of discourse.Hardline knowledge punchers and
consumers beyond its facial impression of argumentatives are pissed at
its bathos herald

5 THE ART OF TRADITIONAL THINKING.part 1.Every spoken word is
determined by spoken thoughts. Those spoken thoughts unheard in most
cases,by majority refrain into subconscious untill utterances in
question s are made..Similarly every written word is dependent or
determined by written thoughts, though unseen, prior to its
documentation, in physical terms.So, nothing happens by itself, except
if it be by a moving force.Now, we are poised to peruse the extant mode
of traditional thinking and scientific thinking and more or less its
mode of its argument. In this case,we examine the first mode apriori or
posterior respectively.Various research into traditional mode of
judgements,informed this verdict,specifically through its juxtapository
process,follows its hysterical rendition.These modes of argument were
unveiled by the author,based on empirical evidences evaluation of
newsstands surveys,where he was fortunate and frequented periodically
for two decades where he was embroiled in such intellectual wrangling
exercise,with free readers and few hotbeds.Arguments and counter
arguments,by discussants in all dimensions, be it social, political,
economic and cultural nuances, reflects the fortitude of africana
Jones'mental energy. The traditional mode of argument often follows the
editorial logic of the day and argument in general comes from general
sources.Apart from opinions, sentiments and statistics, assumption
resulting from undue pressure, after a long diatribe, crimsoned

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